[svn-commits] tilghman: branch tilghman/kill_stubs r274726 - in /team/tilghman/kill_stubs: ...
SVN commits to the Digium repositories
svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Jul 7 16:53:33 CDT 2010
Author: tilghman
Date: Wed Jul 7 16:53:29 2010
New Revision: 274726
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk?view=rev&rev=274726
Initialized merge tracking via "svnmerge" with revisions "1-274724" from
team/tilghman/kill_stubs/ (props changed)
Propchange: team/tilghman/kill_stubs/
automerge = *
Propchange: team/tilghman/kill_stubs/
automerge-email = tilghman at meg.abyt.es
Propchange: team/tilghman/kill_stubs/
svnmerge-integrated = /trunk:1-274724
Modified: team/tilghman/kill_stubs/include/asterisk/adsi.h
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/tilghman/kill_stubs/include/asterisk/adsi.h?view=diff&rev=274726&r1=274725&r2=274726
--- team/tilghman/kill_stubs/include/asterisk/adsi.h (original)
+++ team/tilghman/kill_stubs/include/asterisk/adsi.h Wed Jul 7 16:53:29 2010
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
#include "asterisk/callerid.h"
+#include "asterisk/optional_api.h"
/*! \name ADSI parameters */
/*@{ */
@@ -121,44 +123,35 @@
/*@} */
-/*! Perform Asterisk ADSI initialization (for channel drivers that want
- * to support ADSI when the handset is first lifted)
- * \param chan Channel to initialize for ADSI (if supported)
- *
- * \retval 0 on success (or adsi unavailable.
- * \retval -1 on hangup.
- */
-extern int (*ast_adsi_channel_init)(struct ast_channel *chan);
-extern int (*ast_adsi_begin_download)(struct ast_channel *chan, char *service, unsigned char *fdn, unsigned char *sec, int version);
-extern int (*ast_adsi_end_download)(struct ast_channel *chan);
-/*! Restore ADSI initialization (for applications that play with ADSI
- * and want to restore it to normal. If you touch "INFO" then you
- * have to use the ast_adsi_channel_init again instead.
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_begin_download, (struct ast_channel *chan, char *service, unsigned char *fdn, unsigned char *sec, int version), { return 0; });
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_end_download, (struct ast_channel *chan), { return 0; });
+/*! Restore ADSI initialization (for applications that play with ADSI
+ * and want to restore it to normal. If you touch "INFO" then you
+ * have to use the ast_adsi_channel_init again instead.
* \param chan Channel to restore
* \retval 0 on success (or adsi unavailable)
* \retval -1 on hangup
-extern int (*ast_adsi_channel_restore)(struct ast_channel *chan);
- * \brief Display some stuff on the screen
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_channel_restore, (struct ast_channel *chan), { return 0; });
+ * \brief Display some stuff on the screen
* \param chan Channel to display on
* \param lines NULL-terminated list of things to print (no more than 4 recommended)
* \param align list of alignments to use (ADSI_JUST_LEFT, ADSI_JUST_RIGHT, ADSI_JUST_CEN, etc..)
* \param voice whether to jump into voice mode when finished
- * \retval 0 on success (or adsi unavailable)
+ * \retval 0 on success (or adsi unavailable)
* \retval -1 on hangup
-extern int (*ast_adsi_print)(struct ast_channel *chan, char **lines, int *align, int voice);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_print, (struct ast_channel *chan, char **lines, int *align, int voice), { return 0; });
* \brief Check if scripts for a given app are already loaded.
- * Version may be -1, if any version is okay, or 0-255 for a specific version.
+ * Version may be -1, if any version is okay, or 0-255 for a specific version.
* \param chan Channel to test for loaded app
* \param app Four character app name (must be unique to your application)
* \param ver optional version number
@@ -168,22 +161,21 @@
* \retval -1 on hangup
* \retval 1 if script already loaded.
-extern int (*ast_adsi_load_session)(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *app, int ver, int data);
-extern int (*ast_adsi_unload_session)(struct ast_channel *chan);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_load_session, (struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *app, int ver, int data), { return 0; });
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_unload_session, (struct ast_channel *chan), { return 0; });
/* ADSI Layer 2 transmission functions */
-extern int (*ast_adsi_transmit_messages)(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char **msg, int *msglen, int *msgtype);
-extern int (*ast_adsi_transmit_message)(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *msg, int msglen, int msgtype);
-extern int (*ast_adsi_transmit_message_full)(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *msg, int msglen, int msgtype, int dowait);
-/*! Read some encoded DTMF data.
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_transmit_message, (struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *msg, int msglen, int msgtype), { return 0; });
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_transmit_message_full, (struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *msg, int msglen, int msgtype, int dowait), { return 0; });
+/*! Read some encoded DTMF data.
