[asterisk-biz] Tellabs Echo Cancel Turnkey Complete System

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Wed Oct 8 16:13:09 CDT 2008

Totally off topic (or is it?)

The strangest thing I found in a punch out or office move was a brand new
gas grill in the ceiling over the telco closet.

I told my wiring buddy not to take it, someone would be looking for it, but
he insisted and somehow actually convinced himself that nobody would miss
it.  I left, telling him that if he was going to procure the gas grill, I
was not going to touch it or see it.  (Like Hogan's Hero's "I hear nothing!
I see nothing!", dating myself a bit).

Well of course the new owner came in while we were installing the brand new
wiring and PBX asking where the H3LL his G0D D4MN grill was.  He explained
it was a present for his brother and he had nowhere to hide it because he
didn't trust the general contractors, drywallers, nor painters and he was
too close with his brother and the grill too big to hide in any common areas
such as a garage or trunk.

You should have seen my buddy's face.  It had guilt written all over it.  He
admitted to taking it right away and gave it back, explaining that he
thought it was left by previous tenants.  The owner wasn't angry but he
didn't laugh either, I laughed for weeks every time I saw the guy and was
just really happy that he was honest enough to not put me in a really
awkward situation by really being dishonest.

Over the years, you do procure quite a bit of interesting stuff that really
is "junk" to the new tenants, leftovers or whatever.

Just thought I would share a funny story.

Steve Totaro

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 1:28 PM, Eric ManxPower Wieling <eric at fnords.org>wrote:

> I'm selling a prebuilt, preconfigured Tellabs single T-1 Echo canceling
> system on eBay.
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180297472167
> --
> Consulting for Asterisk, Polycom, Sangoma, Digium, Cisco, LAN, WAN, QoS,
> T-1, PRI, Frame Relay, Linux, and network design.  Based near
> Birmingham, AL.  Now accepting clients worldwide.
> http://www.fnords.org/skillslist.html
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