[svn-commits] bbryant: trunk r115584 - in /trunk: funcs/ include/asterisk/ main/

SVN commits to the Digium repositories svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Fri May 9 14:54:46 CDT 2008

Author: bbryant
Date: Fri May  9 14:54:45 2008
New Revision: 115584

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=115584
The following patch adds new options and alters the default behavior of the ENUM* functions. The TXCIDNAME lookup function has also gotten a 
new paramater. The new options for ENUM* functions include 'u', 's', 'i', and 'd' which return the full uri, trigger isn specific rewriting, look 
for branches into an infrastructure enum tree, or do a direct dns lookup of a number respectively. The new paramater for TXCIDNAME adds a 
zone-suffix argument for looking up caller id's in DNS that aren't e164.arpa.

This patch is based on the original code from otmar, modified by snuffy, and tested by jtodd, me, and others.

(closes issue #8089)
Reported by: otmar
	- original code by otmar (license 480), 
	- revised by snuffy (license 35)
Tested by: oej, otmar, jtodd, Corydon76, snuffy, alexnikolov, bbryant


Modified: trunk/funcs/func_enum.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/funcs/func_enum.c?view=diff&rev=115584&r1=115583&r2=115584
--- trunk/funcs/func_enum.c (original)
+++ trunk/funcs/func_enum.c Fri May  9 14:54:45 2008
@@ -78,16 +78,21 @@
 		return -1;
-	ast_copy_string(tech, args.tech ? args.tech : "sip", sizeof(tech));
-	if (!args.zone)
+	if (args.tech && !ast_strlen_zero(args.tech)) {
+		ast_copy_string(tech,args.tech, sizeof(tech));
+	} else {
+		ast_copy_string(tech,"sip",sizeof(tech));
+	}
+	if (!args.zone) {
 		args.zone = "e164.arpa";
-	if (!args.options)
+	}
+	if (!args.options) {
 		args.options = "";
-	if (args.record)
-		record = atoi(args.record);
+	}
+	if (args.record) {
+		record = atoi(args.record) ? atoi(args.record) : record;
+	}
 	/* strip any '-' signs from number */
 	for (s = p = args.number; *s; s++) {
@@ -97,15 +102,14 @@
-	res = ast_get_enum(chan, num, dest, sizeof(dest), tech, sizeof(tech), args.zone, args.options, 1, NULL);
+	res = ast_get_enum(chan, num, dest, sizeof(dest), tech, sizeof(tech), args.zone, args.options, record, NULL);
 	p = strchr(dest, ':');
-	if (p && strcasecmp(tech, "ALL"))
+	if (p && strcasecmp(tech, "ALL") && !strchr(args.options, 'u')) {
 		ast_copy_string(buf, p + 1, len);
-	else
+	} else {
 		ast_copy_string(buf, dest, len);
+	}
 	return 0;
@@ -323,6 +327,10 @@
 	.desc =
 		"Option 'c' returns an integer count of the number of NAPTRs of a certain RR type.\n"
 		"Combination of 'c' and Method-type of 'ALL' will return a count of all NAPTRs for the record.\n"
+		"Option 'u' returns the full URI and does not strip off the URI-scheme.\n"
+		"Option 's' triggers ISN specific rewriting\n"
+		"Option 'i' looks for branches into an Infrastructure ENUM tree\n"
+		"Option 'd' for a direct DNS lookup without any flipping of digits\n"
 		"Defaults are: Method-type=sip, no options, record=1, zone-suffix=e164.arpa\n\n"
 		"For more information, see doc/asterisk.pdf",
 	.read = function_enum,
@@ -332,23 +340,30 @@
 			       char *data, char *buf, size_t len)
 	int res;
-	char tech[80];
-	char txt[256] = "";
-	char dest[80];
+		AST_APP_ARG(number);
+		AST_APP_ARG(zone);
+	);
 	buf[0] = '\0';
 	if (ast_strlen_zero(data)) {
-		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "TXTCIDNAME requires an argument (number)\n");
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Syntax: TXTCIDNAME(number[,zone-suffix])\n");
 		return -1;
-	res = ast_get_txt(chan, data, dest, sizeof(dest), tech, sizeof(tech), txt,
-			  sizeof(txt));
-	if (!ast_strlen_zero(txt))
-		ast_copy_string(buf, txt, len);
+	AST_STANDARD_APP_ARGS(args, data);
+	if (args.argc < 1) {
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Syntax: TXTCIDNAME(number[,zone-suffix])\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (!args.zone) {
+		args.zone = "e164.arpa";
+	}
+	res = ast_get_txt(chan, args.number, buf, len, args.zone);
 	return 0;
@@ -356,11 +371,11 @@
 static struct ast_custom_function txtcidname_function = {
 	.name = "TXTCIDNAME",
 	.synopsis = "TXTCIDNAME looks up a caller name via DNS",
-	.syntax = "TXTCIDNAME(<number>)",
+	.syntax = "TXTCIDNAME(<number>[,zone-suffix])",
 	.desc =
 		"This function looks up the given phone number in DNS to retrieve\n"
 		"the caller id name.  The result will either be blank or be the value\n"
-		"found in the TXT record in DNS.\n",
+		"found in the TXT record in DNS. The default zone-suffix is e164.arpa.\n",
 	.read = function_txtcidname,

Modified: trunk/include/asterisk/enum.h
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/include/asterisk/enum.h?view=diff&rev=115584&r1=115583&r2=115584
--- trunk/include/asterisk/enum.h (original)
+++ trunk/include/asterisk/enum.h Fri May  9 14:54:45 2008
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@
 	char *txt;                       /*!< TXT record in TXT lookup */
 	int txtlen;                      /*!< Length */
 	char *naptrinput;                /*!< The number to lookup */
-	int position;                    /*!< used as counter for RRs or specifies position of required RR */
+	int position;                    /*!< specifies position of required RR */
+	int count;                       /*!< used as counter for RRs */
