[svn-commits] bebuild: tag 12.0.0-alpha2 r400592 - /tags/12.0.0-alpha2/

SVN commits to the Digium repositories svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Fri Oct 4 19:55:40 CDT 2013

Author: bebuild
Date: Fri Oct  4 19:55:38 2013
New Revision: 400592

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk?view=rev&rev=400592
Importing release summary for 12.0.0-alpha2 release.


Modified: tags/12.0.0-alpha2/asterisk-12.0.0-alpha2-summary.txt
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/tags/12.0.0-alpha2/asterisk-12.0.0-alpha2-summary.txt?view=diff&rev=400592&r1=400591&r2=400592
--- tags/12.0.0-alpha2/asterisk-12.0.0-alpha2-summary.txt (original)
+++ tags/12.0.0-alpha2/asterisk-12.0.0-alpha2-summary.txt Fri Oct  4 19:55:38 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,8397 @@
+                                Release Summary
+                             asterisk-12.0.0-alpha2
+                                Date: 2013-10-04
+                           <asteriskteam at digium.com>
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                               Table of Contents
+    1. Summary
+    2. Contributors
+    3. Closed Issues
+    4. Other Changes
+    5. Diffstat
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                    Summary
+                                 [Back to Top]
+   This release includes new features. For a list of new features that have
+   been included with this release, please see the CHANGES file inside the
+   source package. Since this is new major release, users are encouraged to
+   do extended testing before upgrading to this version in a production
+   environment.
+   The data in this summary reflects changes that have been made since the
+   previous release, asterisk-11.
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                  Contributors
+                                 [Back to Top]
+   This table lists the people who have submitted code, those that have
+   tested patches, as well as those that reported issues on the issue tracker
+   that were resolved in this release. For coders, the number is how many of
+   their patches (of any size) were committed into this release. For testers,
+   the number is the number of times their name was listed as assisting with
+   testing a patch. Finally, for reporters, the number is the number of
+   issues that they reported that were closed by commits that went into this
+   release.
+     Coders              Testers          Reporters                           
+   342 rmudgett        20 mjordan       161 mjordan                           
+   203 mjordan         18 elguero       33 jbigelow                           
+   184 dlee            18 rmudgett      32 rnewton                            
+   153 kmoore          14 alecdavis     25 coreyfarrell                       
+   129 mmichelson      14 myself        22 dlee                               
+   89 jrose            12 snuffy        16 rmudgett                           
+   79 file             7 Tony Lewis     12 snuffy                             
+   47 qwell            6 jbigelow       9 alecdavis                           
+   41 jcolp            6 sruffell       9 jrose                               
+   40 elguero          5 Corey Farrell  9 tomaso                              
+   33 lathama          4 jrose          9 wdoekes                             
+   31 wdoekes          3 Byron Clark    8 mdavenport                          
+   29 kharwell         3 flan           7 gkelleter                           
+   28 alecdavis        3 Jonathan White 7 mmichelson                          
+   23 wedhorn          3 Rusty Newton   7 wedhorn                             
+   21 seanbright       3 wdoekes        6 jkister                             
+   19 Corey Farrell    2 Deepak Lohani  6 spitts                              
+   18 newtonr          2 Jeremy Kister  5 kmoore                              
+   15 russell          2 Jonas Falck    5 sruffell                            
+   11 igorg            2 JoshE          4 elguero                             
+   10 snuffy           2 Kayode         4 jcovert                             
+   10 sruffell         2 kmoore         4 jkroon                              
+   9 tzafrir           2 Thomas Arimont 4 lathama                             
+   6 oej               2 Thomas         4 lmadsen                             
+   6 twilson           Sevestre         4 nbansal                             
+   4 Andrew Latham     1                4 wimpy                               
+   4 beagles           1 abelbeck       3 ddkprog                             
+   4 jbigelow          1 Alan Frisch    3 jgowdy                              
+   4 jkroon            1 Alex Zarubin   3 mlnoah                              
+   4 tilghman          1 Alexander      3 n8ideas                             
+   3 Guenther Kelleter Heinz            3 pedrokiefer                         
+   3 Jeremiah Gowdy    1 Alfred         3 phill                               
+   3 Karsten Wemheuer  Farrugia         3 slesru                              
+   3 may               1 andrea         3 tzafrir                             
+   3 Richard Miller    1 Andrew Latham  3 ulogic                              
+   2 Byron Clark       1 Ariel Wainer   2 abelbeck                            
+   2 coreyfarrell      1 Artem Makhutov 2 aepshteyn                           
+   2 ddkprog           1 beagles        2 aragon                              
+   2 dkerr             1 Ben Smithurst  2 beagles                             
+   2 Filip Jenicek     1 benjamin       2 dbohling                            
+   2 George Joseph     1 Brad Latus     2 Demon                               
+   2 jonax             (snuffy)         2 dkerr                               
+   2 JoshE             1 Bryan Hunt     2 eelcob                              
+   2 Pavel Troller     1 call           2 flan                                
+   2 pkiefer           1 Chris Warr     2 gentlec                             
+   2 roeften           1 Christian      2 ishmalik                            
+   1 abelbeck          Hesse            2 isrl                                
+   1 Andre Luis        1 Clint Davis    2 jcolp                               
+   1 Andrew Nagy       1 Colin          2 jhutchins                           
+   1 anstein           Cutherbertson    2 jmillan                             
+   1 Antti Yrjola      1 Daniel Bohling 2 jparker                             
+   1 artem             1 danilo borges  2 jpepper                             
+   1 avalentin         1 Danny Nicholas 2 jplord                              
