[asterisk-biz] Voismart VGSM-II card (evolution) at Cebit!

matteo brancaleoni mbrancaleoni at espia.it
Thu Mar 8 11:34:04 MST 2007

Hi all,
we're proud to announce our new PCI card for GSM interconnection
with asterisk: the Voismart VGSM-II card

This new card (successor of VGSM card) introduce a lot
of small improvements and a totally new feature:
SIM Server compatibility.

What means?
The new card allows to separate SIMs from the card itself,
in the following ways:
* connect one SIM to one GSM engine across PCI bus
  (for example if you want to move SIMs across modules 
* do hardware bridging of SIMs and GSM engines across
  same board (for example use SIM1 with GSM3)

AND the most important feature is:

* put your SIMs into a SIM server and distribute your
  asterisk gateways around with GSM cards in it and no 
  local SIMs

With that you can centrally manage SIMs in a secure area,
move them between gateways without the need to swap
SIMs on each gateway or having gateways in the same
location as the SIMs are.

Software is ready and we're already in production.

For further infos, come to visit us at Cebit:

15-21 March - Hannover, Germany

Or write directly to us.

Best regards,

Matteo Brancaleoni
Matteo Brancaleoni
R&D Director
Tel  :+39.02.70633354
Voip :sip:matteo at sip.voismart.it

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