* Returns number of bytes received
-extern int (*ast_adsi_read_encoded_dtmf)(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *buf, int maxlen);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_read_encoded_dtmf, (struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *buf, int maxlen), { return 0; });
/* ADSI Layer 3 creation functions */
- * \brief Connects an ADSI Display Session
+ * \brief Connects an ADSI Display Session
* \param buf Character buffer to create parameter in (must have at least 256 free)
* \param fdn Optional 4 byte Feature Download Number (for loading soft keys)
* \param ver Optional version number (0-255, or -1 to omit)
@@ -192,25 +184,25 @@
* \retval -1 on error.
-extern int (*ast_adsi_connect_session)(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *fdn, int ver);
-/*! Build Query CPE ID of equipment.
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_connect_session, (unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *fdn, int ver), { return 0; });
+/*! Build Query CPE ID of equipment.
* Returns number of bytes added to message
-extern int (*ast_adsi_query_cpeid)(unsigned char *buf);
-extern int (*ast_adsi_query_cpeinfo)(unsigned char *buf);
-/*! Get CPE ID from an attached ADSI compatible CPE.
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_query_cpeid, (unsigned char *buf), { return 0; });
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_query_cpeinfo, (unsigned char *buf), { return 0; });
+/*! Get CPE ID from an attached ADSI compatible CPE.
* Returns 1 on success, storing 4 bytes of CPE ID at buf
* or -1 on hangup, or 0 if there was no hangup but it failed to find the
* device ID. Returns to voice mode if "voice" is non-zero.
-extern int (*ast_adsi_get_cpeid)(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *cpeid, int voice);
-extern int (*ast_adsi_get_cpeinfo)(struct ast_channel *chan, int *width, int *height, int *buttons, int voice);
- * \brief Begin an ADSI script download
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_get_cpeid, (struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *cpeid, int voice), { return 0; });
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_get_cpeinfo, (struct ast_channel *chan, int *width, int *height, int *buttons, int voice), { return 0; });
+ * \brief Begin an ADSI script download
* \param buf Character buffer to create parameter in (must have at least 256 free)
* \param service a 1-18 byte name of the feature
* \param fdn 4 byte Feature Download Number (for loading soft keys)
@@ -221,38 +213,38 @@
* \retval -1 on error.
-extern int (*ast_adsi_download_connect)(unsigned char *buf, char *service, unsigned char *fdn, unsigned char *sec, int ver);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_download_connect, (unsigned char *buf, char *service, unsigned char *fdn, unsigned char *sec, int ver), { return 0; });
* \brief Disconnects a running session.
* \param buf Character buffer to create parameter in (must have at least 256 free)
* \retval number of bytes added to buffer
* \retval -1 on error.
-extern int (*ast_adsi_disconnect_session)(unsigned char *buf);
- * \brief Disconnects (and hopefully saves) a downloaded script
- * \param buf Character buffer to create parameter in (must have at least 256 free)
- *
- * \retval number of bytes added to buffer
- * \retval -1 on error.
- */
-extern int (*ast_adsi_download_disconnect)(unsigned char *buf);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_disconnect_session, (unsigned char *buf), { return 0; });
+ * \brief Disconnects (and hopefully saves) a downloaded script
+ * \param buf Character buffer to create parameter in (must have at least 256 free)
+ *
+ * \retval number of bytes added to buffer
+ * \retval -1 on error.
+ */
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_download_disconnect, (unsigned char *buf), { return 0; });
* \brief Puts CPE in data mode.
* \param buf Character buffer to create parameter in (must have at least 256 free)
* \retval number of bytes added to buffer
* \retval -1 on error.
-extern int (*ast_adsi_data_mode)(unsigned char *buf);
-extern int (*ast_adsi_clear_soft_keys)(unsigned char *buf);
-extern int (*ast_adsi_clear_screen)(unsigned char *buf);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_data_mode, (unsigned char *buf), { return 0; });
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_clear_soft_keys, (unsigned char *buf), { return 0; });
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_clear_screen, (unsigned char *buf), { return 0; });
* \brief Puts CPE in voice mode.
* \param buf Character buffer to create parameter in (must have at least 256 free)
* \param when (a time in seconds) to make the switch
@@ -260,15 +252,15 @@
* \retval number of bytes added to buffer
* \retval -1 on error.
-extern int (*ast_adsi_voice_mode)(unsigned char *buf, int when);
- * \brief Returns non-zero if Channel does or might support ADSI
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_voice_mode, (unsigned char *buf, int when), { return 0; });
+ * \brief Returns non-zero if Channel does or might support ADSI
* \param chan Channel to check
-extern int (*ast_adsi_available)(struct ast_channel *chan);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_available, (struct ast_channel *chan), { return 0; });
* \brief Loads a line of info into the display.
* \param buf Character buffer to create parameter in (must have at least 256 free)
* \param page Page to load (ADSI_COMM_PAGE or ADSI_INFO_PAGE)
@@ -282,10 +274,10 @@
* \retval -1 on error.
-extern int (*ast_adsi_display)(unsigned char *buf, int page, int line, int just, int wrap, char *col1, char *col2);
- * \brief Sets the current line and page.
