[svn-commits] mjordan: testsuite/asterisk/trunk r4698 - /asterisk/trunk/tests/apps/directed...

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Wed Feb 12 19:47:59 CST 2014

Author: mjordan
Date: Wed Feb 12 19:47:54 2014
New Revision: 4698

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite?view=rev&rev=4698
directed_pickup: Update test to not rely on ordering between BridgeEnter/Pickup

The Pickup meta event is not guaranteed to happen before both BridgeEnter
events. The test incorrectly assumed that the Pickup event for the IAX2 channel
had to happen before the BridgeEnter event for the Local channel.


Modified: asterisk/trunk/tests/apps/directed_pickup/run-test
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/tests/apps/directed_pickup/run-test?view=diff&rev=4698&r1=4697&r2=4698
--- asterisk/trunk/tests/apps/directed_pickup/run-test (original)
+++ asterisk/trunk/tests/apps/directed_pickup/run-test Wed Feb 12 19:47:54 2014
@@ -33,9 +33,18 @@
         self.bridge = None
         self.firstChannelBridged = False
         self.secondChannelBridged = False
+        self.picked_up = False
     def hangup(self, ami):
+    def check_test_done(self):
+        if self.picked_up and (not self.bridgingModel12 or (self.firstChannelBridged and self.secondChannelBridged)):
+            self.set_passed(True)
+            self.ami[0].hangup(self.firstChannel).addCallback(self.hangup)
+            LOGGER.info("Both first and second channel detected; passing test")
     def check_BridgeEnter(self, ami, event):
         channel = event.get('channel')
@@ -44,14 +53,13 @@
         if channel == self.firstChannel:
             self.firstChannelBridged = True
-            other_channel = self.secondChannel
-        elif channel == self.secondChannel:
+            if self.secondChannel:
+                other_channel = self.secondChannel
+        else:
+            if not self.secondChannel:
+                self.secondChannel = channel
             self.secondChannelBridged = True
             other_channel = self.firstChannel
-        else:
-            LOGGER.error("Channel: '%s' entered bridge and is neither of the expected channels (%s, %s)" % (channel, self.firstChannel, self.secondChannel))
-            self.set_passed(False)
-            return
         if self.bridge is not None:
             if bridge != self.bridge:
@@ -60,10 +68,7 @@
             self.bridge = bridge
-        if self.firstChannelBridged and self.secondChannelBridged:
-            self.set_passed(True)
-            self.ami[0].hangup(self.firstChannel).addCallback(self.hangup)
-            LOGGER.info("Both first and second channel detected; passing test")
+        self.check_test_done()
     def check_Bridge(self, ami, event):
         if self.bridgeCount != 0:
@@ -73,17 +78,22 @@
         channel1 = event.get('channel1')
         channel2 = event.get('channel2')
-        if channel1 == self.firstChannel and channel2 == self.secondChannel:
-            self.passed = True
-            LOGGER.info("Both first and second channel detected; passing test")
-        self.ami[0].hangup(self.firstChannel).addCallback(self.hangup)
+        self.check_test_done()
     def check_Pickup(self, ami, event):
-        self.secondChannel = event.get('channel')
-        LOGGER.info("Detected second channel: %s" % self.secondChannel)
+        if not self.secondChannel:
+            self.secondChannel = event.get('channel')
+        elif self.secondChannel != event.get('channel'):
+            LOGGER.error("Channel %s is in Pickup event but is not second channel %s" % (
+                event.get('channel'), self.secondChannel))
+            self.set_passed(False)
+            return
+        LOGGER.info("Detected second channel in Pickup: %s" % self.secondChannel)
+        self.picked_up = True
         if not self.bridgingModel12:
             self.ami[0].registerEvent('Bridge', self.check_Bridge)
+        self.check_test_done()
     def check_UserEvent(self, ami, event):
         if event.get("userevent") != "TestStatus":

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