+   1 bootc             1 daroz          2 junky                               
+   1 byronclark        1 David M. Lee   2 kenner                              
+   1 Christian Hesse   1 David van Geyn 2 nikola.ciprich                      
+   1 Clint Davis       1 Dennis         2 p_lindheimer                        
+   1 Clod Patry        DeDonatis        2 patrol-cz                           
+   1 coriley           1 Dmitry Burilov 2 pk16208                             
+   1 Correy Farrell    1 Dmitry         2 tblancher                           
+   1 Dan Cropp         Melekhov         2 tootai                              
+   1 Daniel O'Connor   1 Doug Bailey    2 vldmr                               
+   1 David Chappell    1 dsessions      1 /dev/null                           
+   1 Demon             1 eliafino       1 adavid                              
+   1 dennis.guse       1 Eric Hill      1 ahoemig                             
+   1 Dmitriy Serov     1 Etienne        1 amegyeri                            
+   1 Dmitry Melekhov   Lessard          1 amsoft2001                          
+   1 dorianlogan       1 Ishfaq Malik   1 andrel                              
+   1 dsessions         1 IA+-aki Baz    1 anstein                             
+   1 Eelco Brolman     Castillo         1 ariw                                
+   1 eelcob            1 Jaco Kroon     1 artem                               
+   1 Egor Gorlin       1 James          1 ascanland                           
+   1 Eric Hill         Mortensen        1 avalentin                           
+   1 Etienne Lessard   1 Jamuel Starkey 1 ayrjola                             
+   1 feyfre            1 Jared Smith    1 az_tth                              
+   1 Gareth Palmer     1 Jason Parker   1 bensmithurst                        
+   1 gknispel          1 Jean-Philippe  1 berlic                              
+   1 Heiko Wundram     Lord             1 bklang                              
+   1 ianc              1 Jeremy Pepper  1 blackaura                           
+   1 Italo Rossi       1 Joel Vandal    1 blkline                             
+   1 Jaco Kroon        1 kaldemar       1 bootc                               
+   1 Jakob Hirsch      1 Karsten        1 brhunt                              
+   1 James Le Cuirot   Wemheuer         1 brietz                              
+   1 Jeremy Pepper     1 Kinsey Moore   1 bulkorok                            
+   1 jkister           1 Kiril Valchev  1 byronclark                          
+   1 John Covert       1 klaus3000      1 call                                
+   1 Kaloyan Kovachev  1 Leif Madsen    1 challado                            
+   1 kawasaki          1 Martin W       1 chappell                            
+   1 klaus3000         1 Michael Keuter 1 chengzhicn                          
+   1 kmoore, wdoekes   1 mmichelson     1 chesse                              
+   1 Konstantin        1 Nikola Ciprich 1 chewi                               
+   Suvorov             1 Nikolay        1 chip                                
+   1 lminiero          Ilduganov        1 clint.davis                         
+   1 marcelloceschia   1 Noah           1 colinc                              
+   1 Martin W          Engelberth       1 coopvr                              
+   1 Michael Walton    1 oej            1 coriley                             
+   1 moy               1 Pavel Kopchyk  1 daninmadison                        
+   1 murraytm          1 Pavel Troller  1 danjenkins                          
+   1 nbansal           1 Pedro Kiefer   1 daren                               
+   1 Nikolay Ilduganov 1 Peter Katzmann 1 dario                               
+   1 Nitesh Bansal     1 Pietro Bertera 1 darius                              
+   1 NITESH BANSAL     1 Rodrigo P.     1 daroz                               
+   1 one47             Telles           1 dbailey                             
+   1 pbertera          1 Stephan        1 deniz                               
+   1 Pedro Kiefer      1 Steve Lang     1 dennis.guse                         
+   1 Peter Racz        1 Steven T.      1 dennisd                             
+   1 Philippe          Wheeler          1 derlinuxer                          
+   Lindheimer          1 Stuart         1 deti                                
+   1 phill             Henderson        1 din3sh                              
+   1 Renato dos Santos 1 Sven Beisiegel 1 djimbo                              
+   1 Rusty Newton      1 sysreq         1 dlmarten                            
+   1 serginuez         1 tbsky          1 docent                              
+   1 Shaun Ruffel      1 Tzafrir Cohen  1 dorianlogan                         
+   1 Simone Camporeale 1 William luke   1 eabad                               
+   1 Stefan Reuter                      1 eleo                                
+   1 Stefan Wachtler                    1 erichill                            
+   1 tblancher                          1 fabled                              
+   1 Thomas Omerzu                      1 falves11                            
+   1 Timo Teras                         1 feyfre                              
+   1 Tzafrir Cohen                      1 fhackenberger                       
+   1 varnav                             1 floradio                            
+   1 vldmr                              1 frap                                
+   1 wimpy                              1 gareth                              
+   1 Zhi Cheng                          1 giacomo                             
+                                        1 gian                                
+                                        1 gknispel                            
+                                        1 gporras                             
+                                        1 greenlightcrm                       
+                                        1 gtj                                 
+                                        1 herzer                              
+                                        1 hexanol                             
+                                        1 ianc                                
+                                        1 ibc                                 
+                                        1 ivo.andonov                         
+                                        1 james.mortensen                     
+                                        1 jhirsch                             
+                                        1 jhoppebugs                          
+                                        1 jmce                                
