Hello, I will be purchasing the following with the next 7 days.<br>- No partial shipments. All hardware must be shipped same day via ground transportation.<br>- Include earliest ship date for all equipment.<br>- Quote to include shipping and handling charges to zip 78154 (Selma, TX).
<br>- Assume credit card purchase.<br><br>(2) Polycom Soundpoint IP601<br>(2) Polycom Soundpoint IP601 Expansion Module<br>(7) Polycom Soundpoint IP501 w/ POE cable<br>(5) Polycom Soundpoint IP430<br>(1) Polycom Communicator C100
<br>(1) Sangoma A200D<br>(2) Sangoma FXO Module<br>(Note, quantities for 501 and 430 may increase by 1-3.)<br><br>Please respond to engineer at satx(dot)rr(dot)com. Note, lowest cost proposal may not win (though cost is heavily weighted). Other factors may be considered.