[svn-commits] tilghman: branch tilghman/callparking_retrieval r825 - in /asterisk/team/tilg...

SVN commits to the Digium repositories svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Nov 10 17:06:01 CST 2010

Author: tilghman
Date: Wed Nov 10 17:05:57 2010
New Revision: 825

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite?view=rev&rev=825
A few remaining tests


Modified: asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/lib/sh/library.sh
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/lib/sh/library.sh?view=diff&rev=825&r1=824&r2=825
--- asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/lib/sh/library.sh (original)
+++ asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/lib/sh/library.sh Wed Nov 10 17:05:57 2010
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 	for user in $@; do
 		echo " >>> Creating configuration directory for $user"
-		eval "${user}_tmpdir=`mktemp --tmpdir=/var/tmp -t -d spoolfile_$user.XXXXXX`"
+		eval "${user}_tmpdir=`mktemp --tmpdir=/var/tmp -t -d testsuite_$user.XXXXXX`"
 		# Shortcut for referral within this loop only
 		eval "conf=\${${user}_tmpdir}"
@@ -110,11 +110,10 @@
 	for u in $lib_SYSDIRS; do
 		eval "conf=\${${u}_tmpdir}"
 		if test "x$conf" = "x"; then : ; else
-			$ASTERISK -C $conf/asterisk.conf -rx "core stop when convenient" >/dev/null 2>&1
-			let $u=$?
+			$ASTERISK -C $conf/asterisk.conf -rx "core stop when convenient" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
-	sleep 1
+	sleep 2
 	for u in $lib_SYSDIRS; do
 		eval "conf=\${${u}_tmpdir}"
 		if test "x$conf" = "x"; then : ; else
@@ -147,7 +146,10 @@
 		$KILLALL -9 asterisk >/dev/null 2>&1
-	rm -rf $userA_tmpdir $userB_tmpdir
+	for u in $lib_SYSDIRS; do
+		eval "rm -rf \${${u}_tmpdir}"
+	done
 	set -e
@@ -159,13 +161,18 @@
 verify_call() {
 	# Verify that the call is up
-	local count=`$ASTERISK -C $1/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels" | wc -l`
+	if test -d $1; then
+		conf=$1
+	else
+		eval "conf=\${${1}_tmpdir}"
+	fi
+	local count=`$ASTERISK -C $conf/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels" | wc -l`
 	if test $count != $(($CSC_HEADERS+$2)); then
 		echo -n " *** Call generation failed: got $count, but expected "
 		echo $(($CSC_HEADERS+$2))
 		if test "$debug" = "1"; then
 			echo ">>>>>$1>>>>>"
-			$ASTERISK -C $1/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels"
+			$ASTERISK -C $conf/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels"
 			echo "<<<<<$1<<<<<"

