[svn-commits] dvossel: branch dvossel/sip_resource_list_trunk r187268 - /team/dvossel/sip_r...
SVN commits to the Digium repositories
svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Apr 8 17:12:33 CDT 2009
Author: dvossel
Date: Wed Apr 8 17:12:15 2009
New Revision: 187268
URL: http://svn.digium.com/svn-view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=187268
Sends NOTIFY now. Thinks left to do: make it suck less, locking.
Modified: team/dvossel/sip_resource_list_trunk/channels/chan_sip.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/svn-view/asterisk/team/dvossel/sip_resource_list_trunk/channels/chan_sip.c?view=diff&rev=187268&r1=187267&r2=187268
--- team/dvossel/sip_resource_list_trunk/channels/chan_sip.c (original)
+++ team/dvossel/sip_resource_list_trunk/channels/chan_sip.c Wed Apr 8 17:12:15 2009
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@
{ PIDF_XML, "presence", "application/pidf+xml", "pidf+xml" }, /* RFC 3863 */
{ XPIDF_XML, "presence", "application/xpidf+xml", "xpidf+xml" }, /* Pre-RFC 3863 with MS additions */
{ MWI_NOTIFICATION, "message-summary", "application/simple-message-summary", "mwi" }, /* RFC 3842: Mailbox notification */
- { DIALOG_RLMI_XML, "dialog", "multipart/related;boundary=UniqueAsteriskRLMIBoundary;type=application/rlmi+xml", "application/rlmi+xml" } /* RFC 4662 todohere fix boundary */
+ { DIALOG_RLMI_XML, "", "application/rlmi+xml", "rlmi+xml" } /* RFC 4662 todohere fix boundary */
@@ -1750,6 +1750,7 @@
enum transfermodes allowtransfer; /*!< REFER: restriction scheme */
struct sip_refer *refer; /*!< REFER: SIP transfer data structure */
enum subscriptiontype subscribed; /*!< SUBSCRIBE: Is this dialog a subscription? */
+ enum subscriptiontype multipart_subscribed; /*!< SUBSCRIBE: is this dialog a multipart/related subscription? */
int stateid; /*!< SUBSCRIBE: ID for devicestate subscriptions */
int laststate; /*!< SUBSCRIBE: Last known extension state */
int dialogver; /*!< SUBSCRIBE: Version for subscription dialog-info */
@@ -10448,23 +10449,15 @@
(sip_cfg.notifycid == IGNORE_CONTEXT || !strcasecmp(c->context, p->context)));
-/*! \brief Used in the SUBSCRIBE notification subsystem (RFC3265) */
-static int transmit_state_notify(struct sip_pvt *p, int state, int full, int timeout)
- struct ast_str *tmp = ast_str_alloca(4000);
- char from[256], to[256];
- char *c, *mfrom, *mto;
- struct sip_request req;
- char hint[AST_MAX_EXTENSION];
+//todohere note: subscribed may or may not match p->subscribed because of multipart/related. this function simply adds to the content of a NOTIFY
+static void state_notify_build(int state, int full, const char *exten, const char *context, struct ast_str **tmp, struct sip_pvt *p, int subscribed, char *mfrom, char *mto)
char *statestring = "terminated";
- const struct cfsubscription_types *subscriptiontype;
char *pidfstate = "--";
char *pidfnote= "Ready";
- memset(from, 0, sizeof(from));
- memset(to, 0, sizeof(to));
+ char hint[AST_MAX_EXTENSION];
+ struct sip_rlist_resource *resource;
switch (state) {
statestring = (sip_cfg.notifyringing) ? "early" : "confirmed";
@@ -10508,121 +10501,79 @@
- subscriptiontype = find_subscription_type(p->subscribed);
/* Check which device/devices we are watching and if they are registered */
- //todohere this should not be done for rlmi, fix it
- if (ast_get_hint(hint, sizeof(hint), NULL, 0, NULL, p->context, p->exten)) {
- char *hint2 = hint, *individual_hint = NULL;
- int hint_count = 0, unavailable_count = 0;
- while ((individual_hint = strsep(&hint2, "&"))) {
- hint_count++;
- if (ast_device_state(individual_hint) == AST_DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE)
- unavailable_count++;
- }
- /* If none of the hinted devices are registered, we will
- * override notification and show no availability.
