[asterisk-biz] Better ITSP Bureau

Trixter aka Bret McDanel trixter at 0xdecafbad.com
Fri Jul 13 20:13:36 CDT 2007

There is a fundamental problem that many would have if providers are
moderating post about themselves and their competition.  There is also
a potential for people in competing markets to use that as a way of
trying to discredit their competition.

As for captcha, it may help to stop spam bots, but it wont stop
someone from creating 10 accounts just to file multiple complaints.
And playing games similar to what goes on with ebay and other things
where ratings for people are desirable, someone with a bunch of
accounts could rate themselves good with a small army of accounts they
control so they appear authoritative.

As a final thing, you have to trust the owners of the system who can
manipulate records for ratings, reviews, and other items that make the
site what it is.  If the owners of the site have more to gain (even if
its personal and not monetary) from adjusting values or whatever, then
there is the potential for abuse.  There has to be a vested interest
on the maintainers of the site to be impartial.

Anything less means that it may be ok to look at but wouldnt be much
different, other than appearances of being more authoritative, than
say voxilla.org.

On 7/14/07, Andrew Kohlsmith <akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com> wrote:
> On Friday 13 July 2007 12:18:41 pm Matthew Rubenstein wrote:
> >       There's a world of distance between "100% trustworthy", and the kind of
> > dangerously misleading info such a casual approach to public reviews can
> > be. And considering the personalities in this community which that
> I was thinking about this a little on the way home from work.
> What about a site where you could rate providers and present (peer-moderated a
> la slashdot/kuro5hin) reviews?  No anonymous posting; user accounts would
> have to use something along the line of captcha.  It's not a perfect
> solution, but if you could hit even 80% of an accountable system it'd be a
> godsend.
> Users themselves could be peer-rated as well, and their overall rating would
> affect how much "oomph" their votes get overall.
Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com     Bret McDanel
Belfast +44 28 9099 6461        US +1 516 687 5200
http://www.trxtel.com the phone company that pays you!

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