 	int options;                     /*!< options , see ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_* defined above */
 	struct enum_naptr_rr *naptr_rrs; /*!< array of parsed NAPTR RRs */
 	int naptr_rrs_count;             /*!< Size of array naptr_rrs */
@@ -57,12 +58,18 @@
 	\param number   E164 number with or without the leading +
 	\param location Number returned	(or SIP uri)
 	\param maxloc	Max length
-	\param technology     Technology (from url scheme in response)
+	\param technology Technology (from url scheme in response)
                        You can set it to get particular answer RR, if there are many techs in DNS response, example: "sip"
-                       If you need any record, then set it to empty string
+                       If you need any record, then set it to "ALL" string
 	\param maxtech  Max length
-	\param suffix   Zone suffix (if is NULL then use enum.conf 'search' variable)
-	\param options  Options ('c' to count number of NAPTR RR)
+	\param suffix   Zone suffix (WARNING: No defaults here any more)
+	\param options  Options
+				'c'    - Count number of NAPTR RR
+				number - Position of the requested RR in the answer list
+				'u'    - Full URI return (does not strip URI scheme)
+				'i'    - Infrastructure ENUM lookup
+				's'    - ISN based lookup
+				'd'    - Direct DNS query
 	\param record   The position of required RR in the answer list
 	\param argcontext   Argument for caching results into an enum_context pointer (NULL is used for not caching)
 	\retval 1 if found
@@ -75,14 +82,11 @@
 /*!	\brief Lookup DNS TXT record (used by app TXTCIDnum
 	\param chan	Channel
 	\param number   E164 number with or without the leading +
-	\param location	Number returned	(or SIP uri)
-	\param maxloc	Max length of number
-	\param technology 	Technology (not used in TXT records)
-	\param maxtech	Max length
 	\param txt	Text string (return value)
 	\param maxtxt	Max length of "txt"
+	\param suffix	Zone suffix
-int ast_get_txt(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *number, char *location, int maxloc, char *technology, int maxtech, char *txt, int maxtxt);
+int ast_get_txt(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *number, char *txt, int maxtxt, char *suffix);
 int ast_enum_init(void);
 int ast_enum_reload(void);

Modified: trunk/main/enum.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/main/enum.c?view=diff&rev=115584&r1=115583&r2=115584
--- trunk/main/enum.c (original)
+++ trunk/main/enum.c Fri May  9 14:54:45 2008
@@ -35,9 +35,14 @@
  * - ENUM SIP: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3764.txt
  * - IANA ENUM Services: http://www.iana.org/assignments/enum-services
+ * - I-ENUM: 
+ *   http://tools.ietf.org/wg/enum/draft-ietf-enum-combined/
+ *   http://tools.ietf.org/wg/enum/draft-ietf-enum-branch-location-record/
+ *
  * \par Possible improvement
  * \todo Implement a caching mechanism for multile enum lookups
  * - See http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=6739
+ * \todo The service type selection needs to be redone.
 #include "asterisk.h"
@@ -73,17 +78,289 @@
 #define T_TXT 16
-#define TOPLEV "e164.arpa."	/*!< The IETF Enum standard root, managed by the ITU */
-/* Linked list from config file */
-static struct enum_search {
-	char toplev[512];
-	struct enum_search *next;
-} *toplevs;
-static int enumver;
+static char ienum_branchlabel[32] = "i";
+/* how to do infrastructure enum branch location resolution? */
+#define ENUMLOOKUP_BLR_CC       0
+#define ENUMLOOKUP_BLR_TXT      1
+#define ENUMLOOKUP_BLR_EBL      2
+static int ebl_alg = ENUMLOOKUP_BLR_CC;
+/* EBL record provisional type code */
+#define T_EBL      65300
+/*! \brief Determine the length of a country code when given an E.164 string */
+ * Input: E.164 number w/o leading +
+ *
+ * Output: number of digits in the country code
+ * 	   0 on invalid number
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ *   3 digits is the default length of a country code.
+ *   country codes 1 and 7 are a single digit.
+ *   the following country codes are two digits: 20, 27, 30-34, 36, 39,
+ *     40, 41, 43-49, 51-58, 60-66, 81, 82, 84, 86, 90-95, 98.
+ */
+static int cclen(const char *number)
+	int cc;
+	char digits[3] = "";
+	if (!number || (strlen(number) < 3)) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	strncpy(digits, number, 2);
+	if (!sscanf(digits, "%d", &cc)) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (cc / 10 == 1 || cc / 10 == 7)
+        	return 1;
+	if (cc == 20 || cc == 27 || (cc >= 30 && cc <= 34) || cc == 36 ||
+	    cc == 39 || cc == 40 || cc == 41 || (cc >= 40 && cc <= 41) ||
+	    (cc >= 43 && cc <= 49) || (cc >= 51 && cc <= 58) ||
+	    (cc >= 60 && cc <= 66) || cc == 81 || cc == 82 || cc == 84 ||
+	    cc == 86 || (cc >= 90 && cc <= 95) || cc == 98) {
+		return 2;
+	}
+	return 3;
+struct txt_context {
+	char txt[1024];		/* TXT record in TXT lookup */
+	int txtlen;		/* Length */
+/*! \brief Callback for TXT record lookup, /ol version */
+static int txt_callback(void *context, unsigned char *answer, int len, unsigned char *fullanswer)
+	struct txt_context *c = context;
+	unsigned int i;
+	c->txt[0] = 0;	/* default to empty */
+	c->txtlen = 0;
+	if (answer == NULL) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* RFC1035: 
+	 *
+	 * <character-string> is a single length octet followed by that number of characters.
