[svn-commits] tzafrir: tools/trunk r4416 - in /tools/trunk/xpp: ./ perl_modules/ perl_modul...

SVN commits to the Digium repositories svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Thu Jun 19 12:34:37 CDT 2008

Author: tzafrir
Date: Thu Jun 19 12:34:36 2008
New Revision: 4416

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/dahdi?view=rev&rev=4416
XPP tools rename: part 2.

Removed obsolete astribank_hook (not needed) and print_modes (moved to

      - copied from r4415, tools/trunk/xpp/perl_modules/Zaptel/
      - copied, changed from r4415, tools/trunk/xpp/perl_modules/Zaptel.pm

Modified: tools/trunk/xpp/Makefile
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/dahdi/tools/trunk/xpp/Makefile?view=diff&rev=4416&r1=4415&r2=4416
--- tools/trunk/xpp/Makefile (original)
+++ tools/trunk/xpp/Makefile Thu Jun 19 12:34:36 2008
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 # These variables should be passed to us. But until then...
-ZAPTEL_DIR	?= $(shell if [ -f "../../zaptel.h" ]; then echo "../.."; else echo "../../.."; fi)
-ZAP_KERNEL	?= $(shell if [ -d "$(ZAPTEL_DIR)/kernel" ]; then echo "$(ZAPTEL_DIR)/kernel"; else echo "$(ZAPTEL_DIR)"; fi)
--include $(ZAPTEL_DIR)/makeopts
+include $(DAHDI_TOOLSDIR)/makeopts
@@ -26,50 +26,43 @@
 SBINDIR		= $(prefix)/sbin
-DATADIR		= $(datadir)/zaptel
+DATADIR		= $(datadir)/dahdi
 MANDIR		= $(mandir)/man8
 HOTPLUG_USB_DIR	= /etc/hotplug/usb
 UDEV_RULES_DIR	= /etc/udev/rules.d
 PERLLIBDIR	:= $(shell eval `perl -V:sitelib`; echo "$$sitelib")
-PERL_DIRS	:= $(shell cd zconf; find * -name '[A-Z]*' -type d| xargs)
+PERL_DIRS	:= $(shell cd perl_modules; find * -name '[A-Z]*' -type d| xargs)
 PERL_MODS_PAT	:= *.pm $(PERL_DIRS:%=%/*.pm)
-PERL_MODS	:= $(shell cd zconf; echo $(PERL_MODS_PAT))
+PERL_MODS	:= $(shell cd perl_modules; echo $(PERL_MODS_PAT))
 XPD_FIRMWARE	= $(wildcard ../firmwares/*.hex)
-XPD_INIT_DATA	= $(XPD_FIRMWARE) init_fxo_modes
 XPD_INIT	= $(wildcard ../init_card_?_*) xpp_fxloader
 # Variables that should be defined above, but need sane defaults:
 # FIXME: Are those values really sane?
 HOSTCC		?= $(CC)
-ifeq	(,$(PBX_LIBUSB))
-# No PBX_LIBUSB? Maybe we compile against zaptel-1.2
-# Let's make a poor man detection of libusb
-PBX_LIBUSB	= $(shell if [ -r /usr/include/usb.h ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi)
-WCTDM=$(shell for i in $(ZAP_KERNEL)/wctdm.c $(ZAP_KERNEL)/fxo_modes.h; do [ -f "$$i" ] && echo "$$i"; done)
 %.8: %
 	pod2man --section 8 $^ > $@ || $(RM) $@
-		zt_registration	\
+		dahdi_registration	\
 		xpp_sync	\
-		lszaptel	\
+		lsdahdi		\
 		xpp_blink	\
-		zapconf		\
-		zaptel_hardware	\
+		dahdi_genconf	\
+		dahdi_hardware	\
-TARGETS	= init_fxo_modes print_modes perlcheck
+TARGETS	= perlcheck
 PROG_INSTALL	= genzaptelconf
-ifeq	(1,$(PBX_LIBUSB))
+ifeq	(1,$(PBX_USB))
 TARGETS	+= libhexfile.a fpga_load test_parse
 PROG_INSTALL	+= fpga_load
@@ -104,7 +97,7 @@
 	for i in $(PERL_MODS); \
 	do \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) "zconf/$$i" "$(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIBDIR)/$$i"; \
+		$(INSTALL_DATA) "perl_modules/$$i" "$(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIBDIR)/$$i"; \
@@ -126,18 +119,8 @@
 test_parse: test_parse.o libhexfile.a
 	$(CC) -L. -o $@ $@.o $(EXTRA_LIBS) -lhexfile -lusb
-print_modes: print_modes.c wctdm_fxomodes.h
-	$(HOSTCC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $<
-wctdm_fxomodes.h: $(WCTDM)
-	@echo Building FXO modes from: $(WCTDM)
-	perl -n -e 'print if (/^static struct fxo_mode {$$/ .. /};$$/)' $(WCTDM) >$@ || rm -f $@
-init_fxo_modes: print_modes
-	./$< >$@
 perlcheck: $(PERL_SCRIPTS)
-	for i in $^; do perl -I./zconf -c $$i || exit 1; done
+	for i in $^; do perl -I./perl_modules -c $$i || exit 1; done
 	touch $@

Modified: tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_drivers
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/dahdi/tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_drivers?view=diff&rev=4416&r1=4415&r2=4416
--- tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_drivers (original)
+++ tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_drivers Thu Jun 19 12:34:36 2008
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #! /usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;
 use File::Basename;
-BEGIN { my $dir = dirname($0); unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/zconf"); }
+BEGIN { my $dir = dirname($0); unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/perl_modules"); }
-use Zaptel::Hardware;
+use Dahdi::Hardware;
-my $hardware = Zaptel::Hardware->scan;
+my $hardware = Dahdi::Hardware->scan;
 print join("\n", $hardware->drivers),"\n";