- */
- if (hint_count > 0 && hint_count == unavailable_count) {
- local_state = NOTIFY_CLOSED;
- pidfstate = "away";
- pidfnote = "Not online";
- }
- }
- ast_copy_string(from, get_header(&p->initreq, "From"), sizeof(from));
- c = get_in_brackets(from);
- if (strncasecmp(c, "sip:", 4) && strncasecmp(c, "sips:", 5)) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Huh? Not a SIP header (%s)?\n", c);
- return -1;
- }
- mfrom = remove_uri_parameters(c);
- ast_copy_string(to, get_header(&p->initreq, "To"), sizeof(to));
- c = get_in_brackets(to);
- if (strncasecmp(c, "sip:", 4) && strncasecmp(c, "sips:", 5)) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Huh? Not a SIP header (%s)?\n", c);
- return -1;
- }
- mto = remove_uri_parameters(c);
- reqprep(&req, p, SIP_NOTIFY, 0, 1);
- add_header(&req, "Event", subscriptiontype->event);
- add_header(&req, "Content-Type", subscriptiontype->mediatype);
- switch(state) {
- if (timeout)
- add_header(&req, "Subscription-State", "terminated;reason=timeout");
- else {
- add_header(&req, "Subscription-State", "terminated;reason=probation");
- add_header(&req, "Retry-After", "60");
- }
- break;
- add_header(&req, "Subscription-State", "terminated;reason=noresource");
- break;
- default:
- if (p->expiry)
- add_header(&req, "Subscription-State", "active");
- else /* Expired */
- add_header(&req, "Subscription-State", "terminated;reason=timeout");
- }
- switch (p->subscribed) {
+ if (subscribed != DIALOG_RLMI_XML) {
+ if (ast_get_hint(hint, sizeof(hint), NULL, 0, NULL, context, exten)) {
+ char *hint2 = hint, *individual_hint = NULL;
+ int hint_count = 0, unavailable_count = 0;
+ while ((individual_hint = strsep(&hint2, "&"))) {
+ hint_count++;
+ if (ast_device_state(individual_hint) == AST_DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE)
+ unavailable_count++;
+ }
+ /* If none of the hinted devices are registered, we will
+ * override notification and show no availability.
+ */
+ if (hint_count > 0 && hint_count == unavailable_count) {
+ local_state = NOTIFY_CLOSED;
+ pidfstate = "away";
+ pidfnote = "Not online";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch (subscribed) {
//todohere finish progress made in creating rlmi NOTIFY
- /* struct sip_rlist_resource *resource;
//todohere add name attributes for list and elements within list
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n");
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:rlmi\"\n");
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "uri=\"%s\">\n", mfrom);
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "version=\"%d\" fullState=\"true\">", p->dialogver);
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:rlmi\" uri=\"%s\" version=\"%d\" fullState=\"true\">\n", mto, p->dialogver); //is mto correct?
AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&p->rlist->resources, resource, entry) {
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<resource uri=\"sip:%s@%s\">", resource->exten, p->fromdomain);
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<instance id="
- }
- //ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "IN NOTIFY, mfrom:%s, mto:%s p->domain:%s \n", mfrom, mto, p->fromdomain);
- */
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<resource uri=\"sip:%s@%s\">\n", resource->exten, p->fromdomain);
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<name>%s</name>\n", resource->exten); //todohere name? username? add to conf?
