[svn-commits] tzafrir: branch linux/tzafrir/xpp-backport-210 r6092 - /linux/team/tzafrir/xp...
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Thu Mar 5 14:50:54 CST 2009
Author: tzafrir
Date: Thu Mar 5 14:50:50 2009
New Revision: 6092
URL: http://svn.digium.com/svn-view/dahdi?view=rev&rev=6092
xpp r 6795: cmdq overflow; sysfs; FXO power denial
* Fix cases where the command_queue overflowed during initialization.
- Also add a 'command_queue_length' parameter to xpp.ko
* More migrations to sysfs:
- Add a 'transport' attribute to our astribank devices which
points to the usb device we use. E.g:
/sys/bus/astribanks/devices/xbus-00/transport is symlinked to
- Move /proc/xpp/XBUS-??/XPD-??/span to
- Migrate from /proc/xpp/sync to:
- New 'offhook' attribute in:
* PRI: change the "timing" priority to match the convention used by
other PRI cards -- I.e: lower numbers (not 0) have higher
* FXO:
- Power denial: create two module parameters instead of hard-coded
constants (power_denial_safezone, power_denial_minlen).
For sites that get non-standard power-denial signals from central
office on offhook.
- Don't hangup on power-denial, just notify Dahdi and wait for
- Fix caller-id detection for the case central office sends it before
first ring without any indication before.
Asterisk's desicion.
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