[Asterisk-code-review] app confbridge: Move participant info code to confbridge ma... (asterisk[15])

Jenkins2 asteriskteam at digium.com
Thu Jun 28 13:01:18 CDT 2018

Jenkins2 has submitted this change and it was merged. ( https://gerrit.asterisk.org/9294 )

Change subject: app_confbridge:  Move participant info code to confbridge_manager.

app_confbridge:  Move participant info code to confbridge_manager.

With the participant info code in app_confbridge, we were still
in the process of adding the channel to the bridge when trying to send
an in-dialog MESSAGE.  This caused 2 threads to grab the channel
blocking flag at the same time.  To mitigate this, the participant
info code was moved to confbridge_manager so it runs after all
channel/bridge actions have finished.

Change-Id: I228806ac153074f45e0b35d5236166e92e132abd
M apps/app_confbridge.c
M apps/confbridge/confbridge_manager.c
M apps/confbridge/include/confbridge.h
3 files changed, 352 insertions(+), 312 deletions(-)

  Richard Mudgett: Looks good to me, but someone else must approve
  Kevin Harwell: Looks good to me, approved
  Jenkins2: Approved for Submit

diff --git a/apps/app_confbridge.c b/apps/app_confbridge.c
index 7680603..2bc6014 100644
--- a/apps/app_confbridge.c
+++ b/apps/app_confbridge.c
@@ -550,314 +550,6 @@
-static struct ast_json *channel_to_json(struct ast_channel_snapshot *channel_snapshot,
-	struct ast_json *conf_blob, struct ast_json *labels_blob)
-	struct ast_json *json_channel = ast_channel_snapshot_to_json(channel_snapshot, NULL);
-	if (!json_channel) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	/* These items are removed for privacy reasons. */
-	ast_json_object_del(json_channel, "dialplan");
-	ast_json_object_del(json_channel, "connected");
-	ast_json_object_del(json_channel, "accountcode");
-	/* conf_blob contains flags such as talking, admin, mute, etc. */
-	if (conf_blob) {
-		struct ast_json *conf_copy = ast_json_copy(conf_blob);
-		if (!conf_copy) {
-			ast_json_unref(json_channel);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		ast_json_object_del(conf_copy, "conference");
-		ast_json_object_update(json_channel, conf_copy);
-		ast_json_unref(conf_copy);
-	}
-	/* labels_blob contains the msid labels to correlate to streams. */
-	if (labels_blob) {
-		ast_json_object_update(json_channel, labels_blob);
-	}
-	return json_channel;
-static struct ast_json *bridge_to_json(struct ast_bridge_snapshot *bridge_snapshot)
-	struct ast_json *json_bridge = ast_bridge_snapshot_to_json(bridge_snapshot, NULL);
-	if (!json_bridge) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	/* These items have no use in the context of bridge participant info. */
-	ast_json_object_del(json_bridge, "technology");
-	ast_json_object_del(json_bridge, "bridge_type");
-	ast_json_object_del(json_bridge, "bridge_class");
-	ast_json_object_del(json_bridge, "creator");
-	ast_json_object_del(json_bridge, "channels");
-	return json_bridge;
-static struct ast_json *pack_bridge_and_channels(
-	struct ast_json *json_bridge, struct ast_json *json_channels,
-	struct stasis_message * msg)
-	const struct timeval *tv = stasis_message_timestamp(msg);
-	const char *msg_name = confbridge_event_type_to_string(stasis_message_type(msg));
-	const char *fmt = ast_json_typeof(json_channels) == AST_JSON_ARRAY ?
