[svn-commits] jdixon: branch jdixon/chan_usbradio-1.4 r152355 - /team/jdixon/chan_usbradio-...

SVN commits to the Digium repositories svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Mon Oct 27 20:35:38 CDT 2008

Author: jdixon
Date: Mon Oct 27 20:35:38 2008
New Revision: 152355

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=152355
Added dev-temp for a while

    team/jdixon/chan_usbradio-1.4/dev-temp/app_rpt.c   (with props)

Added: team/jdixon/chan_usbradio-1.4/dev-temp/app_rpt.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/jdixon/chan_usbradio-1.4/dev-temp/app_rpt.c?view=auto&rev=152355
--- team/jdixon/chan_usbradio-1.4/dev-temp/app_rpt.c (added)
+++ team/jdixon/chan_usbradio-1.4/dev-temp/app_rpt.c Mon Oct 27 20:35:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,16559 @@
+/* #define	NEW_ASTERISK */
+/* #define OLD_ASTERISK */
+ * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2008, Jim Dixon, WB6NIL
+ *
+ * Jim Dixon, WB6NIL <jim at lambdatel.com>
+ * Serious contributions by Steve RoDgers, WA6ZFT <hwstar at rodgers.sdcoxmail.com>
+ *
+ * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about
+ * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
+ * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
+ * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
+ * channels for your use.
+ *
+ * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+ * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
+ * at the top of the source tree.
+ */
+/*! \file
+ *
+ * \brief Radio Repeater / Remote Base program 
+ *  version 0.155 10/27/08 
+ * 
+ * \author Jim Dixon, WB6NIL <jim at lambdatel.com>
+ *
+ * \note Serious contributions by Steve RoDgers, WA6ZFT <hwstar at rodgers.sdcoxmail.com>
+ * \note Steven Henke, W9SH, <w9sh at arrl.net> added a few features here and there.
+ *
+ * See http://www.zapatatelephony.org/app_rpt.html
+ *
+ *
+ * Repeater / Remote Functions:
+ * "Simple" Mode:  * - autopatch access, # - autopatch hangup
+ * Normal mode:
+ * See the function list in rpt.conf (autopatchup, autopatchdn)
+ * autopatchup can optionally take comma delimited setting=value pairs:
+ *  
+ *
+ * context=string		:	Override default context with "string"
+ * dialtime=ms			:	Specify the max number of milliseconds between phone number digits (1000 milliseconds = 1 second)
+ * farenddisconnect=1		:	Automatically disconnect when called party hangs up
+ * noct=1			:	Don't send repeater courtesy tone during autopatch calls
+ * quiet=1			:	Don't send dial tone, or connect messages. Do not send patch down message when called party hangs up
+ *
+ *
+ * Example: 123=autopatchup,dialtime=20000,noct=1,farenddisconnect=1
+ *
+ *  To send an asterisk (*) while dialing or talking on phone,
+ *  use the autopatch acess code.
+ *
+ *
+ * status cmds:
+ *
+ *  1 - Force ID (global)
+ *  2 - Give Time of Day (global)
+ *  3 - Give software Version (global)
+ *  11 - Force ID (local only)
+ *  12 - Give Time of Day (local only)
+ *
+ * cop (control operator) cmds:
+ *
+ *  1 - System warm boot
+ *  2 - System enable
+ *  3 - System disable
+ *  4 - Test Tone On/Off
+ *  5 - Dump System Variables on Console (debug)
+ *  6 - PTT (phone mode only)
+ *  7 - Time out timer enable
+ *  8 - Time out timer disable
+ *  9 - Autopatch enable
+ *  10 - Autopatch disable
+ *  11 - Link enable
+ *  12 - Link disable
+ *  13 - Query System State
+ *  14 - Change System State
+ *  15 - Scheduler Enable
+ *  16 - Scheduler Disable
+ *  17 - User functions (time, id, etc) enable
+ *  18 - User functions (time, id, etc) disable
+ *  19 - Select alternate hang timer
+ *  20 - Select standard hang timer 
+ *  21 - Enable Parrot Mode
+ *  22 - Disable Parrot Mode
+ *  23 - Birdbath (Current Parrot Cleanup/Flush)
+ *  24 - Flush all telemetry
+ *  25 - Query last node un-keyed
+ *  26 - Query all nodes keyed/unkeyed
+ *  30 - Recall Memory Setting in Attached Xcvr
+ *  31 - Channel Selector for Parallel Programmed Xcvr
+ *  32 - Touchtone pad test: command + Digit string + # to playback all digits pressed
+ *  33 - Local Telemetry Output Enable
+ *  34 - Local Telemetry Output Disable
+ *  35 - Local Telemetry Output on Demand
+ *  36 - Foreign Link Local Output Path Enable
+ *  37 - Foreign Link Local Output Path Disable
+ *  38 - Foreign Link Local Output Path Follows Local Telemetry
+ *  39 - Foreign Link Local Output Path on Demand
+ *
+ * ilink cmds:
+ *
+ *  1 - Disconnect specified link
+ *  2 - Connect specified link -- monitor only
+ *  3 - Connect specified link -- tranceive
+ *  4 - Enter command mode on specified link