Modified: asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/tests/callparking_retrieval/run-test
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/tests/callparking_retrieval/run-test?view=diff&rev=825&r1=824&r2=825
--- asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/tests/callparking_retrieval/run-test (original)
+++ asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/tests/callparking_retrieval/run-test Wed Nov 10 17:05:57 2010
@@ -1,153 +1,40 @@
-set +e
+. lib/sh/library.sh
 echo " >>> Starting callparking_retrieval test"
-case `uname -s` in
-	solaris*|sunos*)
-		PS="ps -ef"
-		KILLALL="pkill"
-		;;
-	*)
-		PS="ps auxwww"
-		KILLALL="killall"
-		;;
-case $2 in
-	*-1.4*)
-		ORIGINATE='originate'
-		;;
-	*-1.6.2*|*-1.4*)
-		ORIGINATE='originate'
-		;;
-	*)
-		ORIGINATE='channel originate'
-		;;
-cleanup() {
-	if test "x$userA_tmpdir" = "x"; then : ; else
-		$ASTERISK -C $userA_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "core stop now" >/dev/null 2>&1
-	fi
-	if test "x$userB_tmpdir" = "x"; then : ; else
-		$ASTERISK -C $userB_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "core stop now" >/dev/null 2>&1
-	fi
-	if test "x$userC_tmpdir" = "x"; then : ; else
-		$ASTERISK -C $userC_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "core stop now" >/dev/null 2>&1
-	fi
-	sleep 2
-	$KILLALL asterisk
-	sleep 1
-	$KILLALL -9 asterisk
-	rm -rf $userA_tmpdir $userB_tmpdir $userC_tmpdir
-	set -e
-for user in userA userB userC; do
-	echo " >>> Creating configuration directory for $user"
-	eval "${user}_tmpdir=`mktemp -t -d callparking_retrieval_$user.XXXXXX`"
-	# Shortcut for referral within this loop only
-	eval "conf=\${${user}_tmpdir}"
-	if test "$conf" = ""; then
-		echo " *** Unable to create temporary directory for $user"
-		cleanup
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	echo " >>> Creating files in configuration directory"
-	for i in ../configs/*.sample; do
-		dst=$conf/`basename $i .sample`
-		install -m 644 $i $dst
-	done
-	for i in $testdir$user/*.conf; do
-		dst=$conf/`basename $i`
-		install -m 644 $i $dst
-	done
-	( echo "[directories]"; echo "astetcdir => $conf"; echo "astrundir => $conf"; echo "astlogdir => $testdir/$user"; echo "[options]"; echo "verbose = 10"; echo "documentation_language = en_US" ) > $conf/asterisk.conf
-	# Verify that files got created properly
-	if test -s $conf/asterisk.conf ; then : ; else
-		echo " *** Unable to create test configuration files in $conf"
-		cleanup
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	echo "Starting Asterisk for $user"
-	$ASTERISK -g -C $conf/asterisk.conf
-	sleep 1
-	# Asterisk is running, right?
-	if test `$PS | grep $conf[/] | wc -l` = "0"; then
-		echo " *** Unable to start asterisk for $user"
-		cleanup
-		exit 1
-	fi
+initialize userA userB userC
 echo " >>> User A is calling user B, who will park the call."
 $ASTERISK -C $userA_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "$ORIGINATE Local/wait at parking extension callb at parking" &
 sleep 2
 # Verify that the call is up
-count=`$ASTERISK -C $userA_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels" | wc -l`
-if test $count != $(($CSC_HEADERS+3)); then # 3 = 2 sides of Local channel plus outgoing to B
-	echo " *** Call generation from user A to user B failed: $count"
-	cleanup
-	exit 1
+verify_call userA 3
-sleep 3
+sleep 5
 # Verify that the call is up on our bridge server
-count=`$ASTERISK -C $userC_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels" | wc -l`
-if test $count != $(($CSC_HEADERS+1)); then
-	echo " *** User B failed to park the call from user A: $count"
-	cleanup
-	exit 1
+verify_call userC 1
 echo " >>> User B is retrieving user A from parking, then will attempt to repark it."
 $ASTERISK -C $userB_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "$ORIGINATE IAX2/userc/701 at parking extension parka at parking" &
 sleep 2
 # Verify that the call is up
-count=`$ASTERISK -C $userC_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels" | wc -l`
-echo "====="
-$ASTERISK -C $userA_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels"
-echo "-----"
-$ASTERISK -C $userB_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels"
-echo "-----"
-$ASTERISK -C $userC_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels"
-if test $count != $(($CSC_HEADERS+2)); then # 2 = channel A linked to B + channel B linked to A
-	echo " *** User B failed to retrieve the call from parking: $count"
-	cleanup
-	exit 1
+verify_call userC 2
-sleep 3
+# Have to wait for the announcement to complete
+sleep 5
-a_parked=`$ASTERISK -C $userC_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels" | wc -l`
-echo "====="
-$ASTERISK -C $userA_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels"
-echo "-----"
-$ASTERISK -C $userB_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels"
-echo "-----"
-$ASTERISK -C $userC_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "core show channels"
-if test $a_parked != $(($CSC_HEADERS+1)); then
-	echo " *** Failed.  When user B hung up, user A was not parked and thus hungup as well: $count."
-	cleanup
-	exit 1
+verify_call userC 1
-echo "Success!"
+echo " *** Success!"
+$ASTERISK -C $userB_tmpdir/asterisk.conf -rx "$ORIGINATE IAX2/userc/701 at parking extension hangup at parking" &

Modified: asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/tests/callparking_retrieval/userB/extensions.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/tests/callparking_retrieval/userB/extensions.conf?view=diff&rev=825&r1=824&r2=825
--- asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/tests/callparking_retrieval/userB/extensions.conf (original)
+++ asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/tests/callparking_retrieval/userB/extensions.conf Wed Nov 10 17:05:57 2010
@@ -14,3 +14,5 @@
 ; After retrieving the parked call, try parking it again
 exten => parka,1,Goto(userb,1)
+exten => hangup,1,Hangup

Modified: asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/tests/pbx/call-files2/run-test
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/tests/pbx/call-files2/run-test?view=diff&rev=825&r1=824&r2=825
--- asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/tests/pbx/call-files2/run-test (original)
+++ asterisk/team/tilghman/callparking_retrieval/tests/pbx/call-files2/run-test Wed Nov 10 17:05:57 2010
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 create_spool "Local/answer at spoolfile" "donothing" > $userA_tmpdir/spoolfile
 mv -f $userA_tmpdir/spoolfile $userA_tmpdir/spool/outgoing/
 sleep 1
-verify_call $userA_tmpdir 2
+verify_call $userA_tmpdir 3
 sleep 5

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