[Asterisk-code-review] pjsip.conf.sample: user agent: not a specific version (asterisk[13])

Anonymous Coward asteriskteam at digium.com
Tue Feb 28 09:45:42 CST 2017

Anonymous Coward #1000019 has submitted this change and it was merged. ( https://gerrit.asterisk.org/5102 )

Change subject: pjsip.conf.sample: user_agent: not a specific version

pjsip.conf.sample: user_agent: not a specific version

Use the description of useragent from sip.conf here.

ASTERISK-26825 #close

Change-Id: I5b33a4aaa0ae1d793289d05e3bc09521affbf755
M configs/samples/pjsip.conf.sample
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

  George Joseph: Looks good to me, approved
  Anonymous Coward #1000019: Verified
  Joshua Colp: Looks good to me, but someone else must approve

diff --git a/configs/samples/pjsip.conf.sample b/configs/samples/pjsip.conf.sample
index bb2ad94..23c6eef 100644
--- a/configs/samples/pjsip.conf.sample
+++ b/configs/samples/pjsip.conf.sample
@@ -898,11 +898,10 @@
 ;max_forwards=70        ; Value used in Max Forwards header for SIP requests
                         ; (default: "70")
 ;type=  ; Must be of type global (default: "")
-;user_agent=Asterisk PBX SVN-branch-12-r404375  ; Value used in User Agent
-                                                ; header for SIP requests and
-                                                ; Server header for SIP
-                                                ; responses (default: "Asterisk
-                                                ; PBX SVN-branch-12-r404375")
+;user_agent=Asterisk PBX        ; Allows you to change the user agent string
+                                ; The default user agent string also contains
+                                ; the Asterisk version. If you don't want to
+                                ; expose this, change the user_agent string.
 ;default_outbound_endpoint=default_outbound_endpoint    ; Endpoint to use when
                                                         ; sending an outbound
                                                         ; request to a URI

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I5b33a4aaa0ae1d793289d05e3bc09521affbf755
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: asterisk
Gerrit-Branch: 13
Gerrit-Owner: Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Anonymous Coward #1000019
Gerrit-Reviewer: George Joseph <gjoseph at digium.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Joshua Colp <jcolp at digium.com>

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