Modified: tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_genconf
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/dahdi/tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_genconf?view=diff&rev=4416&r1=4415&r2=4416
--- tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_genconf (original)
+++ tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_genconf Thu Jun 19 12:34:36 2008
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
 use strict;
 use File::Basename;
-BEGIN { my $dir = dirname($0); unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/zconf"); }
-use Zaptel;
-use Zaptel::Xpp;
-use Zaptel::Config::Defaults;
+BEGIN { my $dir = dirname($0); unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/perl_modules"); }
+use Dahdi;
+use Dahdi::Xpp;
+use Dahdi::Config::Defaults;
 my %default_context = (
 	FXO	=> 'from-pstn',
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@
 my $fxs_default_start = 'ls';
-my %default_zaptel_signalling = (
+my %default_dahdi_signalling = (
 	FXO	=> 'fxsks',
 	FXS	=> "fxo{fxs_default_start}",
 	IN	=> "fxo{fxs_default_start}",
 	OUT	=> "fxo{fxs_default_start}",
-my %default_zapata_signalling = (
+my %default_chan_dahdi_signalling = (
 	FXO	=> 'fxs_ks',
 	FXS	=> "fxo_{fxs_default_start}",
 	IN	=> "fxo_{fxs_default_start}",
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 my $bri_sig_style = 'bri_ptmp';
 my $brint_overlap = 'no';
-my %zaptel_default_vars = (
+my %dahdi_default_vars = (
 		base_exten		=> \$base_exten,
 		fxs_immediate		=> \$fxs_immediate,
 		fxs_default_start	=> \$fxs_default_start,
@@ -87,15 +87,15 @@
 		group_lines		=> \$default_group{FXO},
-		ZAPBRI_SIGNALLING	=> \$bri_sig_style,
+		DAHDI_BRI_SIGNALLING	=> \$bri_sig_style,
 		brint_overlap		=> \$brint_overlap,
-sub map_zaptel_defaults {
+sub map_dahdi_defaults {
 	my %defaults = @_;
 	foreach my $name (keys %defaults) {
 		my $val = $defaults{$name};
-		my $ref = $zaptel_default_vars{$name};
+		my $ref = $dahdi_default_vars{$name};
 		my $type = ref $ref;
 		my @vars = ();
 		# Some broken shells (msh) export even variables
@@ -115,21 +115,21 @@
-my $zapconf_file;
-my $zapatachannels_file;
+my $dahdiconf_file;
+my $chan_dahdi_channels_file;
 my $users_file;
-my $zapataconf_file;
+my $chan_dahdi_conf_file;
 my %files = (
-	zaptel		=> { file => \$zapconf_file, func => \&gen_zaptelconf },
-	zapata		=> { file => \$zapatachannels_file, func => \&gen_zapatachannelsconf },
+	dahdi		=> { file => \$dahdiconf_file, func => \&gen_dahdiconf },
+	chan_dahdi	=> { file => \$chan_dahdi_channels_file, func => \&gen_chan_dahdi_channelsconf },
 	users		=> { file => \$users_file, func => \&gen_usersconf },
-	zapataconf	=> { file => \$zapataconf_file, func => \&gen_zapataconf },
+	chan_dahdi_full	=> { file => \$chan_dahdi_conf_file, func => \&gen_chan_dahdi_conf },
-my @default_files = ("zaptel", "zapata");
-my @spans = Zaptel::spans();
+my @default_files = ("dahdi", "chan_dahdi");
+my @spans = Dahdi::spans();
 sub bchan_range($) {
 	my $span = shift || die;
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
 	return join(',', @range);
-sub gen_zaptel_signalling($) {
+sub gen_dahdi_signalling($) {
 	my $chan = shift || die;
 	my $type = $chan->type;
 	my $num = $chan->num;
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 		printf "# channel %d, %s, no module.\n", $num, $chan->fqn;
-	my $sig = $default_zaptel_signalling{$type} || die "unknown default zaptel signalling for chan $chan type $type";
+	my $sig = $default_dahdi_signalling{$type} || die "unknown default dahdi signalling for chan $chan type $type";
 	if ($type eq 'IN') {
 		printf "# astbanktype: input\n";
 	} elsif ($type eq 'OUT') {
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
 my $bri_te_last_timing = 1;
-sub gen_zaptel_digital($) {
+sub gen_dahdi_digital($) {
 	my $span = shift || die;
 	my $num = $span->num() || die;
 	die "Span #$num is analog" unless $span->is_digital();
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
 	printf "dchan=%d\n", $dchan->num();
-sub gen_zaptelconf($) {
+sub gen_dahdiconf($) {
 	my $file = shift || die;
 	rename "$file", "$file.bak"
 		or $! == 2	# ENOENT (No dependency on Errno.pm)
@@ -215,15 +215,15 @@
 	my $old = select F;
 	printf "# Autogenerated by %s on %s -- do not hand edit\n", $0, scalar(localtime);
 	print <<"HEAD";
-# Zaptel Configuration File
+# Dahdi Configuration File
-# This file is parsed by the Zaptel Configurator, ztcfg
+# This file is parsed by the Dahdi Configurator, ztcfg
 	foreach my $span (@spans) {
 		printf "# Span %d: %s %s\n", $span->num, $span->name, $span->description;
 		if($span->is_digital()) {
-			gen_zaptel_digital($span);
+			gen_dahdi_digital($span);
 		} else {
 			foreach my $chan ($span->chans()) {
 				if(1 || !defined $chan->type) {
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
 						unless defined $type;
-				gen_zaptel_signalling($chan);
+				gen_dahdi_signalling($chan);
 		print "\n";
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
 	txgain => 0,
-sub reset_zapata_values {
+sub reset_chan_dahdi_values {
 	foreach my $arg (@_) {
 		if (exists $DefaultConfigs{$arg}) {
 			print "$arg = $DefaultConfigs{$arg}\n";
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
-sub gen_zapata_digital($) {
+sub gen_chan_dahdi_digital($) {
 	my $span = shift || die;
 	my $num = $span->num() || die;
 	die "Span #$num is analog" unless $span->is_digital();
@@ -296,23 +296,23 @@
 	printf "switchtype = %s\n", $span->switchtype;
 	printf "signalling = %s\n", $sig;
 	printf "channel => %s\n", bchan_range($span);
-	reset_zapata_values(@to_reset);
-sub gen_zapata_channel($) {
+	reset_chan_dahdi_values(@to_reset);
+sub gen_chan_dahdi_channel($) {
 	my $chan = shift || die;
 	my $type = $chan->type;
 	my $num = $chan->num;
 	die "channel $num type $type is not an analog channel\n" if $chan->span->is_digital();
 	my $exten = $base_exten + $num;
-	my $sig = $default_zapata_signalling{$type};
+	my $sig = $default_chan_dahdi_signalling{$type};
 	my $context = $default_context{$type};
 	my $group = $default_group{$type};
