[svn-commits] tzafrir: tools/trunk r7263 - /tools/trunk/xpp/twinstar

SVN commits to the Digium repositories svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Tue Sep 29 15:45:53 CDT 2009

Author: tzafrir
Date: Tue Sep 29 15:45:50 2009
New Revision: 7263

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/dahdi?view=rev&rev=7263
xpp: fix a typo in documentation


Modified: tools/trunk/xpp/twinstar
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/dahdi/tools/trunk/xpp/twinstar?view=diff&rev=7263&r1=7262&r2=7263
--- tools/trunk/xpp/twinstar (original)
+++ tools/trunk/xpp/twinstar Tue Sep 29 15:45:50 2009
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
 drivers are unloaded. Which is why the standard twinstar scripts put the
 Astribanks in twinstar mode on startup and remove it on normal shutdown.
-An Astribank will only just to the other host (either if asked
+An Astribank will only jump to the other host (either if asked
 explicitly or by the watchdog) only if there is a different Astribank
 connected to the other port and running. Which is why all of this has no
 effect on systems that don't need this functionality.

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