+ *  5 - System status
+ *  6 - Disconnect all links
+ *  11 - Disconnect a previously permanently connected link
+ *  12 - Permanently connect specified link -- monitor only
+ *  13 - Permanently connect specified link -- tranceive
+ *  15 - Full system status (all nodes)
+ *  16 - Reconnect links disconnected with "disconnect all links"
+ *  200 thru 215 - (Send DTMF 0-9,*,#,A-D) (200=0, 201=1, 210=*, etc)
+ *
+ * remote cmds:
+ *
+ *  1 - Recall Memory MM  (*000-*099) (Gets memory from rpt.conf)
+ *  2 - Set VFO MMMMM*KKK*O   (Mhz digits, Khz digits, Offset)
+ *  3 - Set Rx PL Tone HHH*D*
+ *  4 - Set Tx PL Tone HHH*D* (Not currently implemented with DHE RBI-1)
+ *  5 - Link Status (long)
+ *  6 - Set operating mode M (FM, USB, LSB, AM, etc)
+ *  100 - RX PL off (Default)
+ *  101 - RX PL On
+ *  102 - TX PL Off (Default)
+ *  103 - TX PL On
+ *  104 - Low Power
+ *  105 - Med Power
+ *  106 - Hi Power
+ *  107 - Bump Down 20 Hz
+ *  108 - Bump Down 100 Hz
+ *  109 - Bump Down 500 Hz
+ *  110 - Bump Up 20 Hz
+ *  111 - Bump Up 100 Hz
+ *  112 - Bump Up 500 Hz
+ *  113 - Scan Down Slow
+ *  114 - Scan Down Medium
+ *  115 - Scan Down Fast
+ *  116 - Scan Up Slow
+ *  117 - Scan Up Medium
+ *  118 - Scan Up Fast
+ *  119 - Transmit allowing auto-tune
+ *  140 - Link Status (brief)
+ *  200 thru 215 - (Send DTMF 0-9,*,#,A-D) (200=0, 201=1, 210=*, etc)
+ *
+ * playback cmds:
+ *  specify the name of the file to be played globally (for example, 25=rpt/foo)
+ *
+ * localplay cmds:
+ * specify the name of the file to be played locally (for example, 25=rpt/foo)
+ *
+ * 'duplex' modes:  (defaults to duplex=2)
+ *
+ * 0 - Only remote links key Tx and no main repeat audio.
+ * 1 - Everything other then main Rx keys Tx, no main repeat audio.
+ * 2 - Normal mode
+ * 3 - Normal except no main repeat audio.
+ * 4 - Normal except no main repeat audio during autopatch only
+ *
+	<depend>zaptel</depend>
+	<depend>tonezone</depend>
+	<defaultenabled>no</defaultenabled>
+ ***/
+/* Un-comment the following to include support for MDC-1200 digital tone
+   signalling protocol (using KA6SQG's GPL'ed implementation) */
+/* #include "mdc_decode.c" */
+/* Un-comment the following to include support for notch filters in the
+   rx audio stream (using Tony Fisher's mknotch (mkfilter) implementation) */
+/* #include "rpt_notch.c" */
+/* maximum digits in DTMF buffer, and seconds after * for DTMF command timeout */
+#define ast_free free
+#define ast_malloc malloc
+#define ast_strdup strdup
+#define	MAXDTMF 32
+#define	MAXMACRO 2048
+#define	MAXLINKLIST 512
+#define	LINKLISTTIME 10000
+#define	LINKPOSTTIME 30000
+#define	KEYPOSTTIME 30000
+#define	MACROTIME 100
+#define	MACROPTIME 500
+#define	DTMF_TIMEOUT 3
+#define	TOPKEYN 32
+#define	TOPKEYWAIT 3
+#define	TOPKEYMAXSTR 30
+#define	AUTHTELLTIME 7000
+#define	AUTHTXTIME 1000
+#define	AUTHLOGOUTTIME 25000
+#ifdef	__RPT_NOTCH
+#define	MAXFILTERS 10
+#define	DISC_TIME 10000  /* report disc after 10 seconds of no connect */
+#define	MAX_RETRIES 5
+#define	MAX_RETRIES_PERM 1000000000
+#define	REDUNDANT_TX_TIME 2000
+#define	RETRY_TIMER_MS 5000
+#define	START_DELAY 10
+#define	START_DELAY 2
+#define	RPT_LOCKOUT_SECS 10
+#define MAXPEERSTR 31
+#define	MAXREMSTR 15
+#define	DELIMCHR ','
+#define	QUOTECHR 34
+#define	DEFAULT_REMOTE_TIMEOUT (60 * 60)
+#define	NODES "nodes"
+#define	EXTNODES "extnodes"
+#define MEMORY "memory"
+#define MACRO "macro"
+#define	FUNCTIONS "functions"
+#define TELEMETRY "telemetry"
+#define MORSE "morse"
+#define	TONEMACRO "tonemacro"
+#define	FUNCCHAR '*'
+#define	ENDCHAR '#'
+#define	EXTNODEFILE "/var/lib/asterisk/rpt_extnodes"
+#define	NODENAMES "rpt/nodenames"
+#define	PARROTFILE "/tmp/parrot_%s_%u"
+#define	PARROTTIME 1000
+#define	TELEM_HANG_TIME 10000
+#define	LINK_HANG_TIME 10000
+#define	DEFAULT_IOBASE 0x378
+#define	DEFAULT_CIV_ADDR 0x58
+#define	MAXCONNECTTIME 5000
+#define MAXNODESTR 300
+#define MAXNODELEN 16
+#define MAXIDENTLEN 32
+#define ACTIONSIZE 32
+#define TELEPARAMSIZE 400
+#define REM_SCANTIME 100
+#define	DTMF_LOCAL_TIME 250
+#define	IC706_PL_MEMORY_OFFSET 50
+#define	VOX_MAX_THRESHOLD 10000.0
+#define	VOX_MIN_THRESHOLD 3000.0
+#define	VOX_TIMEOUT_MS 5000
+#define	VOX_RECOVER_MS 500
+#define	RX_LINGER_TIME 50
+#define	STATPOST_PROGRAM "/usr/bin/wget,-q,--output-document=/dev/null,--no-check-certificate"
+#define EL_DB_ROOT "echolink"
+#include "asterisk.h"
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <search.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/io.h>
+#include <sys/vfs.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <linux/zaptel.h>
