[svn-commits] kpfleming: linux/trunk r4570 - in /linux/trunk: ./ build_tools/

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Tue Jul 8 13:32:02 CDT 2008

Author: kpfleming
Date: Tue Jul  8 13:32:02 2008
New Revision: 4570

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/dahdi?view=rev&rev=4570
make the uninstall-modules target actually work (except when DESTDIR is supplied), and automatically uninstall any Zaptel modules present for the KVERS kernel during installation of DAHDI


Modified: linux/trunk/Makefile
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/dahdi/linux/trunk/Makefile?view=diff&rev=4570&r1=4569&r2=4570
--- linux/trunk/Makefile (original)
+++ linux/trunk/Makefile Tue Jul  8 13:32:02 2008
@@ -152,9 +152,23 @@
 	$(MAKE) -C drivers/dahdi/firmware hotplug-uninstall DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR)
-	@build_tools/uninstall-modules $(DESTDIR)/lib/modules/$(KVERS)
-install-modules: modules  #uninstall-modules
+ifdef DESTDIR
+	echo "Uninstalling modules is not supported with a custom DESTDIR."
+	exit 1
+	echo -n "Removing DAHDI modules for kernel $(KVERS), please wait..."
+	@build_tools/uninstall-modules dahdi $(KVERS)
+	echo "done."
+install-modules: modules
+ifndef DESTDIR
+	@if modinfo zaptel 2>&1 > /dev/null; then \
+		echo -n "Removing Zaptel modules for kernel $(KVERS), please wait..."; \
+		build_tools/uninstall-modules zaptel $(KVERS); \
+		echo "done."; \
+	fi
 	[ `id -u` = 0 ] && /sbin/depmod -a $(KVERS) || :

Modified: linux/trunk/build_tools/uninstall-modules
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/dahdi/linux/trunk/build_tools/uninstall-modules?view=diff&rev=4570&r1=4569&r2=4570
--- linux/trunk/build_tools/uninstall-modules (original)
+++ linux/trunk/build_tools/uninstall-modules Tue Jul  8 13:32:02 2008
@@ -1,41 +1,61 @@
-# uninstall-modules
+# This script takes two arguments: a top-level module name, and a kernel version string
-# Remove all the modules passed in on the command line from the modules
-# directory.  This script is called by the makefile.
+# It will search the entire /lib/modules directory tree for the given kernel version,
+# and find all modules that are dependent (even indirectly) on the specified module.
+# After producing that list, it will remove all those modules.
-usage() {
-	echo "$0: Used to delete kernel modules from the modules directory."
-	echo ""
-	echo "Usage:"
-	echo "  $0 MODULES_BASE_DIR mod1 [mod2 [...]]"
-	echo ""
-	echo "  MODULES_BASE_DIR - typically /lib/modules/KVERS"
-	echo "  modN -             (optionally partial) module name to remove."
+checkmod() {
+    SAVEIFS="${IFS}"
+    IFS=","
+    modname=`basename ${1}`
+    modname=${modname%.ko}
+    if test "${modname}" = "${base}"; then
+	rmlist="${rmlist} ${1}"
+	return
+    fi
+    for dep in `modinfo -F depends ${1}`; do
+	for mod in ${deptree}; do
+	    if test "${dep}" = "${mod}"; then
+		addit=1
+		for checkmod in ${deptree}; do
+		    if test "${checkmod}" = "${modname}"; then
+			addit=0
+			break
+		    fi
+		done
+		if test "${addit}" = "1"; then
+		    deptree="${deptree},${modname%.ko}"
+		    rmlist="${rmlist} ${1}"
+		    founddep=1
+		fi
+	    fi
+	done
+    done
+    IFS="${SAVEIFS}"
-if [ -z "$KERNEL_MODULES_DIR" ]; then
-	echo "Missing kernel module directory."
-	usage
-	exit 1;
+while test "${founddep}" = "1"; do
+    founddep=0
+    find /lib/modules/${2} -name \*.ko -print > /tmp/modlist
+    exec 9<&0 < /tmp/modlist
+    while read mod; do
+	checkmod ${mod}
+    done
+    exec 0<&9 9<&-
+    rm /tmp/modlist
+if test -n "${rmlist}"; then
+    for mod in ${rmlist}; do
+	rm -f ${mod}
+    done
-if [ -z "$MODULES" ]; then
-	echo "Missing one or more modules to delete."
-	usage
-	exit 1;
-for mod in $MODULES; do 
-	BASE=`basename $mod`
-	for file in `cat $KERNEL_MODULES_DIR/modules.dep | cut -d : -f 1 | grep "$BASE$"`; do
-		if [ -e "$file" ]; then
-			#echo "Deleting $file."
-			rm -f $file
-		fi
-	done
-exit 0

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