[test-results] [Bamboo] Asterisk Testing > Asterisk Trunk > #1359 has FAILED. Change made by 4 authors.

Bamboo bamboo at asterisk.org
Wed Jun 12 15:57:52 CDT 2013

Asterisk Testing > Asterisk Trunk > #1359 failed.
Code has been updated by Matthew Jordan, rmudgett, alecdavis, Kinsey Moore.
1/2 jobs failed, with 0 failing tests.


Failing Jobs
  - Asterisk CentOS 6 32-Bit (CentOS 6): No tests found.

Code Changes
rmudgett (390975):

>Fix a crash when a bridge switches from the softmix bridge technology to another.
>A three party bridge uses the softmix bridging technology.  This
>technology has a dedicated thread used to perform the analog mixing.  When
>one of these parties leaves the bridge, the bridge technology is changed
>from the softmix technology to a two-party mixing technology.  Changing
>technologies is done by removing channels from the old technology and
>adding them to the new technology.  Since the remaining channels do not
>leave the bridge, the softmix mixing thread could continue to process all
>channels in the bridge.  If the bridge code is not able to start
>destruction of the softmix technology before the softmix mixing thread
>wakes up, a crash happens.
>* Added a stop technology callback that technologies can use to request
>any helper threads to stop in preparation for being destroyed.
>(closes issue AST-1156)
>Reported by: John Bigelow

Kinsey Moore (391199):

>Stasis-HTTP: Flesh out bridge-related capabilities
>This adds support for Stasis applications to receive bridge-related
>messages when the application shows interest in a given bridge.
>To supplement this work and test it, this also adds support for the
>following bridge-related Stasis-HTTP functionality:
>* GET stasis/bridges
>* GET stasis/bridges/{bridgeId}
>* POST stasis/bridges
>* DELETE stasis/bridges/{bridgeId}
>* POST stasis/bridges/{bridgeId}/addChannel
>* POST stasis/bridges/{bridgeId}/removeChannel
>Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/2572/
>(closes issue ASTERISK-21711)
>(closes issue ASTERISK-21621)
>(closes issue ASTERISK-21622)
>(closes issue ASTERISK-21623)
>(closes issue ASTERISK-21624)
>(closes issue ASTERISK-21625)
>(closes issue ASTERISK-21626)

Matthew Jordan (391012):

>Add backtrace generation to MALLOC_DEBUG memory corruption reports
>This patch allows astmm to access the backtrace generation code in Asterisk.
>When memory is allocated, a backtrace is created and stored with the memory
>region that tracks the allocation. If a memory corruption is detected, the
>backtrace is printed to the astmm log. The backtrace will make use of the
>BETTER_BACKTRACES build option if available.
>As a result, this patch moves the backtrace generation code into its own file
>and uses the non-wrapped versions of the C library memory allocation routines.
>This allows the memory allocation code to safely use the backtrace generation
>routines without infinitely recursing.
>Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/2567

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