[Asterisk-biz] Self moderated?

Christopher Bergström cbergstrom at netsyncro.com
Fri Nov 18 17:06:13 MST 2005

Does anyone think the owner of this list actually reads this?

>From a non-personal standpoint... The issue to me really isn't hitting
the delete key. The immediate effects of reading some off topic email
are about the same as sending it to >/dev/null . So opinions and
everything personal aside.. I do sense though that through the course of
list-history some have dropped due to the noise.. Maybe it is more
recent, but somehow I doubt this.  I kindly ask that everything think
twice and self moderate.. I would benefit it us all if we start to think
like a community.  If not in the 1ms saved time, but in the value of
more in the community who might have something important to contribute..

Maybe I don't understand fully the mindset to which some think... Our
goal I would _hope_  is for everyone to equally gain from open
discussion on a topic we equally care about.  My hope is that this
simply promotes thought and not reactions nor opinions...

Thank you..


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