[svn-commits] rmudgett: branch rmudgett/cel_accountcode r417918 - in /team/rmudgett/cel_acc...
SVN commits to the Digium repositories
svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Thu Jul 3 13:03:45 CDT 2014
Author: rmudgett
Date: Thu Jul 3 13:03:41 2014
New Revision: 417918
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk?view=rev&rev=417918
Resolve; reset automerge
team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/ (props changed)
Propchange: team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/
automerge = *
Propchange: team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/
--- cel_accountcode-integrated (original)
+++ cel_accountcode-integrated Thu Jul 3 13:03:41 2014
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
Modified: team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/UPGRADE.txt
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/UPGRADE.txt?view=diff&rev=417918&r1=417917&r2=417918
--- team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/UPGRADE.txt (original)
+++ team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/UPGRADE.txt Thu Jul 3 13:03:41 2014
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-From 12.3.1 to 12.4.0:
+From 12.3.2 to 12.4.0:
- The accountcode propagation is now consistently propagated to outgoing
channels before dialing. The channel accountcode can change from its
@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@
writes a substantial amount of data to the connected client, and the connected
client is slow to process the received data, the socket may be disconnected.
In such cases, it may be necessary to adjust this value. Default is 100 ms.
+ - Added support for persistent HTTP connections. To enable persistent
+ HTTP connections configure the keep alive time between HTTP requests. The
+ keep alive time between HTTP requests is configured in http.conf with the
+ session_keep_alive parameter.
- Added a 'force_avp' option to chan_pjsip which will force the usage of
'RTP/AVP', 'RTP/AVPF', 'RTP/SAVP', or 'RTP/SAVPF' as the media transport type
Modified: team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/configs/http.conf.sample
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/configs/http.conf.sample?view=diff&rev=417918&r1=417917&r2=417918
--- team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/configs/http.conf.sample (original)
+++ team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/configs/http.conf.sample Thu Jul 3 13:03:41 2014
@@ -45,7 +45,13 @@
; Default: 30000
-; Whether Asterisk should serve static content from http-static
+; session_keep_alive specifies the number of milliseconds to wait for
+; the next HTTP request over a persistent connection.
+; Default: 0 (Disables persistent HTTP connections.)
+; Whether Asterisk should serve static content from static-http
; Default is no.
@@ -80,6 +86,9 @@
+; NOTE: You need a valid HTTP AMI mansession_id cookie with the manager
+; config permission to POST files.
; In this example, if the prefix option is set to "asterisk", then using the
; POST URL: /asterisk/uploads will put files in /var/lib/asterisk/uploads/.
;uploads = /var/lib/asterisk/uploads/
Modified: team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/include/asterisk/http.h
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/include/asterisk/http.h?view=diff&rev=417918&r1=417917&r2=417918
--- team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/include/asterisk/http.h (original)
+++ team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/include/asterisk/http.h Thu Jul 3 13:03:41 2014
@@ -66,28 +66,34 @@
struct ast_http_uri;
-/*! \brief HTTP Callbacks
- *
- * \note The callback function receives server instance, uri, http method,
- * get method (if present in URI), and http headers as arguments and should
- * use the ast_http_send() function for sending content allocated with ast_str
- * and/or content from an opened file descriptor.
+ * \brief HTTP Callbacks
+ *
+ * \param ser TCP/TLS session object
+ * \param urih Registered URI handler struct for the URI.
+ * \param uri Remaining request URI path (also with the get_params removed).
+ * \param method enum ast_http_method GET, POST, etc.
+ * \param get_params URI argument list passed with the HTTP request.
+ * \param headers HTTP request header-name/value pair list
+ *
+ * \note Should use the ast_http_send() function for sending content
+ * allocated with ast_str and/or content from an opened file descriptor.
* Status and status text should be sent as arguments to the ast_http_send()
* function to reflect the status of the request (200 or 304, for example).
* Content length is calculated by ast_http_send() automatically.
- * Static content may be indicated to the ast_http_send() function, to indicate
- * that it may be cached.
- *
- * \verbatim
- * The return value may include additional headers at the front and MUST
- * include a blank line with \r\n to provide separation between user headers
- * and content (even if no content is specified)
- * \endverbatim
- *
- * For an error response, the ast_http_error() function may be used.
+ * Static content may be indicated to the ast_http_send() function,
+ * to indicate that it may be cached.
+ *
+ * For a need authentication response, the ast_http_auth() function
+ * should be used.
