[svn-commits] russell: trunk r434 - in /trunk/contrib: ./ Makefile-dummy menuselect-dummy
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Tue Dec 9 10:02:56 CST 2008
Author: russell
Date: Tue Dec 9 10:02:54 2008
New Revision: 434
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/menuselect?view=rev&rev=434
Add tzafrir's minimal menuselect emulation perl script which can be used in
lieu of menuselect in cases where menuselect isn't available, such as when
trying to use git-svn.
(closes issue #13132)
Reported by: tzafrir
Makefile uploaded by tzafrir (license 46)
menuselect uploaded by tzafrir (license 46)
Tested by: tzafrir
trunk/contrib/Makefile-dummy (with props)
trunk/contrib/menuselect-dummy (with props)
Added: trunk/contrib/Makefile-dummy
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/menuselect/trunk/contrib/Makefile-dummy?view=auto&rev=434
--- trunk/contrib/Makefile-dummy (added)
+++ trunk/contrib/Makefile-dummy Tue Dec 9 10:02:54 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+ ./menuselelct
+# Generate some dummy files to satifsy dependencies from the main
+# Makefile.
+ touch linkedlists.h menuselect.c menuselect_curses.c \
+ menuselect.h menuselect_stub.c
Propchange: trunk/contrib/Makefile-dummy
svn:eol-style = native
Propchange: trunk/contrib/Makefile-dummy
svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision
Propchange: trunk/contrib/Makefile-dummy
svn:mime-type = text/plain
Added: trunk/contrib/menuselect-dummy
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/menuselect/trunk/contrib/menuselect-dummy?view=auto&rev=434
--- trunk/contrib/menuselect-dummy (added)
+++ trunk/contrib/menuselect-dummy Tue Dec 9 10:02:54 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,521 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# menuselect - a simple drop-in replacement of the batch-mode menuselect
+# included with Asterisk.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 by Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+# USA
+# Installation: copy this script to menuselect/menuselect . Copy the
+# included Makefile as menuselect/Makefile and run:
+# make -C makefile dummies
+# It takes configuration from build_tools/conf . Sample config file:
+# By default all modules will be built (except those marked not be
+# used by default)
+# # exclude: Don't try to build the following modules.
+# #exclude app_test
+# # You can have multiple items in each line, and multiple lines.
+# # Each item is a perl regular expression that must match the whole
+# # module name.
+# #exclude res_config_.*
+# # include: syntax is the same as exclude. Overrides exclude and
+# # modules that are marked as disabled by defualt:
+# #include res_config_sqlite3 app_skel
+# # If you want to make sure some modules will be conifgured to build,
+# # you can require them. If modules that match any of the 'require'
+# # pattern are not configured to build, menuselect will panic.
+# # Same pattern rules apply here. Why would you want that? I have no
+# # idea.
+# #require chan_h323 app_directory
+# # random - the value for this keyword is a number between 1 and
+# # 100. The higher it is, more chances not to include each module.
+# # Writes the list of modules that got hit to
+# # build_tools/mods_removed_random .
+# # Note that unlike 'make randomconfig' and such the random
+# # configuration changes each time you run 'make', thus if a build
+# # failed you should first read build_tools/mods_removed_random
+# # before re-running make.
+# #random 10
+# # Anything after a '#' is ignored, and likewise empty lines.
+# # Naturally.
+use strict;
+# Holds global dependncy information. Keys are module names.
+my %ModInfo = ();
+# extract configuration from kernel modules:
+my $AutoconfDepsFile = "build_tools/menuselect-deps";
+# configuration file to read for some directives:
+my $ConfFile = "build_tools/conf";
+# Modules removed randomely:
+my $RandomeModsFile = "build_tools/mods_removed_random";
+my $MakedepsFile = "menuselect.makedeps";
+my $MakeoptsFile = "menuselect.makeopts";
+# If those modules are not present, the build will fail (PCRE patterns)
+my @RequiredModules = ();
+my @Subdirs = qw/apps cdr channels codecs formats funcs main pbx res utils/;
+my @XmlCategories = 'cflags';
+# Modules should not bother building (PCRE patterns)
+my @ExcludedModules = ();
+# Do try building those. Overrides 'exclude' and 'defaultenable: no'
+my @IncludedModules = ();
+# A chance to rule-out a module randomely.
