[svn-commits] dbailey: tools/trunk r7045 - /tools/trunk/fxstest.c

SVN commits to the Digium repositories svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Thu Aug 20 14:20:40 CDT 2009

Author: dbailey
Date: Thu Aug 20 14:20:36 2009
New Revision: 7045

URL: http://svn.asterisk.org/svn-view/dahdi?view=rev&rev=7045
Add a capability to send only DTMF tones over an on-hook fxs channel 


Modified: tools/trunk/fxstest.c
URL: http://svn.asterisk.org/svn-view/dahdi/tools/trunk/fxstest.c?view=diff&rev=7045&r1=7044&r2=7045
--- tools/trunk/fxstest.c (original)
+++ tools/trunk/fxstest.c Thu Aug 20 14:20:36 2009
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
 		       "       vmwi - toggles VMWI LED lamp\n"
 		       "       hvdc - toggles VMWI HV lamp\n"
 		       "       neon - toggles VMWI NEON lamp\n"
+		       "       dtmf <sequence> [<duration>]- Send a sequence of dtmf tones (\"-\" denotes no tone)\n"
 		       "       dtmfcid - create a dtmf cid spill without polarity reversal\n");
@@ -263,6 +264,38 @@
+	} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "dtmf")) {
+		int duration = 50;  /* default to 50 mS duration */
+		char * outstring = "";
+		int dtmftone;
+		if(argc < 4) {	/* user supplied string */
+			fprintf(stderr, "You must specify a string of dtmf characters to send\n");
+		} else {
+			outstring = argv[3];
+			if(argc >= 5) {
+				sscanf(argv[4], "%30i", &duration);
+			}
+			printf("Going to send a set of DTMF tones >%s<\n", outstring);
+			printf("Using a duration of %d mS per tone\n", duration);
+					/* Flush any left remaining characs in the buffer and place the channel into on-hook transfer mode */
+			res = ioctl(fd, DAHDI_FLUSH, &x);
+			x = 500 + strlen(outstring) * duration;
+			ioctl(fd, DAHDI_ONHOOKTRANSFER, &x);
+			for (x = 0; '\0' != outstring[x]; x++) {
+				dtmftone = digit_to_dtmfindex(outstring[x]);
+				if (0 > dtmftone) {
+					dtmftone = -1;
+				}
+				res = tone_zone_play_tone(fd, dtmftone);
+				if (res) {
+					fprintf(stderr, "Unable to play DTMF tone %d (0x%x)\n", dtmftone, dtmftone);
+				}
+				usleep(duration * 1000);
+			}
+		}
 	} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "dtmfcid")) {
 		char * outstring = "A5551212C";  /* Default string using A and C tones to bracket the number */
 		int dtmftone;

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