[svn-commits] eliel: branch group/data_api_gsoc2009 r253533 - /team/group/data_api_gsoc2009...

SVN commits to the Digium repositories svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Fri Mar 19 12:39:02 CDT 2010

Author: eliel
Date: Fri Mar 19 12:38:59 2010
New Revision: 253533

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk?view=rev&rev=253533
Cleanup the __queues_show(), don't use the data API here.


Modified: team/group/data_api_gsoc2009/apps/app_queue.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/group/data_api_gsoc2009/apps/app_queue.c?view=diff&rev=253533&r1=253532&r2=253533
--- team/group/data_api_gsoc2009/apps/app_queue.c (original)
+++ team/group/data_api_gsoc2009/apps/app_queue.c Fri Mar 19 12:38:59 2010
@@ -6530,17 +6530,6 @@
 		ast_cli(fd, "%s\n", str);
-/*! \brief Print that no queues where found. */
-static void do_print_noqueues(struct ast_str *out, struct mansession *s, int fd, const char *queue)
-	if (queue) {
-		ast_str_set(&out, 0, "No such queue: %s.", queue);
-	} else {
-		ast_str_set(&out, 0, "No queues.");
-	}
-	do_print(s, fd, ast_str_buffer(out));
  * \brief Show queue(s) status and statistics 
@@ -6549,152 +6538,129 @@
 static char *__queues_show(struct mansession *s, int fd, int argc, const char * const *argv)
-	struct ast_str *out = ast_str_alloca(240), *search = NULL;
+	struct call_queue *q;
+	struct ast_str *out = ast_str_alloca(240);
+	int found = 0;
 	time_t now = time(NULL);
-	struct ast_data *queues, *queue, *member, *caller;
-	struct ast_data_iterator *iq, *im, *ic;
-	struct ast_data_query query = {
-		.path = "asterisk/application/app_queue/queues",
-	};
-	float sl;
-	int callscompleted, has_members, has_callers, penalty, calls;
-	const char *name, *membername, *interface;
-	int found = 0;
-	if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) {
+	struct ao2_iterator queue_iter;
+	struct ao2_iterator mem_iter;
+	if (argc != 2 && argc != 3)
 		return CLI_SHOWUSAGE;
-	}
-	if (argc == 3)	{ /* specific queue */
-		search = ast_str_create(64);
-		if (search) {
-			ast_str_set(&search, 0, "queues/queue/name=%s", argv[2]);
-			query.search = ast_str_buffer(search);
-		}
-	}
-	queues = ast_data_get(&query);
-	if (search) {
-		ast_free(search);
-	}
-	if (!queues) {
-		return CLI_FAILURE;
-	}
-	iq = ast_data_iterator_init(queues, "queue");
-	if (!iq) {
-		ast_data_free(queues);
-		do_print_noqueues(out, s, fd, (argc == 3 ? argv[2] : NULL));
-	}
-	while ((queue = ast_data_iterator_next(iq))) {
-		found++;
-		/* print queue statistics. */
-		name = ast_data_retrieve_string(queue, "name");
-		ast_str_set(&out, 0, "%-12.12s has %d calls (max ", name,
-			ast_data_retrieve_int(queue, "count"));
-		if (ast_data_retrieve_int(queue, "maxlen")) {
-			ast_str_append(&out, 0, "%d", ast_data_retrieve_int(queue, "maxlen"));
-		} else {
+	if (argc == 3)  { /* specific queue */
+		if ((q = load_realtime_queue(argv[2]))) {
+			queue_t_unref(q, "Done with temporary pointer");
+		}
+	} else if (ast_check_realtime("queues")) {
+		/* This block is to find any queues which are defined in realtime but
+		 * which have not yet been added to the in-core container
+		 */
