[test-results] [Bamboo] Asterisk - 1.8 > Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) > #780 has FAILED (1 tests failed, no failures were new). Change made by rmudgett.

Bamboo bamboo at asterisk.org
Tue Sep 20 03:42:36 CDT 2011

Asterisk - 1.8 > Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) > #780 failed.
Code has been updated by rmudgett.
1/141 tests failed, no failures were new.


Failing Jobs
  - amd64 (Default Stage): 1 of 141 tests failed.

Code Changes
rmudgett (336658):

>Made Dial d and H options no longer immediately auto-answer the calling leg.
>The Dial d and H options break DTMF attended transfer atxferdropcall
>1) Party A calls party B.
>2) Party B does a DTMF attended transfer to Party C.
>If the dialplan uses the Dial d or H options to call Party C then the Dial
>application answers the call immediately before initiating the call leg to
>Party C.  The premature answer causes the transfer code to not invoke the
>atxferdropcall=no behavior for a blonde transfer since Party C has
>"answered".  The transfer code thinks that Party B has "consulted" with
>Party C when Party B hangs up and completes the transfer to Party A.
>Party A now hears ringback until Party C actually answers.
>ASTERISK-13294 Dial d option.
>ASTERISK-11067 Dial H option to disconnect before answer.
>The referenced issues made Dial answer with the d and H options because
>many SIP and ISDN phones cannot send DTMF before the call is connected.
>* Made require the dialplan to control when or if the call needs to be
>answered to use the Dial application d and H options.  (The call is no
>longer surprise answered when using the Dial d or H options.)
>Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/1381/

Existing Test Failures (1)
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/apps/voicemail/check voicemail options change password
Fixed Tests (2)
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/apps/voicemail/authenticate nominal
   - AsteriskTestSuite: S/cdr/console dial sip answer

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