+                                        1 joel_vandal                         
+                                        1 johan                               
+                                        1 joshoa                              
+                                        1 jsmith                              
+                                        1 kawasaki                            
+                                        1 kesselklopfer79                     
+                                        1 kiennd                              
+                                        1 klaus3000                           
+                                        1 knk                                 
+                                        1 kris2k                              
+                                        1 kuj                                 
+                                        1 kwemheuer                           
+                                        1 lanzaandrea                         
+                                        1 leenooks                            
+                                        1 lexus350                            
+                                        1 licedey                             
+                                        1 lieshout                            
+                                        1 londonnet                           
+                                        1 maha                                
+                                        1 marcelloceschia                     
+                                        1 mcargile                            
+                                        1 menschentier                        
+                                        1 mike at farsouthnet.com                
+                                        1 mithraen                            
+                                        1 modelnine                           
+                                        1 mpaland                             
+                                        1 murraytm                            
+                                        1 netaskd                             
+                                        1 nhuskinson                          
+                                        1 nik600                              
+                                        1 nivek                               
+                                        1 ovi                                 
+                                        1 pabelanger                          
+                                        1 pciccone                            
+                                        1 PepeN                               
+                                        1 pgoergler                           
+                                        1 pgoldbaum                           
+                                        1 pjphilipp                           
+                                        1 pracz                               
+                                        1 rafuchoucv                          
+                                        1 remiq                               
+                                        1 rgagnon                             
+                                        1 roeften                             
+                                        1 rudolf                              
+                                        1 salecha                             
+                                        1 saltydog256                         
+                                        1 serginuez                           
+                                        1 sgriepentrog                        
+                                        1 shazaum                             
+                                        1 shmagin                             
+                                        1 sickpig                             
+                                        1 simone.camporeale                   
+                                        1 smartbyte                           
+                                        1 softins                             
+                                        1 srt                                 
+                                        1 stefan.at.wpf                       
+                                        1 sthen                               
+                                        1 stocksy                             
+                                        1 supertle                            
+                                        1                                     
+                                        sven.beisiegel at siemens-enterprise.com 
+                                        1 swheeler                            
+                                        1 t-o                                 
+                                        1 tbsky                               
+                                        1 telles                              
+                                        1 teunis90                            
+                                        1 tilghman                            
+                                        1 tim_ringenbach                      
+                                        1 tm1000                              
+                                        1 tomo1657                            
+                                        1 tsearle                             
+                                        1 ulugutz                             
+                                        1 usinternet                          
+                                        1 varnav                              
+                                        1 veghead                             
+                                        1 vilius365                           
+                                        1 vmisha                              
+                                        1 volga629                            
+                                        1 wcselby                             
+                                        1 wybecom                             
+                                        1 xhienne                             
+                                        1 zhanglei                            
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                 Closed Issues
+                                 [Back to Top]
+   This is a list of all issues from the issue tracker that were closed by
+   changes that went into this release.