 	my $callerid;
 	my $immediate;
 	return if $type eq 'EMPTY';
-	die "missing default_zapata_signalling for chan #$num type $type" unless $sig;
+	die "missing default_chan_dahdi_signalling for chan #$num type $type" unless $sig;
 	$callerid = ($type eq 'FXO')
 			? 'asreceived'
 			: sprintf "\"Channel %d\" <%04d>", $num, $exten;
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
 	print "\n";
-sub gen_zapatachannelsconf($) {
+sub gen_chan_dahdi_channelsconf($) {
 	my $file = shift || die;
 	rename "$file", "$file.bak"
 		or $! == 2	# ENOENT (No dependency on Errno.pm)
@@ -356,20 +356,20 @@
 	my $old = select F;
 	printf "; Autogenerated by %s on %s -- do not hand edit\n", $0, scalar(localtime);
 	print <<"HEAD";
-; Zaptel Channels Configurations (zapata.conf)
-; This is not intended to be a complete zapata.conf. Rather, it is intended
-; to be #include-d by /etc/zapata.conf that will include the global settings
+; Dahdi Channels Configurations (chan_dahdi.conf)
+; This is not intended to be a complete chan_dahdi.conf. Rather, it is intended
+; to be #include-d by /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf that will include the global settings
 	foreach my $span (@spans) {
 		printf "; Span %d: %s %s\n", $span->num, $span->name, $span->description;
 		if($span->is_digital()) {
-			gen_zapata_digital($span);
+			gen_chan_dahdi_digital($span);
 		} else {
 			foreach my $chan ($span->chans()) {
-				gen_zapata_channel($chan);
+				gen_chan_dahdi_channel($chan);
 		print "\n";
@@ -384,10 +384,10 @@
 	my $num = $chan->num;
 	die "channel $num type $type is not an analog channel\n" if $chan->span->is_digital();
 	my $exten = $base_exten + $num;
-	my $sig = $default_zapata_signalling{$type};
+	my $sig = $default_chan_dahdi_signalling{$type};
 	my $full_name = "$type $num";
-	die "missing default_zapata_signalling for chan #$num type $type" unless $sig;
+	die "missing default_chan_dahdi_signalling for chan #$num type $type" unless $sig;
 	print << "EOF";
 callwaiting = yes
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
 vmsecret = 1234
 secret = 1234
 signalling = $sig
-zapchan = $num
+dahdichan = $num
 registeriax = no
 registersip = no
 canreinvite = no
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
 	select $old;
-sub gen_zapataconf($) {
+sub gen_chan_dahdi_conf($) {
 	my $file = shift || die;
 	open(F, ">>$file") || die "$0: Failed to open $file: $!\n";
 	my $old = select F;
@@ -514,8 +514,8 @@
 		my $current_sig = "";
 		for my $chan ($span->chans()) {
 			my $chan_num = $chan->num;
-			if ($default_zapata_signalling{$chan->type} ne $current_sig) {
-				$current_sig = $default_zapata_signalling{$chan->type};
+			if ($default_chan_dahdi_signalling{$chan->type} ne $current_sig) {
+				$current_sig = $default_chan_dahdi_signalling{$chan->type};
 				print "\nsignalling = $current_sig";
 				print "\nchannel => $chan_num";
 			} else {
@@ -531,16 +531,16 @@
 sub set_defaults {
 	# Source default files
 	my ($default_file, %source_defaults) =
-		Zaptel::Config::Defaults::source_vars(keys(%zaptel_default_vars));
-	map_zaptel_defaults(%source_defaults);
+		Dahdi::Config::Defaults::source_vars(keys(%dahdi_default_vars));
+	map_dahdi_defaults(%source_defaults);
 	# Fixups
-	foreach my $val (values %default_zaptel_signalling, values %default_zapata_signalling) {
+	foreach my $val (values %default_dahdi_signalling, values %default_chan_dahdi_signalling) {
 		$val =~ s/{fxs_default_start}/$fxs_default_start/g;
-	$zapconf_file = $ENV{ZAPCONF_FILE} || "/etc/zaptel.conf";
-	$zapatachannels_file = $ENV{ZAPATA_FILE} || "/etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf";
+	$dahdiconf_file = $ENV{DAHDI_CONF_FILE} || "/etc/dahdi.conf";
+	$chan_dahdi_channels_file = $ENV{CHAN_DAHDI_CHANNELS_FILE} || "/etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf";
 	$users_file = $ENV{USERS_FILE} || "/etc/asterisk/users.conf";
-	$zapataconf_file = $ENV{ZAPATACONF_FILE} || "/etc/asterisk/zapata.conf";
+	$chan_dahdi_conf_file = $ENV{CHAN_DAHDI_CONF_FILE} || "/etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf";
 sub parse_args {
@@ -565,39 +565,39 @@
 =head1 NAME
-zapconf - Generate configuration for zaptel channels.
+dahdi_genconf - Generate configuration for dahdi channels.
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-zapconf [FILES...]
+dahdi_genconf [FILES...]
-This script generate configuration files for Zaptel hardware.
-Currently it can generate three files: zaptel, zapata, users and zapataconf (see below).
-Without arguments, it generates only zaptel and zapata.
+This script generate configuration files for Dahdi hardware.
+Currently it can generate three files: dahdi, chan_dahdi, users and chan_dahdi_full (see below).
+Without arguments, it generates only dahdi and chan_dahdi.
 =over 4
-=item zaptel - /etc/zaptel.conf
+=item dahdi - /etc/dahdi.conf
 Configuration for ztcfg(1). It's location may be overriden by the
-environment variable ZAPCONF_FILE.
-=item zapata - /etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf
-Configuration for asterisk(1). It should be included in the main /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf.
-It's location may be overriden by the environment variable ZAPATA_FILE.
+environment variable DAHDI_CONF_FILE.
+=item chan_dahdi - /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf
+Configuration for asterisk(1). It should be included in the main /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf.
+It's location may be overriden by the environment variable CHAN_DAHDI_CHANNELS_FILE.
 =item users - /etc/asterisk/users.conf
 Configuration for asterisk(1) and AsteriskGUI.
 It's location may be overriden by the environment variable USERS_FILE.
-=item zapataconf - /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
+=item chan_dahdi_full - /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
 Configuration for asterisk(1) and AsteriskGUI.
-It's location may be overriden by the environment variable ZAPATACONF_FILE.
+It's location may be overriden by the environment variable CHAN_DAHDI_CONF_FILE.