+ *
+ * For an error response, the ast_http_error() function should be used.
+ *
+ * \retval 0 Continue and process the next HTTP request.
+ * \retval -1 Fatal HTTP connection error. Force the HTTP connection closed.
+ */
typedef int (*ast_http_callback)(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, const struct ast_http_uri *urih, const char *uri, enum ast_http_method method, struct ast_variable *get_params, struct ast_variable *headers);
/*! \brief Definition of a URI handler */
@@ -141,26 +147,30 @@
/*! \brief Unregister all handlers with matching key */
void ast_http_uri_unlink_all_with_key(const char *key);
-/*!\brief Return http method name string
+ * \brief Return http method name string
* \since 1.8
const char *ast_get_http_method(enum ast_http_method method) attribute_pure;
-/*!\brief Return mime type based on extension
+ * \brief Return mime type based on extension
* \param ftype filename extension
* \return String containing associated MIME type
* \since 1.8
const char *ast_http_ftype2mtype(const char *ftype) attribute_pure;
-/*!\brief Return manager id, if exist, from request headers
+ * \brief Return manager id, if exist, from request headers
* \param headers List of HTTP headers
* \return 32-bit associated manager session identifier
* \since 1.8
uint32_t ast_http_manid_from_vars(struct ast_variable *headers) attribute_pure;
-/*! \brief Generic function for sending http/1.1 response.
+ * \brief Generic function for sending HTTP/1.1 response.
* \param ser TCP/TLS session object
* \param method GET/POST/HEAD
* \param status_code HTTP response code (200/401/403/404/500)
@@ -186,12 +196,14 @@
* \since 1.8
-void ast_http_send(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, enum ast_http_method method, int status_code, const char *status_title, struct ast_str *http_header, struct ast_str *out, const int fd, unsigned int static_content);
-/*!\brief Send http "401 Unauthorized" response and close socket */
+void ast_http_send(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, enum ast_http_method method,
+ int status_code, const char *status_title, struct ast_str *http_header,
+ struct ast_str *out, int fd, unsigned int static_content);
+/*! \brief Send http "401 Unauthorized" response and close socket */
void ast_http_auth(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, const char *realm, const unsigned long nonce, const unsigned long opaque, int stale, const char *text);
-/*!\brief Send HTTP error message and close socket */
+/*! \brief Send HTTP error message and close socket */
void ast_http_error(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, int status, const char *title, const char *text);
@@ -202,8 +214,42 @@
void ast_http_prefix(char *buf, int len);
-/*!\brief Get post variables from client Request Entity-Body, if content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
+ * \brief Request the HTTP connection be closed after this HTTP request.
+ * \since 12.4.0
+ *
+ * \param ser HTTP TCP/TLS session object.
+ *
+ * \note Call before ast_http_error() to make the connection close.
+ *
+ * \return Nothing
+ */
+void ast_http_request_close_on_completion(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser);
+ * \brief Update the body read success status.
+ * \since 12.4.0
+ *
+ * \param ser HTTP TCP/TLS session object.
+ * \param read_success TRUE if body was read successfully.
+ *
+ * \return Nothing
+ */
+void ast_http_body_read_status(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, int read_success);
+ * \brief Read and discard any unread HTTP request body.
+ * \since 12.4.0
+ *
+ * \param ser HTTP TCP/TLS session object.
+ *
+ * \retval 0 on success.
+ * \retval -1 on error.
+ */
+int ast_http_body_discard(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser);
+ * \brief Get post variables from client Request Entity-Body, if content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
* \param ser TCP/TLS session object
* \param headers List of HTTP headers
* \return List of variables within the POST body
@@ -214,7 +260,8 @@
struct ast_json;
-/*!\brief Get JSON from client Request Entity-Body, if content type is
+ * \brief Get JSON from client Request Entity-Body, if content type is
* application/json.