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<instance id=\"%08lx\" state=\"active\" cid=\"%s@%s\"/>\n", ast_random(), resource->contentid, p->fromdomain); //todohere random has to go away
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "</resource>\n");
+ }
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "</list>\n");
+ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "IN NOTIFY RLMI, mfrom:%s, mto:%s p->domain:%s \n", mfrom, mto, p->fromdomain);
+ break;
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0,
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0,
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
"<!DOCTYPE presence PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx XPIDF 1.0//EN\" \"xpidf.dtd\">\n"
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<presentity uri=\"%s;method=SUBSCRIBE\" />\n", mfrom);
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<atom id=\"%s\">\n", p->exten);
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<address uri=\"%s;user=ip\" priority=\"0.800000\">\n", mto);
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<status status=\"%s\" />\n", (local_state == NOTIFY_OPEN) ? "open" : (local_state == NOTIFY_INUSE) ? "inuse" : "closed");
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<msnsubstatus substatus=\"%s\" />\n", (local_state == NOTIFY_OPEN) ? "online" : (local_state == NOTIFY_INUSE) ? "onthephone" : "offline");
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "</address>\n</atom>\n</presence>\n");
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<presentity uri=\"%s;method=SUBSCRIBE\" />\n", mfrom);
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<atom id=\"%s\">\n", exten);
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<address uri=\"%s;user=ip\" priority=\"0.800000\">\n", mto);
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<status status=\"%s\" />\n", (local_state == NOTIFY_OPEN) ? "open" : (local_state == NOTIFY_INUSE) ? "inuse" : "closed");
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<msnsubstatus substatus=\"%s\" />\n", (local_state == NOTIFY_OPEN) ? "online" : (local_state == NOTIFY_INUSE) ? "onthephone" : "offline");
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "</address>\n</atom>\n</presence>\n");
case PIDF_XML: /* Eyebeam supports this format */
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0,
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0,
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n"
"<presence xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf\" \nxmlns:pp=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:person\"\nxmlns:es=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:rpid:status:rpid-status\"\nxmlns:ep=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:rpid:rpid-person\"\nentity=\"%s\">\n", mfrom);
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<pp:person><status>\n");
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<pp:person><status>\n");
if (pidfstate[0] != '-')
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<ep:activities><ep:%s/></ep:activities>\n", pidfstate);
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "</status></pp:person>\n");
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<note>%s</note>\n", pidfnote); /* Note */
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<tuple id=\"%s\">\n", p->exten); /* Tuple start */
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<contact priority=\"1\">%s</contact>\n", mto);
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<ep:activities><ep:%s/></ep:activities>\n", pidfstate);
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "</status></pp:person>\n");
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<note>%s</note>\n", pidfnote); /* Note */
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<tuple id=\"%s\">\n", exten); /* Tuple start */
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<contact priority=\"1\">%s</contact>\n", mto);
if (pidfstate[0] == 'b') /* Busy? Still open ... */
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<status><basic>open</basic></status>\n");
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<status><basic>open</basic></status>\n");
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<status><basic>%s</basic></status>\n", (local_state != NOTIFY_CLOSED) ? "open" : "closed");
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "</tuple>\n</presence>\n");
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<status><basic>%s</basic></status>\n", (local_state != NOTIFY_CLOSED) ? "open" : "closed");
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "</tuple>\n</presence>\n");
case DIALOG_INFO_XML: /* SNOM subscribes in this format */
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<dialog-info xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:dialog-info\" version=\"%d\" state=\"%s\" entity=\"%s\">\n", p->dialogver++, full ? "full" : "partial", mto);
