[svn-commits] tilghman: trunk r89077 - /trunk/contrib/utils/eagi_proxy.c

SVN commits to the Digium repositories svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Tue Nov 6 19:08:31 CST 2007

Author: tilghman
Date: Tue Nov  6 19:08:31 2007
New Revision: 89077

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=89077
Add contributed EAGI proxy, which provides FastAGI functionality for EAGI, while also
buffering the audio stream.
Reported by: devil_slayer
Patch by: devil_slayer
Closes issue #8921

    trunk/contrib/utils/eagi_proxy.c   (with props)

Added: trunk/contrib/utils/eagi_proxy.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/contrib/utils/eagi_proxy.c?view=auto&rev=89077
--- trunk/contrib/utils/eagi_proxy.c (added)
+++ trunk/contrib/utils/eagi_proxy.c Tue Nov  6 19:08:31 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,419 @@
+ * Asterisk EAGI -> TCP/IP proxy
+ * 	by Danijel Korzinek (devil_slayer _at_ hotmail.com)
+ *
+ * This simple C application allows you to control asterisk thru one TCP/IP
+ * socket and listen to the conversation thru another socket.
+ *
+ * Great for ASR or wizzard-of-oz telephony systems!
+ *
+ * HOWTO:
+ * 	The program is compiled using the following command:
+ * 		gcc eagi_proxy.c -o eagi_proxy -lpthread
+ *
+ * 	In the dialplan, you can add something like this to the main context:
+ * 		exten => s,1,Answer
+ * 		exten => s,n,EAGI(/path/to/eagi_proxy)
+ * 		exten => s,n,Hangup
+ *
+ * 	To test the program you can use the netcat utility:
+ * 		(http://netcat.sourceforge.net/)
+ *
+ * 		-in one console run:
+ * 			nc -vv -l -p 8418 > /path/to/file.raw
+ * 		-in another run:
+ * 			nc -vv -l -p 8417
+ * 		-you can use any file for the signal or even /dev/null
+ * 		-you can change the port numbers in the sourcecode below
+ *
+ * 	Once you make the call, both programs will accept the incoming
+ * 	connection. The program on port 8417 will print out the enviornemnt
+ * 	(unless the appropriate define below is commented) and you can write
+ * 	any AGI command there (http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-Asterisk+AGI),
+ * 	e.g.:
+ * 		GET DATA /path/to/gsm/file 10000 4
+ *
+ * 	Finally, you can open the RAW file in any sound editor. The format is:
+ * 		RAW little-endian 8kHz 16bit
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netinet/tcp.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+/* DEFINES */
+#define SIGNAL_PORT 8418
+#define COMMAND_PORT 8417
+#define SEND_ENVIORNMENT /*send the enviornment thru the socket*/
+#define BUFSIZE 1024
+char buf[BUFSIZE];
+#define WINSIZE 400 /* 25 ms @ 8 kHz and 16bit */
+char window[WINSIZE];
+#define WINBUF_NUM 2400 /* number of WINSIZE windows = 1 minute */
+char* winbuf;
+char *end, *bs, *be;
+/* winbuf - start of buffer 
+ * end - end of buffer  
+ * bs - start of data
+ * be - end of data 
+ */
+int command_desc; /* command transfer descriptor */
+int speech_desc; /* speech signal descrriptor */
+char connected=1; /* connection state */
+int connect_to_host(char* host, int port); /* connect to a given host (name or IP) and given port number in nonblocking mode returning socket descriptor*/
+void read_full(int file, char* buffer, int num); /* read EXACTLY "num" ammount of bytes from "file" descriptor to "buffer"*/
+int read_some(int file, char* buffer, int size); /* read AT MOST "size" ammount of bytes */
+void write_buf(int file, char* buffer, int num); /* write "num" ammount of bytes to "file" descriptor and buffer the surplus if the write would block */
+int write_amap(int file, char* buffer, int num); /*write AT MOST "num" ammount of bytes and return ammount that was written*/
+void setnonblocking(int desc); /*sets the socket non-blocking; for polling */
+void finalize(); /* this function is run at exit */
+pthread_mutex_t command_mutex;/* command socket mutex */
+pthread_t stdin_thread,signal_thread;
+void* readStdin(void* ptr);
+void* readSignal(void* ptr);
+/* The program creates 3 threads:
+ * 1) Main thread - reads commands from the socket and sends them to asterisk
+ * 2) stdin_thread - reads asterisk output and sends it to the command socket
+ * 3) signal_thread - reads the sound from asterisk and sends it to the signal socket
+ */
+int main()
+	int ret;
+	atexit(finalize);
+	setlinebuf(stdin);
+	setlinebuf(stdout);
+	winbuf=(char*)malloc(WINSIZE*WINBUF_NUM);
+	end=winbuf+WINSIZE*WINBUF_NUM;
+	bs=be=winbuf;