+#include <tonezone.h>
+#include <zaptel/zaptel.h>
+#include <zaptel/tonezone.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include "asterisk/utils.h"
+#include "asterisk/lock.h"
+#include "asterisk/file.h"
+#include "asterisk/logger.h"
+#include "asterisk/channel.h"
+#include "asterisk/callerid.h"
+#include "asterisk/pbx.h"
+#include "asterisk/module.h"
+#include "asterisk/translate.h"
+#include "asterisk/features.h"
+#include "asterisk/options.h"
+#include "asterisk/cli.h"
+#include "asterisk/config.h"
+#include "asterisk/say.h"
+#include "asterisk/localtime.h"
+#include "asterisk/cdr.h"
+#include "asterisk/options.h"
+#include "asterisk/manager.h"
+#include "asterisk/astdb.h"
+#include "asterisk/app.h"
+#include <termios.h>
+struct ast_flags config_flags = { CONFIG_FLAG_WITHCOMMENTS };
+/* Start a tone-list going */
+int ast_playtones_start(struct ast_channel *chan, int vol, const char* tonelist, int interruptible);
+/*! Stop the tones from playing */
+void ast_playtones_stop(struct ast_channel *chan);
+static  char *tdesc = "Radio Repeater / Remote Base  version 0.155  10/27/2008";
+static char *app = "Rpt";
+static char *synopsis = "Radio Repeater/Remote Base Control System";
+static char *descrip = 
+"  Rpt(nodename[|options][|M][|*]):  \n"
+"    Radio Remote Link or Remote Base Link Endpoint Process.\n"
+"    Not specifying an option puts it in normal endpoint mode (where source\n"
+"    IP and nodename are verified).\n"
+"    Options are as follows:\n"
+"        X - Normal endpoint mode WITHOUT security check. Only specify\n"
+"            this if you have checked security already (like with an IAX2\n"
+"            user/password or something).\n"
+"        Rannounce-string[|timeout[|timeout-destination]] - Amateur Radio\n"
+"            Reverse Autopatch. Caller is put on hold, and announcement (as\n"
+"            specified by the 'announce-string') is played on radio system.\n"
+"            Users of radio system can access autopatch, dial specified\n"
+"            code, and pick up call. Announce-string is list of names of\n"
+"            recordings, or \"PARKED\" to substitute code for un-parking,\n"
+"            or \"NODE\" to substitute node number.\n"
+"        P - Phone Control mode. This allows a regular phone user to have\n"
+"            full control and audio access to the radio system. For the\n"
+"            user to have DTMF control, the 'phone_functions' parameter\n"
+"            must be specified for the node in 'rpt.conf'. An additional\n"
+"            function (cop,6) must be listed so that PTT control is available.\n"
+"        D - Dumb Phone Control mode. This allows a regular phone user to\n"
+"            have full control and audio access to the radio system. In this\n"
+"            mode, the PTT is activated for the entire length of the call.\n"
+"            For the user to have DTMF control (not generally recomended in\n"
+"            this mode), the 'dphone_functions' parameter must be specified\n"
+"            for the node in 'rpt.conf'. Otherwise no DTMF control will be\n"
+"            available to the phone user.\n"
+"        S - Simplex Dumb Phone Control mode. This allows a regular phone user\n"
+"            audio-only access to the radio system. In this mode, the\n"
+"            transmitter is toggled on and off when the phone user presses the\n"
+"            funcchar (*) key on the telephone set. In addition, the transmitter\n"
+"            will turn off if the endchar (#) key is pressed. When a user first\n"
+"            calls in, the transmitter will be off, and the user can listen for\n"
+"            radio traffic. When the user wants to transmit, they press the *\n" 
+"            key, start talking, then press the * key again or the # key to turn\n"
+"            the transmitter off.  No other functions can be executed by the\n"
+"            user on the phone when this mode is selected. Note: If your\n"
+"            radio system is full-duplex, we recommend using either P or D\n"
+"            modes as they provide more flexibility.\n"
+"        q - Query Status. Sets channel variables and returns + 101 in plan.\n"
+"        M - Memory Channel Steer as MXX where XX is the memory channel number.\n"
+"        * - Alt Macro to execute (e.g. *7 for status)\n"
+static int debug = 0;  /* Set this >0 for extra debug output */
+static int nrpts = 0;
+static char remdtmfstr[] = "0123456789*#ABCD";
+int max_chan_stat [] = {22000,1000,22000,100,22000,2000,22000};
+#define NRPTSTAT 7
+struct rpt_chan_stat