-		"{s: s, s: o, s: o, s: o }" : "{s: s, s: o, s: o, s: [ o ] }";
-	return ast_json_pack(fmt,
-		"type", msg_name,
-		"timestamp", ast_json_timeval(*tv, NULL),
-		"bridge", json_bridge,
-		"channels", json_channels);
-static struct ast_json *pack_snapshots(	struct ast_bridge_snapshot *bridge_snapshot,
-	struct ast_channel_snapshot *channel_snapshot, 	struct ast_json *conf_blob,
-	struct ast_json *labels_blob, struct stasis_message * msg)
-	struct ast_json *json_bridge;
-	struct ast_json *json_channel;
-	json_bridge = bridge_to_json(bridge_snapshot);
-	json_channel = channel_to_json(channel_snapshot, conf_blob, labels_blob);
-	return pack_bridge_and_channels(json_bridge, json_channel, msg);
-enum label_direction {
-static struct ast_stream *get_stream(struct ast_stream_topology *topology,
-	enum ast_media_type m_type)
-	int count;
-	int i;
-	count = ast_stream_topology_get_count(topology);
-	if (count < 0) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-		struct ast_stream *s;
-		enum ast_stream_state s_state;
-		enum ast_media_type s_type;
-		s = ast_stream_topology_get_stream(topology, i);
-		s_state = ast_stream_get_state(s);
-		s_type = ast_stream_get_type(s);
-		if (s_type == m_type
-			&& (s_state == AST_STREAM_STATE_SENDRECV || s_state == AST_STREAM_STATE_RECVONLY)) {
-			return s;
-		}
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static struct ast_json *get_media_labels(struct confbridge_conference *conference,
-	struct ast_channel *src_chan, struct ast_channel *dest_chan, enum label_direction dir)
-	struct ast_stream_topology *topology;
-	struct ast_stream *stream;
-	const char *curr_a_label;
-	const char *a_label = NULL;
-	const char *v_label = NULL;
-	struct ast_json *labels = ast_json_array_create();
-	if (!labels) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	topology = ast_channel_get_stream_topology(dir == LABEL_DIRECTION_SRC ? src_chan : dest_chan);
-	stream = get_stream(topology, AST_MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO);
-	curr_a_label = stream ? ast_stream_get_metadata(stream, "MSID:LABEL") : NULL;
-	a_label = curr_a_label ?: conference->bridge->uniqueid;
-	ast_json_array_append(labels, ast_json_string_create(a_label));
-	topology = ast_channel_get_stream_topology(dir == LABEL_DIRECTION_SRC ? dest_chan : src_chan);
-	stream = get_stream(topology, AST_MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO);
-	v_label = stream ? ast_stream_get_metadata(stream, "MSID:LABEL") : NULL;
-	if (v_label) {
-		ast_json_array_append(labels, ast_json_string_create(v_label));
-	}
-	return ast_json_pack("{s: o }", "media_source_track_labels", labels);
-static void send_message(const char *msg_name, char *conf_name, struct ast_json *json_object,
-	struct ast_channel *chan)
-	struct ast_msg_data *data_msg;
-	struct ast_msg_data_attribute attrs[] = {
-		{ .type = AST_MSG_DATA_ATTR_FROM, conf_name },
-		{ .type = AST_MSG_DATA_ATTR_CONTENT_TYPE, .value = "application/x-asterisk-confbridge-event+json"},
-		{ .type = AST_MSG_DATA_ATTR_BODY, },
-	};
-	char *json;
-	int rc = 0;
-	json = ast_json_dump_string_format(json_object, AST_JSON_PRETTY);
-	if (!json) {
-		ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to convert json_object for %s message to string\n", msg_name);
-		return;
-	}
-	attrs[2].value = json;
-	data_msg = ast_msg_data_alloc(AST_MSG_DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_IN_DIALOG, attrs, ARRAY_LEN(attrs));
-	if (!data_msg) {
-		ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create %s message for channel '%s'\n", msg_name,
-			ast_channel_name(chan));
-		ast_json_free(json);
-		return;
-	}
-	rc = ast_sendtext_data(chan, data_msg);
-	ast_free(data_msg);
-	if (rc != 0) {
-		/* Don't complain if we can't send a leave message. The channel is probably gone. */
-		if (strcmp(confbridge_event_type_to_string(confbridge_leave_type()), msg_name) != 0) {
-			ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to queue %s message to '%s'\n%s\n", msg_name,
-				ast_channel_name(chan), json);
-		}
-		ast_json_free(json);
