[svn-commits] sruffell: branch linux/sruffell/dahdi-linux-vpmmixedfourwire r8685 - /linux/t...

SVN commits to the Digium repositories svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Mon May 24 12:24:36 CDT 2010

Author: sruffell
Date: Mon May 24 12:24:34 2010
New Revision: 8685

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/dahdi?view=rev&rev=8685
wcte12xp: Add 'vpmmixedfourwire' module parameter.

The vpmmixedfourwire module parameter allows the customer to select the mixed
four wire mode of the echocan.  When 0, and the echocan is on an otherwise
echofree circuit there is the chance that a slight amount of echo will be
created (the default behavior).  When set to 1, the VPM will look for echo at
the beginning of a call and if echo is present will function normally.  If
echo is not present, the echocanceller will be disabled and therefore the
slight echo will be eliminated.

Unfortunately, different call routes may have echo appear at different times
in the path, so it's possible to create dialplans where echo starts appearing
on the line after the window that the echocan is looking for it's presence
(~10 seconds).


Modified: linux/team/sruffell/dahdi-linux-vpmmixedfourwire/drivers/dahdi/wcte12xp/base.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/dahdi/linux/team/sruffell/dahdi-linux-vpmmixedfourwire/drivers/dahdi/wcte12xp/base.c?view=diff&rev=8685&r1=8684&r2=8685
--- linux/team/sruffell/dahdi-linux-vpmmixedfourwire/drivers/dahdi/wcte12xp/base.c (original)
+++ linux/team/sruffell/dahdi-linux-vpmmixedfourwire/drivers/dahdi/wcte12xp/base.c Mon May 24 12:24:34 2010
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
 static int vpmnlptype = DEFAULT_NLPTYPE;
 static int vpmnlpthresh = DEFAULT_NLPTHRESH;
 static int vpmnlpmaxsupp = DEFAULT_NLPMAXSUPP;
+static int vpmmixedfourwire;
 static int echocan_create(struct dahdi_chan *chan, struct dahdi_echocanparams *ecp,
 			   struct dahdi_echocanparam *p, struct dahdi_echocan_state **ec);
@@ -1391,6 +1392,7 @@
+	p->EcanMixedFourWireMode = (vpmmixedfourwire) ? 1 : 0;
 	p->EcanNlpType = vpm->curecstate[channel].nlp_type;
 	p->EcanNlpThreshold = vpm->curecstate[channel].nlp_threshold;
 	p->EcanNlpMaxSuppress = vpm->curecstate[channel].nlp_max_suppress;
@@ -2373,6 +2375,9 @@
 module_param(vpmnlptype, int, S_IRUGO);
 module_param(vpmnlpthresh, int, S_IRUGO);
 module_param(vpmnlpmaxsupp, int, S_IRUGO);
+module_param(vpmmixedfourwire, int, S_IRUGO);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(vpmmixedfourwire, "Set to 1 if the VPM is shown to generate "
+		 "echo on an otherwise echo-free call.");
 MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Wildcard VoiceBus Digital Card Driver");

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