+	struct timeval last;
+	long long total;
+	unsigned long count;
+	unsigned long largest;
+	struct timeval largest_time;
+char *discstr = "!!DISCONNECT!!";
+char *newkeystr = "!NEWKEY!";
+char *newkey1str = "!NEWKEY1!";
+static char *remote_rig_ft897="ft897";
+static char *remote_rig_rbi="rbi";
+static char *remote_rig_kenwood="kenwood";
+static char *remote_rig_tm271="tm271";
+static char *remote_rig_ic706="ic706";
+static char *remote_rig_rtx150="rtx150";
+static char *remote_rig_rtx450="rtx450";
+static char *remote_rig_ppp16="ppp16";	  		// parallel port programmable 16 channels
+#define ISRIG_RTX(x) ((!strcmp(x,remote_rig_rtx150)) || (!strcmp(x,remote_rig_rtx450)))
+#define	IS_XPMR(x) (!strncasecmp(x->rxchanname,"rad",3))
+#define	MSWAIT 20
+#define	HANGTIME 5000
+#define	TOTIME 180000
+#define	IDTIME 300000
+#define	MAXRPTS 20
+#define MAX_STAT_LINKS 32
+#define POLITEID 30000
+#define FUNCTDELAY 1500
+#define	MAXXLAT 20
+#define	MAXXLATTIME 3
+#define MAX_SYSSTATES 10
+struct vox {
+	float	speech_energy;
+	float	noise_energy;
+	int	enacount;
+	char	voxena;
+	char	lastvox;
+	int	offdebcnt;
+	int	ondebcnt;
+} ;
+#define	mymax(x,y) ((x > y) ? x : y)
+#define	mymin(x,y) ((x < y) ? x : y)
+struct rpt_topkey
+char	node[TOPKEYMAXSTR];
+int	timesince;
+int	keyed;
+} ;
+struct rpt_xlat
+char	funccharseq[MAXXLAT];
+char	endcharseq[MAXXLAT];
+char	passchars[MAXXLAT];
+int	funcindex;
+int	endindex;
+time_t	lastone;
+} ;
+static time_t	starttime = 0;
+static  pthread_t rpt_master_thread;
+struct rpt;
+struct rpt_link
+	struct rpt_link *next;
+	struct rpt_link *prev;
+	char	mode;			/* 1 if in tx mode */
+	char	isremote;
+	char	phonemode;
+	char	phonevox;		/* vox the phone */
+	char	phonemonitor;		/* no tx or funs for the phone */
+	char	name[MAXNODESTR];	/* identifier (routing) string */
+	char	lasttx;
+	char	lasttx1;
+	char	lastrx;
+	char	lastrealrx;
+	char	lastrx1;
+	char	connected;
+	char	hasconnected;
+	char	perma;
+	char	thisconnected;
+	char	outbound;
+	char	disced;
+	char	killme;
+	long	elaptime;
+	long	disctime;
+	long 	retrytimer;
+	long	retxtimer;
+	long	rerxtimer;
+	long	rxlingertimer;
+	int	retries;
+	int	max_retries;
+	int	reconnects;
+	long long connecttime;
+	struct ast_channel *chan;	
+	struct ast_channel *pchan;	
+	char	linklist[MAXLINKLIST];
+	time_t	linklistreceived;
+	long	linklisttimer;
+	int	dtmfed;
+	int linkunkeytocttimer;
+	struct timeval lastlinktv;
+	struct	ast_frame *lastf1,*lastf2;
+	struct	rpt_chan_stat chan_stat[NRPTSTAT];
+	struct vox vox;
+	char wasvox;
+	int voxtotimer;
+	char voxtostate;
+	char newkey;
+	int linkmode;
+        AST_LIST_HEAD(, ast_frame) rxq;
+	AST_LIST_HEAD_NOLOCK(, ast_frame) rxq;
+} ;
+struct rpt_lstat
+	struct	rpt_lstat *next;
+	struct	rpt_lstat *prev;
+	char	peer[MAXPEERSTR];
+	char	name[MAXNODESTR];
+	char	mode;
+	char	outbound;
+	char	reconnects;
+	char	thisconnected;
+	long long	connecttime;
+	struct	rpt_chan_stat chan_stat[NRPTSTAT];
+} ;
+struct rpt_tele
+	struct rpt_tele *next;
+	struct rpt_tele *prev;
+	struct rpt *rpt;
+	struct ast_channel *chan;
+	int	mode;
+	struct rpt_link mylink;
+	char param[TELEPARAMSIZE];
+	int	submode;
+	unsigned int parrot;
+	pthread_t threadid;
+} ;
+struct function_table_tag
+	char action[ACTIONSIZE];
+	int (*function)(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, 
+		int command_source, struct rpt_link *mylink);
+} ;
+/* Used to store the morse code patterns */
+struct morse_bits
+	int len;
+	int ddcomb;
+} ;
+struct telem_defaults
+	char name[20];
+	char value[80];
+} ;
+struct sysstate
+	char txdisable;
+	char totdisable;
+	char linkfundisable;
+	char autopatchdisable;
+	char schedulerdisable;
+	char userfundisable;
+	char alternatetail;
+/* rpt cmd support */
+#define CMD_DEPTH 1
+#define CMD_STATE_IDLE 0
+#define CMD_STATE_BUSY 1
+#define CMD_STATE_READY 2
+struct rpt_cmd_struct
+    int state;
+    int functionNumber;
+    char param[MAXDTMF];
+    char digits[MAXDTMF];
+    int command_source;
+static struct rpt
+	ast_mutex_t lock;
+	ast_mutex_t remlock;
+	ast_mutex_t statpost_lock;
+	struct ast_config *cfg;
+	char reload;
+	char xlink;		 							// cross link state of a share repeater/remote radio
+	unsigned int statpost_seqno;
+	char *name;
+	char *rxchanname;
+	char *txchanname;
+	char remote;
+	char *remoterig;
+	struct	rpt_chan_stat chan_stat[NRPTSTAT];
+	unsigned int scram;
+	struct {
+		char *ourcontext;
+		char *ourcallerid;
+		char *acctcode;
+		char *ident;
+		char *tonezone;
+		char simple;
+		char *functions;
+		char *link_functions;
+		char *phone_functions;
+		char *dphone_functions;