+	 * TXT-DATA        One or more <character-string>s.
+	 *
+	 * We only take the first string here.
+	 */
+	i = *answer++;
+	len -= 1;
+	if (i > len) {	/* illegal packet */
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "txt_callback: malformed TXT record.\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (i >= sizeof(c->txt)) {	/* too long? */
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "txt_callback: TXT record too long.\n");
+		i = sizeof(c->txt) - 1;
+	}
+	ast_copy_string(c->txt, (char *)answer, i + 1);  /* this handles the \0 termination */
+	c->txtlen = i;
+	return 1;
+/*! \brief Determine the branch location record as stored in a TXT record */
+ * Input: CC code
+ *
+ * Output: number of digits in the number before the i-enum branch 
+ *
+ * Algorithm:  Build <ienum_branchlabel>.c.c.<suffix> and look for a TXT lookup.
+ * 		Return atoi(TXT-record).
+ * 		Return -1 on not found.
+ *
+ */
+static int blr_txt(const char *cc, const char *suffix)
+	struct txt_context context;
+	char domain[128] = "";
+	char *p1, *p2;
+	int ret;
+	ast_mutex_lock(&enumlock);
+	ast_verb(4, "blr_txt()  cc='%s', suffix='%s', c_bl='%s'\n", cc, suffix, ienum_branchlabel);
+	if (sizeof(domain) < (strlen(cc) * 2 + strlen(ienum_branchlabel) + strlen(suffix) + 2)) {
+		ast_mutex_unlock(&enumlock);
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ERROR: string sizing in blr_txt.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	p1 = domain + snprintf(domain, sizeof(domain), "%s.", ienum_branchlabel);
+	ast_mutex_unlock(&enumlock);
+	for (p2 = (char *) cc + strlen(cc) - 1; p2 >= cc; p2--) {
+		if (isdigit(*p2)) {
+			*p1++ = *p2;
+			*p1++ = '.';
+		}
+	}
+	strcat(p1, suffix);
+	ast_verb(4, "blr_txt() FQDN for TXT record: %s, cc was %s\n", domain, cc);
+	ret = ast_search_dns(&context, domain, C_IN, T_TXT, txt_callback);
+	if (ret > 0) {
+		ret = atoi(context.txt);
+		if ((ret >= 0) && (ret < 20)) {
+			ast_verb(3, "blr_txt() BLR TXT record for %s is %d (apex: %s)\n", cc, ret, suffix);
+			return ret;
+		}
+	}
+	ast_verb(3, "blr_txt() BLR TXT record for %s not found (apex: %s)\n", cc, suffix);
+	return -1;
+struct ebl_context {
+	unsigned char pos;
+	char separator[256];		/* label to insert */
+	int sep_len;			/* Length */
+	char apex[256];			/* new Apex */
+	int apex_len;			/* Length */
+/*! \brief Callback for EBL record lookup */
+static int ebl_callback(void *context, unsigned char *answer, int len, unsigned char *fullanswer)
+	struct ebl_context *c = context;
+	unsigned int i;
+	c->pos = 0;	/* default to empty */
+	c->separator[0] = 0;
+	c->sep_len = 0;
+	c->apex[0] = 0;	
+	c->apex_len = 0;
+	if (answer == NULL) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* draft-lendl-enum-branch-location-record-00
+	 *
+	 *      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
+	 *    +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+	 *    |       POSITION        |
+	 *    +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+	 *    /       SEPARATOR       /
+	 *    +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+	 *    /         APEX          /
+	 *    +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+	 *
+	 *  where POSITION is a single byte, SEPARATOR is a <character-string>
+	 *  and APEX is a <domain-name>. 
+	 * 
+	 */
+	c->pos = *answer++;
+	len -= 1;
+	if ((c->pos > 15) || len < 2) {	/* illegal packet */
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ebl_callback: malformed EBL record.\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	i = *answer++;
+	len -= 1;
+	if (i > len) {	/* illegal packet */
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ebl_callback: malformed EBL record.\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	ast_copy_string(c->separator, (char *)answer, i + 1);
+	c->sep_len = i;
+	answer += i;
+	len -= i;
+	if ((i = dn_expand((unsigned char *)fullanswer, (unsigned char *)answer + len, 
+				(unsigned char *)answer, c->apex, sizeof(c->apex) - 1)) < 0) {
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to expand hostname\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	c->apex[i] = 0;
+	c->apex_len = i;
+	return 1;
+/*! \brief Evaluate the I-ENUM branch as stored in an EBL record */
+ * Input: CC code
+ *
+ * Output: number of digits in the number before the i-enum branch 
+ *
+ * Algorithm:  Build <ienum_branchlabel>.c.c.<suffix> and look for an EBL record 
+ * 		Return pos and fill in separator and apex.
+ * 		Return -1 on not found.