+my $RandomKnockoutFactor = 0;
+sub warning($) {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ print STDERR "$0: Warning: $msg\n";
+# Convert XML syntax to mail-header-like syntax:
+# <var>value</var> --> Var: value
+sub extract_xml_key($) {
+ my $xml_line = shift;
+ if ($xml_line !~ m{^\s*<([a-zA-Z0-9]*)>([^<]*)</\1>}) {
+ warning "parsed empty value from XML line $xml_line";
+ return ('', ''); # warn?
+ }
+ my ($var, $val) = ($1, $2);
+ $var =~ s{^[a-z]}{\u$&};
+ return ($var, $val);
+# Get information embedded in source files from a subdirectory.
+# First parameter is the subdirectory and further ones are the actual
+# source files.
+sub get_subdir_module_info {
+ my $subdir = shift;
+ my @files = @_;
+ my $dir = uc($subdir);
+ foreach my $src (@files) {
+ open SRC,$src or die "Can't read from source file $src: $!\n";
+ $src =~ m|.*/([^/]*)\.c|;
+ my $mod_name = $1;
+ my %data = (
+ Type=>'module',
+ Module=>$mod_name,
+ Dir=> $dir,
+ Avail=>1
+ );
+ while (<SRC>) {
+ next unless (m|^/\*\*\* MODULEINFO| .. m|^ ?\*\*\*/|);
+ next unless (m|^[A-Z]| || m|^\s*<|);
+ # At this point we can assume we're in the module
+ # info section.
+ chomp;
+ my ($var, $val) = extract_xml_key($_);
+ if ($var =~ /^(Depend|Use)$/i) {
+ # use uppercase for dependency names;
+ $val = uc($val);
+ }
+ if ( ! exists $data{$var} ) {
+ $data{$var} = [$val];
+ } else {
+ push @{$data{$var}},($val);
+ }
+ }
+ close SRC;
+ $ModInfo{uc($mod_name)} = \%data;
+ }
+# extract embedded information in all the source tree.
+sub extract_subdirs {
+ for my $subdir(@_) {
+ get_subdir_module_info($subdir, <$subdir/*.c> , <$subdir/*.cc>);
+ }
+# parse a partial XML document that is included as an input
+# for menuselect in a few places. Naturally a full-fledged XML parsing
+# will not be done here. A line-based parsing that happens to work will
+# have to do.
+sub parse_menuselect_xml_file($) {
+ my $file_name = shift;
+ open XML,$file_name or
+ die "Failed opening XML file $file_name: $!.\n";
+ my $header = <XML>;
+ $header =~ /^\s*<category\s+name="MENUSELECT_([^"]+)"\s/;
+ my $category = $1;
+ my $member;
+ while(<XML>){
+ next unless (m{^\s*<(/?[a-z]+)[>\s]});
+ my $tag = $1;
+ if ($tag eq 'member') {
+ if (! m{^\s*<member\s+name="([^"]+)" displayname="([^"]+)"\s*>}){
+ warning "Bad XML member line: $_ ($file_name:$.)\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my ($name, $display_name) = ($1, $2);
+ $member = {
+ Type => 'XML',
+ Dir => $category,
+ Module => $1,
+ DisplayName => $2,
+ Avail => 1,
+ };
+ } elsif ($tag eq '/member') {
+ $ModInfo{$member->{Module}} = $member;
+ } elsif ($tag eq '/category') {
+ last;
+ } else {
+ if (! m/^\s*<([a-z]+)>([^<]+)</) {
+ warning "(1) Unknown XML line $_ ($file_name:$.)\n";
+ next
+ }
+ my ($key, $val) = extract_xml_key($_);
+ if ($key eq '') {
+ warning "Unknown XML line $_ ($file_name:$.)\n";
+ next
+ }
+ if (! exists $member->{$key}) {
+ $member->{$key} = [];
+ }
+ push @{$member->{$key}}, ($val);
+ }
+ }
+ close XML;
+# Dump our data structure to a file.
+sub dump_deps($) {
+ my $file = shift;
+ open OUTPUT,">$file" or
+ die "cannot open category file $file for writing: $!\n";
+ foreach my $mod_name (sort keys %ModInfo) {
+ print OUTPUT "Key: $mod_name\n";
+ my $data = $ModInfo{$mod_name};
+ foreach my $var (sort keys %{$data} ) {
+ my $val = $$data{$var};
+ if (ref($val) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ print OUTPUT $var.": ". (join ", ", @$val)."\n";
+ } else {
+ print OUTPUT "$var: $val\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "\n";
+ }
+ close OUTPUT;
+# Get the available libraries that autoconf generated.