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_display, (unsigned char *buf, int page, int line, int just, int wrap, char *col1, char *col2), { return 0; });
+ * \brief Sets the current line and page.
* \param buf Character buffer to create parameter in (must have at least 256 free)
* \param page Which page (ADSI_COMM_PAGE or ADSI_INFO_PAGE)
* \param line Line number (1-33 for info page, 1-4 for comm page)
@@ -294,9 +286,9 @@
* \retval -1 on error.
-extern int (*ast_adsi_set_line)(unsigned char *buf, int page, int line);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_set_line, (unsigned char *buf, int page, int line), { return 0; });
* \brief Creates "load soft key" parameters
* \param buf Character buffer to create parameter in (must have at least 256 free)
* \param key Key code from 2 to 33, for which key we are loading
@@ -308,10 +300,10 @@
* \retval number of bytes added to buffer
* \retval -1 on error.
-extern int (*ast_adsi_load_soft_key)(unsigned char *buf, int key, const char *llabel, const char *slabel, char *ret, int data);
- * \brief Set which soft keys should be displayed
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_load_soft_key, (unsigned char *buf, int key, const char *llabel, const char *slabel, char *ret, int data), { return 0; });
+ * \brief Set which soft keys should be displayed
* \param buf Character buffer to create parameter in (must have at least 256 free)
* \param keys Array of 8 unsigned chars with the key numbers, may be OR'd with ADSI_KEY_HILITE
* But remember, the last two keys aren't real keys, they're for scrolling
@@ -319,10 +311,10 @@
* \retval number of bytes added to buffer
* \retval -1 on error.
-extern int (*ast_adsi_set_keys)(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *keys);
- * \brief Set input information
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_set_keys, (unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *keys), { return 0; });
+ * \brief Set input information
* \param buf Character buffer to create parameter in (must have at least 256 free)
* \param page Which page to input on (ADSI_COMM_PAGE or ADSI_INFO_PAGE)
* \param line Line number to input on
@@ -333,10 +325,10 @@
* \retval number of bytes added to buffer
* \retval -1 on error.
-extern int (*ast_adsi_input_control)(unsigned char *buf, int page, int line, int display, int format, int just);
- * \brief Set input format
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_input_control, (unsigned char *buf, int page, int line, int display, int format, int just), { return 0; });
+ * \brief Set input format
* \param buf Character buffer to create parameter in (must have at least 256 free)
* \param num Which format we are setting
* \param dir Which direction (ADSI_DIR_FROM_LEFT or ADSI_DIR_FROM_RIGHT)
@@ -347,7 +339,7 @@
* \retval number of bytes added to buffer
* \retval -1 on error.
-extern int (*ast_adsi_input_format)(unsigned char *buf, int num, int dir, int wrap, char *format1, char *format2);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_adsi_input_format, (unsigned char *buf, int num, int dir, int wrap, char *format1, char *format2), { return 0; });
#endif /* _ASTERISK_ADSI_H */
Modified: team/tilghman/kill_stubs/include/asterisk/crypto.h
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/tilghman/kill_stubs/include/asterisk/crypto.h?view=diff&rev=274726&r1=274725&r2=274726
--- team/tilghman/kill_stubs/include/asterisk/crypto.h (original)
+++ team/tilghman/kill_stubs/include/asterisk/crypto.h Wed Jul 7 16:53:29 2010
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
- * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Digium, Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2010, Digium, Inc.
* Mark Spencer <markster at digium.com>
@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@
extern "C" {
+#include "asterisk/optional_api.h"
#define AST_KEY_PUBLIC (1 << 0)
#define AST_KEY_PRIVATE (1 << 1)
struct ast_key;
* \brief Retrieve a key
* \param name of the key we are retrieving
* \param int type of key (AST_KEY_PUBLIC or AST_KEY_PRIVATE)
@@ -40,9 +42,9 @@
* \retval the key on success.
* \retval NULL on failure.
-extern struct ast_key *(*ast_key_get)(const char *key, int type);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(struct ast_key *, ast_key_get, (const char *key, int type), { return NULL; });
* \brief Check the authenticity of a message signature using a given public key
* \param key a public key to use to verify
* \param msg the message that has been signed
@@ -52,9 +54,9 @@
* \retval -1 otherwise.
-extern int (*ast_check_signature)(struct ast_key *key, const char *msg, const char *sig);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_check_signature, (struct ast_key *key, const char *msg, const char *sig), { return -1; });
* \brief Check the authenticity of a message signature using a given public key
* \param key a public key to use to verify
* \param msg the message that has been signed
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@
* \retval -1 otherwise.
-extern int (*ast_check_signature_bin)(struct ast_key *key, const char *msg, int msglen, const unsigned char *sig);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_check_signature_bin, (struct ast_key *key, const char *msg, int msglen, const unsigned char *sig), { return -1; });
* \brief Sign a message signature using a given private key
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@
* \retval -1 on failure.
