[svn-commits] mmichelson: branch mmichelson/sip_options r393983 - /team/mmichelson/sip_opti...
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Wed Jul 10 11:06:11 CDT 2013
Author: mmichelson
Date: Wed Jul 10 11:06:09 2013
New Revision: 393983
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk?view=rev&rev=393983
Add XML documentation for the options I have added so far.
I will start doing this at the same time I add individual options from
now on. It had slipped my mind previously.
Modified: team/mmichelson/sip_options/res/res_sip.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/mmichelson/sip_options/res/res_sip.c?view=diff&rev=393983&r1=393982&r2=393983
--- team/mmichelson/sip_options/res/res_sip.c (original)
+++ team/mmichelson/sip_options/res/res_sip.c Wed Jul 10 11:06:09 2013
@@ -386,6 +386,48 @@
Gulp channel driver will return busy as the device state instead of in use.
+ <configOption name="tonezone">
+ <synopsis>Set which country's indications to use for channels created for this endpoint.</synopsis>
+ </configOption>
+ <configOption name="language">
+ <synopsis>Set the default language to use for channels created for this endpoint.</synopsis>
+ </configOption>
+ <configOption name="one_touch_recording" default="no">
+ <synopsis>Determines whether one-touch recording is allowed for this endpoint.</synopsis>
+ <see-also>
+ <ref type="configOption">recordonfeature</ref>
+ <ref type="configOption">recordofffeature</ref>
+ </see-also>
+ </configOption>
+ <configOption name="recordonfeature" default="automixmon">
+ <synopsis>The feature to enact when one-touch recording is turned on.</synopsis>
+ <description>
+ <para>When an INFO request for one-touch recording arrives with a Record header set to "on", this
+ feature will be enabled for the channel. The feature designated here can be any built-in
+ or dynamic feature defined in features.conf.</para>
+ <note><para>This setting has no effect if the endpoint's one_touch_recording option is disabled</para></note>
+ </description>
+ <see-also>
+ <ref type="configOption">one_touch_recording</ref>
+ <ref type="configOption">recordofffeature</ref>
+ </see-also>
+ </configOption>
+ <configOption name="recordofffeature" default="automixmon">
+ <synopsis>The feature to enact when one-touch recording is turned off.</synopsis>
+ <description>
+ <para>When an INFO request for one-touch recording arrives with a Record header set to "off", this
+ feature will be enabled for the channel. The feature designated here can be any built-in
+ or dynamic feature defined in features.conf.</para>
+ <note><para>This setting has no effect if the endpoint's one_touch_recording option is disabled</para></note>
+ </description>
+ <see-also>
+ <ref type="configOption">one_touch_recording</ref>
+ <ref type="configOption">recordonfeature</ref>
+ </see-also>
+ </configOption>
+ <configOption name="rtpengine" default="asterisk">
+ <synopsis>Name of the RTP engine to use for channels created for this endpoint</synopsis>
+ </configOption>
<configObject name="auth">
<synopsis>Authentication type</synopsis>
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