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<dialog-info xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:dialog-info\" version=\"%d\" state=\"%s\" entity=\"%s\">\n", p->dialogver++, full ? "full" : "partial", mto);
if ((state & AST_EXTENSION_RINGING) && sip_cfg.notifyringing) {
- const char *local_display = p->exten;
+ const char *local_display = exten;
char *local_target = mto;
/* There are some limitations to how this works. The primary one is that the
@@ -10643,7 +10594,7 @@
/* We create a fake call-id which the phone will send back in an INVITE
Replaces header which we can grab and do some magic with. */
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0,
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0,
"<dialog id=\"%s\" call-id=\"pickup-%s\" direction=\"recipient\">\n"
/* See the limitations of this above. Luckily the phone seems to still be
@@ -10655,27 +10606,158 @@
"<target uri=\"%s\"/>\n"
- p->exten, p->callid, local_display, local_target, local_target, mto, mto);
+ exten, p->callid, local_display, local_target, local_target, mto, mto);
} else {
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<dialog id=\"%s\">\n", p->exten);
- }
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<state>%s</state>\n", statestring);
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<dialog id=\"%s\">\n", exten);
+ }
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<state>%s</state>\n", statestring);
if (state == AST_EXTENSION_ONHOLD) {
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "<local>\n<target uri=\"%s\">\n"
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "<local>\n<target uri=\"%s\">\n"
"<param pname=\"+sip.rendering\" pvalue=\"no\"/>\n"
"</target>\n</local>\n", mto);
- ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "</dialog>\n</dialog-info>\n");
+ ast_str_append(tmp, 0, "</dialog>\n</dialog-info>\n");
case NONE:
+/*! \brief Used in the SUBSCRIBE notification subsystem (RFC3265) */
+static int transmit_state_notify(struct sip_pvt *p, int state, int full, int timeout)
+ struct ast_str *tmp = ast_str_alloca(4000);
+ struct ast_str *content_type = ast_str_alloca(256);
+ char from[256], to[256];
+ char *c, *mfrom, *mto;
+ struct sip_request req;
+ const struct cfsubscription_types *subscriptiontype;
+ struct sip_rlist *rlist = NULL;
+ struct sip_rlist_resource *resource = NULL;
+ char *boundary = "50UBfW7LSCVLtggUPe5z"; //todohere better boundary
+ memset(from, 0, sizeof(from));
+ memset(to, 0, sizeof(to));
+ subscriptiontype = find_subscription_type(p->subscribed);
+ ast_copy_string(from, get_header(&p->initreq, "From"), sizeof(from));
+ c = get_in_brackets(from);
+ if (strncasecmp(c, "sip:", 4) && strncasecmp(c, "sips:", 5)) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Huh? Not a SIP header (%s)?\n", c);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ mfrom = remove_uri_parameters(c);
+ ast_copy_string(to, get_header(&p->initreq, "To"), sizeof(to));
+ c = get_in_brackets(to);
+ if (strncasecmp(c, "sip:", 4) && strncasecmp(c, "sips:", 5)) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Huh? Not a SIP header (%s)?\n", c);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ mto = remove_uri_parameters(c);
+ reqprep(&req, p, SIP_NOTIFY, 0, 1);
+ if (p->subscribed != DIALOG_RLMI_XML) {
+ switch(state) {
+ if (timeout)
+ add_header(&req, "Subscription-State", "terminated;reason=timeout");
+ else {
+ add_header(&req, "Subscription-State", "terminated;reason=probation");
+ add_header(&req, "Retry-After", "60");
+ }
+ break;
+ add_header(&req, "Subscription-State", "terminated;reason=noresource");
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (p->expiry) {
+ add_header(&req, "Subscription-State", "active");
+ } else { /* Expired */
+ add_header(&req, "Subscription-State", "terminated;reason=timeout");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (p->expiry) {
+ add_header(&req, "Subscription-State", "active");
+ } else { /* Expired */
+ add_header(&req, "Subscription-State", "terminated;reason=timeout");
+ }
+ }
+ switch (p->subscribed) {
+ case XPIDF_XML:
+ rlist = p->rlist;
+ if(rlist) {
+ add_header(&req, "Require", "eventlist");
+ /* since multipart/related is involved, boundary and start must be added to Content-Type */
+ ast_str_append(&content_type, 0, "multipart/related;type=\"%s\";", subscriptiontype->mediatype);
+ ast_str_append(&content_type, 0, "start=\"<%s@%s>\";", rlist->contentid, p->fromdomain);
+ ast_str_append(&content_type, 0, "boundary=\"%s\"", boundary); //todohere better boundary
+ add_header(&req, "Content-Type", ast_str_buffer(content_type));
+ /* most of the Content of this NOTIFY is created in state_notify_build,
+ * but when multipart/related is involved, some over head must be done here */
+ ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "--%s\r\n", boundary);
+ ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n");
+ ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "Content-ID: <%s@%s>\r\n", rlist->contentid, p->fromdomain);
+ ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "Content-Type: %s; charset=\"UTF-8\"\r\n\r\n", subscriptiontype->mediatype);
+ /* building the RLMI portion */
+ state_notify_build(state, full, p->exten, p->context, &tmp, p, p->subscribed, mfrom, mto);
+ /* building the other part of the multipart/related RLMI */
+ subscriptiontype = find_subscription_type(p->multipart_subscribed);
+ AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&rlist->resources, resource, entry) {
+ ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "\r\n--%s\r\n", boundary);
+ ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n");
+ ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "Content-ID: <%s@%s>\r\n", resource->contentid, p->fromdomain);
+ ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n", subscriptiontype->mediatype);
+ //todohere, if not full, then only transmit resources marked for update
+ state_notify_build(resource->laststate, full, resource->exten, rlist->context, &tmp, p, p->multipart_subscribed, mfrom, mto);
+ }
+ ast_str_append(&tmp, 0, "\r\n--%s", boundary);
+ /* Event header matches the second part of the multipart/related */
+ add_header(&req, "Event", subscriptiontype->event);
+ } else {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "transmit_state_notify() NOTIFY rlmi, but no resource list\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ add_header(&req, "Event", subscriptiontype->event);
+ state_notify_build(state, full, p->exten, p->context, &tmp, p, p->subscribed, mfrom, mto);
+ add_header(&req, "Content-Type", subscriptiontype->mediatype);
+ break;
+ case PIDF_XML: /* Eyebeam supports this format */
+ add_header(&req, "Event", subscriptiontype->event);
+ state_notify_build(state, full, p->exten, p->context, &tmp, p, p->subscribed, mfrom, mto);
+ add_header(&req, "Content-Type", subscriptiontype->mediatype);
+ break;
+ case DIALOG_INFO_XML: /* SNOM subscribes in this format */
+ add_header(&req, "Event", subscriptiontype->event);
+ state_notify_build(state, full, p->exten, p->context, &tmp, p, p->subscribed, mfrom, mto);
+ add_header(&req, "Content-Type", subscriptiontype->mediatype);
+ break;
+ case NONE:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
add_header_contentLength(&req, tmp->used);
add_line(&req, tmp->str);
p->pendinginvite = p->ocseq; /* Remember that we have a pending NOTIFY in order not to confuse the NOTIFY subsystem */
+ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "-----------------THE ENTIRE SIP NOTIFY IS-----------\n%s", ast_str_buffer(req.data));//todohere remove
return send_request(p, &req, XMIT_RELIABLE, p->ocseq);
@@ -12197,7 +12279,7 @@
-static int cb_rlist_extensionstate(char *context, char* exten, int state, void *data)
+static int cb_rlist_extensionstate(char *context, char *exten, int state, void *data)
struct sip_rlist *rlist = data;
struct sip_rlist_resource *resource;
@@ -21033,8 +21115,22 @@
/* Polycom phones only handle xpidf+xml, even if they say they can
handle pidf+xml as well
- if (strstr(acceptheader, "application/rlmi+xml")) {
+ if (strstr(acceptheader, "application/rlmi+xml") && strstr(acceptheader, "multipart/related")) {
+ int i;
p->subscribed = DIALOG_RLMI_XML;
+ for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_LEN(subscription_types); i++) {
+ if (strstr(acceptheader, subscription_types[i].mediatype) && subscription_types[i].type != p->subscribed) {
+ p->multipart_subscribed = subscription_types[i].type;
+ }
+ }
+ /* second part of multipart/related not present. send back bad event */
+ if (!p->multipart_subscribed) {
+ transmit_response(p, "489 Bad Event", req);
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "SUBSCRIBE failure: Multipart RLMI malformed Accept header: pvt: stateid: %d, laststate: %d, dialogver: %d, subscribecont: '%s', subscribeuri: '%s'\n",
+ p->stateid, p->laststate, p->dialogver, p->subscribecontext, p->subscribeuri);
+ pvt_set_needdestroy(p, "Multipart RLMI malformed Accept header");
+ return 0;
+ }
} else if (strstr(p->useragent, "Polycom")) {
p->subscribed = XPIDF_XML;
} else if (strstr(acceptheader, "application/pidf+xml")) {
@@ -21049,7 +21145,6 @@
} else if (ast_strlen_zero(acceptheader)) {
if (p->subscribed == NONE) { /* if the subscribed field is not already set, and there is no accept header... */
transmit_response(p, "489 Bad Event", req);
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "SUBSCRIBE failure: no Accept header: pvt: stateid: %d, laststate: %d, dialogver: %d, subscribecont: '%s', subscribeuri: '%s'\n",
p->stateid, p->laststate, p->dialogver, p->subscribecontext, p->subscribeuri);
pvt_set_needdestroy(p, "no Accept header");
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