Modified: tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_hardware
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/dahdi/tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_hardware?view=diff&rev=4416&r1=4415&r2=4416
--- tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_hardware (original)
+++ tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_hardware Thu Jun 19 12:34:36 2008
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
 use strict;
 use File::Basename;
 use Getopt::Std;
-BEGIN { my $dir = dirname($0); unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/zconf"); }
+BEGIN { my $dir = dirname($0); unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/perl_modules"); }
-use Zaptel;
-use Zaptel::Span;
-use Zaptel::Xpp;
-use Zaptel::Xpp::Xbus;
-use Zaptel::Hardware;
+use Dahdi;
+use Dahdi::Span;
+use Dahdi::Xpp;
+use Dahdi::Xpp::Xbus;
+use Dahdi::Hardware;
 sub usage {
 	die "Usage: $0 [-v][-x]\n";
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
 getopts('vx') || usage;
 @ARGV == 0 or usage;
-my $hardware = Zaptel::Hardware->scan;
-my @spans = Zaptel::spans;
+my $hardware = Dahdi::Hardware->scan;
+my @spans = Dahdi::spans;
 sub show_xbus($) {
 	my $xbus = shift or die;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 		my $master = '';
 		#$master = "XPP-SYNC" if $xpd->is_sync_master;
-		$master .= " ZAPTEL-SYNC" if defined($span) && $span->is_zaptel_sync_master;
+		$master .= " DAHDI-SYNC" if defined($span) && $span->is_dahdi_sync_master;
 		printf "\t%-10s: %-8s %s %s\n", $xpd->fqn, $xpd->type, $spanstr, $master;
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 	my %seen = @_;
 	my $notified_lost = 0;
-	foreach my $xbus (Zaptel::Xpp::xbuses('SORT_CONNECTOR')) {
+	foreach my $xbus (Dahdi::Xpp::xbuses('SORT_CONNECTOR')) {
 		if(!$seen{$xbus->name}) {
 			print "----------- XPP Spans with disconnected hardware -----------\n"
 				unless $notified_lost++;
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@
 =head1 NAME
-zaptel_hardware - Shows Zaptel hardware devices. 
+dahdi_hardware - Shows Dahdi hardware devices. 
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-zaptel_hardware [-v][-x]
+dahdi_hardware [-v][-x]
 =head1 OPTIONS
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@
-Show all zaptel hardware devices. Devices are recognized according to
-lists of PCI and USB IDs in Zaptel::Hardware::PCI.pm and 
-Zaptel::Hardware::USB.pm . For PCI it is possible to detect by
+Show all dahdi hardware devices. Devices are recognized according to
+lists of PCI and USB IDs in Dahdi::Hardware::PCI.pm and 
+Dahdi::Hardware::USB.pm . For PCI it is possible to detect by
 sub-vendor and sub-product ID as well.
 The first output column is the connector: a bus specific field that
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
 marks that the device is not yet handled by this driver. A "+" sign
 means that the device is handled by the driver.
-For the Xorcom Astribank (and in the future: for other Zaptel devices)
+For the Xorcom Astribank (and in the future: for other Dahdi devices)
 some further information is provided from the driver. Those extra lines
 always begin with spaces.