* \param ser TCP/TLS session object
* \param headers List of HTTP headers
Modified: team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/include/asterisk/tcptls.h
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/include/asterisk/tcptls.h?view=diff&rev=417918&r1=417917&r2=417918
--- team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/include/asterisk/tcptls.h (original)
+++ team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/include/asterisk/tcptls.h Thu Jul 3 13:03:41 2014
@@ -210,7 +210,6 @@
FILE *f; /*!< fopen/funopen result */
int fd; /*!< the socket returned by accept() */
SSL *ssl; /*!< ssl state */
-/* iint (*ssl_setup)(SSL *); */
int client;
struct ast_sockaddr remote_address;
struct ast_tcptls_session_args *parent;
@@ -222,6 +221,8 @@
struct ast_str *overflow_buf;
/*! ao2 FILE stream cookie object associated with f. */
struct ast_tcptls_stream *stream_cookie;
+ /*! ao2 object private data of parent->worker_fn */
+ void *private_data;
#if defined(HAVE_FUNOPEN)
Modified: team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/main/http.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/main/http.c?view=diff&rev=417918&r1=417917&r2=417918
--- team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/main/http.c (original)
+++ team/rmudgett/cel_accountcode/main/http.c Thu Jul 3 13:03:41 2014
@@ -71,7 +71,26 @@
#define DEFAULT_PORT 8088
#define DEFAULT_TLS_PORT 8089
-#define DEFAULT_SESSION_INACTIVITY 30000 /* (ms) Idle time waiting for data. */
+/*! (ms) Idle time waiting for data. */
+/*! (ms) Min timeout for initial HTTP request to start coming in. */
+/*! (ms) Idle time between HTTP requests */
+/*! Maximum application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded body content length. */
+#if !defined(LOW_MEMORY)
+#define MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH 4096
+#define MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH 1024
+#endif /* !defined(LOW_MEMORY) */
+/*! Maximum line length for HTTP requests. */
+#if !defined(LOW_MEMORY)
+#define MAX_HTTP_LINE_LENGTH 4096
+#define MAX_HTTP_LINE_LENGTH 1024
+#endif /* !defined(LOW_MEMORY) */
/* See http.h for more information about the SSL implementation */
#if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) && (defined(HAVE_FUNOPEN) || defined(HAVE_FOPENCOOKIE))
@@ -80,6 +99,7 @@
static int session_limit = DEFAULT_SESSION_LIMIT;
static int session_inactivity = DEFAULT_SESSION_INACTIVITY;
+static int session_keep_alive = DEFAULT_SESSION_KEEP_ALIVE;
static int session_count = 0;
static struct ast_tls_config http_tls_cfg;
@@ -231,7 +251,7 @@
if (method != AST_HTTP_GET && method != AST_HTTP_HEAD) {
ast_http_error(ser, 501, "Not Implemented", "Attempt to use unimplemented / unsupported method");
- return -1;
+ return 0;
/* Yuck. I'm not really sold on this, but if you don't deliver static content it makes your configuration
@@ -300,9 +320,12 @@
- if ( (http_header = ast_str_create(255)) == NULL) {
+ http_header = ast_str_create(255);
+ if (!http_header) {
+ ast_http_request_close_on_completion(ser);
+ ast_http_error(ser, 500, "Server Error", "Out of memory");
- return -1;
+ return 0;
ast_str_set(&http_header, 0, "Content-type: %s\r\n"
@@ -323,11 +346,12 @@
ast_http_error(ser, 404, "Not Found", "The requested URL was not found on this server.");
- return -1;
+ return 0;
+ ast_http_request_close_on_completion(ser);
ast_http_error(ser, 403, "Access Denied", "You do not have permission to access the requested URL.");
- return -1;
+ return 0;
static int httpstatus_callback(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser,
@@ -340,11 +364,14 @@
if (method != AST_HTTP_GET && method != AST_HTTP_HEAD) {
ast_http_error(ser, 501, "Not Implemented", "Attempt to use unimplemented / unsupported method");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( (out = ast_str_create(512)) == NULL) {
- return -1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ out = ast_str_create(512);
+ if (!out) {
+ ast_http_request_close_on_completion(ser);
+ ast_http_error(ser, 500, "Server Error", "Out of memory");
+ return 0;
ast_str_append(&out, 0,
@@ -397,21 +424,61 @@
.key= __FILE__,
-/* send http/1.1 response */
-/* free content variable and close socket*/
+enum http_private_flags {
+ /*! TRUE if the HTTP request has a body. */
+ HTTP_FLAG_HAS_BODY = (1 << 0),
+ /*! TRUE if the HTTP request body has been read. */
+ HTTP_FLAG_BODY_READ = (1 << 1),
+ /*! TRUE if the HTTP request must close when completed. */
+/*! HTTP tcptls worker_fn private data. */
+struct http_worker_private_data {
+ /*! Body length or -1 if chunked. Valid if HTTP_FLAG_HAS_BODY is TRUE. */
+ int body_length;
+ /*! HTTP body tracking flags */
+ struct ast_flags flags;
void ast_http_send(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser,
enum ast_http_method method, int status_code, const char *status_title,
- struct ast_str *http_header, struct ast_str *out, const int fd,
+ struct ast_str *http_header, struct ast_str *out, int fd,
unsigned int static_content)
struct timeval now = ast_tvnow();
struct ast_tm tm;
char timebuf[80];
int content_length = 0;
- if (!ser || 0 == ser->f) {
+ int close_connection;
+ if (!ser || !ser->f) {
+ /* The connection is not open. */
+ ast_free(http_header);
+ ast_free(out);
+ }
+ /*
+ * We shouldn't be sending non-final status codes to this
+ * function because we may close the connection before
+ * returning.
