[asterisk-biz] Maximum Load

Matthew Rubenstein email at mattruby.com
Wed Jul 18 14:24:55 CDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 13:40 -0500, Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
> Matthew Rubenstein wrote:
> > 	It seems to me that this kind of benchmarking project would be a great
> > way for Digium to train people about Asterisk. So Digium could do it at
> > a training seminar or two. Especially now that Digium owns AstriCon, and
> > Adtran owns both of them, I don't know why Digium would wait any longer
> > to produce these valuable marketing/engineering data.
> This is incorrect. Adtran does not own Digium, nor does Adtran have any
> interest in Astricon except as an exhibitor.

	"Imprecise", more than "incorrect". Adtran owns a significant, if not
controlling, interest in Digium, while Digium's current CEO, VPs of
Engineering and of Sales, each held those respective positions at Adtran
immediately previously:
http://www.voip-news.com/feature/digium-asterisk-shuffle-adtran-013007/ , http://www.digium.com/en/company/profile/bios.php .

	"Irrelevant" is a more relevant adjective in context of my post to
which you responded :). What are the prospects of Digium publishing the
kinds of usable Asterisk HW benchmarks I described? 

(C) Matthew Rubenstein

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