-		return;
-	}
-	ast_debug(3, "Queued %s message to '%s'\n%s\n", msg_name, ast_channel_name(chan), json);
-	ast_json_free(json);
-static void send_event_to_participants(struct confbridge_conference *conference,
-	struct ast_channel *chan, struct stasis_message * msg)
-	struct ast_bridge_blob *obj = stasis_message_data(msg);
-	struct ast_json *extras = obj->blob;
-	struct user_profile u_profile = {{0}};
-	int source_send_events = 0;
-	int source_echo_events = 0;
-	struct ast_json* json_channels = NULL;
-	struct confbridge_user *user;
-	const char *msg_name = confbridge_event_type_to_string(stasis_message_type(msg));
-	ast_debug(3, "Distributing %s event to participants\n", msg_name);
-	/* This could be a channel level event or a bridge level event */
-	if (chan) {
-		if (!conf_find_user_profile(chan, NULL, &u_profile)) {
-			ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to retrieve user profile for channel '%s'\n",
-				ast_channel_name(chan));
-			return;
-		}
-		source_send_events = ast_test_flag(&u_profile, USER_OPT_SEND_EVENTS);
-		source_echo_events = ast_test_flag(&u_profile, USER_OPT_ECHO_EVENTS);
-		ast_debug(3, "send_events: %d  echo_events: %d for profile %s\n",
-			source_send_events, source_echo_events, u_profile.name);
-	}
-	/* Now send a message to the participants with the json string. */
-	ao2_lock(conference);
-	AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&conference->active_list, user, list) {
-		struct ast_json *json_object;
-		struct ast_json* source_json_labels = NULL;
-		/*
-		 * If the msg type is join, we need to capture all targets channel info so we can
-		 * send a welcome message to the source channel with all current participants.
-		 */
-		if (source_send_events && stasis_message_type(msg) == confbridge_join_type()) {
-			struct ast_channel_snapshot *target_snapshot;
-			struct ast_json *target_json_channel;
-			struct ast_json *target_json_labels;
-			target_snapshot = ast_channel_snapshot_get_latest(ast_channel_uniqueid(user->chan));
-			if (!target_snapshot) {
-				ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get a channel snapshot for '%s'\n",
-					ast_channel_name(user->chan));
-				continue;
-			}
-			target_json_labels = get_media_labels(conference, chan, user->chan, LABEL_DIRECTION_SRC);
-			target_json_channel = channel_to_json(target_snapshot, extras, target_json_labels);
-			ao2_ref(target_snapshot, -1);
-			ast_json_unref(target_json_labels);
-			if (!json_channels) {
-				json_channels = ast_json_array_create();
-				if (!json_channels) {
-					ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate json array\n");
-					ast_json_unref(target_json_channel);
-					ast_json_unref(target_json_labels);
-					return;
-				}
-			}
-			ast_json_array_append(json_channels, target_json_channel);
-		}
-		/* Don't send a message to the user that triggered the event. */
-		if (!source_echo_events && user->chan == chan) {
-			ast_debug(3, "Skipping queueing %s message to '%s'. Same channel.\n", msg_name,
-				ast_channel_name(user->chan));
-			continue;
-		}
-		/* Don't send a message to users in profiles not sending events. */
-		if (!ast_test_flag(&user->u_profile, USER_OPT_SEND_EVENTS)) {
-			ast_debug(3, "Skipping queueing %s message to '%s'. Not receiving events.\n", msg_name,
-				ast_channel_name(user->chan));
-			continue;
-		}
-		source_json_labels = get_media_labels(conference, chan, user->chan, LABEL_DIRECTION_DEST);
-		ast_json_object_update(extras, source_json_labels);
-		json_object = pack_snapshots(obj->bridge, obj->channel, extras, source_json_labels, msg);
-		ast_json_unref(source_json_labels);
-		if (!json_object) {
-			ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to convert %s message to json\n", msg_name);
-			continue;
-		}
-		send_message(msg_name, conference->name, json_object, user->chan);
-		ast_json_unref(json_object);
-	}
-	ao2_unlock(conference);
-	/*
-	 * If this is a join event, send the welcome message to just the joining user
-	 * if it's not audio-only or otherwise restricted.