+ */
+ ast_assert(200 <= status_code);
+ if (session_keep_alive <= 0) {
+ close_connection = 1;
+ } else {
+ struct http_worker_private_data *request;
+ request = ser->private_data;
+ if (!request
+ || ast_test_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION)
+ || ast_http_body_discard(ser)) {
+ close_connection = 1;
+ } else {
+ close_connection = 0;
+ }
ast_strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", ast_localtime(&now, &tm, "GMT"));
@@ -427,20 +494,22 @@
/* send http header */
- fprintf(ser->f, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n"
+ fprintf(ser->f,
+ "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n"
"Server: Asterisk/%s\r\n"
"Date: %s\r\n"
- "Connection: close\r\n"
+ "%s"
+ "%s"
"Content-Length: %d\r\n"
- "%s"
status_code, status_title ? status_title : "OK",
+ close_connection ? "Connection: close\r\n" : "",
static_content ? "" : "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store\r\n",
- content_length,
- http_header ? ast_str_buffer(http_header) : ""
+ http_header ? ast_str_buffer(http_header) : "",
+ content_length
/* send content */
@@ -448,33 +517,35 @@
if (out && ast_str_strlen(out)) {
if (fwrite(ast_str_buffer(out), ast_str_strlen(out), 1, ser->f) != 1) {
ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "fwrite() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ close_connection = 1;
if (fd) {
char buf[256];
int len;
while ((len = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
if (fwrite(buf, len, 1, ser->f) != 1) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "fwrite() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ close_connection = 1;
- if (http_header) {
- ast_free(http_header);
- }
- if (out) {
- ast_free(out);
- }
- ast_tcptls_close_session_file(ser);
- return;
-/* Send http "401 Unauthorized" responce and close socket*/
+ ast_free(http_header);
+ ast_free(out);
+ if (close_connection) {
+ ast_debug(1, "HTTP closing session. status_code:%d\n", status_code);
+ ast_tcptls_close_session_file(ser);
+ } else {
+ ast_debug(1, "HTTP keeping session open. status_code:%d\n", status_code);
+ }
void ast_http_auth(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, const char *realm,
const unsigned long nonce, const unsigned long opaque, int stale,
const char *text)
@@ -485,6 +556,10 @@
if (!http_headers || !out) {
+ if (ser && ser->f) {
+ ast_debug(1, "HTTP closing session. Auth OOM\n");
+ ast_tcptls_close_session_file(ser);
+ }
@@ -509,10 +584,8 @@
text ? text : "");
ast_http_send(ser, AST_HTTP_UNKNOWN, 401, "Unauthorized", http_headers, out, 0, 0);
- return;
-/* send http error response and close socket*/
void ast_http_error(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, int status_code, const char *status_title, const char *text)
struct ast_str *http_headers = ast_str_create(40);
@@ -521,6 +594,10 @@
if (!http_headers || !out) {
+ if (ser && ser->f) {
+ ast_debug(1, "HTTP closing session. error OOM\n");
+ ast_tcptls_close_session_file(ser);
+ }
@@ -536,14 +613,13 @@
"<hr />\r\n"
"<address>Asterisk Server</address>\r\n"
- status_code, status_title, status_title, text);
+ status_code, status_title, status_title, text);
ast_http_send(ser, AST_HTTP_UNKNOWN, status_code, status_title, http_headers, out, 0, 0);
- return;
-/*! \brief
- * Link the new uri into the list.
+ * \brief Link the new uri into the list.
* They are sorted by length of
* the string, not alphabetically. Duplicate entries are not replaced,
@@ -607,8 +683,6 @@
-#define MAX_POST_CONTENT 1025
* \brief Retrieves the header with the given field name.
@@ -617,8 +691,7 @@
* \return Associated header value.
* \return \c NULL if header is not present.