Modified: tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_registration
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/dahdi/tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_registration?view=diff&rev=4416&r1=4415&r2=4416
--- tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_registration (original)
+++ tools/trunk/xpp/dahdi_registration Thu Jun 19 12:34:36 2008
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
 use strict;
 use File::Basename;
-BEGIN { my $dir = dirname($0); unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/zconf"); }
+BEGIN { my $dir = dirname($0); unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/perl_modules"); }
-use Zaptel;
-use Zaptel::Span;
-use Zaptel::Xpp;
-use Zaptel::Xpp::Xbus;
+use Dahdi;
+use Dahdi::Span;
+use Dahdi::Xpp;
+use Dahdi::Xpp::Xbus;
 sub usage {
 	die "Usage: $0 [on|off|1|0]\n";
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@
 	printf @_ if $should_output;
-my @spans = Zaptel::spans;
+my @spans = Dahdi::spans;
-foreach my $xbus (Zaptel::Xpp::xbuses('SORT_CONNECTOR')) {
+foreach my $xbus (Dahdi::Xpp::xbuses('SORT_CONNECTOR')) {
 	myprintf "%-10s\t%s\t%s\n", $xbus->name, $xbus->label, $xbus->connector;
 	next unless $xbus->status eq 'CONNECTED';
 	foreach my $xpd ($xbus->xpds()) {
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 =head1 NAME
-dahdi_registration - Handle registration of Xorcom XPD modules in zaptel.
+dahdi_registration - Handle registration of Xorcom XPD modules in dahdi.
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
@@ -75,20 +75,20 @@
 Without parameters, show all connected XPDs sorted by physical connector order.
-Each one is show to be unregistered (off), or registered to a specific zaptel
+Each one is show to be unregistered (off), or registered to a specific dahdi
 span (the span number is shown).
 All registerations/deregisterations are sorted by physical connector string.
 Span registration should generally always succeed. Span unregistration may 
 fail if channels from the span are in use by e.g. asterisk. In such a case
-you'll also see those channels as '(In use)' in the output of lszaptel(8).
+you'll also see those channels as '(In use)' in the output of lsdahdi(8).
 =head2 Parameters
-off -- deregisters all XPD's from zaptel.
+off -- deregisters all XPD's from dahdi.
-on -- registers all XPD's to zaptel.
+on -- registers all XPD's to dahdi.
 =head2 Sample Output