-extern int (*ast_sign)(struct ast_key *key, char *msg, char *sig);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_sign, (struct ast_key *key, char *msg, char *sig), { return -1; });
* \brief Sign a message signature using a given private key
@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@
* \retval -1 on failure.
-extern int (*ast_sign_bin)(struct ast_key *key, const char *msg, int msglen, unsigned char *sig);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_sign_bin, (struct ast_key *key, const char *msg, int msglen, unsigned char *sig), { return -1; });
* \brief Encrypt a message using a given private key
@@ -104,7 +106,7 @@
* \retval -1 on failure.
-extern int (*ast_encrypt_bin)(unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src, int srclen, struct ast_key *key);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_encrypt_bin, (unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src, int srclen, struct ast_key *key), { return -1; });
* \brief Decrypt a message using a given private key
@@ -118,7 +120,10 @@
* \retval -1 on failure.
-extern int (*ast_decrypt_bin)(unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src, int srclen, struct ast_key *key);
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_decrypt_bin, (unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src, int srclen, struct ast_key *key), { return -1; });
+AST_OPTIONAL_API(int, ast_crypto_loaded, (void), { return 0; });
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
Modified: team/tilghman/kill_stubs/main/Makefile
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/tilghman/kill_stubs/main/Makefile?view=diff&rev=274726&r1=274725&r2=274726
--- team/tilghman/kill_stubs/main/Makefile (original)
+++ team/tilghman/kill_stubs/main/Makefile Wed Jul 7 16:53:29 2010
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
ifeq ($(GNU_LD),1)
CHECK_SUBDIR: # do nothing, just make sure that we recurse in the subdir/
Modified: team/tilghman/kill_stubs/main/asterisk.dynamics
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/tilghman/kill_stubs/main/asterisk.dynamics?view=diff&rev=274726&r1=274725&r2=274726
--- team/tilghman/kill_stubs/main/asterisk.dynamics (original)
+++ team/tilghman/kill_stubs/main/asterisk.dynamics Wed Jul 7 16:53:29 2010
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
- ast_agi_*;
- ast_pktccops_*;
- ast_smdi_*;
- ast_monitor_*;
+ *ast_adsi_*;
+ *ast_agi_*;
+ *ast_pktccops_*;
+ *ast_smdi_*;
+ *ast_monitor_*;
+ *ast_key_get;
+ *ast_check_signature;
+ *ast_check_signature_bin;
+ *ast_sign;
+ *ast_sign_bin;
+ *ast_encrypt_bin;
+ *ast_decrypt_bin;
Modified: team/tilghman/kill_stubs/res/res_adsi.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/tilghman/kill_stubs/res/res_adsi.c?view=diff&rev=274726&r1=274725&r2=274726
--- team/tilghman/kill_stubs/res/res_adsi.c (original)
+++ team/tilghman/kill_stubs/res/res_adsi.c Wed Jul 7 16:53:29 2010
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
/*! \file
- * \brief ADSI support
+ * \brief ADSI support
- * \author Mark Spencer <markster at digium.com>
+ * \author Mark Spencer <markster at digium.com>
* \note this module is required by app_voicemail and app_getcpeid
* \todo Move app_getcpeid into this module
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "asterisk/adsi.h"
#include "asterisk/ulaw.h"
#include "asterisk/alaw.h"
@@ -73,20 +74,22 @@
/* Initial carrier (imaginary) */
float cr = 1.0, ci = 0.0, scont = 0.0;
- if (msglen > 255)
+ if (msglen > 255) {
msglen = 255;
+ }
/* If first message, Send 150ms of MARK's */
if (msgnum == 1) {
- for (x = 0; x < 150; x++) /* was 150 */
+ for (x = 0; x < 150; x++) { /* was 150 */
+ }
/* Put message type */
sum = msgtype;
- /* Put message length (plus one for the message number) */
+ /* Put message length (plus one for the message number) */
PUT_CLID(msglen + 1);
sum += msglen + 1;
@@ -106,8 +109,9 @@
#if 0
if (last) {
/* Put trailing marks */
- for (x = 0; x < 50; x++)
+ for (x = 0; x < 50; x++) {
+ }
return bytes;
@@ -128,10 +132,11 @@
amt = len;
/* Send remainder if provided */
- if (amt > *remain)
+ if (amt > *remain) {
amt = *remain;
- else
+ } else {
*remain = *remain - amt;
+ }
outf.frametype = AST_FRAME_VOICE;
outf.subclass.codec = AST_FORMAT_ULAW;
outf.data.ptr = buf;
@@ -146,32 +151,35 @@
len -= amt;
- while(len) {
+ while (len) {
amt = len;
/* If we don't get anything at all back in a second, forget
about it */
- if (ast_waitfor(chan, 1000) < 1)
+ if (ast_waitfor(chan, 1000) < 1) {
return -1;
+ }
/* Detect hangup */