+		char *alt_functions;
+		char *nodes;
+		char *extnodes;
+		char *extnodefile;
+		int hangtime;
+		int althangtime;
+		int totime;
+		int idtime;
+		int tailmessagetime;
+		int tailsquashedtime;
+		int duplex;
+		int politeid;
+		char *tailmessages[500];
+		int tailmessagemax;
+		char	*memory;
+		char	*macro;
+		char	*tonemacro;
+		char	*startupmacro;
+		int iobase;
+		char *ioport;
+		char funcchar;
+		char endchar;
+		char nobusyout;
+		char notelemtx;
+		char propagate_dtmf;
+		char propagate_phonedtmf;
+		char linktolink;
+		unsigned char civaddr;
+		struct rpt_xlat inxlat;
+		struct rpt_xlat outxlat;
+		char *archivedir;
+		int authlevel;
+		char *csstanzaname;
+		char *skedstanzaname;
+		char *txlimitsstanzaname;
+		long monminblocks;
+		int remoteinacttimeout;
+		int remotetimeout;
+		int remotetimeoutwarning;
+		int remotetimeoutwarningfreq;
+		int sysstate_cur;
+		struct sysstate s[MAX_SYSSTATES];
+		char parrotmode;
+		int parrottime;
+		char *rptnode;
+		char remote_mars;
+		int voxtimeout_ms;
+		int voxrecover_ms;
+		int simplexpatchdelay;
+		int simplexphonedelay;
+		char telemdefault;
+		char telemdynamic;		
+		char *statpost_program;
+		char *statpost_url;
+		char linkmode[10];
+		char linkmodedynamic[10];
+	} p;
+	struct rpt_link links;
+	int unkeytocttimer;
+	time_t lastkeyedtime;
+	time_t lasttxkeyedtime;
+	char keyed;
+	char txkeyed;
+	char exttx;
+	char localtx;
+	char remoterx;
+	char remotetx;
+	char remoteon;
+	char remtxfreqok;
+	char tounkeyed;
+	char tonotify;
+	char dtmfbuf[MAXDTMF];
+	char macrobuf[MAXMACRO];
+	char rem_dtmfbuf[MAXDTMF];
+	char lastdtmfcommand[MAXDTMF];
+	char cmdnode[50];
+	char nowchan;						// channel now
+	char waschan;						// channel selected initially or by command
+	char bargechan;						// barge in channel
+	char macropatch;					// autopatch via tonemacro state
+	char parrotstate;
+	int  parrottimer;
+	unsigned int parrotcnt;
+	int telemmode;
+	struct ast_channel *rxchannel,*txchannel, *monchannel, *parrotchannel;
+	struct ast_channel *pchannel,*txpchannel, *zaprxchannel, *zaptxchannel;
+	struct ast_channel *voxchannel;
+	struct ast_frame *lastf1,*lastf2;
+	struct rpt_tele tele;
+	struct timeval lasttv,curtv;
+	pthread_t rpt_call_thread,rpt_thread;
+	time_t dtmf_time,rem_dtmf_time,dtmf_time_rem;
+	int calldigittimer;
+	int tailtimer,totimer,idtimer,txconf,conf,callmode,cidx,scantimer,tmsgtimer,skedtimer;
+	int mustid,tailid;
+	int tailevent;
+	int telemrefcount;
+	int dtmfidx,rem_dtmfidx;
+	int dailytxtime,dailykerchunks,totalkerchunks,dailykeyups,totalkeyups,timeouts;
+	int totalexecdcommands, dailyexecdcommands;
+	long	retxtimer;
+	long	rerxtimer;
+	long long totaltxtime;
+	char mydtmf;
+	char exten[AST_MAX_EXTENSION];
+	char freq[MAXREMSTR],rxpl[MAXREMSTR],txpl[MAXREMSTR];
+	char offset;
+	char powerlevel;
+	char txplon;
+	char rxplon;
+	char remmode;
+	char tunerequest;
+	char hfscanmode;
+	int hfscanstatus;
+	char hfscanstop;
+	char lastlinknode[MAXNODESTR];
+	char savednodes[MAXNODESTR];
+	int stopgen;
+	char patchfarenddisconnect;
+	char patchnoct;
+	char patchquiet;
+	char patchcontext[MAXPATCHCONTEXT];
+	int patchdialtime;
+	int macro_longest;
+	int phone_longestfunc;
+	int alt_longestfunc;
+	int dphone_longestfunc;
+	int link_longestfunc;
+	int longestfunc;
+	int longestnode;
+	int threadrestarts;		
+	int tailmessagen;
+	time_t disgorgetime;
+	time_t lastthreadrestarttime;
+	long	macrotimer;
+	char	lastnodewhichkeyedusup[MAXNODESTR];
+	int	dtmf_local_timer;
+	char	dtmf_local_str[100];
+	struct ast_filestream *monstream,*parrotstream;
+	char	loginuser[50];
+	char	loginlevel[10];
+	long	authtelltimer;
+	long	authtimer;
+	int iofd;
+	time_t start_time,last_activity_time;
+	char	lasttone[32];
+	struct rpt_tele *active_telem;
+	struct 	rpt_topkey topkey[TOPKEYN];
+	int topkeystate;
+	time_t topkeytime;
+	int topkeylong;
+	struct vox vox;
+	char wasvox;
+	int voxtotimer;
+	char voxtostate;
+	int linkposttimer;			
+	int keyposttimer;			
+	char newkey;
+	char inpadtest;
+	long rxlingertimer;
+	AST_LIST_HEAD(, ast_frame) txq;
+	AST_LIST_HEAD_NOLOCK(, ast_frame) txq;
+	AST_LIST_HEAD(, ast_frame) rxq;
+	AST_LIST_HEAD_NOLOCK(, ast_frame) rxq;
+	char txrealkeyed;
+#ifdef	__RPT_NOTCH
+	struct rptfilter
+	{
+		char	desc[100];
+		float	x0;
+		float	x1;
+		float	x2;
+		float	y0;
+		float	y1;
+		float	y2;
+		float	gain;
+		float	const0;
+		float	const1;
+		float	const2;
+	} filters[MAXFILTERS];
+#ifdef	_MDC_DECODE_H_
+	mdc_decoder_t *mdc;
+	unsigned short lastunit;
+	struct rpt_cmd_struct cmdAction;
+} rpt_vars[MAXRPTS];	
+struct nodelog {
+struct nodelog *next;