-static const char *get_header(struct ast_variable *headers,
- const char *field_name)
+static const char *get_header(struct ast_variable *headers, const char *field_name)
struct ast_variable *v;
@@ -660,29 +733,35 @@
* \brief Returns the value of the Content-Length header.
* \param headers HTTP headers.
- * \return Value of the Content-Length header.
- * \return 0 if header is not present, or is invalid.
+ *
+ * \retval length Value of the Content-Length header.
+ * \retval 0 if header is not present.
+ * \retval -1 if header is invalid.
static int get_content_length(struct ast_variable *headers)
const char *content_length = get_header(headers, "Content-Length");
+ int length;
if (!content_length) {
/* Missing content length; assume zero */
return 0;
- /* atoi() will return 0 for invalid inputs, which is good enough for
- * the HTTP parsing. */
- return atoi(content_length);
+ length = 0;
+ if (sscanf(content_length, "%30d", &length) != 1) {
+ /* Invalid Content-Length value */
+ length = -1;
+ }
+ return length;
* \brief Returns the value of the Transfer-Encoding header.
* \param headers HTTP headers.
- * \return Value of the Transfer-Encoding header.
- * \return 0 if header is not present, or is invalid.
+ * \retval string Value of the Transfer-Encoding header.
+ * \retval NULL if header is not present.
static const char *get_transfer_encoding(struct ast_variable *headers)
@@ -690,11 +769,176 @@
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Determine if the HTTP peer wants the connection closed.
+ *
+ * \param headers List of HTTP headers
+ *
+ * \retval 0 keep connection open.
+ * \retval -1 close connection.
+ */
+static int http_check_connection_close(struct ast_variable *headers)
+ const char *connection = get_header(headers, "Connection");
+ int close_connection = 0;
+ if (connection && !strcasecmp(connection, "close")) {
+ close_connection = -1;
+ }
+ return close_connection;
+void ast_http_request_close_on_completion(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser)
+ struct http_worker_private_data *request = ser->private_data;
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Initialize the request tracking information in case of early failure.
+ * \since 12.4.0
+ *
+ * \param request Request tracking information.
+ *
+ * \return Nothing
+ */
+static void http_request_tracking_init(struct http_worker_private_data *request)
+ ast_set_flags_to(&request->flags,
+ /* Assume close in case request fails early */
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Setup the HTTP request tracking information.
+ * \since 12.4.0
+ *
+ * \param ser HTTP TCP/TLS session object.
+ * \param headers List of HTTP headers.
+ *
+ * \retval 0 on success.
+ * \retval -1 on error.
+ */
+static int http_request_tracking_setup(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, struct ast_variable *headers)
+ struct http_worker_private_data *request = ser->private_data;
+ const char *transfer_encoding;
+ ast_set_flags_to(&request->flags,
+ http_check_connection_close(headers) ? HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION : 0);
+ transfer_encoding = get_transfer_encoding(headers);
+ if (transfer_encoding && !strcasecmp(transfer_encoding, "chunked")) {
+ request->body_length = -1;
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_HAS_BODY);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ request->body_length = get_content_length(headers);
+ if (0 < request->body_length) {
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_HAS_BODY);
+ } else if (request->body_length < 0) {
+ /* Invalid Content-Length */
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
+ ast_http_error(ser, 400, "Bad Request", "Invalid Content-Length in request!");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void ast_http_body_read_status(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, int read_success)
+ struct http_worker_private_data *request;
+ request = ser->private_data;
+ if (!ast_test_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_HAS_BODY)
+ || ast_test_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_BODY_READ)) {
+ /* No body to read. */
+ return;
+ }
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_BODY_READ);
+ if (!read_success) {
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
+ }
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Read the next length bytes from the HTTP body.
+ * \since 12.4.0
+ *
+ * \param ser HTTP TCP/TLS session object.
+ * \param buf Where to put the contents reading.
+ * \param length How much contents to read.
+ * \param what_getting Name of the contents reading.
+ *
+ * \retval 0 on success.
+ * \retval -1 on error.
+ */
+static int http_body_read_contents(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, char *buf, int length, const char *what_getting)
+ int res;
+ /* Stay in fread until get all the expected data or timeout. */
+ res = fread(buf, length, 1, ser->f);
+ if (res < 1) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Short HTTP request %s (Wanted %d)\n",
+ what_getting, length);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Read and discard the next length bytes from the HTTP body.
+ * \since 12.4.0
+ *
+ * \param ser HTTP TCP/TLS session object.
+ * \param length How much contents to discard
+ * \param what_getting Name of the contents discarding.