+  Category: Addons/chan_mobile
+   ASTERISK-14527: [patch] Add busy detection
+   Revision: 379144
+   Reporter: artem
+   Testers: Artem Makhutov
+   Coders: artem
+   ASTERISK-16357: chan_mobile unable to connect to cellphone
+   Revision: 379344
+   Reporter: challado
+   Testers: Alexander Heinz, Nikolay Ilduganov, benjamin, eliafino, David van
+   Geyn
+   Coders: Nikolay Ilduganov
+   ASTERISK-16822: Channel Variable SMSSRC not set properly
+   Revision: 379180
+   Reporter: menschentier
+   Testers: Jonas Falck
+   Coders: jonax, roeften
+   ASTERISK-19153: [patch] - Sms sender is not parsed correctly in incoming
+   sms
+   Revision: 379180
+   Reporter: roeften
+   Testers: Jonas Falck
+   Coders: jonax, roeften
+  Category: Addons/chan_ooh323
+   ASTERISK-21800: ooh323 channels stuck if no gatekeer or ooh323 reload
+   Revision: 390230
+   Reporter: slesru
+   Testers: Dmitry Melekhov
+   Coders: may
+  Category: Addons/res_config_mysql
+   ASTERISK-19793: Only last realtime member of a queue is not actually
+   removed from queue when removed from database
+   Revision: 371325
+   Reporter: maha
+   Coders: mmichelson
+   ASTERISK-21035: [patch] - features.conf in static realtime requires
+   distinct cat_metric for each parking lot
+   Revision: 382954
+   Reporter: aepshteyn
+   Coders: elguero
+  Category: Applications/General
+   ASTERISK-20039: DTMF meta-digit W missing
+   Revision: 374030
+   Reporter: jgowdy
+   Testers: rmudgett
+   Coders: Jeremiah Gowdy
+  Category: Applications/NewFeature
+   ASTERISK-20782: Allow SayAlpha to announce "Uppercase " in a string.
+   Revision: 397493
+   Reporter: nivek
+   Coders: kmoore
+  Category: Applications/SLA
+   ASTERISK-20440: [patch] No ringback towards SLAstation on outbound trunk
+   call.
+   Revision: 379828
+   Reporter: dkerr
+   Coders: dkerr
+   ASTERISK-20462: [patch] Trunk not hungup if SLA Station hangs up before
+   answer
+   Revision: 379828
+   Reporter: dkerr
+   Coders: dkerr
+  Category: Applications/app_alarmreceiver
+   ASTERISK-16668: ACK tone interupted - Jitterbuffers do not function
+   properly as AlarmReceiver App does not send RTP regularly
+   Revision: 372310
+   Reporter: saltydog256
+   Coders: mmichelson
+   ASTERISK-16694: [patch] ACK tone not reliable on embedded platform with
+   low CPU power
+   Revision: 372310
+   Reporter: lieshout
+   Coders: mmichelson
+   ASTERISK-18417: app_alarmreceiver hanging forever in
+   send_tone_burst/ast_waitfor()
+   Revision: 372310
+   Reporter: frap
+   Coders: mmichelson
+   ASTERISK-19435: Asterisk segfaults in app_alarmreceiver
+   Revision: 372310
+   Reporter: leenooks
+   Coders: mmichelson
+   ASTERISK-20157: Code Cleanup in app_alarmreceiver
+   Revision: 372310
+   Reporter: pedrokiefer
+   Coders: mmichelson
+   ASTERISK-20158: Add support to Audio Call Next Event - in
+   app_alarmreceiver
+   Revision: 372310
+   Reporter: pedrokiefer
+   Coders: mmichelson
+   ASTERISK-20224: Fix Documentation
+   Revision: 372310
+   Reporter: pedrokiefer
+   Coders: mmichelson
+   ASTERISK-20289: [patch] Use ALAW in app_alarmreceiver
+   Revision: 375150
+   Reporter: knk
+   Coders: pkiefer
+   ASTERISK-20484: Code Cleanup in app_alarmreceiver caused new issue where
+   event are processed before receiving all digits
+   Revision: 375081
+   Reporter: jplord
+   Testers: Jean-Philippe Lord, Pedro Kiefer
+   Coders: Kaloyan Kovachev
+  Category: Applications/app_bridgewait
+   ASTERISK-21922: Add the ability to app_bridgwait to specify a particular
+   bridge to place channels into
+   Revision: 395509
+   Reporter: mjordan
+   Coders: jrose
+   ASTERISK-21923: Add the ability to app_bridgewait to specify various music
+   and sound options
+   Revision: 394731
+   Reporter: mjordan
+   Coders: jrose
+   ASTERISK-22006: bridges/ast_bridge_playfile: Use a bridge technology
+   callback to resume entertainment sounds.