Modified: tools/trunk/xpp/genzaptelconf
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/dahdi/tools/trunk/xpp/genzaptelconf?view=diff&rev=4416&r1=4415&r2=4416
--- tools/trunk/xpp/genzaptelconf (original)
+++ tools/trunk/xpp/genzaptelconf Thu Jun 19 12:34:36 2008
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #! /bin/bash
 # genzaptelconf: generate as smartly as you can:
-#		/etc/zaptel.conf
+#		/etc/dahdi.conf
 #		/etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf (to be #include-d into zapata.conf)
 #	update:
 #		With '-M' /etc/modules (list of modules to load)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 # Set fxs_immediate to 'yes' to make all FXS lines answer immediately.
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
 	if [ -x /usr/sbin/ztcfg ]; then
-		echo >&2 "ztcfg is not on found, do you have zaptel properly installed?"
+		echo >&2 "ztcfg is not on found, do you have dahdi properly installed?"
 		exit_cleanup 1
@@ -178,9 +178,9 @@
 # Wait for udev to generate /dev/zap/ctl, if needed:
 wait_for_zapctl() {
-	# if device file already exists, or if zaptel has failed to load: 
+	# if device file already exists, or if dahdi has failed to load: 
 	# no point waiting.
-	if [ -c /dev/zap/ctl ] || ! grep -q zaptel /proc/modules ; then
+	if [ -c /dev/zap/ctl ] || ! grep -q dahdi /proc/modules ; then
 	say "Waiting for /dev/zap/ctl to be generated"
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
 update_module_list_fedora() {
-	say "Updating modules list in zaptel init config $MODLIST_FILE_FEDORA."
+	say "Updating modules list in dahdi init config $MODLIST_FILE_FEDORA."
 	sed -i.bak -e "/^$modules_var=/d" "$MODLIST_FILE_FEDORA"
 	echo "$modules_var=\"$*\"" >> "$MODLIST_FILE_FEDORA"
@@ -251,10 +251,10 @@
 	# the USB connector. That order is rather arbitrary, but will not
 	# change without changes to the cabling.
 	xbusses=`sed -e '/STATUS=connected/!d' -e 's/ *STATUS=.*//' -e 's/ *CONNECTOR=//' /proc/xpp/xbuses | sort -t: -k 2 | cut -d: -f1`
-	say "Zaptel registration order:"
+	say "Dahdi registration order:"
 	say "$xbusses"
-	# get a list of XPDs that were not yet registered as zaptel spans.
+	# get a list of XPDs that were not yet registered as dahdi spans.
 	# this will be the case if you set the parameter zap_autoreg=0 to
 	# the module xpp
 	# Append /dev/null to provide a valid file name in case of an empty pattern.
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
 usage() {
 	program=`basename $0`
-	echo >&2 "$program: generate zaptel.conf and zapata.conf"
+	echo >&2 "$program: generate dahdi.conf and zapata.conf"
 	echo >&2 "(version $VERSION, $rcsid)"
 	echo >&2 "usage:"
 	echo >&2 " $program [-sRdv] [-m k|l|g] [-c <country_code>] [-e <base_exten>] [-F]"
@@ -301,9 +301,9 @@
 	echo >&2 "  -c CODE: set the country code (default: $lc_country)"
 	echo >&2 "  -e NUM: set the base extension number (default: $base_exten)"
 	echo >&2 "  -F: Don't print FXSs in zapata.conf"
-	echo >&2 "  -l: output a list of detected channels instead of zaptel.conf"
+	echo >&2 "  -l: output a list of detected channels instead of dahdi.conf"
 	echo >&2 "  -d: Perform hardware detection"
-	echo >&2 "  -u: Unload zaptel modules (will not restart Asterisk)."
+	echo >&2 "  -u: Unload dahdi modules (will not restart Asterisk)."
 	echo >&2 "  -v: verbose"
 	echo >&2 "  -s: Stop Asterisk before running, and start it at the end."
 	echo >&2 "  -R: Don't restart asterisk in the end."
@@ -371,10 +371,10 @@
 		echo ";;; line=\"$line\""                      >> $zapata_file
 		if [ "$astbank_type" != '' ]; 
-			then echo "# astbanktype: $astbank_type" >>$zaptel_file; 
-		fi
-		echo "${sig}$method=$chan" >>$zaptel_file
-		# zap2amp will rewrite those from zaptel.conf and hints there
+			then echo "# astbanktype: $astbank_type" >>$dahdi_file; 
+		fi
+		echo "${sig}$method=$chan" >>$dahdi_file
+		# zap2amp will rewrite those from dahdi.conf and hints there
 		if [ "$fxsdisable" = 'yes' ] && [ "$sig" = 'fxo' ]; then return; fi
 		echo "signalling=${sig}_$method" >>$zapata_file
@@ -476,14 +476,14 @@
-# the number of channels from /proc/zaptel
+# the number of channels from /proc/dahdi
 # must always print a number as its output.
 count_proc_zap_lines() {
-	# if zaptel is not loaded there are 0 channels:
-	if [ ! -d /proc/zaptel ]; then echo '0'; return; fi
+	# if dahdi is not loaded there are 0 channels:
+	if [ ! -d /proc/dahdi ]; then echo '0'; return; fi
-		for file in `echo /proc/zaptel/* |grep -v '\*'`
+		for file in `echo /proc/dahdi/* |grep -v '\*'`
 		do sed -e 1,2d $file # remove the two header lines
 	) | wc -l # the total number of lines
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
 		eval "args=\$$args"
 		# a module is worth listing if it:
 		# a. loaded successfully, and
-		# b. added channels lines under /proc/zaptel/*
+		# b. added channels lines under /proc/dahdi/*
 		if /sbin/modprobe $i $args 2> /dev/null 
@@ -545,8 +545,8 @@
 unload_modules() {
-	say "Unloading zaptel modules:"
-	unload_module zaptel
+	say "Unloading dahdi modules:"
+	unload_module dahdi
 	say ''
@@ -574,11 +574,11 @@
 	if echo $modlist | grep -q xpp_usb; then wait_for_xpp; fi
-# The module configuration generated by zaptel includes a totally useless 
+# The module configuration generated by dahdi includes a totally useless 
 # automatic run of ztcfg after modules loading. As a workaround for that, 
-# we provide an empty zaptel.conf temporarily.
+# we provide an empty dahdi.conf temporarily.
-# At hardware detection time we shouldn't really touch zaptel.conf . So we 
+# At hardware detection time we shouldn't really touch dahdi.conf . So we 
 # must keep a copy of it somewhere.
 # I use ZAPCONF_FILE_SYSTEM rather than ZAPCONF_FILE, as the bogus modprobe 
@@ -590,15 +590,15 @@
 temporary_zapconf() {
   case "$1" in
-	  say "Temporarily moving zaptel.conf aside to work around broken modprobe.conf"
-		ZAPCONF_FILE_TMP=`mktemp /tmp/genzaptelconf-zaptel.conf-XXXXXX` || die "Error creating temporary zaptel.conf"