+ *
+ * \retval 0 on success.
+ * \retval -1 on error.
+ */
+static int http_body_discard_contents(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, int length, const char *what_getting)
+ int res;
+ char buf[MAX_HTTP_LINE_LENGTH];/* Discard buffer */
+ /* Stay in fread until get all the expected data or timeout. */
+ while (sizeof(buf) < length) {
+ res = fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, ser->f);
+ if (res < 1) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Short HTTP request %s (Wanted %zu of remaining %d)\n",
+ what_getting, sizeof(buf), length);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ length -= sizeof(buf);
+ }
+ res = fread(buf, length, 1, ser->f);
+ if (res < 1) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Short HTTP request %s (Wanted %d of remaining %d)\n",
+ what_getting, length, length);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * \internal
* \brief decode chunked mode hexadecimal value
* \param s string to decode
* \param len length of string
- * \return integer value or -1 for decode error
+ *
+ * \retval length on success.
+ * \retval -1 on error.
static int chunked_atoh(const char *s, int len)
@@ -706,13 +950,21 @@
return -1;
- while (len--)
- {
- if (*s == '\x0D') {
+ while (len--) {
+ c = *s++;
+ if (c == '\x0D') {
return value;
+ if (c == ';') {
+ /* We have a chunk-extension that we don't care about. */
+ while (len--) {
+ if (*s++ == '\x0D') {
+ return value;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
value <<= 4;
- c = *s++;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
value += c - '0';
@@ -733,10 +985,151 @@
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Read and convert the chunked body header length.
+ * \since 12.4.0
+ *
+ * \param ser HTTP TCP/TLS session object.
+ *
+ * \retval length Size of chunk to expect.
+ * \retval -1 on error.
+ */
+static int http_body_get_chunk_length(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser)
+ int length;
+ char header_line[MAX_HTTP_LINE_LENGTH];
+ /* get the line of hexadecimal giving chunk-size w/ optional chunk-extension */
+ if (!fgets(header_line, sizeof(header_line), ser->f)) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Short HTTP read of chunked header\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ length = chunked_atoh(header_line, strlen(header_line));
+ if (length < 0) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid HTTP chunk size\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return length;
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Read and check the chunk contents line termination.
+ * \since 12.4.0
+ *
+ * \param ser HTTP TCP/TLS session object.
+ *
+ * \retval 0 on success.
+ * \retval -1 on error.
+ */
+static int http_body_check_chunk_sync(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser)
+ int res;
+ char chunk_sync[2];
+ /* Stay in fread until get the expected CRLF or timeout. */
+ res = fread(chunk_sync, sizeof(chunk_sync), 1, ser->f);
+ if (res < 1) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Short HTTP chunk sync read (Wanted %zu)\n",
+ sizeof(chunk_sync));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (chunk_sync[0] != 0x0D || chunk_sync[1] != 0x0A) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "HTTP chunk sync bytes wrong (0x%02X, 0x%02X)\n",
+ chunk_sync[0], chunk_sync[1]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Read and discard any chunked trailer entity-header lines.
+ * \since 12.4.0
+ *
+ * \param ser HTTP TCP/TLS session object.
+ *
+ * \retval 0 on success.
+ * \retval -1 on error.