+ *
+ */
+static int blr_ebl(const char *cc, const char *suffix, char *separator, int sep_len, char* apex, int apex_len)
+	struct ebl_context context;
+	char domain[128] = "";
+	char *p1,*p2;
+	int ret;
+	ast_mutex_lock(&enumlock);
+	ast_verb(4, "blr_ebl()  cc='%s', suffix='%s', c_bl='%s'\n", cc, suffix, ienum_branchlabel);
+	if (sizeof(domain) < (strlen(cc) * 2 + strlen(ienum_branchlabel) + strlen(suffix) + 2)) {
+		ast_mutex_unlock(&enumlock);
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ERROR: string sizing in blr_EBL.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	p1 = domain + snprintf(domain, sizeof(domain), "%s.", ienum_branchlabel);
+	ast_mutex_unlock(&enumlock);
+	for (p2 = (char *) cc + strlen(cc) - 1; p2 >= cc; p2--) {
+		if (isdigit(*p2)) {
+			*p1++ = *p2;
+			*p1++ = '.';
+		}
+	}
+	strcat(p1, suffix);
+	ast_verb(4, "blr_ebl() FQDN for EBL record: %s, cc was %s\n", domain, cc);
+	ret = ast_search_dns(&context, domain, C_IN, T_EBL, ebl_callback);
+	if (ret > 0) {
+		ret = context.pos;
+		if ((ret >= 0) && (ret < 20)) {
+			ast_verb(3, "blr_txt() BLR EBL record for %s is %d/%s/%s)\n", cc, ret, context.separator, context.apex);
+			ast_copy_string(separator, context.separator, sep_len);
+			ast_copy_string(apex, context.apex, apex_len);
+			return ret;
+		}
+	}
+	ast_verb(3, "blr_txt() BLR EBL record for %s not found (apex: %s)\n", cc, suffix);
+	return -1;
 /*! \brief Parse NAPTR record information elements */
 static unsigned int parse_ie(char *data, unsigned int maxdatalen, unsigned char *src, unsigned int srclen)
@@ -107,27 +384,28 @@
 /*! \brief Parse DNS NAPTR record used in ENUM ---*/
-static int parse_naptr(char *dst, int dstsize, char *tech, int techsize, unsigned char *answer, int len, char *naptrinput)
+static int parse_naptr(unsigned char *dst, int dstsize, char *tech, int techsize, unsigned char *answer, int len, unsigned char *naptrinput)
 	char tech_return[80];
-	unsigned char *oanswer = answer;
+	char *oanswer = (char *)answer;
 	char flags[512] = "";
 	char services[512] = "";
 	char *p;
 	char regexp[512] = "";
 	char repl[512] = "";
 	char temp[512] = "";
+	char errbuff[512] = "";
 	char delim;
 	char *delim2;
-	char *pattern, *subst, *d;
+	char *pattern, *subst, *d, *number;
 	int res;
-	int regexp_len, size, backref;
+	int regexp_len, rc;
+	int size;
 	int d_len = sizeof(temp) - 1;
 	regex_t preg;
 	regmatch_t pmatch[9];
 	tech_return[0] = '\0';
 	dst[0] = '\0';
 	if (len < sizeof(struct naptr)) {
@@ -143,6 +421,7 @@
 		answer += res;
 		len -= res;
 	if ((res = parse_ie(services, sizeof(services) - 1, answer, len)) < 0) {
 		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to get services from NAPTR record\n");
 		return -1;
@@ -158,13 +437,14 @@
 		len -= res;
-	if ((res = dn_expand(oanswer, answer + len, answer, repl, sizeof(repl) - 1)) < 0) {
+	if ((res = dn_expand((unsigned char *)oanswer, (unsigned char *)answer + len, (unsigned char *)answer, repl, sizeof(repl) - 1)) < 0) {
 		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to expand hostname\n");
 		return -1;
 	ast_debug(3, "NAPTR input='%s', flags='%s', services='%s', regexp='%s', repl='%s'\n",
 		naptrinput, flags, services, regexp, repl);
 	if (tolower(flags[0]) != 'u') {
 		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "NAPTR Flag must be 'U' or 'u'.\n");
@@ -231,28 +511,33 @@
 		return -1;
-	if (regexec(&preg, naptrinput, 9, pmatch, 0)) {
-		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "NAPTR Regex match failed.\n");
+	if (0 != (rc = regexec(&preg, (char *)naptrinput, 0, pmatch, 0))) {
+		regerror(rc, &preg, errbuff, sizeof(errbuff));
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "NAPTR Regex match failed. Reason: %s\n", errbuff);
 		return -1;
 	d = temp;
+	number = (char *)(naptrinput + (*naptrinput == '+'));
 	while (*subst && (d_len > 0)) {
-		if ((subst[0] == '\\') && isdigit(subst[1]) && (pmatch[subst[1]-'0'].rm_so != -1)) {
-			backref = subst[1]-'0';
-			size = pmatch[backref].rm_eo - pmatch[backref].rm_so;
+		if ((subst[0] == '\\' && isdigit(subst[1]))) {
+			size = strlen(number);
+			//ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "size:%d: offset:%s: temp:%s:\n",size,offset,temp);
 			if (size > d_len) {
 				ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Not enough space during NAPTR regex substitution.\n");
 				return -1;
-				}
-			memcpy(d, naptrinput + pmatch[backref].rm_so, size);
-			d += size;
+			}
+			memcpy(d, number, size);
 			d_len -= size;
 			subst += 2;
+			d += size;
+			//ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "after dlen:%d: temp:%s:\n",d_len,temp);
 		} else if (isprint(*subst)) {
 			*d++ = *subst++;
@@ -262,62 +547,36 @@
 	*d = 0;
-	ast_copy_string(dst, temp, dstsize);
+	ast_copy_string((char *)dst, temp,dstsize);
