[svn-commits] sruffell: linux/trunk r9245 - /linux/trunk/drivers/dahdi/wctdm24xxp/base.c

SVN commits to the Digium repositories svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Sep 1 10:46:29 CDT 2010

Author: sruffell
Date: Wed Sep  1 10:46:25 2010
New Revision: 9245

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/dahdi?view=rev&rev=9245
wctdm24xxp: Minor spacing change on module parameter descriptions.

Primarily to add a space between 'use' and 'the' in the alawoverride

Signed-off-by: Shaun Ruffell <sruffell at digium.com>


Modified: linux/trunk/drivers/dahdi/wctdm24xxp/base.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/dahdi/linux/trunk/drivers/dahdi/wctdm24xxp/base.c?view=diff&rev=9245&r1=9244&r2=9245
--- linux/trunk/drivers/dahdi/wctdm24xxp/base.c (original)
+++ linux/trunk/drivers/dahdi/wctdm24xxp/base.c Wed Sep  1 10:46:25 2010
@@ -5368,13 +5368,14 @@
 MODULE_PARM_DESC(forceload, "Set to 1 in order to force an FPGA reload after power on (currently only for HA8/HB8 cards).");
 module_param(alawoverride, int, 0400);
-MODULE_PARM_DESC(alawoverride, "This option has been deprecated. Please use"\
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(alawoverride, "This option has been deprecated. Please use "\
 			     "the parameter \"companding\" instead");
 module_param(companding, charp, 0400);
-MODULE_PARM_DESC(companding, "Change the companding to \"auto\" or \"alaw\" or"\
-		" \"ulaw\". Auto (default) will set everything to ulaw unless"\
-		" a BRI module is installed. It will use alaw in that case");
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(companding, "Change the companding to \"auto\" or \"alaw\" " \
+		"or \"ulaw\". Auto (default) will set everything to ulaw " \
+		"unless a BRI module is installed. It will use alaw in that "
+		"case.");
 MODULE_DESCRIPTION("VoiceBus Driver for Wildcard Analog and Hybrid Cards");
 MODULE_AUTHOR("Digium Incorporated <support at digium.com>");

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