+sub get_autoconf_deps() {
+ open DEPS, $AutoconfDepsFile or
+ die "Failed to open $AutoconfDepsFile. Aborting: $!\n";
+ my @deps_list = (<DEPS>);
+ foreach (@deps_list){
+ chomp;
+ my ($lib, $avail) = split(/=/);
+ $ModInfo{$lib} = {Type=>'lib', Avail=>$avail};
+ if (($avail ne "0") && ($avail ne "1")) {
+ warning "Library $lib has invalid availability ".
+ "value <$avail> (check $AutoconfDepsFile).\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close DEPS;
+# Read our specific config file.
+# Its format:
+# keyword values
+# values are always a spaces-separated list.
+sub read_conf() {
+ open CONF,$ConfFile or return;
+ while (<CONF>) {
+ # remove comments and empty lines:
+ chomp;
+ s/#.*$//;
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ my ($keyword, @value) = split;
+ if ($keyword eq 'exclude') {
+ push @ExcludedModules, @value;
+ } elsif ($keyword eq 'include') {
+ push @IncludedModules, @value;
+ } elsif ($keyword eq 'require') {
+ push @RequiredModules, @value;
+ } elsif ($keyword eq 'random') {
+ $RandomKnockoutFactor = $value[0] / 100;
+ } else {
+ warning "unknown keyword $keyword in line $. of $ConfFile.";
+ }
+ }
+# generate menuselect.makedeps.
+# In this file menuselect writes dependecies of each module. CFLAGS will
+# then automatically include for each module the _INCLUDE and LDFLAGS
+# will include the _LIBS from all the depedencies of the module.
+sub gen_makedeps() {
+ open MAKEDEPSS, ">$MakedepsFile" or
+ die "Failed to open deps file $MakedepsFile for writing. Aborting: $!\n";
+ for my $mod_name (sort keys %ModInfo) {
+ next unless ($ModInfo{$mod_name}{Type} eq 'module');
+ my $mod = $ModInfo{$mod_name};
+ my @deps = ();
+ # if we have Depend or Use, put their values into
+ # @deps . If we have none, move on.
+ push @deps, @{$mod->{Depend}} if (exists $mod->{Depend});
+ push @deps, @{$mod->{Use}} if (exists $mod->{Use});
+ next unless @deps;
+ # TODO: don't print dependencies that are not external libs.
+ # Not done yet until I figure out if this is safe.
+ my $dep = join(' ', @deps);
+ print MAKEDEPSS "MENUSELECT_DEPENDS_".$mod->{Module}."=$dep\n";
+ }
+ close MAKEDEPSS;
+# Set modules from patterns specified by 'exclude' in the configuration file
+# to exclude modules from building (mark them as unavailable).
+sub apply_excluded_patterns() {
+ foreach my $pattern (@ExcludedModules) {
+ my @excluded = grep {/^$pattern$/i} (keys %ModInfo);
+ foreach (@excluded) {
+ $ModInfo{$_}{Avail} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+# Set modules from patterns specified by 'include' in the configuration
+# file to exclude from building (mark them as available).
+sub apply_included_patterns() {
+ foreach my $pattern (@IncludedModules) {
+ my @included = grep {/^$pattern$/i} (keys %ModInfo);
+ foreach (@included) {
+ $ModInfo{$_}{Avail} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+# If user set the "random" config to anything > 0, drop some random
+# modules. May help expose wrong dependencies.
+sub apply_random_drop() {
+ return if ($RandomKnockoutFactor <= 0);
+ open MODS_LIST, ">$RandomeModsFile" or
+ die "Failed to open modules list file $RandomeModsFile for writing. Aborting: $!\n";
+ for my $mod (keys %ModInfo) {
+ next unless ($ModInfo{$mod}{Type} eq 'module');
+ next unless (rand() < $RandomKnockoutFactor);
+ $ModInfo{$mod}{Avail} = 0;
+ $ModInfo{$mod}{RandomKill} = 1;
+ print MODS_LIST $ModInfo{$mod}{Module}."\n";
+ }
+ close MODS_LIST;
+sub check_required_patterns() {
+ my @failed = ();
+ foreach my $pattern (@RequiredModules) {
+ my @required = grep {/^$pattern$/i} (keys %ModInfo);
+ foreach my $mod (@required) {
+ if ((! exists $ModInfo{$mod}{Checked}) ||
+ (! $ModInfo{$mod}{Checked}) )
+ {
+ push @failed, $mod;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return unless (@failed);
+ my $failed_str = join ' ', at failed;
+ die("Missing dependencies for the following modules: $failed_str\n");
+# Disable building for modules that were marked in the embedded module
+# information as disabled for building by default.
