[asterisk-biz] Problem with Verizon Numbers

Rehan Allah Wala rehan at supertec.com
Thu Sep 13 12:53:39 CDT 2007

Dear Steven,

We are in DEEP Problem at this time,

None of our numbers from you are working for more than 70% of the time.

There are around 1000 numbers that are effected, and it is costing us our reputation, and 
customers left and right.

We brought these customers over from pacwest and now it is costing us serious business 
losses directly and to end users much more less in directly.

3 out of 10 calls FAIL

727 619-7601 through 727 619-7699,
along with 727 487-7798 and 727 487-7799.

We belive they are NOT cominng to us at all, How can we resolve this issue ?

I am totally LOST, on what to do, Your customer service has said it is not an issue at there 
and and packed there bags and went home, WHO DO I CONTACT now to get this problem 
solved, it can not wait months and months and months like we waited to complete interop 
with verizon earlier.

Please help us out.

Thank You,

Rehan Ahmed

Super Technologies Inc., Pensacola, Florida
http://www.SuperTec.com - Technologies from tomorrow, Today!

MSN: Rehan at Rehan.com
Skype: Rehan33

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you 
win." By Mahatma Gandhi.

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