[svn-commits] tzafrir: linux/trunk r10288 - /linux/trunk/README
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Wed Oct 26 19:35:50 CDT 2011
Author: tzafrir
Date: Wed Oct 26 19:35:47 2011
New Revision: 10288
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/dahdi?view=rev&rev=10288
README: initial update for span assignments
Signed-off-by: Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
Modified: linux/trunk/README
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/dahdi/linux/trunk/README?view=diff&rev=10288&r1=10287&r2=10288
--- linux/trunk/README (original)
+++ linux/trunk/README Wed Oct 26 19:35:47 2011
@@ -538,6 +538,7 @@
give you in each cycle the percent of how close it was. Also try running it
with the option -v for a verbose output.
Spans and Channels
DAHDI provides telephony *channels* to the userspace applications.
@@ -555,6 +556,77 @@
There are up to 128 spans and 1024 channels. This is a hard-wired limit
(see dahdi/user.h . Several places throuout the code assume a channel
number fits in a 16 bits number). Channel and span numbers start at 1.
+Span Assignments
+A DAHDI device (e.g. a PCI card) is represented within the DAHDI drivers
+as a 'DAHDI device'. Normally (with auto_assign_spans=1 in the module
+dahdi, which is the default), when a device is discovered and loaded,
+it regiters with the DAHDI core and its spans automatically become
+available. However if you have more than one device, you may be
+interested to set explicit spans and channels numbers for them. To use
+manual span assigment, set 'auto_assign_spans' to 0 . e.g. in a file
+under /etc/modprobe.d/ include the following line:
+ options dahdi auto_assign_spans=0
+You will then need to assign the spans manually at device startup. You
+will need to assign a span number and channel numbers for each
+available span on the system. On my test system I have one BRI PCI card
+and one Astribank BRI+FXS:
+ # grep . /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/*/spantype
+ /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00/spantype:1:BRI
+ /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00/spantype:2:BRI
+ /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00/spantype:3:BRI
+ /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00/spantype:4:BRI
+ /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00/spantype:5:BRI
+ /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00/spantype:6:BRI
+ /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00/spantype:7:BRI
+ /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00/spantype:8:BRI
+ /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00/spantype:9:FXS
+ /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/pci:0000:00:09.0/spantype:1:TE
+ /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/pci:0000:00:09.0/spantype:2:TE
+ /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/pci:0000:00:09.0/spantype:3:NT
+ /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/pci:0000:00:09.0/spantype:4:NT
+All spans here, except the FXS one, are BRI spans with 3 channels per span.
+In order to assign a span, we write three numbers separated by colns to
+the file 'assign_span' in the SysFS node
+ local_num:span_num:base_chan_num
+ echo 1:1:1 >/sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00/assign_span
+ echo 3:2:5 >/sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00/assign_span
+ echo 9:5:10 >/sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00/assign_span
+ echo 4:6:20 >/sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/pci:0000:00:09.0/assign_span
+ echo 2:8:40 >/sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/pci:0000:00:09.0/assign_span
+Which indeed produced:
+ # head -n3 -q /proc/dahdi/*
+ Span 1: XBUS-00/XPD-00 "Xorcom XPD [usb:LAB-0003].1: BRI_NT"
+ 1 XPP_BRI_NT/00/00/0
+ Span 2: XBUS-00/XPD-02 "Xorcom XPD [usb:LAB-0003].3: BRI_TE"
+ 5 XPP_BRI_TE/00/02/0
+ Span 5: XBUS-00/XPD-10 "Xorcom XPD [usb:LAB-0003].9: FXS" (MASTER)
+ 10 XPP_FXS/00/10/0
+ Span 6: B4/0/4 "B4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 4" RED
+ 23 B4/0/4/1 YELLOW
+ Span 8: B4/0/2 "B4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 2" RED
+ 40 B4/0/2/1 RED
+Likewise spans can be unassigned by writing to the 'unassign-span'
Dynamic Spans
@@ -642,6 +714,102 @@
see an extra '(In use)':
2 XPP_FXS/0/0/1 FXOLS (In use)
+SysFS Interface
+DAHDI exposes several interfaces under the SysFS virtual file system.
+SysFS represents kernel objects in nodes - directories. There properties
+are often files. They may also contain other nodes or include symlinks
+to other nodes.
+Class DAHDI
+under /sys/class/dadhi there exists a node for each DAHDI device file
+under /dev/dahdi. The name is 'dahdi!foo' for the file '/dev/dahdi/foo'
+(udev translates exclamation marks to slashes). Those nodes are not, for
+the most part, proper SysFS nodes, and don't include any interesting
+Devices Bus
+Each DAHDI device (a physical device, such as a PCI card) is represented
+by a node under /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices named with the name of
+its device.
+Its attributes include:
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/DEVICE/assgin-span
+Write-only attribute: this device's spans should now be assigned
+("registered"). See section about <<_span_assignments>>.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/DEVICE/auto-assign
+Write-only attribute. Spans in the device auto-assign ("register" as in
+the original interface). See section about <<_span_assignments>>.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/DEVICE/hardware_id
+A unique hardware-level identifier (e.g. serial number), if available.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/DEVICE/manufacturer
+The name of the manufacturer. Freeform-string.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/DEVICE/spantype
+A line for each available span: <num>:<type>. This has to be provided
+here as in the case of manual assignment, userspace may need to know
+it before span nodes are created.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/DEVICE/spantype
+Device type.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/DEVICE/assgin-span
+Write-only attribute: this device's spans should now be unassigned
+("unregistered"). See section about <<_span_assignments>>.
+Spans Bus
+Each DAHDI span is represented by a node under
+/sys/bus/dahdi_spans/devices with the name 'span-N' (where N is the
+number of the span). Spans of each device also reside under the node of
+the device.
+Useful attributes in the span node:
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_spans/devices/span-N/alarms
+The alarms of the span. Currently this is a numeric representation.
+This may change in the future.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_spans/devices/span-N/basechan
+The channel number of the first channel. The channel numbers of the
+following channels are guaranteed to follow it.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_spans/devices/span-N/channels
+The number of the channels in the span.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_spans/devices/span-N/desc
+A free-form description of the span.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_spans/devices/span-N/is_digital
+1 if the span is digital, 0 if it isn't.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_spans/devices/span-N/is_sync_master
+1 if the span is the sync master, 0 if it isn't.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_spans/devices/span-N/lbo
+LBO setting for the channel.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_spans/devices/span-N/local_spanno
+The number of the span within the DAHDI device.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_spans/devices/span-N/name
+A concise name for this span.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_spans/devices/span-N/spantype
+A very short type string.
+===== /sys/bus/dahdi_spans/devices/span-N/syncsrc
User-space Interface
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