-	 */
-	if (source_send_events && json_channels
-		&& stasis_message_type(msg) == confbridge_join_type()) {
-		struct ast_json *json_object;
-		struct ast_json *json_bridge;
-		const char *welcome_msg_name = confbridge_event_type_to_string(confbridge_welcome_type());
-		json_bridge = bridge_to_json(obj->bridge);
-		json_object = pack_bridge_and_channels(json_bridge, json_channels, msg);
-		if (!json_object) {
-			ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to convert ConfbridgeWelcome message to json\n");
-			return;
-		}
-		ast_json_string_set(ast_json_object_get(json_object, "type"), welcome_msg_name);
-		send_message(welcome_msg_name, conference->name, json_object, chan);
-		ast_json_unref(json_object);
-	}
 static void send_conf_stasis(struct confbridge_conference *conference, struct ast_channel *chan,
 	struct stasis_message_type *type, struct ast_json *extras, int channel_topic)
@@ -882,10 +574,6 @@
 	if (!msg) {
-	}
-	if (ast_test_flag(&conference->b_profile, BRIDGE_OPT_ENABLE_EVENTS)) {
-		send_event_to_participants(conference, chan, msg);
 	if (channel_topic) {
@@ -1023,6 +711,11 @@
 	return 0;
+struct confbridge_conference *conf_find_bridge(const char *conference_name)
+	return ao2_find(conference_bridges, conference_name, OBJ_KEY);
  * \internal
  * \brief Returns whether or not conference is being recorded.
diff --git a/apps/confbridge/confbridge_manager.c b/apps/confbridge/confbridge_manager.c
index 823e69a..a101530 100644
--- a/apps/confbridge/confbridge_manager.c
+++ b/apps/confbridge/confbridge_manager.c
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
 #include "asterisk/manager.h"
 #include "asterisk/stasis_message_router.h"
 #include "include/confbridge.h"
+#include "asterisk/message.h"
+#include "asterisk/stream.h"
 	<managerEvent language="en_US" name="ConfbridgeStart">
@@ -271,6 +273,327 @@
+static struct ast_json *channel_to_json(struct ast_channel_snapshot *channel_snapshot,
+	struct ast_json *conf_blob, struct ast_json *labels_blob)
+	struct ast_json *json_channel = ast_channel_snapshot_to_json(channel_snapshot, NULL);
+	if (!json_channel) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	/* These items are removed for privacy reasons. */
+	ast_json_object_del(json_channel, "dialplan");
+	ast_json_object_del(json_channel, "connected");
+	ast_json_object_del(json_channel, "accountcode");
+	/* conf_blob contains flags such as talking, admin, mute, etc. */
+	if (conf_blob) {
+		struct ast_json *conf_copy = ast_json_copy(conf_blob);
+		if (!conf_copy) {
+			ast_json_unref(json_channel);
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		ast_json_object_del(conf_copy, "conference");
+		ast_json_object_update(json_channel, conf_copy);
+		ast_json_unref(conf_copy);
+	}
+	/* labels_blob contains the msid labels to correlate to streams. */
+	if (labels_blob) {
+		ast_json_object_update(json_channel, labels_blob);
+	}
+	return json_channel;
+static struct ast_json *bridge_to_json(struct ast_bridge_snapshot *bridge_snapshot)
+	struct ast_json *json_bridge = ast_bridge_snapshot_to_json(bridge_snapshot, NULL);
+	if (!json_bridge) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	/* These items have no use in the context of bridge participant info. */
+	ast_json_object_del(json_bridge, "technology");
+	ast_json_object_del(json_bridge, "bridge_type");
+	ast_json_object_del(json_bridge, "bridge_class");
+	ast_json_object_del(json_bridge, "creator");
+	ast_json_object_del(json_bridge, "channels");
+	return json_bridge;
+static struct ast_json *pack_bridge_and_channels(
+	struct ast_json *json_bridge, struct ast_json *json_channels,
+	struct stasis_message * msg)
+	const struct timeval *tv = stasis_message_timestamp(msg);
+	const char *msg_name = confbridge_event_type_to_string(stasis_message_type(msg));
+	const char *fmt = ast_json_typeof(json_channels) == AST_JSON_ARRAY ?
