[Asterisk-biz] CDR mediation

Chris Ochs voip at paymentonline.com
Mon May 16 17:51:41 MST 2005

I'm curious how CDR mediation is done if you are connecting to someone like 
L3/XO/Qwest via SIP.    Do upstream proxies pass the BYE messages back down 
the proxy chain so you get a full CDR?  Or is there some sort of API you 
query that gives you call records straight from a SBC?

We are adding some (hopefully) useful voip billing functionality to our 
payment gateway, and are trying to get a better understanding of how CDR 
records are typically collected by larger providers.   I've gleaned a little 
information from reading up on SIP and looking at the SER docs, but a lot is 
still fuzzy.


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