- if (!(inf = ast_read(chan)))
+ if (!(inf = ast_read(chan))) {
return -1;
+ }
/* Drop any frames that are not voice */
if (inf->frametype != AST_FRAME_VOICE) {
if (inf->subclass.codec != AST_FORMAT_ULAW) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Channel not in ulaw?\n");
return -1;
/* Send no more than they sent us */
- if (amt > inf->datalen)
+ if (amt > inf->datalen) {
amt = inf->datalen;
- else if (remain)
+ } else if (remain) {
*remain = inf->datalen - amt;
+ }
outf.frametype = AST_FRAME_VOICE;
outf.subclass.codec = AST_FORMAT_ULAW;
outf.data.ptr = buf;
@@ -204,23 +212,25 @@
return -1;
- while(retries < maxretries) {
+ while (retries < maxretries) {
if (!(chan->adsicpe & ADSI_FLAG_DATAMODE)) {
/* Generate CAS (no SAS) */
ast_gen_cas(buf, 0, 680, AST_FORMAT_ULAW);
/* Send CAS */
- if (adsi_careful_send(chan, buf, 680, NULL))
+ if (adsi_careful_send(chan, buf, 680, NULL)) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to send CAS\n");
+ }
/* Wait For DTMF result */
waittime = 500;
- for(;;) {
+ for (;;) {
if (((res = ast_waitfor(chan, waittime)) < 1)) {
/* Didn't get back DTMF A in time */
ast_debug(1, "No ADSI CPE detected (%d)\n", res);
- if (!chan->adsicpe)
+ if (!chan->adsicpe) {
chan->adsicpe = AST_ADSI_UNAVAILABLE;
+ }
errno = ENOSYS;
return -1;
@@ -232,16 +242,19 @@
if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_DTMF) {
if (f->subclass.integer == 'A') {
/* Okay, this is an ADSI CPE. Note this for future reference, too */
- if (!chan->adsicpe)
+ if (!chan->adsicpe) {
chan->adsicpe = AST_ADSI_AVAILABLE;
+ }
} else {
- if (f->subclass.integer == 'D')
+ if (f->subclass.integer == 'D') {
ast_debug(1, "Off-hook capable CPE only, not ADSI\n");
- else
+ } else {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unknown ADSI response '%c'\n", f->subclass.integer);
- if (!chan->adsicpe)
+ }
+ if (!chan->adsicpe) {
chan->adsicpe = AST_ADSI_UNAVAILABLE;
+ }
errno = ENOSYS;
return -1;
@@ -266,36 +279,39 @@
return -1;
ast_debug(1, "Message %d, of %d input bytes, %d output bytes\n", x + 1, msglen[x], res);
- pos += res;
+ pos += res;
rem = 0;
- res = adsi_careful_send(chan, buf, pos, &rem);
- if (!def)
+ res = adsi_careful_send(chan, buf, pos, &rem);
+ if (!def) {
- if (res)
+ }
+ if (res) {
return -1;
+ }
ast_debug(1, "Sent total spill of %d bytes\n", pos);
memset(ack, 0, sizeof(ack));
/* Get real result and check for hangup */
- if ((res = ast_readstring(chan, ack, 2, 1000, 1000, "")) < 0)
+ if ((res = ast_readstring(chan, ack, 2, 1000, 1000, "")) < 0) {
return -1;
+ }
if (ack[0] == 'D') {
ast_debug(1, "Acked up to message %d\n", atoi(ack + 1)); start += atoi(ack + 1);
- if (start >= x)
+ if (start >= x) {
- else {
+ } else {
ast_debug(1, "Retransmitting (%d), from %d\n", retries, start + 1);
} else {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unexpected response to ack: %s (retry %d)\n", ack, retries);
- }
+ }
if (retries >= maxretries) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Maximum ADSI Retries (%d) exceeded\n", maxretries);
@@ -303,10 +319,9 @@
return -1;
return 0;
-static int _ast_adsi_begin_download(struct ast_channel *chan, char *service, unsigned char *fdn, unsigned char *sec, int version)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_begin_download)(struct ast_channel *chan, char *service, unsigned char *fdn, unsigned char *sec, int version)
int bytes = 0;
unsigned char buf[256];
@@ -315,30 +330,34 @@
/* Setup the resident soft key stuff, a piece at a time */
/* Upload what scripts we can for voicemail ahead of time */
bytes += ast_adsi_download_connect(buf + bytes, service, fdn, sec, version);
- if (ast_adsi_transmit_message_full(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DOWNLOAD, 0))
- return -1;
- if (ast_readstring(chan, ack, 1, 10000, 10000, ""))
- return -1;
- if (ack[0] == 'B')
+ if (ast_adsi_transmit_message_full(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DOWNLOAD, 0)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (ast_readstring(chan, ack, 1, 10000, 10000, "")) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (ack[0] == 'B') {
return 0;
+ }
ast_debug(1, "Download was denied by CPE\n");
return -1;
-static int _ast_adsi_end_download(struct ast_channel *chan)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_end_download)(struct ast_channel *chan)
int bytes = 0;
unsigned char buf[256];
- /* Setup the resident soft key stuff, a piece at a time */
- /* Upload what scripts we can for voicemail ahead of time */
- bytes += ast_adsi_download_disconnect(buf + bytes);
