[svn-commits] russell: branch 1.4 r206385 - in /branches/1.4: ./ channels/chan_iax2.c
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Tue Jul 14 09:48:04 CDT 2009
Author: russell
Date: Tue Jul 14 09:48:00 2009
New Revision: 206385
URL: http://svn.asterisk.org/svn-view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=206385
Merged revisions 206384 via svnmerge from
r206384 | russell | 2009-07-14 09:45:47 -0500 (Tue, 14 Jul 2009) | 6 lines
Ensure apathetic replies are sent out on the proper socket.
chan_iax2 supports multiple address bindings. The send_apathetic_reply()
function did not attempt to send its response on the same socket that the
incoming message came in on.
branches/1.4/ (props changed)
Propchange: branches/1.4/
Binary property 'branch-1.2-merged' - no diff available.
Modified: branches/1.4/channels/chan_iax2.c
URL: http://svn.asterisk.org/svn-view/asterisk/branches/1.4/channels/chan_iax2.c?view=diff&rev=206385&r1=206384&r2=206385
--- branches/1.4/channels/chan_iax2.c (original)
+++ branches/1.4/channels/chan_iax2.c Tue Jul 14 09:48:00 2009
@@ -3332,13 +3332,15 @@
char *options;
-static int send_apathetic_reply(unsigned short callno, unsigned short dcallno, struct sockaddr_in *sin, int command, int ts, unsigned char seqno)
+static int send_apathetic_reply(unsigned short callno, unsigned short dcallno,
+ struct sockaddr_in *sin, int command, int ts, unsigned char seqno,
+ int sockfd)
struct ast_iax2_full_hdr f = { .scallno = htons(0x8000 | callno), .dcallno = htons(dcallno),
.ts = htonl(ts), .iseqno = seqno, .oseqno = 0, .type = AST_FRAME_IAX,
.csub = compress_subclass(command) };
- return sendto(defaultsockfd, &f, sizeof(f), 0, (struct sockaddr *)sin, sizeof(*sin));
+ return sendto(sockfd, &f, sizeof(f), 0, (struct sockaddr *)sin, sizeof(*sin));
@@ -7477,7 +7479,7 @@
/* Deal with POKE/PONG without allocating a callno */
if (f.frametype == AST_FRAME_IAX && f.subclass == IAX_COMMAND_POKE) {
/* Reply back with a PONG, but don't care about the result. */
- send_apathetic_reply(1, ntohs(fh->scallno), &sin, IAX_COMMAND_PONG, ntohl(fh->ts), fh->iseqno + 1);
+ send_apathetic_reply(1, ntohs(fh->scallno), &sin, IAX_COMMAND_PONG, ntohl(fh->ts), fh->iseqno + 1, fd);
return 1;
} else if (f.frametype == AST_FRAME_IAX && f.subclass == IAX_COMMAND_ACK && dcallno == 1) {
/* Ignore */
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