+struct nodelog *prev;
+time_t	timestamp;
+char archivedir[MAXNODESTR];
+char str[MAXNODESTR * 2];
+} nodelog;
+static int service_scan(struct rpt *myrpt);
+static int set_mode_ft897(struct rpt *myrpt, char newmode);
+static int set_mode_ic706(struct rpt *myrpt, char newmode);
+static int simple_command_ft897(struct rpt *myrpt, char command);
+static int setrem(struct rpt *myrpt);
+static int setrtx_check(struct rpt *myrpt);
+static int channel_revert(struct rpt *myrpt);
+static int channel_steer(struct rpt *myrpt, char *data);
+static void rpt_telemetry(struct rpt *myrpt,int mode, void *data);
+#define	MAXLOCKTHREAD 100
+#define rpt_mutex_lock(x) _rpt_mutex_lock(x,myrpt,__LINE__)
+#define rpt_mutex_unlock(x) _rpt_mutex_unlock(x,myrpt,__LINE__)
+struct lockthread
+	pthread_t id;
+	int lockcount;
+	int lastlock;
+	int lastunlock;
+} lockthreads[MAXLOCKTHREAD];
+struct by_lightning
+	int line;
+	struct timeval tv;
+	struct rpt *rpt;
+	struct lockthread lockthread;
+} lock_ring[32];
+int lock_ring_index = 0;
+static struct lockthread *get_lockthread(pthread_t id)
+int	i;
+	for(i = 0; i < MAXLOCKTHREAD; i++)
+	{
+		if (lockthreads[i].id == id) return(&lockthreads[i]);
+	}
+	return(NULL);
+static struct lockthread *put_lockthread(pthread_t id)
+int	i;
+	for(i = 0; i < MAXLOCKTHREAD; i++)
+	{
+		if (lockthreads[i].id == id)
+			return(&lockthreads[i]);
+	}
+	for(i = 0; i < MAXLOCKTHREAD; i++)
+	{
+		if (!lockthreads[i].id)
+		{
+			lockthreads[i].lockcount = 0;
+			lockthreads[i].lastlock = 0;
+			lockthreads[i].lastunlock = 0;
+			lockthreads[i].id = id;
+			return(&lockthreads[i]);
+		}
+	}
+	return(NULL);
+static void rpt_mutex_spew(void)
+	struct by_lightning lock_ring_copy[32];
+	int lock_ring_index_copy;
+	int i,j;
+	long long diff;
+	char a[100];
+	struct timeval lasttv;
+	ast_mutex_lock(&locklock);
+	memcpy(&lock_ring_copy, &lock_ring, sizeof(lock_ring_copy));
+	lock_ring_index_copy = lock_ring_index;
+	ast_mutex_unlock(&locklock);
+	lasttv.tv_sec = lasttv.tv_usec = 0;
+	for(i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++)
+	{
+		j = (i + lock_ring_index_copy) % 32;
+		strftime(a,sizeof(a) - 1,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",
+			localtime(&lock_ring_copy[j].tv.tv_sec));
+		diff = 0;
+		if(lasttv.tv_sec)
+		{
+			diff = (lock_ring_copy[j].tv.tv_sec - lasttv.tv_sec)
+				* 1000000;
+			diff += (lock_ring_copy[j].tv.tv_usec - lasttv.tv_usec);
+		}
+		lasttv.tv_sec = lock_ring_copy[j].tv.tv_sec;
+		lasttv.tv_usec = lock_ring_copy[j].tv.tv_usec;
+		if (!lock_ring_copy[j].tv.tv_sec) continue;
+		if (lock_ring_copy[j].line < 0)
+		{
+			ast_log(LOG_NOTICE,"LOCKDEBUG [#%d] UNLOCK app_rpt.c:%d node %s pid %x diff %lld us at %s.%06d\n",
+				i - 31,-lock_ring_copy[j].line,lock_ring_copy[j].rpt->name,(int) lock_ring_copy[j].lockthread.id,diff,a,(int)lock_ring_copy[j].tv.tv_usec);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			ast_log(LOG_NOTICE,"LOCKDEBUG [#%d] LOCK app_rpt.c:%d node %s pid %x diff %lld us at %s.%06d\n",
+				i - 31,lock_ring_copy[j].line,lock_ring_copy[j].rpt->name,(int) lock_ring_copy[j].lockthread.id,diff,a,(int)lock_ring_copy[j].tv.tv_usec);
+		}
+	}
+static void _rpt_mutex_lock(ast_mutex_t *lockp, struct rpt *myrpt, int line)
+struct lockthread *t;
+pthread_t id;
+	id = pthread_self();
+	ast_mutex_lock(&locklock);
+	t = put_lockthread(id);
+	if (!t)
+	{
+		ast_mutex_unlock(&locklock);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (t->lockcount)
+	{
+		int lastline = t->lastlock;
+		ast_mutex_unlock(&locklock);
+		ast_log(LOG_NOTICE,"rpt_mutex_lock: Double lock request line %d node %s pid %x, last lock was line %d\n",line,myrpt->name,(int) t->id,lastline);
+		rpt_mutex_spew();
+		return;
+	}
+	t->lastlock = line;
+	t->lockcount = 1;
+	gettimeofday(&lock_ring[lock_ring_index].tv, NULL);
+	lock_ring[lock_ring_index].rpt = myrpt;
+	memcpy(&lock_ring[lock_ring_index].lockthread,t,sizeof(struct lockthread));
+	lock_ring[lock_ring_index++].line = line;
+	if(lock_ring_index == 32)
+		lock_ring_index = 0;
+	ast_mutex_unlock(&locklock);
+	ast_mutex_lock(lockp);
+static void _rpt_mutex_unlock(ast_mutex_t *lockp, struct rpt *myrpt, int line)
+struct lockthread *t;
+pthread_t id;
+	id = pthread_self();
+	ast_mutex_lock(&locklock);
+	t = put_lockthread(id);
+	if (!t)
+	{
+		ast_mutex_unlock(&locklock);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!t->lockcount)
+	{
+		int lastline = t->lastunlock;
+		ast_mutex_unlock(&locklock);
+		ast_log(LOG_NOTICE,"rpt_mutex_lock: Double un-lock request line %d node %s pid %x, last un-lock was line %d\n",line,myrpt->name,(int) t->id,lastline);