- if (ast_adsi_transmit_message_full(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DOWNLOAD, 0))
- return -1;
+ /* Setup the resident soft key stuff, a piece at a time */
+ /* Upload what scripts we can for voicemail ahead of time */
+ bytes += ast_adsi_download_disconnect(buf + bytes);
+ if (ast_adsi_transmit_message_full(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DOWNLOAD, 0)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
return 0;
-static int _ast_adsi_transmit_message_full(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *msg, int msglen, int msgtype, int dowait)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_transmit_message_full)(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *msg, int msglen, int msgtype, int dowait)
unsigned char *msgs[5] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
int msglens[5], msgtypes[5], newdatamode = (chan->adsicpe & ADSI_FLAG_DATAMODE), res, x, writeformat = chan->writeformat, readformat = chan->readformat, waitforswitch = 0;
@@ -349,7 +368,7 @@
newdatamode = ADSI_FLAG_DATAMODE;
if (msg[x] == ADSI_SWITCH_TO_VOICE) {
ast_debug(1, "Switch to voice is sent!\n");
@@ -376,8 +395,9 @@
if (ast_set_read_format(chan, AST_FORMAT_ULAW)) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set read format to ULAW\n");
if (writeformat) {
- if (ast_set_write_format(chan, writeformat))
+ if (ast_set_write_format(chan, writeformat)) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to restore write format to %d\n", writeformat);
+ }
return -1;
@@ -385,26 +405,30 @@
if (dowait) {
ast_debug(1, "Wait for switch is '%d'\n", waitforswitch);
- while (waitforswitch-- && ((res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 1000)) > 0)) {
- res = 0;
+ while (waitforswitch-- && ((res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 1000)) > 0)) {
+ res = 0;
ast_debug(1, "Waiting for 'B'...\n");
- if (!res)
+ if (!res) {
chan->adsicpe = (chan->adsicpe & ~ADSI_FLAG_DATAMODE) | newdatamode;
- if (writeformat)
+ }
+ if (writeformat) {
ast_set_write_format(chan, writeformat);
- if (readformat)
+ }
+ if (readformat) {
ast_set_read_format(chan, readformat);
- if (!res)
+ }
+ if (!res) {
res = ast_safe_sleep(chan, 100 );
+ }
return res;
-static int _ast_adsi_transmit_message(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *msg, int msglen, int msgtype)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_transmit_message)(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *msg, int msglen, int msgtype)
return ast_adsi_transmit_message_full(chan, msg, msglen, msgtype, 1);
@@ -420,13 +444,14 @@
return x;
-static int _ast_adsi_load_soft_key(unsigned char *buf, int key, const char *llabel, const char *slabel, char *ret, int data)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_load_soft_key)(unsigned char *buf, int key, const char *llabel, const char *slabel, char *ret, int data)
int bytes = 0;
/* Abort if invalid key specified */
- if ((key < 2) || (key > 33))
- return -1;
+ if ((key < 2) || (key > 33)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
buf[bytes++] = ADSI_LOAD_SOFTKEY;
/* Reserve for length */
@@ -448,8 +473,9 @@
if (ret) {
/* Place delimiter */
buf[bytes++] = 0xff;
- if (data)
+ if (data) {
buf[bytes++] = ADSI_SWITCH_TO_DATA2;
+ }
/* Carefully copy return string */
bytes += ccopy(buf + bytes, (const unsigned char *)ret, 20);
@@ -457,10 +483,9 @@
/* Replace parameter length */
buf[1] = bytes - 2;
return bytes;
-static int _ast_adsi_connect_session(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *fdn, int ver)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_connect_session)(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *fdn, int ver)
int bytes = 0, x;
@@ -471,18 +496,20 @@
if (fdn) {
- for (x = 0; x < 4; x++)
+ for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
buf[bytes++] = fdn[x];
- if (ver > -1)
+ }
+ if (ver > -1) {
buf[bytes++] = ver & 0xff;
- }
- buf[1] = bytes - 2;
- return bytes;
-static int _ast_adsi_download_connect(unsigned char *buf, char *service, unsigned char *fdn, unsigned char *sec, int ver)
+ }
+ }
+ buf[1] = bytes - 2;
+ return bytes;
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_download_connect)(unsigned char *buf, char *service, unsigned char *fdn, unsigned char *sec, int ver)
int bytes = 0, x;
@@ -497,12 +524,14 @@
/* Delimiter */
buf[bytes++] = 0xff;
- for (x = 0; x < 4; x++)
+ for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
buf[bytes++] = fdn[x];
- for (x = 0; x < 4; x++)
+ }