 	dst[dstsize - 1] = '\0';
+//	ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "after dst:%s: temp:%s:\n",dst,temp);
 	if (*tech != '\0'){ /* check if it is requested NAPTR */
 		if (!strncasecmp(tech, "ALL", techsize)){
-			return 1; /* return or count any RR */
-		}
-		if (!strncasecmp(tech_return, tech, sizeof(tech_return)<techsize?sizeof(tech_return):techsize)){
+			return 0; /* return or count any RR */
+		}
+		if (!strncasecmp(tech_return, tech, sizeof(tech_return) < techsize ? sizeof(tech_return): techsize)){
 			ast_copy_string(tech, tech_return, techsize);
-			return 1; /* we got out RR */
+			return 0; /* we got our RR */
 		} else { /* go to the next RR in the DNS answer */
-			return 0;
+			return 1;
 	/* tech was not specified, return first parsed RR */
 	ast_copy_string(tech, tech_return, techsize);
-	return 1;
+	return 0;
 /* do not return requested value, just count RRs and return thei number in dst */
-/*! \brief Callback for TXT record lookup */
-static int txt_callback(void *context, unsigned char *answer, int len, unsigned char *fullanswer)
-	struct enum_context *c = (struct enum_context *)context;
-	if (answer == NULL) {
-		c->txt = NULL;
-		c->txtlen = 0;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* skip over first byte, as for some reason it's a vertical tab character */
-	answer += 1;
-	len -= 1;
-	/* answer is not null-terminated, but should be */
-	/* this is safe to do, as answer has extra bytes on the end we can
-	 * safely overwrite with a null */
-	answer[len] = '\0';
-	/* now increment len so that len includes the null, so that we can
-	 * compare apples to apples */
-	len +=1;
-	/* finally, copy the answer into c->txt */
-	ast_copy_string(c->txt, (const char *) answer, len < c->txtlen ? len : (c->txtlen));
-	/* just to be safe, let's make sure c->txt is null terminated */
-	c->txt[(c->txtlen) - 1] = '\0';
-	return 1;
+/* do an ISN style lookup */
+/* do a infrastructure ENUM lookup */
+/* do a direct DNS lookup: no reversal */
 /*! \brief Callback from ENUM lookup function */
 static int enum_callback(void *context, unsigned char *answer, int len, unsigned char *fullanswer)
@@ -326,15 +585,15 @@
 	void *p = NULL;
 	int res;
-	res = parse_naptr(c->dst, c->dstlen, c->tech, c->techlen, answer, len, c->naptrinput);
+	res = parse_naptr((unsigned char *)c->dst, c->dstlen, c->tech, c->techlen, answer, len, (unsigned char *)c->naptrinput);
 	if (res < 0) {
-		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to parse naptr :(\n");
-		return -1;
-	} else if (res > 0 && !ast_strlen_zero(c->dst)){ /* ok, we got needed NAPTR */
-		if (c->options & ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_COUNT){ /* counting RRs */
-			c->position++;
-			snprintf(c->dst, c->dstlen, "%d", c->position);
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to parse naptr\n");
+		return -1;
+	} else if ((res == 0) && !ast_strlen_zero(c->dst)) { /* ok, we got needed NAPTR */
+		if (c->options & ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_COUNT) { /* counting RRs */
+			c->count++;
+			snprintf(c->dst, c->dstlen, "%d", c->count);
 		} else  {
 			if ((p = ast_realloc(c->naptr_rrs, sizeof(*c->naptr_rrs) * (c->naptr_rrs_count + 1)))) {
 				c->naptr_rrs = p;
@@ -349,10 +608,6 @@
 		return 0;
-	if (c->options & ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_COUNT) 	{ /* counting RRs */
-		snprintf(c->dst, c->dstlen, "%d", c->position);
-	}
 	return 0;
@@ -360,24 +615,52 @@
 int ast_get_enum(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *number, char *dst, int dstlen, char *tech, int techlen, char* suffix, char* options, unsigned int record, struct enum_context **argcontext)
 	struct enum_context *context;
-	char tmp[259 + 512];
-	char naptrinput[512];
-	int pos = strlen(number) - 1;
-	int newpos = 0;
+	char tmp[512];
+	char domain[256];
+	char left[128];
+	char middle[128];
+	char naptrinput[128];
+	char apex[128] = "";
 	int ret = -1;
-	struct enum_search *s = NULL;
-	int version = -1;
 	/* for ISN rewrite */
 	char *p1 = NULL;
 	char *p2 = NULL;
+	char *p3 = NULL;
 	int k = 0;
 	int i = 0;
 	int z = 0;
+	int spaceleft = 0;
+	struct timeval time_start, time_end;
+	if (ast_strlen_zero(suffix)) {
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_get_enum need a suffix parameter now.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	ast_verb(2, "ast_get_enum(num='%s', tech='%s', suffix='%s', options='%s', record=%d\n", number, tech, suffix, options, record);
+  We don't need that any more, that "n" preceding the number has been replaced by a flag
+  in the options paramter.
+	ast_copy_string(naptrinput, number, sizeof(naptrinput));
+ * The "number" parameter includes a leading '+' if it's a full E.164 number (and not ISN)
+ * We need to preserve that as the regex inside NAPTRs expect the +.