+   Revision: 396189
+   Reporter: jrose
+   Coders: jrose
+  Category: Applications/app_cdr
+   ASTERISK-22566: [patch] app_cdr leaves application registered and
+   res_parking leaks a ref to config
+   Revision: 400021
+   Reporter: coreyfarrell
+   Coders: Corey Farrell
+  Category: Applications/app_confbridge
+   ASTERISK-19448: ConfBridge crashes Asterisk when no timing module loaded.
+   Revision: 375511
+   Reporter: feyfre
+   Coders: feyfre
+   ASTERISK-19562: [patch] ConfBridge - Inconsistent hold-music behaviour
+   Revision: 374658
+   Reporter: flan
+   Testers: flan, mjordan, jrose, Jonathan White
+   Coders: twilson
+   ASTERISK-19726: [patch][bug] ConfBridge - Users listening to MoH, and who
+   should be muted, are often unmuted and recorded
+   Revision: 374658
+   Reporter: flan
+   Testers: flan, mjordan, jrose, Jonathan White
+   Coders: twilson
+   ASTERISK-20181: Various confbridge features not available when set in user
+   profile within confbridge.conf
+   Revision: 374658
+   Reporter: londonnet
+   Testers: flan, mjordan, jrose, Jonathan White
+   Coders: twilson
+   ASTERISK-20458: ConfBridge() dislplays many ERROR messages on console when
+   loading invalid menu data
+   Revision: 374107
+   Reporter: lmadsen
+   Testers: Leif Madsen
+   Coders: mmichelson
+   ASTERISK-20464: Can't join ConfBridge() with video
+   Revision: 373414
+   Reporter: lmadsen
+   Coders: jcolp
+   ASTERISK-20601: Confbridge recording does not work
+   Revision: 375472
+   Reporter: vilius365
+   Coders: jrose
+   ASTERISK-20606: Wrong confbridge behavior when participants enter
+   simultaneously
+   Revision: 378002
+   Reporter: eleo
+   Testers: rmudgett
+   Coders: rmudgett
+   ASTERISK-20655: Cannot reset pin with CONFBRIDGE(user,pin)
+   Revision: 377229
+   Reporter: wimpy
+   Coders: rmudgett
+   ASTERISK-20827: AMI events for ConfBridge Mute,Record, start and stop
+   Revision: 381256
+   Reporter: clint.davis
+   Testers: Clint Davis, elguero
+   Coders: Clint Davis
+   ASTERISK-20898: sound_only_one parameter will be ignored in
+   confbridge.conf
+   Revision: 380194
+   Reporter: derlinuxer
+   Testers: Stephan
+   Coders: elguero
+   ASTERISK-20938: [patch] ConfBridge list from CLI and Manager no longer
+   include waiting members
+   Revision: 379479
+   Reporter: fabled
+   Coders: Timo Teras
+   ASTERISK-20990: Confbridge announcement not played
+   Revision: 380896
+   Reporter: jkister
+   Testers: rmudgett
+   Coders: rmudgett
+   ASTERISK-20991: Confbridge errors on leaving
+   Revision: 380893
+   Reporter: jkister
+   Testers: rmudgett
+   Coders: rmudgett
+   ASTERISK-20994: AMI command reception after app_confbridge.so unload
+   results in crash
+   Revision: 381069
+   Reporter: jkister
+   Testers: Rusty Newton, Jeremy Kister
+   Coders: rmudgett
+   ASTERISK-21780: Add missing documentation for new config option
+   Revision: 389202
+   Reporter: snuffy
+   Coders: kmoore
+   ASTERISK-21802: (un)muting a ConfBridge user via *CLI doesn't generate AMI
+   events
+   Revision: 389402
+   Reporter: wimpy
+   Coders: mjordan
+   ASTERISK-21827: [patch] Add kick all capability to app_confbridge's CLI
+   command 'kick'
+   Revision: 394531
+   Reporter: dorianlogan
+   Coders: dorianlogan
+   ASTERISK-21859: Confbridge doesn't tear down an empty conference bridge
+   when all users were kicked via end_marked=yes. Also, side effect crashes.
