[Asterisk-biz] FW: VOIP/Asterisk guru needed

bizdev at litvak.org bizdev at litvak.org
Thu Dec 30 12:20:39 MST 2004

Imagine you are tasked with building a automated call center and you want to
do it using as much open source software and as little proprietary hardware
possible. How do you keep the connection costs down? What kinda of bandwidth
do you need and CPU power?

If you know the answers to these, we would like to talk to you. Prefer a
local Bay Area conversation with reasonable consulting rates. Must now this
space really well. Asterisk is often used to build SOHO PBXs, but can it be
used to build a small agentless automated call-center, like moviefone? What
about a public conference-call service (still no agents, just connecting
external callers)? If you know what pieces are needed, talk to us at bizdev
(at) litvak (dott) org. We would love to have a guru talk to us for a couple
of hours.

Or I am happy to start a community discussion. Post your 2c on how you would
build a conferencing service or moviefone-like call center with no agents
using no or little telephony hardware.


P.S. I had issues posting, so you may see this post a few times. Sorry...

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