[svn-commits] r425985 - svn:log
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Mon Oct 20 09:17:50 CDT 2014
Author: mjordan
Revision: 425985
Modified property: svn:log
Modified: svn:log at Mon Oct 20 09:17:50 2014
--- svn:log (original)
+++ svn:log Mon Oct 20 09:17:50 2014
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
TCP/TLS core, which should be done as an improvement at a latter date.
(2) The TCP/TLS core, when tlsclientmethod/sslclientmethod is left unspecified,
will default to the OpenSSL SSLv23_method. This method allows for all
- ecnryption methods, including SSLv2/SSLv3. A MITM can exploit this by
+ encryption methods, including SSLv2/SSLv3. A MITM can exploit this by
forcing a fallback to SSLv3, which leaves the server vulnerable to POODLE.
This patch adds WARNINGS if a user uses SSLv2/SSLv3 in their configuration,
and explicitly disables SSLv2/SSLv3 if using SSLv23_method.
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