+	  say "Temporarily moving dahdi.conf aside to work around broken modprobe.conf"
+		ZAPCONF_FILE_TMP=`mktemp /tmp/genzaptelconf-dahdi.conf-XXXXXX` || die "Error creating temporary dahdi.conf"
 		if [ -f $ZAPCONF_FILE_SYSTEM ];  then
-		# restore original zaptel.conf:
+		# restore original dahdi.conf:
 		if [ "$ZAPCONF_FILE_TMP" = '' ]; then return; fi
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@
-# Extract information from one digital channel (one line in a /proc/zaptel 
+# Extract information from one digital channel (one line in a /proc/dahdi 
 # file). Information is saved to $tmp_dir/span_foo variables.
 # FIXME: detection should move to when we know the number of channels
 # and hence can tell between an E1 and a T1.
@@ -786,15 +786,15 @@
 	case "$mode" in
-		echo span=$span_num,$span_timing,$span_lbo,$span_framing,$span_coding$span_yellow >> $zaptel_file
-		# leave a comment in zaptel.conf that allows to tell if
+		echo span=$span_num,$span_timing,$span_lbo,$span_framing,$span_coding$span_yellow >> $dahdi_file
+		# leave a comment in dahdi.conf that allows to tell if
 		# this span is TE or NT:
 		if [ "$span_termtype" != '' ]
-		then echo "# termtype: $span_termtype" >>$zaptel_file
-		fi
-		echo bchan=$bchans >>$zaptel_file
-		echo dchan=$dchan  >>$zaptel_file
+		then echo "# termtype: $span_termtype" >>$dahdi_file
+		fi
+		echo bchan=$bchans >>$dahdi_file
+		echo dchan=$dchan  >>$dahdi_file
 		if [ "$fxsdisable" = 'yes' ] && [ "$span_termtype" = 'nt' ]; then return; fi
 		# You should not send content to zapata.conf below this line
@@ -857,13 +857,13 @@
 	local mode=$1
 	local reset_values=""
-# 	spanlist=`echo /proc/zaptel/* |  grep -v '\*'`
-# 	spanlist=$(for i in `for i in  /proc/zaptel/*; do if [ -f $i ]; then echo $i |  cut -f 4 -d / ; fi; done | sort -n`; do echo -n "/proc/zaptel/$i "; done)
-# 	spanlist=(cd /proc/zaptel; ls | sort -n | sed 's|^|/proc/zaptel/|')
-	spanlist=`ls /proc/zaptel/ 2>/dev/null | sort -n | sed 's|^|/proc/zaptel/|'`
+# 	spanlist=`echo /proc/dahdi/* |  grep -v '\*'`
+# 	spanlist=$(for i in `for i in  /proc/dahdi/*; do if [ -f $i ]; then echo $i |  cut -f 4 -d / ; fi; done | sort -n`; do echo -n "/proc/dahdi/$i "; done)
+# 	spanlist=(cd /proc/dahdi; ls | sort -n | sed 's|^|/proc/dahdi/|')
+	spanlist=`ls /proc/dahdi/ 2>/dev/null | sort -n | sed 's|^|/proc/dahdi/|'`
 	#if [ "$spanlist" == "" ]; then
-	#	die "No zapata interfaces in /proc/zaptel"
+	#	die "No zapata interfaces in /proc/dahdi"
@@ -872,20 +872,20 @@
 		if [ "$do_gen_zapscan" = 'yes' ]; then
 			gen_tmp_conf "$ZAPSCAN_FILE" zapscan_file
 			cat <<EOF >$zapscan_file
-; zapscan.conf: information about detected zaptel channels
+; zapscan.conf: information about detected dahdi channels
 ; (currently: analog only)
 ; Automatically generated by $0 -- Please do not edit.
-		gen_tmp_conf "$ZAPTEL_FILE" zaptel_file
+		gen_tmp_conf "$ZAPTEL_FILE" dahdi_file
 		gen_tmp_conf "$ZAPATA_FILE" zapata_file
-		cat <<EOF >$zaptel_file
+		cat <<EOF >$dahdi_file
 # Autogenerated by $0 -- do not hand edit
-# Zaptel Configuration File
-# This file is parsed by the Zaptel Configurator, ztcfg
+# Dahdi Configuration File
+# This file is parsed by the Dahdi Configurator, ztcfg
 # It must be in the module loading order
@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@
 		cat <<EOF >$zapata_file
 ; Autogenerated by $0 -- do not hand edit
-; Zaptel Channels Configurations (zapata.conf)
+; Dahdi Channels Configurations (zapata.conf)
 ; This is not intended to be a complete zapata.conf. Rather, it is intended 
 ; to be #include-d by /etc/zapata.conf that will include the global settings
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@
 	# Another problem with such an approach is how to include an existing 
 	# configuration file. For instance: how to include some default settings.
-	# Maybe an 'include' directive should be added to zaptel.conf ?
+	# Maybe an 'include' directive should be added to dahdi.conf ?
 	#cat $spanlist | 
 	for procfile in $spanlist
@@ -925,8 +925,8 @@
 		case "$mode" in
 		list) echo "### $title";;
-			echo ""         >>$zaptel_file
-			echo "# $title" >>$zaptel_file
+			echo ""         >>$dahdi_file
+			echo "# $title" >>$dahdi_file
 			echo ""         >>$zapata_file
 			echo "; $title" >>$zapata_file
@@ -975,7 +975,7 @@
 					# print nothing here. 
 				  	case "$mode" in 
 					list)  echo "# channel $chan_num, WCTDM, no module.";;
-					files) echo "# channel $chan_num, WCTDM, no module." >> $zaptel_file;;
+					files) echo "# channel $chan_num, WCTDM, no module." >> $dahdi_file;;
@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@
 				# X100P
 				print_pattern $chan_num fxs $mode || \
-				echo "# channel $chan_num, WCFXO, inactive." >>$zaptel_file
+				echo "# channel $chan_num, WCFXO, inactive." >>$dahdi_file
 				print_pattern $chan_num fxo $mode
@@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@
 				case "$mode" in
 				list) echo "# ??: $line";;
-					echo "# ??: $line" >>$zaptel_file
+					echo "# ??: $line" >>$dahdi_file
 					echo "; ??: $line" >>$zapata_file
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@
 	if [ "$mode" = 'files' ]
-		cat <<EOF >> ${zaptel_file}
+		cat <<EOF >> ${dahdi_file}
 # Global data
@@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@
 	if [ "$mode" = 'files' ]; then
 		mv ${ZAPCONF_FILE} ${ZAPCONF_FILE}.bak 2>/dev/null
-		mv $zaptel_file ${ZAPCONF_FILE}
+		mv $dahdi_file ${ZAPCONF_FILE}
 		mv ${ZAPATA_FILE} ${ZAPATA_FILE}.bak 2>/dev/nullk
 		mv $zapata_file ${ZAPATA_FILE}
 		if [ "$do_gen_zapscan" = 'yes' ]; then
@@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@
 case "$lc_country" in
-	# the list was generated from the source of zaptel:
+	# the list was generated from the source of dahdi:
 	#grep '{.*[0-9]\+,.*"[a-z][a-z]"' zonedata.c | cut -d'"' -f 2 | xargs |tr ' ' '|'
@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
 	#redefine genconf to use perl utilities:
 	genconf() {
 		case "$1" in 
-		list) zaptel_hardware ;;
+		list) dahdi_hardware ;;
 		files) zapconf ;;