+ *
+ * But for the domain generation, the '+' is a nuissance, so we get rid of it.
+	ast_copy_string(naptrinput, number[0] == 'n' ? number + 1 : number, sizeof(naptrinput));
+	if (number[0] == '+') {
+		number++;
+	}
 	if (!(context = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*context))))
 		return -1;
-	ast_copy_string(naptrinput, number[0] == 'n' ? number + 1 : number, sizeof(naptrinput));
+	if((p3 = strchr(naptrinput, '*'))) {
+		*p3='\0';		
+	}
 	context->naptrinput = naptrinput;	/* The number */
 	context->dst = dst;			/* Return string */
@@ -385,88 +668,178 @@
 	context->tech = tech;
 	context->techlen = techlen;
 	context->options = 0;
-	context->position = record;
+	context->position = record > 0 ? record : 1;
+	context->count = 0;
 	context->naptr_rrs = NULL;
 	context->naptr_rrs_count = 0;
+	/*
+	 * Process options:
+	 *
+	 * 	c	Return count, not URI
+	 * 	i	Use infrastructure ENUM 
+	 * 	s	Do ISN transformation
+	 * 	d	Direct DNS query: no reversing.
+	 *
+	 */
 	if (options != NULL) {
-		if (*options == 'c') {
-			context->options = ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_COUNT;
-			context->position = 0;
-		}
-	}
+		if (strchr(options,'s')) {
+			context->options |= ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_ISN;
+		} else if (strchr(options,'i')) {
+			context->options |= ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_IENUM;
+		} else if (strchr(options,'d')) {
+			context->options |= ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_DIRECT;
+		}
+		if (strchr(options,'c')) {
+			context->options |= ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_COUNT;
+		}
+		if (strchr(number,'*')) {
+			context->options |= ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_ISN;
+		}
+	}
+	ast_verb(2, "ENUM options(%s): pos=%d, options='%d'\n", options, context->position, context->options);
 	ast_debug(1, "ast_get_enum(): n='%s', tech='%s', suffix='%s', options='%d', record='%d'\n",
 			number, tech, suffix, context->options, context->position);
-	if (pos > 128)
-		pos = 128;
+	/*
+	 * This code does more than simple RFC3261 ENUM. All these rewriting 
+	 * schemes have in common that they build the FQDN for the NAPTR lookup
+	 * by concatenating
+	 *    - a number which needs be flipped and "."-seperated 	(left)
+	 *    - some fixed string					(middle)
+	 *    - an Apex.						(apex)
+	 *
+	 * The RFC3261 ENUM is: left=full number, middle="", apex=from args.
+	 * ISN:  number = "middle*left", apex=from args
+	 * I-ENUM: EBL parameters build the split, can change apex
+	 * Direct: left="", middle=argument, apex=from args
+	 *
+	 */
+	/* default: the whole number will be flipped, no middle domain component */
+	ast_copy_string(left, number, sizeof(left));
+	middle[0] = '\0';
+	/*
+	 * I-ENUM can change the apex, thus we copy it 
+	 */
+	ast_copy_string(apex, suffix, sizeof(apex));
 	/* ISN rewrite */
-	p1 = strchr(number, '*');
-	if (number[0] == 'n') { /* do not perform ISN rewrite ('n' is testing flag) */
-		p1 = NULL;
-		k = 1; /* strip 'n' from number */
-	}
-	if (p1 != NULL) {
-		p2 = p1 + 1;
-		while (p1 > number){
-			p1--;
-			tmp[newpos++] = *p1;
-			tmp[newpos++] = '.';
-		}
-		if (*p2) {
-			while (*p2 && newpos < 128){
-				tmp[newpos++] = *p2;
-				p2++;
+	if ((context->options & ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_ISN) && (p1 = strchr(number, '*'))) {
+		*p1++ = '\0';
+		ast_copy_string(left, number, sizeof(left));
+		ast_copy_string(middle, p1, sizeof(middle) - 1);
+		strcat(middle, ".");
+		ast_verb(2, "ISN ENUM: left=%s, middle='%s'\n", left, middle);
+	/* Direct DNS lookup rewrite */
+	} else if (context->options & ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_DIRECT) {
+		left[0] = 0; /* nothing to flip around */
+		ast_copy_string(middle, number, sizeof(middle) - 1);
+		strcat(middle, ".");
+		ast_verb(2, "DIRECT ENUM:  middle='%s'\n", middle);
+	/* Infrastructure ENUM rewrite */
+	} else if (context->options & ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_IENUM) {
+		int sdl = 0;
+		char cc[8];
+		char sep[256], n_apex[256];
+		int cc_len = cclen(number);
+		sdl = cc_len;
+		ast_mutex_lock(&enumlock);
+		ast_copy_string(sep, ienum_branchlabel, sizeof(sep)); /* default */
+		ast_mutex_unlock(&enumlock);
+		switch (ebl_alg) {
+			ast_copy_string(cc, number, cc_len); /* cclen() never returns more than 3 */
+			sdl = blr_ebl(cc, suffix, sep, sizeof(sep) - 1, n_apex, sizeof(n_apex) - 1);
+			if (sdl >= 0) {
+				ast_copy_string(apex, n_apex, sizeof(apex));
+				ast_verb(2, "EBL ENUM: sep=%s, apex='%s'\n", sep, n_apex);
+			} else {
+				sdl = cc_len;
-			tmp[newpos++] = '.';
-		}
-	} else {
-		while (pos >= k) {
-			if (isdigit(number[pos])) {
-				tmp[newpos++] = number[pos];
-				tmp[newpos++] = '.';
+			break;
+			ast_copy_string(cc, number, cc_len); /* cclen() never returns more than 3 */
+			sdl = blr_txt(cc, suffix);
+			if (sdl < 0) 
+				sdl = cc_len;
+			break;
+		case ENUMLOOKUP_BLR_CC:	/* BLR is at the country-code level */
+		default:
+			sdl = cc_len;
+			break;
+		}
+		if (sdl > strlen(number)) {	/* Number too short for this sdl? */
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "I-ENUM: subdomain location %d behind number %s\n", sdl, number);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		ast_copy_string(left, number + sdl, sizeof(left));
+		ast_mutex_lock(&enumlock);
+		ast_copy_string(middle, sep, sizeof(middle) - 1);
+		strcat(middle, ".");
+		ast_mutex_unlock(&enumlock);
+		/* check the space we need for middle */
+		if ((sdl * 2 + strlen(middle) + 2) > sizeof(middle)) {
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_get_enum: not enough space for I-ENUM rewrite.\n");
+			return -1;
+		}
+		p1 = middle + strlen(middle);