+		rpt_mutex_spew();
+		return;
+	}
+	t->lastunlock = line;
+	t->lockcount = 0;
+	gettimeofday(&lock_ring[lock_ring_index].tv, NULL);
+	lock_ring[lock_ring_index].rpt = myrpt;
+	memcpy(&lock_ring[lock_ring_index].lockthread,t,sizeof(struct lockthread));
+	lock_ring[lock_ring_index++].line = -line;
+	if(lock_ring_index == 32)
+		lock_ring_index = 0;
+	ast_mutex_unlock(&locklock);
+	ast_mutex_unlock(lockp);
+#else  /* APP_RPT_LOCK_DEBUG */
+#define rpt_mutex_lock(x) ast_mutex_lock(x)
+#define rpt_mutex_unlock(x) ast_mutex_unlock(x)
+#endif  /* APP_RPT_LOCK_DEBUG */
+* Return 1 if rig is multimode capable
+static int multimode_capable(struct rpt *myrpt)
+	if(!strcmp(myrpt->remoterig, remote_rig_ft897))
+		return 1;
+	if(!strcmp(myrpt->remoterig, remote_rig_ic706))
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
+static void voxinit_rpt(struct rpt *myrpt,char enable)
+	myrpt->vox.speech_energy = 0.0;
+	myrpt->vox.noise_energy = 0.0;
+	myrpt->vox.enacount = 0;
+	myrpt->vox.voxena = 0;
+	if (!enable) myrpt->vox.voxena = -1;
+	myrpt->vox.lastvox = 0;
+	myrpt->vox.ondebcnt = VOX_ON_DEBOUNCE_COUNT;
+	myrpt->vox.offdebcnt = VOX_OFF_DEBOUNCE_COUNT;
+	myrpt->wasvox = 0;
+	myrpt->voxtotimer = 0;
+	myrpt->voxtostate = 0;
+static void voxinit_link(struct rpt_link *mylink,char enable)
+	mylink->vox.speech_energy = 0.0;
+	mylink->vox.noise_energy = 0.0;
+	mylink->vox.enacount = 0;
+	mylink->vox.voxena = 0;
+	if (!enable) mylink->vox.voxena = -1;
+	mylink->vox.lastvox = 0;
+	mylink->vox.ondebcnt = VOX_ON_DEBOUNCE_COUNT;
+	mylink->vox.offdebcnt = VOX_OFF_DEBOUNCE_COUNT;
+	mylink->wasvox = 0;
+	mylink->voxtotimer = 0;
+	mylink->voxtostate = 0;
+static int dovox(struct vox *v,short *buf,int bs)
+	int i;
+	float	esquare = 0.0;
+	float	energy = 0.0;
+	float	threshold = 0.0;
+	if (v->voxena < 0) return(v->lastvox);
+	for(i = 0; i < bs; i++)
+	{
+		esquare += (float) buf[i] * (float) buf[i];
+	}
+	energy = sqrt(esquare);
+	if (energy >= v->speech_energy)
+		v->speech_energy += (energy - v->speech_energy) / 4;
+	else
+		v->speech_energy += (energy - v->speech_energy) / 64;
+	if (energy >= v->noise_energy)
+		v->noise_energy += (energy - v->noise_energy) / 64;
+	else
+		v->noise_energy += (energy - v->noise_energy) / 4;
+	if (v->voxena) threshold = v->speech_energy / 8;
+	else
+	{
+		threshold = mymax(v->speech_energy / 16,v->noise_energy * 2);
+		threshold = mymin(threshold,VOX_MAX_THRESHOLD);
+	}
+	threshold = mymax(threshold,VOX_MIN_THRESHOLD);
+	if (energy > threshold)
+	{
+		if (v->voxena) v->noise_energy *= 0.75;
+		v->voxena = 1;
+	} else 	v->voxena = 0;
+	if (v->lastvox != v->voxena)
+	{
+		if (v->enacount++ >= ((v->lastvox) ? v->offdebcnt : v->ondebcnt))
+		{
+			v->lastvox = v->voxena;
+			v->enacount = 0;
+		}
+	} else v->enacount = 0;
+	return(v->lastvox);
+* CLI extensions
+/* Debug mode */
+static int rpt_do_debug(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
+static int rpt_do_dump(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
+static int rpt_do_stats(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
+static int rpt_do_lstats(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
+static int rpt_do_nodes(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
+static int rpt_do_local_nodes(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
+static int rpt_do_reload(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
+static int rpt_do_restart(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
+static int rpt_do_playback(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
+static int rpt_do_localplay(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
+static int rpt_do_fun(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
+static int rpt_do_fun1(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
+static int rpt_do_cmd(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
+static char debug_usage[] =
+"Usage: rpt debug level {0-7}\n"
+"       Enables debug messages in app_rpt\n";
+static char dump_usage[] =
+"Usage: rpt dump <nodename>\n"
+"       Dumps struct debug info to log\n";
+static char dump_stats[] =
+"Usage: rpt stats <nodename>\n"
+"       Dumps node statistics to console\n";
+static char dump_lstats[] =
+"Usage: rpt lstats <nodename>\n"
+"       Dumps link statistics to console\n";
+static char dump_nodes[] =
+"Usage: rpt nodes <nodename>\n"
+"       Dumps a list of directly and indirectly connected nodes to the console\n";
+static char usage_local_nodes[] =
+"Usage: rpt localnodes\n"
+"       Dumps a list of the locally configured node numbers to the console.\n";