Modified: tools/trunk/xpp/genzaptelconf.8
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/dahdi/tools/trunk/xpp/genzaptelconf.8?view=diff&rev=4416&r1=4415&r2=4416
--- tools/trunk/xpp/genzaptelconf.8 (original)
+++ tools/trunk/xpp/genzaptelconf.8 Thu Jun 19 12:34:36 2008
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 .TH GENZAPTELCONF 8 "July 18th, 2005" "Xorcom Rapid Asterisk" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
 .SH "NAME" 
 .B genzaptelconf 
--- generates zaptel configuration (TDM adaptors)
+-- generates dahdi configuration (TDM adaptors)
 .B genzaptelconf 
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@
 [-sRdv] -l -- only list to standard output
 .B genzaptelconf 
--su -- only unload zaptel modules
+-su -- only unload dahdi modules
 .B genzaptelconf 
 -h -- Help screen
 .B genzaptelconf 
-is a script to detect zaptel devices (currently mostly TDM cards are 
+is a script to detect dahdi devices (currently mostly TDM cards are 
 supported). It generates both 
-.I /etc/zaptel.conf
+.I /etc/dahdi.conf
 .I /etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 A two-letter country code. Sets the country-code for the zonezone 
 entries in 
-.I zaptel.conf
+.I dahdi.conf
 , The default is the value of
 .I lc_country
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 .B -d
-Also try to detect modules. Unloads all zaptel modules and loads them
+Also try to detect modules. Unloads all dahdi modules and loads them
 one by one. Considers a module useful if it loaded successfully and if 
 loading it has generated at least one zapata channel.
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
 .B -s
 Stop asterisk for the duration of the test. The detection will only
-work if nobody uses the zaptel channels: 
+work if nobody uses the dahdi channels: 
 * To allow unloading of modules
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 Be verbose. lists the detected modules if 
 .I -d
 is used. Lists detected channls. In the end tries to connect to asterisk
-to get a list of configured zaptel channels.
+to get a list of configured dahdi channels.
 .B -z
@@ -174,12 +174,12 @@
 .I context_lines
-The context into which calls will go from zaptel trunks.
+The context into which calls will go from dahdi trunks.
 .I context_phones
-The context into which calls will go from zaptel phones.
+The context into which calls will go from dahdi phones.
 .I context_manual
@@ -189,12 +189,12 @@
 .I group_lines
-The group number for zaptel trunks.
+The group number for dahdi trunks.
 .I group_phones
-The group number for zaptel phones.
+The group number for dahdi phones.
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
-ztcfg's configuration file. The sane default is /etc/zaptel.conf .
+ztcfg's configuration file. The sane default is /etc/dahdi.conf .
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
-The Debian Zaptel defaults file. Normally
+The Debian Dahdi defaults file. Normally
 .I /etc/default/zaptel
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
-The Zaptel defaults file on various other distributions. Normally
+The Dahdi defaults file on various other distributions. Normally
 .I /etc/sysconfig/zaptel
@@ -246,14 +246,14 @@
-.I /etc/zaptel.conf
+.I /etc/dahdi.conf
 The configuration file used by 
 .I ztcfg
-to configure zaptel devices. re-written by 
+to configure dahdi devices. re-written by 
 .I genzaptelconf
  . A backup copy is saved to
-.I /etc/zaptel.conf.bak
+.I /etc/dahdi.conf.bak
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
 This file holds configuration for both 
 .I genzaptelconf
-.I /etc/init.d/zaptel .
+.I /etc/init.d/dahdi .
 It is sourced by both scripts and can thus be used to override settings 
 of variables from those scripts.
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
 A debian-specific list of kernel modules to be loaded by modprobe at 
 boot time. When the option 
 .I -d
-(detect) is used, genzaptelconf will write in this file zaptel modules
+(detect) is used, genzaptelconf will write in this file dahdi modules
 to be loaded. If you want to use a different file, set 
  . If it is rewritten, a backup copy is saved to

Modified: tools/trunk/xpp/lsdahdi
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/dahdi/tools/trunk/xpp/lsdahdi?view=diff&rev=4416&r1=4415&r2=4416
--- tools/trunk/xpp/lsdahdi (original)
+++ tools/trunk/xpp/lsdahdi Thu Jun 19 12:34:36 2008
@@ -9,18 +9,18 @@
 use strict;
 use File::Basename;
-BEGIN { my $dir = dirname($0); unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/zconf"); }
+BEGIN { my $dir = dirname($0); unshift(@INC, "$dir", "$dir/perl_modules"); }
-use Zaptel;
-use Zaptel::Span;
-use Zaptel::Xpp;
-use Zaptel::Xpp::Xbus;
-use Zaptel::Xpp::Xpd;
+use Dahdi;
+use Dahdi::Span;
+use Dahdi::Xpp;
+use Dahdi::Xpp::Xbus;
+use Dahdi::Xpp::Xpd;
-my @xbuses = Zaptel::Xpp::xbuses("SORT_CONNECTOR");

[... 1076 lines stripped ...]

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