+		for (p2 = (char *) number + sdl - 1; p2 >= number; p2--) {
+			if (isdigit(*p2)) {
+				*p1++ = *p2;
+				*p1++ = '.';
-			pos--;
-		}
-	}
+		}
+		*p1 = '\0';
+		ast_verb(2, "I-ENUM: cclen=%d, left=%s, middle='%s', apex='%s'\n", cc_len, left, middle, apex);
+	}
+	if (strlen(left) * 2 + 2 > sizeof(domain)) {
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "string to long in ast_get_enum\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* flip left into domain */
+	p1 = domain;
+	for (p2 = left + strlen(left); p2 >= left; p2--) {
+		if (isdigit(*p2)) {
+			*p1++ = *p2;
+			*p1++ = '.';
+		}
+	}
+	*p1 = '\0';
 	if (chan && ast_autoservice_start(chan) < 0) {
 		return -1;
-	if (suffix) {
-		ast_copy_string(tmp + newpos, suffix, sizeof(tmp) - newpos);
-		ret = ast_search_dns(context, tmp, C_IN, T_NAPTR, enum_callback);
-		ast_debug(1, "ast_get_enum: ast_search_dns(%s) returned %d\n", tmp, ret);
-	} else {
-		ret = -1;		/* this is actually dead code since the demise of app_enum.c */
-		for (;;) {
-			ast_mutex_lock(&enumlock);
-			if (version != enumver) {
-				/* Ooh, a reload... */
-				s = toplevs;
-				version = enumver;
-			} else {
-				s = s->next;
-			}
-			ast_mutex_unlock(&enumlock);
-			if (!s)
-				break;
-			ast_copy_string(tmp + newpos, s->toplev, sizeof(tmp) - newpos);
-			ret = ast_search_dns(&context, tmp, C_IN, T_NAPTR, enum_callback);
-			ast_debug(1, "ast_get_enum: ast_search_dns(%s) returned %d\n", tmp, ret);
-			if (ret > 0)
-				break;
-		}
-	}
+	spaceleft = sizeof(tmp) - 2;
+	ast_copy_string(tmp, domain, spaceleft);
+	spaceleft -= strlen(domain);
+	if (*middle) {
+		strncat(tmp, middle, spaceleft);
+		spaceleft -= strlen(middle);
+	}
+	strncat(tmp,apex,spaceleft);
+	time_start = ast_tvnow();
+	ret = ast_search_dns(context, tmp, C_IN, T_NAPTR, enum_callback);
+	time_end = ast_tvnow();
+	ast_verb(2, "ast_get_enum() profiling: %s, %s, %d ms\n", 
+			(ret == 0) ? "OK" : "FAIL", tmp, ast_tvdiff_ms(time_end, time_start));
 	if (ret < 0) {
 		ast_debug(1, "No such number found: %s (%s)\n", tmp, strerror(errno));
@@ -480,9 +853,9 @@
 			for (i = 0; i < context->naptr_rrs_count; i++) {
 				/* use order first and then preference to compare */
 				if ((ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[k].naptr.order) < ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[i].naptr.order)
-						&& context->naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos > context->naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos)
-					|| (ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[k].naptr.order) > ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[i].naptr.order)
-						&& context->naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos < context->naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos)){
+				     && context->naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos > context->naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos)
+				     || (ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[k].naptr.order) > ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[i].naptr.order)
+				     && context->naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos < context->naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos)) {
 					z = context->naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos;
 					context->naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos = context->naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos;
 					context->naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos = z;
@@ -490,9 +863,9 @@
 				if (ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[k].naptr.order) == ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[i].naptr.order)) {
 					if ((ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[k].naptr.pref) < ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[i].naptr.pref)
-							&& context->naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos > context->naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos)
-						|| (ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[k].naptr.pref) > ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[i].naptr.pref)
-							&& context->naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos < context->naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos)){
+					     && context->naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos > context->naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos)
+					     || (ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[k].naptr.pref) > ntohs(context->naptr_rrs[i].naptr.pref)
+					     && context->naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos < context->naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos)) {
 						z = context->naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos;
 						context->naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos = context->naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos;
 						context->naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos = z;
@@ -509,7 +882,10 @@
 	} else if (!(context->options & ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_COUNT)) {
 		context->dst[0] = 0;
-	}
+	} else if ((context->options & ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_COUNT)) {
+		snprintf(context->dst,context->dstlen,"%d",context->count);
+	}
 	if (chan)
 		ret |= ast_autoservice_stop(chan);
@@ -526,84 +902,59 @@
 	return ret;
-/* Get TXT record from DNS. Really has nothing to do with enum, but anyway... */
-int ast_get_txt(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *number, char *dst, int dstlen, char *tech, int techlen, char *txt, int txtlen)
-	struct enum_context context;
+/*!\brief Get TXT record from DNS.
