[svn-commits] tzafrir: branch linux/tzafrir/sysfs r8700 - /linux/team/tzafrir/sysfs/build_t...

SVN commits to the Digium repositories svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Thu May 27 06:52:13 CDT 2010

Author: tzafrir
Date: Thu May 27 06:52:12 2010
New Revision: 8700

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/dahdi?view=rev&rev=8700
UDEV pass information directly to symlink_span:

* Now symlink_span does not need to read attributes from sysfs
  (potentially racy).
* Also, remove each symlink before creating it (if there's previous garbage)
* Use dahdi_cfg r8699
  - Try to configure only the current span (-S <spannum>)
  - Use keep-going (-k) so errors on specific channels/spans don't affect


Modified: linux/team/tzafrir/sysfs/build_tools/genudevrules
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/dahdi/linux/team/tzafrir/sysfs/build_tools/genudevrules?view=diff&rev=8700&r1=8699&r2=8700
--- linux/team/tzafrir/sysfs/build_tools/genudevrules (original)
+++ linux/team/tzafrir/sysfs/build_tools/genudevrules Thu May 27 06:52:12 2010
@@ -38,5 +38,6 @@
 # DAHDI devices with ownership/permissions for running as non-root
 SUBSYSTEM${match}"dahdi",  OWNER="asterisk", GROUP="asterisk", MODE="0660"
 SUBSYSTEM${match}"dahdi_chans",  OWNER="asterisk", GROUP="asterisk", MODE="0660"
-SUBSYSTEM${natch}"dahdi_chans",  SYMLINK+="dahdi/\$env{MINOR}"
+SUBSYSTEM${match}"dahdi_chans",  SYMLINK+="dahdi/\$env{MINOR}"
+SUBSYSTEM=="dahdi_spans", RUN="/usr/share/dahdi/symlink_span -H '$sysfs{hardware_id}' -L '$sysfs{location}' -S '$sysfs{span_id}'"

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