+ */
+static int http_body_discard_chunk_trailer_headers(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser)
+ char header_line[MAX_HTTP_LINE_LENGTH];
+ for (;;) {
+ if (!fgets(header_line, sizeof(header_line), ser->f)) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Short HTTP read of chunked trailer header\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Trim trailing whitespace */
+ ast_trim_blanks(header_line);
+ if (ast_strlen_zero(header_line)) {
+ /* A blank line ends the chunked-body */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int ast_http_body_discard(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser)
+ struct http_worker_private_data *request;
+ request = ser->private_data;
+ if (!ast_test_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_HAS_BODY)
+ || ast_test_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_BODY_READ)) {
+ /* No body to read or it has already been read. */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_BODY_READ);
+ ast_debug(1, "HTTP discarding unused request body\n");
+ ast_assert(request->body_length != 0);
+ if (0 < request->body_length) {
+ if (http_body_discard_contents(ser, request->body_length, "body")) {
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* parse chunked-body */
+ for (;;) {
+ int length;
+ length = http_body_get_chunk_length(ser);
+ if (length < 0) {
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (length == 0) {
+ /* parsed last-chunk */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (http_body_discard_contents(ser, length, "chunk-data")
+ || http_body_check_chunk_sync(ser)) {
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Read and discard any trailer entity-header lines. */
+ if (http_body_discard_chunk_trailer_headers(ser)) {
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
* \brief Returns the contents (body) of the HTTP request
* \param return_length ptr to int that returns content length
- * \param aser HTTP TCP/TLS session object
+ * \param ser HTTP TCP/TLS session object
* \param headers List of HTTP headers
* \return ptr to content (zero terminated) or NULL on failure
* \note Since returned ptr is malloc'd, it should be free'd by caller
@@ -744,122 +1137,130 @@
static char *ast_http_get_contents(int *return_length,
struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, struct ast_variable *headers)
- const char *transfer_encoding;
- int res;
- int content_length = 0;
- int chunk_length;
- char chunk_header[8];
- int bufsize = 250;
+ struct http_worker_private_data *request;
+ int content_length;
+ int bufsize;
char *buf;
- transfer_encoding = get_transfer_encoding(headers);
- if (ast_strlen_zero(transfer_encoding) ||
- strcasecmp(transfer_encoding, "chunked") != 0) {
+ request = ser->private_data;
+ if (!ast_test_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_HAS_BODY)) {
+ /* no content - not an error */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (ast_test_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_BODY_READ)) {
+ /* Already read the body. Cannot read again. Assume no content. */
+ ast_assert(0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_BODY_READ);
+ ast_debug(2, "HTTP consuming request body\n");
+ ast_assert(request->body_length != 0);
+ if (0 < request->body_length) {
/* handle regular non-chunked content */
- content_length = get_content_length(headers);
- if (content_length <= 0) {
- /* no content - not an error */
- return NULL;
- }
- if (content_length > MAX_POST_CONTENT - 1) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING,
- "Excessively long HTTP content. (%d > %d)\n",
- content_length, MAX_POST_CONTENT);
+ content_length = request->body_length;
+ if (content_length > MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Excessively long HTTP content. (%d > %d)\n",
+ content_length, MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH);
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
errno = EFBIG;
return NULL;
buf = ast_malloc(content_length + 1);
if (!buf) {
/* Malloc sets ENOMEM */
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
return NULL;
- res = fread(buf, 1, content_length, ser->f);
- if (res < content_length) {
- /* Error, distinguishable by ferror() or feof(), but neither
- * is good. Treat either one as I/O error */
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Short HTTP request body (%d < %d)\n",
- res, content_length);
+ if (http_body_read_contents(ser, buf, content_length, "body")) {
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
errno = EIO;
return NULL;
buf[content_length] = 0;
*return_length = content_length;
return buf;
/* pre-allocate buffer */
+ bufsize = 250;
buf = ast_malloc(bufsize);
if (!buf) {
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
return NULL;
- /* handled chunked content */
- do {
- /* get the line of hexadecimal giving chunk size */
- if (!fgets(chunk_header, sizeof(chunk_header), ser->f)) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING,
- "Short HTTP read of chunked header\n");
+ /* parse chunked-body */
+ content_length = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ int chunk_length;
+ chunk_length = http_body_get_chunk_length(ser);
+ if (chunk_length < 0) {
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
errno = EIO;
return NULL;
- chunk_length = chunked_atoh(chunk_header, sizeof(chunk_header));
- if (chunk_length < 0) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid HTTP chunk size\n");
+ if (chunk_length == 0) {
+ /* parsed last-chunk */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (content_length + chunk_length > MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING,
+ "Excessively long HTTP accumulated chunked body. (%d + %d > %d)\n",
+ content_length, chunk_length, MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH);
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
+ errno = EFBIG;
+ ast_free(buf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* insure buffer is large enough +1 */
+ if (content_length + chunk_length >= bufsize) {
+ char *new_buf;
+ /* Increase bufsize until it can handle the expected data. */
+ do {
+ bufsize *= 2;
+ } while (content_length + chunk_length >= bufsize);
+ new_buf = ast_realloc(buf, bufsize);
+ if (!new_buf) {
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
+ ast_free(buf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ buf = new_buf;
+ }
+ if (http_body_read_contents(ser, buf + content_length, chunk_length, "chunk-data")
+ || http_body_check_chunk_sync(ser)) {
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
errno = EIO;
return NULL;
- if (content_length + chunk_length > MAX_POST_CONTENT - 1) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING,
- "Excessively long HTTP chunk. (%d + %d > %d)\n",
- content_length, chunk_length, MAX_POST_CONTENT);
- errno = EFBIG;
- ast_free(buf);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* insure buffer is large enough +1 */
- if (content_length + chunk_length >= bufsize)
- {
- bufsize *= 2;
- buf = ast_realloc(buf, bufsize);
- if (!buf) {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- /* read the chunk */
- res = fread(buf + content_length, 1, chunk_length, ser->f);
- if (res < chunk_length) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Short HTTP chunk read (%d < %d)\n",
- res, chunk_length);
- errno = EIO;
- ast_free(buf);
- return NULL;
- }
content_length += chunk_length;
- /* insure the next 2 bytes are CRLF */
- res = fread(chunk_header, 1, 2, ser->f);
- if (res < 2) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING,
- "Short HTTP chunk sync read (%d < 2)\n", res);
- errno = EIO;
- ast_free(buf);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (chunk_header[0] != 0x0D || chunk_header[1] != 0x0A) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING,
- "Post HTTP chunk sync bytes wrong (%d, %d)\n",
- chunk_header[0], chunk_header[1]);
- errno = EIO;
- ast_free(buf);
- return NULL;
- }
- } while (chunk_length);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Read and discard any trailer entity-header lines
+ * which we don't care about.