+static char reload_usage[] =
+"Usage: rpt reload\n"
+"       Reloads app_rpt running config parameters\n";
+static char restart_usage[] =
+"Usage: rpt restart\n"
+"       Restarts app_rpt\n";
+static char playback_usage[] =
+"Usage: rpt playback <nodename> <sound_file_base_name>\n"
+"       Send an Audio File to a node, send to all other connected nodes (global)\n";
+static char localplay_usage[] =
+"Usage: rpt localplay <nodename> <sound_file_base_name>\n"
+"       Send an Audio File to a node, do not send to other connected nodes (local)\n";
+static char fun_usage[] =
+"Usage: rpt fun <nodename> <command>\n"
+"       Send a DTMF function to a node\n";
+static char cmd_usage[] =
+"Usage: rpt cmd <nodename> <cmd-name> <cmd-index> <cmd-args.\n"
+"       Send a command to a node.\n        i.e. rpt cmd 2000 ilink 3 2001\n";
+static struct ast_cli_entry  cli_debug =
+        { { "rpt", "debug", "level" }, rpt_do_debug, 
+		"Enable app_rpt debugging", debug_usage };
+static struct ast_cli_entry  cli_dump =
+        { { "rpt", "dump" }, rpt_do_dump,
+		"Dump app_rpt structs for debugging", dump_usage };
+static struct ast_cli_entry  cli_stats =
+        { { "rpt", "stats" }, rpt_do_stats,
+		"Dump node statistics", dump_stats };
+static struct ast_cli_entry  cli_nodes =
+        { { "rpt", "nodes" }, rpt_do_nodes,
+		"Dump node list", dump_nodes };
+static struct ast_cli_entry  cli_local_nodes =
+        { { "rpt", "localnodes" }, rpt_do_local_nodes,
+		"Dump list of local node numbers", usage_local_nodes };
+static struct ast_cli_entry  cli_lstats =
+        { { "rpt", "lstats" }, rpt_do_lstats,
+		"Dump link statistics", dump_lstats };
+static struct ast_cli_entry  cli_reload =
+        { { "rpt", "reload" }, rpt_do_reload,
+		"Reload app_rpt config", reload_usage };
+static struct ast_cli_entry  cli_restart =
+        { { "rpt", "restart" }, rpt_do_restart,
+		"Restart app_rpt", restart_usage };
+static struct ast_cli_entry  cli_playback =
+        { { "rpt", "playback" }, rpt_do_playback,
+		"Play Back an Audio File Globally", playback_usage };
+static struct ast_cli_entry  cli_localplay =
+        { { "rpt", "localplay" }, rpt_do_localplay,
+                "Play Back an Audio File Locally", localplay_usage };
+static struct ast_cli_entry  cli_fun =
+        { { "rpt", "fun" }, rpt_do_fun,
+		"Execute a DTMF function", fun_usage };
+static struct ast_cli_entry  cli_fun1 =
+        { { "rpt", "fun1" }, rpt_do_fun1,
+		"Execute a DTMF function", fun_usage };
+static struct ast_cli_entry  cli_cmd =
+        { { "rpt", "cmd" }, rpt_do_cmd,
+		"Execute a DTMF function", cmd_usage };
+* Telemetry defaults
+static struct telem_defaults tele_defs[] = {
+	{"ct1","|t(350,0,100,3072)(500,0,100,3072)(660,0,100,3072)"},
+	{"ct2","|t(660,880,150,3072)"},
+	{"ct3","|t(440,0,150,3072)"},
+	{"ct4","|t(550,0,150,3072)"},
+	{"ct5","|t(660,0,150,3072)"},
+	{"ct6","|t(880,0,150,3072)"},
+	{"ct7","|t(660,440,150,3072)"},
+	{"ct8","|t(700,1100,150,3072)"},
+	{"remotemon","|t(1600,0,75,2048)"},
+	{"remotetx","|t(2000,0,75,2048)(0,0,75,0)(1600,0,75,2048)"},
+	{"cmdmode","|t(900,904,200,2048)"},
+	{"functcomplete","|t(1000,0,100,2048)(0,0,100,0)(1000,0,100,2048)"}
+} ;
+* Forward decl's - these suppress compiler warnings when funcs coded further down the file than thier invokation
+static int setrbi(struct rpt *myrpt);
+static int set_ft897(struct rpt *myrpt);
+static int set_ic706(struct rpt *myrpt);
+static int setkenwood(struct rpt *myrpt);
+static int set_tm271(struct rpt *myrpt);
+static int setrbi_check(struct rpt *myrpt);
+static int setxpmr(struct rpt *myrpt, int dotx);
+* Define function protos for function table here
+static int function_ilink(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source, struct rpt_link *mylink);
+static int function_autopatchup(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source, struct rpt_link *mylink);
+static int function_autopatchdn(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source, struct rpt_link *mylink);
+static int function_status(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source, struct rpt_link *mylink);
+static int function_cop(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source, struct rpt_link *mylink);
+static int function_remote(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source, struct rpt_link *mylink);
+static int function_macro(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source, struct rpt_link *mylink);

[... 15182 lines stripped ...]

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