+   Revision: 399226
+   Reporter: gentlec
+   Coders: kharwell
+  Category: Applications/app_db
+   ASTERISK-21070: DBdeltree throws spurious error under almost all cases
+   Revision: 381366
+   Reporter: ianc
+   Coders: ianc
+  Category: Applications/app_dial
+   ASTERISK-17254: Dial MulticastRTP channel with A option can't play the
+   file
+   Revision: 373553
+   Reporter: wybecom
+   Coders: jcolp
+   ASTERISK-20287: Broken hangupcause passtrough
+   Revision: 371863
+   Reporter: berlic
+   Testers: rmudgett
+   Coders: Konstantin Suvorov
+   ASTERISK-21113: app_dial.c does not honor 'c' flag when calling party
+   hangs up
+   Revision: 381881
+   Reporter: modelnine
+   Coders: Heiko Wundram
+  Category: Applications/app_directed_pickup
+   ASTERISK-20383: Add missing named call pickup group features for parity
+   with numeric call pickup groups.
+   Revision: 373221
+   Reporter: rmudgett
+   Testers: rmudgett
+   Coders: rmudgett
+  Category: Applications/app_disa
+   ASTERISK-17493: [patch] dsp.c sends multiple DTMF key events up to
+   applications
+   Revision: 374493
+   Reporter: alecdavis
+   Testers: alecdavis
+   Coders: alecdavis
+  Category: Applications/app_externalivr
+   ASTERISK-20132: Security Vulnerability: remote authenticated attacker can
+   execute arbitrary shell commands on system through app ExternalIVR
+   Revision: 372001
+   Reporter: mjordan
+   Coders: mjordan
+  Category: Applications/app_followme
+   ASTERISK-16879: [patch] FollowMe has a maximum of 90 chars for number
+   Revision: 372393
+   Reporter: junky
+   Testers: mjordan
+   Coders: Clod Patry
+  Category: Applications/app_meetme
+   ASTERISK-20440: [patch] No ringback towards SLAstation on outbound trunk
+   call.
+   Revision: 379828
+   Reporter: dkerr
+   Coders: dkerr
+   ASTERISK-20462: [patch] Trunk not hungup if SLA Station hangs up before
+   answer
+   Revision: 379828
+   Reporter: dkerr
+   Coders: dkerr
+   ASTERISK-20486: MeetMe Unable to write frame to channel after SIP channel
+   hangs up.
+   Revision: 376312
+   Reporter: mcargile
+   Coders: jrose
+   ASTERISK-20574: Crash in MeetMe using a chan_motif channel when shutting
+   down Asterisk
+   Revision: 393740
+   Reporter: slesru
+   Coders: jkroon
+   ASTERISK-21467: Stasis Core - Refactor MeetMe Events
+   Revision: 390848
+   Reporter: mjordan
+   Coders: jrose
+   ASTERISK-21907: Crash - segfault - When executing a MeetMeAdmin command
+   that requires a member, without specifying a member
+   Revision: 399036
+   Reporter: aepshteyn
+   Coders: kmoore
+   ASTERISK-22269: app_meetme: wrong bit value for CONFFLAG_DONT_DENOISE
+   Revision: 396946
+   Reporter: softins
+   Coders: mjordan
+  Category: Applications/app_minivm
+   ASTERISK-17133: [patch] minivm: when sending mail and using volgain
+   Revision: 372557
+   Reporter: tzafrir
+   Coders: Tzafrir Cohen
+   ASTERISK-18697: [minivm] Crash in MinivmNotify
+   Revision: 379612
+   Reporter: bootc
+   Testers: Chris Warr
+   Coders: bootc
+  Category: Applications/app_mixmonitor
+   ASTERISK-18220: MixMonitor stops recording during attended Transfer
+   Revision: 373479
+   Reporter: ishmalik
+   Coders: jrose
+   ASTERISK-21294: Calling StopMixMonitor on a channel w/o MixMonitor running
+   returns -1
+   Revision: 383632
+   Reporter: daroz
+   Testers: daroz
+   Coders: elguero
+   ASTERISK-21799: [patch] Dropouts/distortion in MixMonitor recording when
+   recording RTP with ptime of 60ms
+   Revision: 389897
+   Reporter: mike at farsouthnet.com
+   Testers: jrose
+   Coders: Michael Walton
+   ASTERISK-22368: [patch] mixmonitor_free leaks filename
+   Revision: 398017
+   Reporter: coreyfarrell
+   Coders: wdoekes
+  Category: Applications/app_page
+   ASTERISK-19883: [patch] - RTP packet with Timestamp=0 on Multicast paging
+   Revision: 385638
+   Reporter: giacomo
+   Testers: Pietro Bertera, Tzafrir Cohen
+   Coders: tzafrir, pbertera
+   ASTERISK-20305: Asterisk crashing on Page()
+   Revision: 372136
+   Reporter: mlnoah
+   Testers: Noah Engelberth
+   Coders: mmichelson
+   ASTERISK-20991: Confbridge errors on leaving
+   Revision: 380893
+   Reporter: jkister
+   Testers: rmudgett
+   Coders: rmudgett
+  Category: Applications/app_parkandannounce
+   ASTERISK-20113: ParkAndAnnounce doesn't return to n+1 when no
+   return_context defined
+   Revision: 381918
+   Reporter: serginuez
+   Coders: serginuez
+  Category: Applications/app_playback
+   ASTERISK-20800: 'module reload app_playback.so' won't load say.conf if it
+   didn't exist during module's first load
+   Revision: 381219
+   Reporter: pgoergler
+   Coders: kharwell
+  Category: Applications/app_queue
+   ASTERISK-16115: [patch] problem with ringinuse=no, queue members receive
+   sometimes two calls
+   Revision: 372051
+   Reporter: nik600
+   Coders: Italo Rossi
+   ASTERISK-17776: No CDR record is generated if caller hangs up while in
+   Queue and members are busy. Reproduced in 1.8 and 1.6 as well.