+ for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
buf[bytes++] = sec[x];
+ }
buf[bytes++] = ver & 0xff;
@@ -512,7 +541,7 @@
-static int _ast_adsi_disconnect_session(unsigned char *buf)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_disconnect_session)(unsigned char *buf)
int bytes = 0;
@@ -527,7 +556,7 @@
-static int _ast_adsi_query_cpeid(unsigned char *buf)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_query_cpeid)(unsigned char *buf)
int bytes = 0;
buf[bytes++] = ADSI_QUERY_CPEID;
@@ -537,7 +566,7 @@
return bytes;
-static int _ast_adsi_query_cpeinfo(unsigned char *buf)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_query_cpeinfo)(unsigned char *buf)
int bytes = 0;
buf[bytes++] = ADSI_QUERY_CONFIG;
@@ -547,27 +576,30 @@
return bytes;
-static int _ast_adsi_read_encoded_dtmf(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *buf, int maxlen)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_read_encoded_dtmf)(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *buf, int maxlen)
int bytes = 0, res, gotstar = 0, pos = 0;
unsigned char current = 0;
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
- while(bytes <= maxlen) {
+ while (bytes <= maxlen) {
/* Wait up to a second for a digit */
- if (!(res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 1000)))
+ if (!(res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 1000))) {
+ }
if (res == '*') {
- gotstar = 1;
+ gotstar = 1;
/* Ignore anything other than a digit */
- if ((res < '0') || (res > '9'))
+ if ((res < '0') || (res > '9')) {
+ }
res -= '0';
- if (gotstar)
+ if (gotstar) {
res += 9;
+ }
if (pos) {
pos = 0;
buf[bytes++] = (res << 4) | current;
@@ -581,7 +613,7 @@
return bytes;
-static int _ast_adsi_get_cpeid(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *cpeid, int voice)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_get_cpeid)(struct ast_channel *chan, unsigned char *cpeid, int voice)
unsigned char buf[256] = "";
int bytes = 0, res;
@@ -612,7 +644,7 @@
return res;
-static int _ast_adsi_get_cpeinfo(struct ast_channel *chan, int *width, int *height, int *buttons, int voice)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_get_cpeinfo)(struct ast_channel *chan, int *width, int *height, int *buttons, int voice)
unsigned char buf[256] = "";
int bytes = 0, res;
@@ -625,43 +657,49 @@
ast_adsi_transmit_message_full(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY, 0);
/* Get width */
- if ((res = ast_readstring(chan, (char *)buf, 2, 1000, 500, "")) < 0)
+ if ((res = ast_readstring(chan, (char *) buf, 2, 1000, 500, "")) < 0) {
return res;
- if (strlen((char *)buf) != 2) {
+ }
+ if (strlen((char *) buf) != 2) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Got %d bytes of width, expecting 2\n", res);
res = 0;
} else {
res = 1;
- if (width)
- *width = atoi((char *)buf);
+ if (width) {
+ *width = atoi((char *) buf);
+ }
/* Get height */
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
if (res) {
- if ((res = ast_readstring(chan, (char *)buf, 2, 1000, 500, "")) < 0)
+ if ((res = ast_readstring(chan, (char *) buf, 2, 1000, 500, "")) < 0) {
return res;
- if (strlen((char *)buf) != 2) {
+ }
+ if (strlen((char *) buf) != 2) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Got %d bytes of height, expecting 2\n", res);
res = 0;
} else {
res = 1;
- }
- if (height)
- *height= atoi((char *)buf);
+ }
+ if (height) {
+ *height = atoi((char *) buf);
+ }
/* Get buttons */
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
if (res) {
- if ((res = ast_readstring(chan, (char *)buf, 1, 1000, 500, "")) < 0)
+ if ((res = ast_readstring(chan, (char *) buf, 1, 1000, 500, "")) < 0) {
return res;
- if (strlen((char *)buf) != 1) {
+ }
+ if (strlen((char *) buf) != 1) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Got %d bytes of buttons, expecting 1\n", res);
res = 0;
} else {
res = 1;
- }
- if (buttons)
- *buttons = atoi((char *)buf);
+ }
+ if (buttons) {
+ *buttons = atoi((char *) buf);
+ }
if (voice) {
bytes = 0;
@@ -673,7 +711,7 @@
return res;
-static int _ast_adsi_data_mode(unsigned char *buf)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_data_mode)(unsigned char *buf)
int bytes = 0;
@@ -688,7 +726,7 @@
-static int _ast_adsi_clear_soft_keys(unsigned char *buf)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_clear_soft_keys)(unsigned char *buf)
int bytes = 0;
@@ -703,7 +741,7 @@
-static int _ast_adsi_clear_screen(unsigned char *buf)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_clear_screen)(unsigned char *buf)
int bytes = 0;
@@ -718,7 +756,7 @@
