I my village in the north of Norway where I grow up we have Asterisk flavoured fish and stock fish. <br>
I have ordered some and we will broadcast them using latest spoofing technology to your servers ASAP.<br>
Keep up the good work. We enjoy your news service.<br>
-- <br>
Are Casilla<br>
<a href="http://astartelecom.com">http://astartelecom.com</a> - Independent VOIP Telecoms Broker. Asterisk Consultants<br>
<a href="http://astbill.com">http://astbill.com</a> - Open Source Billing, Routing and Management software for Asterisk and VOIP<br>
AstBill DEMO: <a href="http://demo.astbill.com">http://demo.astbill.com</a><br>