+		"{s: s, s: o, s: o, s: o }" : "{s: s, s: o, s: o, s: [ o ] }";
+	return ast_json_pack(fmt,
+		"type", msg_name,
+		"timestamp", ast_json_timeval(*tv, NULL),
+		"bridge", json_bridge,
+		"channels", json_channels);
+static struct ast_json *pack_snapshots(	struct ast_bridge_snapshot *bridge_snapshot,
+	struct ast_channel_snapshot *channel_snapshot, 	struct ast_json *conf_blob,
+	struct ast_json *labels_blob, struct stasis_message * msg)
+	struct ast_json *json_bridge;
+	struct ast_json *json_channel;
+	json_bridge = bridge_to_json(bridge_snapshot);
+	json_channel = channel_to_json(channel_snapshot, conf_blob, labels_blob);
+	return pack_bridge_and_channels(json_bridge, json_channel, msg);
+enum label_direction {
+static struct ast_stream *get_stream(struct ast_stream_topology *topology,
+	enum ast_media_type m_type)
+	int count;
+	int i;
+	count = ast_stream_topology_get_count(topology);
+	if (count < 0) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+		struct ast_stream *s;
+		enum ast_stream_state s_state;
+		enum ast_media_type s_type;
+		s = ast_stream_topology_get_stream(topology, i);
+		s_state = ast_stream_get_state(s);
+		s_type = ast_stream_get_type(s);
+		if (s_type == m_type
+			&& (s_state == AST_STREAM_STATE_SENDRECV || s_state == AST_STREAM_STATE_RECVONLY)) {
+			return s;
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static struct ast_json *get_media_labels(struct confbridge_conference *conference,
+	struct ast_channel *src_chan, struct ast_channel *dest_chan, enum label_direction dir)
+	struct ast_stream_topology *topology;
+	struct ast_stream *stream;
+	const char *curr_a_label;
+	const char *a_label = NULL;
+	const char *v_label = NULL;
+	struct ast_json *labels = ast_json_array_create();
+	if (!labels) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	topology = ast_channel_get_stream_topology(dir == LABEL_DIRECTION_SRC ? src_chan : dest_chan);
+	stream = get_stream(topology, AST_MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO);
+	curr_a_label = stream ? ast_stream_get_metadata(stream, "MSID:LABEL") : NULL;
+	a_label = curr_a_label ?: conference->bridge->uniqueid;
+	ast_json_array_append(labels, ast_json_string_create(a_label));
+	topology = ast_channel_get_stream_topology(dir == LABEL_DIRECTION_SRC ? dest_chan : src_chan);
+	stream = get_stream(topology, AST_MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO);
+	v_label = stream ? ast_stream_get_metadata(stream, "MSID:LABEL") : NULL;
+	if (v_label) {
+		ast_json_array_append(labels, ast_json_string_create(v_label));
+	}
+	return ast_json_pack("{s: o }", "media_source_track_labels", labels);
+static void send_message(const char *msg_name, char *conf_name, struct ast_json *json_object,
+	struct ast_channel *chan)
+	struct ast_msg_data *data_msg;
+	struct ast_msg_data_attribute attrs[] = {
+		{ .type = AST_MSG_DATA_ATTR_FROM, conf_name },
+		{ .type = AST_MSG_DATA_ATTR_CONTENT_TYPE, .value = "application/x-asterisk-confbridge-event+json"},
+		{ .type = AST_MSG_DATA_ATTR_BODY, },
+	};
+	char *json;
+	int rc = 0;
+	struct ast_frame f;
