[asterisk-biz] Broadvoice

Melisa Teoh melisa.teoh at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 19:01:01 MST 2006

Dovid Bender wrote:

>Does anyone know the status of Broadvoice. I am
>thinking about using them again. I have not heard much
>on the list and I am wondering if anyone is having
>issues with them etc.
We've been testing Broadvoice for over 2 months.  Call quality has been 
pretty good.  Approx 80% uptime.  We've experienced some noticeable 
delay to China recently but otherwise calls to US have been great 
(except for a few occasions where we experienced dropped calls).  Calls 
to the UK seem pretty bad i.e. lacking in clarity & significant delay.  
But Singapore, Malaysia quality is so far great when it connects 
(sometimes we are unable to connect and only get the Broadvoice IVR). 

Their customer service is pretty slow in response.  So if you have 
issues, expect them to (maybe) respond in about 3 days or more.

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