+   Revision: 375416
+   Reporter: amegyeri
+   Coders: mjordan
+   ASTERISK-19793: Only last realtime member of a queue is not actually
+   removed from queue when removed from database
+   Revision: 371325
+   Reporter: maha
+   Coders: mmichelson
+   ASTERISK-19918: MoH (Music on Hold) is stopped after call in a queue is
+   terminated
+   Revision: 376291
+   Reporter: eabad
+   Coders: beagles
+   ASTERISK-19960: Incorrect data in queue_log, event TRANSFER, field data1
+   Revision: 381792
+   Reporter: shmagin
+   Coders: kharwell
+   ASTERISK-20243: Update documentation for QueueMemberStatus AMI event to
+   reflect actual device state values
+   Revision: 372538
+   Reporter: mjordan
+   Coders: mjordan
+   ASTERISK-20380: Bad ao2_unlock call in app_queue's try_calling
+   Revision: 372627
+   Reporter: jpepper
+   Coders: Jeremy Pepper
+   ASTERISK-20390: chan_local queue members broken by r372050
+   Revision: 373881
+   Reporter: tim_ringenbach
+   Coders: jcolp
+   ASTERISK-20743: Queue Log - All Calls End With COMPLETECALLER When h
+   Extension Is Present
+   Revision: 378516
+   Reporter: call
+   Testers: call, elguero
+   Coders: elguero
+   ASTERISK-20801: Non-SIP queue members get no calls when ringinuse=no.
+   Revision: 378039
+   Reporter: rmudgett
+   Coders: rmudgett
+   ASTERISK-20842: Add Queue Pause Device States
+   Revision: 396010
+   Reporter: p_lindheimer
+   Coders: Philippe Lindheimer
+   ASTERISK-21397: [patch] manager crash on unloading app_queue
+   Revision: 385595
+   Reporter: pk16208
+   Testers: Corey Farrell
+   Coders: elguero
+   ASTERISK-21469: Stasis Core - Refactor Queue Events
+   Revision: 390901
+   Reporter: mjordan
+   Coders: qwell
+   ASTERISK-21517: API Improvements: refactor app_queue to listen for a
+   Transfer stasis message and update the Queue Log appropriately
+   Revision: 397451
+   Reporter: mjordan
+   Coders: mmichelson
+   ASTERISK-21738: [patch] Segfault On Realtime Queue Members Processing
+   Revision: 388110
+   Reporter: n8ideas
+   Testers: JoshE
+   Coders: elguero
+   ASTERISK-21782: Delayed audio to agent when answering a queue call
+   Revision: 391245
+   Reporter: remiq
+   Coders: mjordan
+   ASTERISK-21943: Bridge API Enhancements - handle AgentLogin/AgentLogout in
+   the Queue Log using Stasis
+   Revision: 397451
+   Reporter: mjordan
+   Coders: mmichelson
+   ASTERISK-21980: Error message for QUEUE_MEMBER when member is not in queue
+   is unclear
+   Revision: 394346
+   Reporter: adavid
+   Coders: mjordan
+   ASTERISK-22189: Wrap up time is ignored for queue members who are members
+   in multiple queues
+   Revision: 396949
+   Reporter: mjordan
+   Testers: Tony Lewis
+   Coders: mjordan
+   ASTERISK-22258: Queue crashes when publishing message to Stasis after
+   ringing busy Agent
+   Revision: 396365
+   Reporter: djimbo
+   Testers: Kiril Valchev
+   Coders: mjordan
+   ASTERISK-22263: [patch] 'queue add member ...' help text update
+   Revision: 398887
+   Reporter: rnewton
+   Coders: newtonr
+   ASTERISK-22507: app_queue assertion failure on caller hangup
+   Revision: 400061
+   Reporter: rmudgett
+   Coders: mjordan
+  Category: Applications/app_senddtmf
+   ASTERISK-18172: SendDTMF with duration
+   Revision: 373979
+   Reporter: shazaum
+   Coders: Renato dos Santos
+  Category: Applications/app_speech_utils
+   ASTERISK-17136: SPEECH_ENGINE should be readable
+   Revision: 374096
+   Reporter: kenner
+   Coders: jcolp
+  Category: Applications/app_voicemail
+   ASTERISK-18207: externnotify script called with (null) context parameter
+   during pollmessages run, essentially stopping it from running.