+ *
+ * XXX In the future we may need to add the trailer headers
+ * to the passed in headers list rather than discarding them.
+ */
+ if (http_body_discard_chunk_trailer_headers(ser)) {
+ ast_set_flag(&request->flags, HTTP_FLAG_CLOSE_ON_COMPLETION);
+ errno = EIO;
+ ast_free(buf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
buf[content_length] = 0;
*return_length = content_length;
@@ -878,23 +1279,21 @@
errno = 0;
if (ast_strlen_zero(type) || strcasecmp(type, "application/json")) {
- /* Content type is not JSON */
+ /* Content type is not JSON. Don't read the body. */
return NULL;
buf = ast_http_get_contents(&content_length, ser, headers);
- if (buf == NULL) {
- /* errno already set */
+ if (!buf || !content_length) {
+ /*
+ * errno already set
+ * or it is not an error to have zero content
+ */
return NULL;
- if (!content_length) {
- /* it is not an error to have zero content */
- return NULL;
- }
body = ast_json_load_buf(buf, content_length, NULL);
- if (body == NULL) {
+ if (!body) {
/* Failed to parse JSON; treat as an I/O error */
errno = EIO;
return NULL;
@@ -913,7 +1312,7 @@
int content_length = 0;
struct ast_variable *v, *post_vars=NULL, *prev = NULL;
char *var, *val;
- RAII_VAR(char *, buf, NULL, ast_free_ptr);
+ RAII_VAR(char *, buf, NULL, ast_free);
RAII_VAR(char *, type, get_content_type(headers), ast_free);
/* Use errno to distinguish errors from no params */
@@ -921,12 +1320,16 @@
if (ast_strlen_zero(type) ||
strcasecmp(type, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) {
- /* Content type is not form data */
+ /* Content type is not form data. Don't read the body. */
return NULL;
buf = ast_http_get_contents(&content_length, ser, headers);
- if (buf == NULL) {
+ if (!buf || !content_length) {
+ /*
+ * errno already set
+ * or it is not an error to have zero content
+ */
return NULL;
@@ -955,7 +1358,7 @@
enum ast_http_method method, struct ast_variable *headers)
char *c;
- int res = -1;
+ int res = 0;
char *params = uri;
struct ast_http_uri *urih = NULL;
int l;
@@ -992,9 +1395,14 @@
AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE(&uri_redirects, redirect, entry) {
if (!strcasecmp(uri, redirect->target)) {
struct ast_str *http_header = ast_str_create(128);
+ if (!http_header) {
+ ast_http_request_close_on_completion(ser);
+ ast_http_error(ser, 500, "Server Error", "Out of memory");
+ break;
+ }
ast_str_set(&http_header, 0, "Location: %s\r\n", redirect->dest);
ast_http_send(ser, method, 302, "Moved Temporarily", http_header, NULL, 0, 0);
@@ -1135,10 +1543,9 @@
return cookies;
-static struct ast_http_auth *auth_create(const char *userid,
- const char *password)
- RAII_VAR(struct ast_http_auth *, auth, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
+static struct ast_http_auth *auth_create(const char *userid, const char *password)
+ struct ast_http_auth *auth;
size_t userid_len;
size_t password_len;
@@ -1164,7 +1571,6 @@
[... 1293 lines stripped ...]
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