+	struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_chan;
+	bridge_chan = ast_channel_get_bridge_channel(chan);
+	if (!bridge_chan) {
+		/* Don't complain if we can't get the bridge_chan. The channel is probably gone. */
+		return;
+	}
+	json = ast_json_dump_string_format(json_object, AST_JSON_PRETTY);
+	if (!json) {
+		ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to convert json_object for %s message to string\n", msg_name);
+		return;
+	}
+	attrs[2].value = json;
+	data_msg = ast_msg_data_alloc(AST_MSG_DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_IN_DIALOG, attrs, ARRAY_LEN(attrs));
+	if (!data_msg) {
+		ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create %s message for channel '%s'\n", msg_name,
+			ast_channel_name(chan));
+		ast_json_free(json);
+		return;
+	}
+	memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f));
+	f.frametype = AST_FRAME_TEXT_DATA;
+	f.data.ptr = data_msg;
+	f.datalen = ast_msg_data_get_length(data_msg);
+	rc = ast_bridge_channel_queue_frame(bridge_chan, &f);
+	ast_free(data_msg);
+	if (rc != 0) {
+		/* Don't complain if we can't send a leave message. The channel is probably gone. */
+		if (strcmp(confbridge_event_type_to_string(confbridge_leave_type()), msg_name) != 0) {
+			ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to queue %s message to '%s'\n%s\n", msg_name,
+				ast_channel_name(chan), json);
+		}
+		ast_json_free(json);
+		return;
+	}
+	ast_debug(3, "Queued %s message to '%s'\n%s\n", msg_name, ast_channel_name(chan), json);
+	ast_json_free(json);
+static void send_event_to_participants(struct confbridge_conference *conference,
+	struct ast_channel *chan, struct stasis_message * msg)
+	struct ast_bridge_blob *obj = stasis_message_data(msg);
+	struct ast_json *extras = obj->blob;
+	struct user_profile u_profile = {{0}};
+	int source_send_events = 0;
+	int source_echo_events = 0;
+	struct ast_json* json_channels = NULL;
+	struct confbridge_user *user;
+	const char *msg_name = confbridge_event_type_to_string(stasis_message_type(msg));
+	ast_debug(3, "Distributing %s event to participants\n", msg_name);
+	/* This could be a channel level event or a bridge level event */
+	if (chan) {
+		if (!conf_find_user_profile(chan, NULL, &u_profile)) {
+			ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to retrieve user profile for channel '%s'\n",
+				ast_channel_name(chan));
+			return;
+		}
+		source_send_events = ast_test_flag(&u_profile, USER_OPT_SEND_EVENTS);
+		source_echo_events = ast_test_flag(&u_profile, USER_OPT_ECHO_EVENTS);
+		ast_debug(3, "send_events: %d  echo_events: %d for profile %s\n",
+			source_send_events, source_echo_events, u_profile.name);
+	}
+	/* Now send a message to the participants with the json string. */
+	ao2_lock(conference);
+	AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&conference->active_list, user, list) {
+		struct ast_json *json_object;
+		struct ast_json* source_json_labels = NULL;
+		/*
+		 * If the msg type is join, we need to capture all targets channel info so we can
+		 * send a welcome message to the source channel with all current participants.
