[Asterisk-biz] Canadian 1-800 outgoing traffic.

Nabeel Jafferali nabeel at jafferali.net
Tue Jan 25 08:59:32 MST 2005

Hi Jeremy.

> Any of our customers can call any toll-free number they want via
> NuFone. One just has to provide a valid US or Canada Caller*ID value
> for the call to be accepted by our toll-free carrier.

Whenever I call (for example) 1-800-267-6999 from Nufone passing my
Toronto Caller*ID (416-491-XXXX), I get an error message saying the
number cannot be reached from my calling area. Calling through
Voicepulse has the same effect.

However, calling through FWD or from my landline results in the call
going through.

Nabeel Jafferali
Tel: +1 (416) 628-9342  Toronto
     +1 (646) 225-7426  New York
FWD: 46990
Email/MSN: nabeel<at>jafferali.net

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