+ * Really has nothing to do with enum, but anyway...
+ *
+ * Actually, there is now an internet-draft which describes how callerID should
+ * be stored in ENUM domains: draft-ietf-enum-cnam-04.txt
+ *
+ * The algorithm implemented here will thus be obsolete soon.
+ */
+int ast_get_txt(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *number, char *txt, int txtlen, char *suffix)
+	struct txt_context context;
 	char tmp[259 + 512];
-	char naptrinput[512] = "+";
 	int pos = strlen(number) - 1;
 	int newpos = 0;
 	int ret = -1;
-	struct enum_search *s = NULL;
-	int version = -1;
-	strncat(naptrinput, number, sizeof(naptrinput) - 2);
-	context.naptrinput = naptrinput;
-	context.dst = dst;
-	context.dstlen = dstlen;
-	context.tech = tech;
-	context.techlen = techlen;
-	context.txt = txt;
-	context.txtlen = txtlen;
-	if (pos > 128)
+	ast_debug(4, "ast_get_txt: Number = '%s', suffix = '%s'\n", number, suffix);
+	if (chan && ast_autoservice_start(chan) < 0) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (pos > 128) {
 		pos = 128;
+	}
 	while (pos >= 0) {
-		tmp[newpos++] = number[pos--];
-		tmp[newpos++] = '.';
-	}
-	if (chan && ast_autoservice_start(chan) < 0)
-		return -1;
-	for (;;) {
-		ast_mutex_lock(&enumlock);
-		if (version != enumver) {
-			/* Ooh, a reload... */
-			s = toplevs;
-			version = enumver;
-		} else {
-			s = s->next;
-		}
-		if (s) {
-			ast_copy_string(tmp + newpos, s->toplev, sizeof(tmp) - newpos);
-		}
-		ast_mutex_unlock(&enumlock);
-		if (!s)
-			break;
-		ret = ast_search_dns(&context, tmp, C_IN, T_TXT, txt_callback);
-		if (ret > 0)
-			break;
-	}
+		if (isdigit(number[pos])) {
+			tmp[newpos++] = number[pos];
+			tmp[newpos++] = '.';
+		}
+		pos--;
+	}
+	ast_copy_string(&tmp[newpos], suffix, sizeof(tmp) - newpos);
 	if (ret < 0) {
 		ast_debug(2, "No such number found in ENUM: %s (%s)\n", tmp, strerror(errno));
 		ret = 0;
-	}
-	if (chan)
+	} else {
+		ast_copy_string(txt, context.txt, txtlen);
+	}
+	if (chan) {
 		ret |= ast_autoservice_stop(chan);
+	}
 	return ret;
-/*! \brief Add enum tree to linked list */
-static struct enum_search *enum_newtoplev(const char *s)
-	struct enum_search *tmp;
-	if ((tmp = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*tmp)))) {		
-		ast_copy_string(tmp->toplev, s, sizeof(tmp->toplev));
-	}
-	return tmp;
 /*! \brief Initialize the ENUM support subsystem */
 static int private_enum_init(int reload)
 	struct ast_config *cfg;
-	struct enum_search *s, *sl;
-	struct ast_variable *v;
+	const char *string;
 	struct ast_flags config_flags = { reload ? CONFIG_FLAG_FILEUNCHANGED : 0 };
 	if ((cfg = ast_config_load2("enum.conf", "enum", config_flags)) == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEUNCHANGED)
@@ -611,34 +962,25 @@
 	/* Destroy existing list */
-	s = toplevs;
-	while (s) {
-		sl = s;
-		s = s->next;
-		ast_free(sl);
-	}
-	toplevs = NULL;
 	if (cfg) {
-		sl = NULL;
-		v = ast_variable_browse(cfg, "general");
-		while (v) {
-			if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "search")) {
-				s = enum_newtoplev(v->value);
-				if (s) {
-					if (sl)
-						sl->next = s;
-					else
-						toplevs = s;
-					sl = s;
-				}
-			}
-			v = v->next;
+		if ((string = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "ienum", "branchlabel"))) {
+			ast_copy_string(ienum_branchlabel, string, sizeof(ienum_branchlabel));
+		}
+		if ((string = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "ienum", "ebl_alg"))) {
+			ebl_alg = ENUMLOOKUP_BLR_CC; /* default */
+			if (!strcasecmp(string, "txt"))
+				ebl_alg = ENUMLOOKUP_BLR_TXT; 
+			else if (!strcasecmp(string, "ebl"))
+				ebl_alg = ENUMLOOKUP_BLR_EBL; 
+			else if (!strcasecmp(string, "cc"))
+				ebl_alg = ENUMLOOKUP_BLR_CC; 
+			else
+				ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No valid parameter for ienum/ebl_alg.\n");
-	} else {
-		toplevs = enum_newtoplev(TOPLEV);
-	}
-	enumver++;
+	}
 	manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_SYSTEM, "Reload", "Module: Enum\r\nStatus: Enabled\r\nMessage: ENUM reload Requested\r\n");
 	return 0;

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