+		 */
+		if (source_send_events && stasis_message_type(msg) == confbridge_join_type()) {
+			struct ast_channel_snapshot *target_snapshot;
+			struct ast_json *target_json_channel;
+			struct ast_json *target_json_labels;
+			target_snapshot = ast_channel_snapshot_get_latest(ast_channel_uniqueid(user->chan));
+			if (!target_snapshot) {
+				ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get a channel snapshot for '%s'\n",
+					ast_channel_name(user->chan));
+				continue;
+			}
+			target_json_labels = get_media_labels(conference, chan, user->chan, LABEL_DIRECTION_SRC);
+			target_json_channel = channel_to_json(target_snapshot, extras, target_json_labels);
+			ao2_ref(target_snapshot, -1);
+			ast_json_unref(target_json_labels);
+			if (!json_channels) {
+				json_channels = ast_json_array_create();
+				if (!json_channels) {
+					ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate json array\n");
+					ast_json_unref(target_json_channel);
+					ast_json_unref(target_json_labels);
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			ast_json_array_append(json_channels, target_json_channel);
+		}
+		/* Don't send a message to the user that triggered the event. */
+		if (!source_echo_events && user->chan == chan) {
+			ast_debug(3, "Skipping queueing %s message to '%s'. Same channel.\n", msg_name,
+				ast_channel_name(user->chan));
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* Don't send a message to users in profiles not sending events. */
+		if (!ast_test_flag(&user->u_profile, USER_OPT_SEND_EVENTS)) {
+			ast_debug(3, "Skipping queueing %s message to '%s'. Not receiving events.\n", msg_name,
+				ast_channel_name(user->chan));
+			continue;
+		}
+		source_json_labels = get_media_labels(conference, chan, user->chan, LABEL_DIRECTION_DEST);
+		ast_json_object_update(extras, source_json_labels);
+		json_object = pack_snapshots(obj->bridge, obj->channel, extras, source_json_labels, msg);
+		ast_json_unref(source_json_labels);
+		if (!json_object) {
+			ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to convert %s message to json\n", msg_name);
+			continue;
+		}
+		send_message(msg_name, conference->name, json_object, user->chan);
+		ast_json_unref(json_object);
+	}
+	ao2_unlock(conference);
+	/*
+	 * If this is a join event, send the welcome message to just the joining user
+	 * if it's not audio-only or otherwise restricted.
+	 */
+	if (source_send_events && json_channels
+		&& stasis_message_type(msg) == confbridge_join_type()) {
+		struct ast_json *json_object;
+		struct ast_json *json_bridge;
+		const char *welcome_msg_name = confbridge_event_type_to_string(confbridge_welcome_type());
+		json_bridge = bridge_to_json(obj->bridge);
+		json_object = pack_bridge_and_channels(json_bridge, json_channels, msg);
+		if (!json_object) {
+			ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to convert ConfbridgeWelcome message to json\n");
+			return;
+		}
+		ast_json_string_set(ast_json_object_get(json_object, "type"), welcome_msg_name);
+		send_message(welcome_msg_name, conference->name, json_object, chan);
+		ast_json_unref(json_object);
+	}
 static void confbridge_publish_manager_event(
 	struct stasis_message *message,
 	struct ast_str *extra_text)
@@ -293,7 +616,17 @@
 	ast_assert(conference_name != NULL);
 	if (blob->channel) {
+		struct confbridge_conference *conference = conf_find_bridge(conference_name);
 		channel_text = ast_manager_build_channel_state_string(blob->channel);
+		if (conference && ast_test_flag(&conference->b_profile, BRIDGE_OPT_ENABLE_EVENTS)) {
+			struct ast_channel *chan = ast_channel_get_by_name(blob->channel->name);
+			send_event_to_participants(conference, chan, message);
+			ast_channel_cleanup(chan);
+		}
+		ao2_cleanup(conference);
 	manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_CALL, event,
diff --git a/apps/confbridge/include/confbridge.h b/apps/confbridge/include/confbridge.h
index 8329335..51ff9a4 100644
--- a/apps/confbridge/include/confbridge.h
+++ b/apps/confbridge/include/confbridge.h
@@ -689,4 +689,18 @@
  * \retval -1 on error.
 int conf_announce_channel_push(struct ast_channel *ast);
+ * \brief Find a confbridge by name.
+ * \since 13.22.0
+ * \since 15.5.0
+ *
+ * \param confbridge_name The name to search for
+ *
+ * \return ConfBridge (which must be unreffed) or NULL.
+ */
+struct confbridge_conference *conf_find_bridge(const char *conference_name);

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Gerrit-Project: asterisk
Gerrit-Branch: 15
Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I228806ac153074f45e0b35d5236166e92e132abd
Gerrit-Change-Number: 9294
Gerrit-PatchSet: 4
Gerrit-Owner: George Joseph <gjoseph at digium.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: George Joseph <gjoseph at digium.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jenkins2
Gerrit-Reviewer: Kevin Harwell <kharwell at digium.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Richard Mudgett <rmudgett at digium.com>
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