-static int _ast_adsi_voice_mode(unsigned char *buf, int when)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_voice_mode)(unsigned char *buf, int when)
int bytes = 0;
@@ -735,16 +773,17 @@
-static int _ast_adsi_available(struct ast_channel *chan)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_available)(struct ast_channel *chan)
int cpe = chan->adsicpe & 0xff;
if ((cpe == AST_ADSI_AVAILABLE) ||
- (cpe == AST_ADSI_UNKNOWN))
+ (cpe == AST_ADSI_UNKNOWN)) {
return 1;
+ }
return 0;
-static int _ast_adsi_download_disconnect(unsigned char *buf)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_download_disconnect)(unsigned char *buf)
int bytes = 0;
@@ -759,7 +798,7 @@
-static int _ast_adsi_display(unsigned char *buf, int page, int line, int just, int wrap,
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_display)(unsigned char *buf, int page, int line, int just, int wrap,
char *col1, char *col2)
int bytes = 0;
@@ -772,11 +811,12 @@
if (line > 33) return -1;
- if (line < 1)
- return -1;
+ if (line < 1) {
+ return -1;
+ }
/* Parameter type */
buf[bytes++] = ADSI_LOAD_VIRTUAL_DISP;
/* Reserve space for size */
@@ -794,18 +834,18 @@
/* Delimiter */
buf[bytes++] = 0xff;
/* Secondary column */
bytes += ccopy(buf + bytes, (unsigned char *)col2, 20);
/* Update length */
buf[1] = bytes - 2;
- return bytes;
-static int _ast_adsi_input_control(unsigned char *buf, int page, int line, int display, int format, int just)
+ return bytes;
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_input_control)(unsigned char *buf, int page, int line, int display, int format, int just)
int bytes = 0;
@@ -815,39 +855,40 @@
if (line > 33) return -1;
- if (line < 1)
- return -1;
+ if (line < 1) {
+ return -1;
+ }
buf[bytes++] = ADSI_INPUT_CONTROL;
buf[bytes++] = ((page & 1) << 7) | (line & 0x3f);
buf[bytes++] = ((display & 1) << 7) | ((just & 0x3) << 4) | (format & 0x7);
- buf[1] = bytes - 2;
- return bytes;
-static int _ast_adsi_input_format(unsigned char *buf, int num, int dir, int wrap, char *format1, char *format2)
- int bytes = 0;
- if (!strlen((char *)format1))
- return -1;
+ buf[1] = bytes - 2;
+ return bytes;
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_input_format)(unsigned char *buf, int num, int dir, int wrap, char *format1, char *format2)
+ int bytes = 0;
+ if (ast_strlen_zero((char *) format1)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
buf[bytes++] = ADSI_INPUT_FORMAT;
buf[bytes++] = ((dir & 1) << 7) | ((wrap & 1) << 6) | (num & 0x7);
- bytes += ccopy(buf + bytes, (unsigned char *)format1, 20);
+ bytes += ccopy(buf + bytes, (unsigned char *) format1, 20);
buf[bytes++] = 0xff;
- if (format2 && strlen((char *)format2)) {
- bytes += ccopy(buf + bytes, (unsigned char *)format2, 20);
- }
- buf[1] = bytes - 2;
- return bytes;
-static int _ast_adsi_set_keys(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *keys)
+ if (!ast_strlen_zero(format2)) {
+ bytes += ccopy(buf + bytes, (unsigned char *) format2, 20);
+ }
+ buf[1] = bytes - 2;
+ return bytes;
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_set_keys)(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *keys)
int bytes = 0, x;
@@ -856,13 +897,14 @@
/* Space for size */
/* Key definitions */
- for (x = 0; x < 6; x++)
+ for (x = 0; x < 6; x++) {
buf[bytes++] = (keys[x] & 0x3f) ? keys[x] : (keys[x] | 0x1);
- buf[1] = bytes - 2;
- return bytes;
-static int _ast_adsi_set_line(unsigned char *buf, int page, int line)
+ }
+ buf[1] = bytes - 2;
+ return bytes;
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_set_line)(unsigned char *buf, int page, int line)
int bytes = 0;
@@ -874,11 +916,12 @@
if (line > 33) return -1;
- if (line < 1)
- return -1;
+ if (line < 1) {
+ return -1;
+ }
/* Parameter type */
buf[bytes++] = ADSI_LINE_CONTROL;
/* Reserve space for size */
@@ -887,13 +930,12 @@
buf[1] = bytes - 2;
return bytes;
static int total = 0;
static int speeds = 0;
-static int _ast_adsi_channel_restore(struct ast_channel *chan)
+int AST_OPTIONAL_API_NAME(ast_adsi_channel_restore)(struct ast_channel *chan)
unsigned char dsp[256] = "", keyd[6] = "";
int bytes, x;
@@ -905,8 +947,9 @@
/* Prepare key setup messages */
if (speeds) {
- for (x = 0; x < speeds; x++)
+ for (x = 0; x < speeds; x++) {
keyd[x] = ADSI_SPEED_DIAL + x;
+ }
bytes += ast_adsi_set_keys(dsp + bytes, keyd);
ast_adsi_transmit_message_full(chan, dsp, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY, 0);
@@ -914,24 +957,27 @@
[... 747 lines stripped ...]
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