+sub apply_default_enabled() {
+ foreach my $mod (keys %ModInfo) {
+ if ((exists $ModInfo{$mod}{Defaultenabled}) &&
+ $ModInfo{$mod}{Defaultenabled}[0] eq 'no')
+ {
+ $ModInfo{$mod}{Avail} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+# recursively check dependency for a module.
+# We run a scan for modules. Modules marked as 'Checked' are ones we
+# have already fully verified to have proper dependencies.
+# We can only use a module or library marked as Avail => 1 (library
+# available or module not excluded).
+sub check_module($);
+sub check_module($) {
+ my $mod = shift;
+ # we checked it:
+ if (exists $ModInfo{$mod}{Checked}) {
+ return $ModInfo{$mod}{Checked};
+ }
+ # A library has no dependencies of its own.
+ if ($ModInfo{$mod}{Type} eq 'lib') {
+ return ($ModInfo{$mod}{Avail} || 0);
+ }
+ # An excluded module.
+ if ($ModInfo{$mod}{Avail} == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # XML inputs have a reversed logic: no 'defaultenabled' means 'no'
+ # And we need to actually print enabled ones, rather than disabled
+ # ones.
+ if ($ModInfo{$mod}{Type} eq 'XML') {
+ my $res = ((not exists $ModInfo{$mod}{Defaultenabled}) ||
+ ($ModInfo{$mod}{Defaultenabled}[0] ne 'yes') );
+ $ModInfo{$mod}{Checked} = $res;
+ return $res;
+ }
+ # no dependencies to check:
+ if (! exists $ModInfo{$mod}{Depend}) {
+ $ModInfo{$mod}{Checked} = 1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ my $deps_checked = 1; # may be reset below on failures:
+ if (exists $ModInfo{$mod}{Tested}) {
+ # this probably means a circular dependency of some sort.
+ warning "Got to module $mod that is already tested.";
+ }
+ $ModInfo{$mod}{Tested} = 1;
+ foreach my $dep_mod (@{$ModInfo{$mod}{Depend}} ) {
+ if (!exists ${ModInfo}{$dep_mod}) {
+ # TODO: die here? This should never happen.
+ warning "module $mod depends on $dep_mod that does not exist.";
+ next;
+ }
+ $deps_checked &= check_module($dep_mod);
+ last if(!$deps_checked) # no point testing further if we failed.
+ }
+ $ModInfo{$mod}{Checked} = $deps_checked;
+ return $deps_checked;
+# The main dependency resolver function.
+sub resolve_deps() {
+ apply_default_enabled();
+ apply_excluded_patterns();
+ apply_included_patterns();
+ foreach my $mod (keys %ModInfo) {
+ check_module($mod);
+ }
+# generate menuselect.makeopts. Please let me know if some parts are
+# still missing.
+sub gen_makeopts() {
+ open MAKEDEPS, ">$MakeoptsFile" or
+ die "Failed to open opts file $MakeoptsFile for writing. Aborting: $!\n";
+ my %Subdirs;
+ foreach my $mod (sort keys %ModInfo) {
+ next unless ($ModInfo{$mod}{Type} =~ /^(module|XML)$/);
+ next if ($ModInfo{$mod}{Checked});
+ my $dir = $ModInfo{$mod}{Dir};
+ if (! exists $Subdirs{$dir}) {
+ $Subdirs{$dir} = [];
+ }
+ push @{$Subdirs{$dir}},( $ModInfo{$mod}{Module} );
+ }
+ foreach my $dir (sort keys %Subdirs) {
+ my $deps = join(' ', @{$Subdirs{$dir}});
+ print MAKEDEPS "MENUSELECT_$dir=$deps\n";
+ }
+ close MAKEDEPS;
+# The main program start here
+# Handy debugging:
Propchange: trunk/contrib/menuselect-dummy
svn:eol-style = native
Propchange: trunk/contrib/menuselect-dummy
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