[asterisk-biz] Looking for DIDs for AU, NZ & UK

Matt Riddell matt at venturevoip.com
Sun Feb 10 20:57:23 CST 2008

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Craig Guy wrote:
> Just a theoretical - but what if you have a business in NZ that has a B2BUA
> in NZ connected to an E1.  Essentially calls would be terminated at the
> B2BUA in NZ and then an entirely new call would be established between the
> B2BUA and the SIP end user.  Would that be a breach of the Act?

Apparently so.

I have an exchange in Auckland and thought I could get Auckland DID's
connected to that and then send them wherever.

But apparently the act talks about the person talking at the other end
of the call.

It's totally stupid and is only in place so the incumbent can keep
pulling money out of customer's pockets by continuing to sell 0800 numbers.

We'll see, hopefully this should change - we have reasonably good
contacts within the commerce commission and the government, although we
may see a change of government here to right wing at next election (a
party with which we have no connections).

- --
Kind Regards,

Matt Riddell

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