+		struct ast_config *cfg = ast_load_realtime_multientry("queues", "name LIKE", "%", SENTINEL);
+		char *queuename;
+		if (cfg) {
+			for (queuename = ast_category_browse(cfg, NULL); !ast_strlen_zero(queuename); queuename = ast_category_browse(cfg, queuename)) {
+				if ((q = load_realtime_queue(queuename))) {
+					queue_t_unref(q, "Done with temporary pointer");
+				}
+			}
+			ast_config_destroy(cfg);
+		}
+	}
+	queue_iter = ao2_iterator_init(queues, AO2_ITERATOR_DONTLOCK);
+	ao2_lock(queues);
+	while ((q = ao2_t_iterator_next(&queue_iter, "Iterate through queues"))) {
+		float sl;
+		struct call_queue *realtime_queue = NULL;
+		ao2_lock(q);
+		/* This check is to make sure we don't print information for realtime
+		 * queues which have been deleted from realtime but which have not yet
+		 * been deleted from the in-core container
+		 */
+		if (q->realtime && !(realtime_queue = load_realtime_queue(q->name))) {
+			ao2_unlock(q);
+			queue_t_unref(q, "Done with iterator");
+			continue;
+		} else if (q->realtime) {
+			queue_t_unref(realtime_queue, "Queue is already in memory");
+		}
+		if (argc == 3 && strcasecmp(q->name, argv[2])) {
+			ao2_unlock(q);
+			queue_t_unref(q, "Done with iterator");
+			continue;
+		}
+		found = 1;
+		ast_str_set(&out, 0, "%s has %d calls (max ", q->name, q->count);
+		if (q->maxlen)
+			ast_str_append(&out, 0, "%d", q->maxlen);
+		else
 			ast_str_append(&out, 0, "unlimited");
-		}
 		sl = 0;
-		callscompleted = ast_data_retrieve_int(queue, "callscompleted");
-		if (callscompleted) {
-			sl = 100 * ((float) ast_data_retrieve_int(queue,
-				"callscompletedinsl")
-				/ (float) callscompleted);
-		}
-		ast_str_append(&out, 0, ") in '%s' strategy (%ds holdtime, %ds talktime),"
-			" W:%d, C:%d, A:%d, SL:%2.1f%% within %ds",
-			int2strat(ast_data_retrieve_int(queue, "strategy")),
-			ast_data_retrieve_int(queue, "holdtime"),
-			ast_data_retrieve_int(queue, "talktime"),
-			ast_data_retrieve_int(queue, "weight"),
-			ast_data_retrieve_int(queue, "callscompleted"),
-			ast_data_retrieve_int(queue, "callsabandoned"),
-			sl,
-			ast_data_retrieve_int(queue, "servicelevel"));
+		if (q->callscompleted > 0)
+			sl = 100 * ((float) q->callscompletedinsl / (float) q->callscompleted);
+		ast_str_append(&out, 0, ") in '%s' strategy (%ds holdtime, %ds talktime), W:%d, C:%d, A:%d, SL:%2.1f%% within %ds",
+			int2strat(q->strategy), q->holdtime, q->talktime, q->weight,
+			q->callscompleted, q->callsabandoned,sl,q->servicelevel);
 		do_print(s, fd, ast_str_buffer(out));
-		/* print members. */
-		has_members = 0;
-		im  = ast_data_iterator_init(queue, "members/member");
-		if (im) {
-			while ((member = ast_data_iterator_next(im))) {
-				if (!has_members) {
-					do_print(s, fd, "   Members: ");
+		if (!ao2_container_count(q->members))
+			do_print(s, fd, "   No Members");
+		else {
+			struct member *mem;
+			do_print(s, fd, "   Members: ");
+			mem_iter = ao2_iterator_init(q->members, 0);
+			while ((mem = ao2_iterator_next(&mem_iter))) {
+				ast_str_set(&out, 0, "      %s", mem->membername);
+				if (strcasecmp(mem->membername, mem->interface)) {
+					ast_str_append(&out, 0, " (%s)", mem->interface);