+   Revision: 384327
+   Reporter: blkline
+   Coders: Karsten Wemheuer
+   ASTERISK-19431: Asterisk Russian language support missing voicemail
+   prompts
+   Revision: 386879
+   Reporter: volga629
+   Coders: newtonr
+   ASTERISK-19908: Add an ami function to refresh a voicemail box
+   Revision: 373913
+   Reporter: jhutchins
+   Coders: kmoore
+   ASTERISK-20280: In app_voicemail we attempt to play the sound
+   "vm-urgent-removed", which should be "vm-marked-nonurgent"
+   Revision: 376282
+   Reporter: tomo1657
+   Testers: Rusty Newton
+   Coders: Rusty Newton
+   ASTERISK-21302: [patch] app_voicemail crashes on config error and there
+   are some potential memory leaks
+   Revision: 385573
+   Reporter: jkroon
+   Testers: Jaco Kroon, elguero
+   Coders: elguero
+   ASTERISK-22414: [patch] voicemail and test_voicemail_api leaks
+   Revision: 398287
+   Reporter: coreyfarrell
+   Coders: coreyfarrell
+  Category: Applications/app_voicemail/IMAP
+   ASTERISK-19155: Memory leak in app_voicemail.c when using IMAP
+   Revision: 372302
+   Reporter: phill
+   Coders: Filip Jenicek
+   ASTERISK-20435: app_voicemail deletes the wrong greeting if both an
+   unavailable and a temporary greeting is available and imap greetings are
+   used
+   Revision: 373740
+   Reporter: fhackenberger
+   Coders: elguero
+  Category: Applications/app_voicemail/NewFeature
+   ASTERISK-17206: [patch] Allow external commands to send mailbox refreshes
+   Revision: 373913
+   Reporter: tilghman
+   Coders: kmoore
+  Category: Applications/app_voicemail/ODBC
+   ASTERISK-20717: Voicemail access "SQL Get Data error! coltitle=msg_id"
+   Revision: 379461
+   Reporter: alecdavis
+   Coders: jrose
+  Category: Bridges/bridge_native_rtp
+   ASTERISK-22128: ARI/bridges: chan_sip channels with directmedia=yes -
+   Asterisk doesn't retake the media when the technology changes from native
+   rtp
+   Revision: 395866
+   Reporter: jrose
+   Coders: jcolp
+   ASTERISK-22424: bridge_native_rtp: Asterisk 12 attempts to remotely bridge
+   on 200OK response to invite when the 200 lacks SDP
+   Revision: 398838
+   Reporter: jrose
+   Coders: jrose
+   ASTERISK-22424: bridge_native_rtp: Asterisk 12 attempts to remotely bridge
+   on 200OK response to invite when the 200 lacks SDP
+   Revision: 399978
+   Reporter: jrose
+   Coders: jrose
+   ASTERISK-22615: sip_attended_transfer: crash on disposed of object in
+   native RTP bridge
+   Revision: 400452
+   Reporter: mjordan
+   Coders: mmichelson
+  Category: Bridges/bridge_simple
+   ASTERISK-22001: Running monitors crash Asterisk when a monitored channel
+   leaves a bridge.
+   Revision: 393785
+   Reporter: jrose
+   Coders: mjordan
+  Category: CDR/General
+   ASTERISK-21196: Refactor CDRs onto Stasis-Core to handle changes in
+   bridging behavior
+   Revision: 391947
+   Reporter: mjordan
+   Coders: mjordan
+   ASTERISK-21394: [patch] - Fundamental changes to CDR within single
+   asterisk family (1.8) during externally initiated blind transfers with an
+   h extension present
+   Revision: 387039
+   Reporter: ishmalik
+   Testers: Ishfaq Malik, mjordan
+   Coders: one47

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