-				has_members++;
-				membername = ast_data_retrieve_string(member,
-					"membername");
-				ast_str_set(&out, 0, "      %s", membername);
-				interface = ast_data_retrieve_string(member, "interface");
-				if (strcasecmp(membername, interface)) {
-					ast_str_append(&out, 0, " (%s)", interface);
-				}
-				penalty = ast_data_retrieve_int(member, "penalty");
-				if (penalty) {
-					ast_str_append(&out, 0, " with penalty %d", penalty);
-				}
+				if (mem->penalty)
+					ast_str_append(&out, 0, " with penalty %d", mem->penalty);
 				ast_str_append(&out, 0, "%s%s%s (%s)",
-					ast_data_retrieve_int(member, "dynamic") ? " (dynamic)" : "",
-					ast_data_retrieve_int(member, "realtime") ? " (realtime)" : "",
-					ast_data_retrieve_int(member, "paused") ? " (paused)" : "",
-					ast_devstate2str(ast_data_retrieve_int(member, "status")));
-				calls = ast_data_retrieve_int(member, "calls");
-				if (calls) {
+					mem->dynamic ? " (dynamic)" : "",
+					mem->realtime ? " (realtime)" : "",
+					mem->paused ? " (paused)" : "",
+					ast_devstate2str(mem->status));
+				if (mem->calls)
 					ast_str_append(&out, 0, " has taken %d calls (last was %ld secs ago)",
-							calls, (long) (time(NULL) -
-								ast_data_retrieve_int(member, "lastcall")));
-				} else {
+						mem->calls, (long) (time(NULL) - mem->lastcall));
+				else
 					ast_str_append(&out, 0, " has taken no calls yet");
-				}
 				do_print(s, fd, ast_str_buffer(out));
-			}
-			ast_data_iterator_end(im);
-		} else {
-			do_print(s, fd, "   No Members");
-		}
-		/* print callers */
-		has_callers = 0;
-		ic = ast_data_iterator_init(queue, "callers/caller");
-		if (ic) {
+				ao2_ref(mem, -1);
+			}
+			ao2_iterator_destroy(&mem_iter);
+		}
+		if (!q->head)
+			do_print(s, fd, "   No Callers");
+		else {
+			struct queue_ent *qe;
+			int pos = 1;
 			do_print(s, fd, "   Callers: ");
-			while ((caller = ast_data_iterator_next(ic))) {
+			for (qe = q->head; qe; qe = qe->next) {
 				ast_str_set(&out, 0, "      %d. %s (wait: %ld:%2.2ld, prio: %d)",
-					ast_data_retrieve_int(caller, "pos"),
-					ast_data_retrieve_string(caller, "channel/name"),
-					(long) (now - ast_data_retrieve_int(caller, "start")) / 60,
-					(long) (now - ast_data_retrieve_int(caller, "start")) % 60,
-					ast_data_retrieve_int(caller, "prio"));
+					pos++, qe->chan->name, (long) (now - qe->start) / 60,
+					(long) (now - qe->start) % 60, qe->prio);
 				do_print(s, fd, ast_str_buffer(out));
-			ast_data_iterator_end(ic);
-		} else {
-			do_print(s, fd, "   No Callers");
-		}
-	}
-	ast_data_iterator_end(iq);
+		}
+		do_print(s, fd, "");    /* blank line between entries */
+		ao2_unlock(q);
+		queue_t_unref(q, "Done with iterator"); /* Unref the iterator's reference */
+	}
+	ao2_iterator_destroy(&queue_iter);
+	ao2_unlock(queues);
 	if (!found) {
-		do_print_noqueues(out, s, fd, (argc == 3 ? argv[2] : NULL));
-	}
-	ast_data_free(queues);
+		if (argc == 3)
+			ast_str_set(&out, 0, "No such queue: %s.", argv[2]);
+		else
+			ast_str_set(&out, 0, "No queues.");
+		do_print(s, fd, ast_str_buffer(out));
+	}
 	return CLI_SUCCESS;

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