+	speech_desc=connect_to_host("localhost",SIGNAL_PORT);
+	if(speech_desc<0) 
+	{
+		perror("signal socket");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	command_desc=connect_to_host("localhost",COMMAND_PORT);
+	if(command_desc<0) 
+	{
+		perror("command socket");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	pthread_mutex_init(&command_mutex,NULL);
+	pthread_create(&stdin_thread,NULL,readStdin,NULL);
+	pthread_create(&signal_thread,NULL,readSignal,NULL);
+	while(connected)
+	{	
+		pthread_mutex_lock(&command_mutex);
+		ret=read_some(command_desc,buf,BUFSIZE);
+		pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex);
+		if(ret>0)
+		{
+			buf[ret]=0;
+			printf("%s",buf);			
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+void finalize()
+	close(command_desc);
+	close(speech_desc);
+	free(winbuf);	
+void* readStdin(void* ptr)
+	while(1)/*read enviornment*/
+	{
+		fgets(buf,BUFSIZE,stdin);
+			pthread_mutex_lock(&command_mutex);
+			write_buf(command_desc,buf,strlen(buf));
+			pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex);
+		#endif
+		if(feof(stdin) || buf[0]=='\n') 
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	while(connected)
+	{
+		fgets(buf,BUFSIZE,stdin);
+		pthread_mutex_lock(&command_mutex);
+		write_buf(command_desc,buf,strlen(buf));
+		pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex);
+	}
+	pthread_exit(NULL);
+void* readSignal(void* ptr)
+	while(connected)
+	{
+		read_full(3,window,WINSIZE);
+		write_buf(speech_desc,window,WINSIZE);
+	}
+	pthread_exit(NULL);
+void read_full(int file, char* buffer, int num)
+	int count,pos=0;
+	while(num)
+	{
+		count=read(file,buffer+pos,num);
+		if(count==0 || (count<0 && errno!=EAGAIN))
+		{
+			connected=0;
+			return;
+		}
+		num-=count;
+		pos+=count;
+	}
+int connect_to_host(char* name, int port)
+	int address;
+	struct hostent* host_entity;
+	int res,desc;
+	int opts;
+	struct sockaddr_in host;
+	/* get adress */	
+	if(!strcmp(name,"localhost"))
+		address=htonl(2130706433); /**/
+	else
+	{
+		address=inet_addr(name); /* check if it's an IP that's written in the string */
+		if(address==(in_addr_t)-1)
+		{
+			host_entity = gethostbyname(name); /* search for the host under this name */
+			if(!host_entity)
+			{
+				fprintf(stderr,"EAGI proxy: Wrong address!\n"); /* can't find anything*/
+				return -1;
+			}
+			address=*((int*)host_entity->h_addr);
+		}
+	}
+	if(desc<0)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr,"EAGI proxy: Cannot create socket!\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memset((void*)&host,0,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+	host.sin_family=AF_INET;
+	host.sin_port=htons(port);
+	host.sin_addr.s_addr=address;
+	res=connect(desc,(struct sockaddr*)&host,sizeof(host));
+	if(res<0)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr,"EAGI proxy: Cannot connect!\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* set to non-blocking mode */
+	opts = fcntl(desc,F_GETFL);
+	if (opts < 0) {
+		perror("fcntl(F_GETFL)");
+		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+	}
+	opts = (opts | O_NONBLOCK);
+	if (fcntl(desc,F_SETFL,opts) < 0) {
+		perror("fcntl(F_SETFL)");
+		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+	}
+	return desc;
+int read_some(int desc, char* buffer, int size)
+	unsigned char c;
+	int res,i=0;
+	for(;;)
+	{
+		res=read(desc,&c,1);
+		if(res<1)
+		{
+			if(errno!=EAGAIN)
+			{
+				perror("Error reading");
+				connected=0;
+			}	
+			break;
+		}
+		if(res==0) 
+		{
+			connected=0;
+			break;
+		}
+		buffer[i]=c;
+		i++;
+	}
+	return i;
+/* This is a tricky function! */
+void write_buf(int desc, char* buf, int size)
+	int ret;
+	/*NOTE: AMAP -> as much as possible */
+	if(be!=bs)/* if data left in buffer */
+	{
+		if(be>bs)/* if buffer not split */
+		{
+			ret=write_amap(desc,bs,be-bs);/* write AMAP */
+			bs+=ret;/* shift the start of the buffer */
+		}
+		else/* if buffer is split */
+		{
+			ret=write_amap(desc,bs,end-bs);/* write higher part first */
+			if(ret==end-bs)/* if wrote whole of the higher part */
+			{
+				ret=write_amap(desc,winbuf,be-winbuf);/* write lower part */
+				bs=winbuf+ret;/* shift start to new position */
+			}
+			else bs+=ret;/* if not wrote whole of higher part, only shift start */
+		}
+	}
+	if(be==bs)/* if buffer is empty now */
+	{
+		ret=write_amap(desc,buf,size);/* write AMAP of the new data */
+		buf+=ret;/* shift start of new data */
+		size-=ret;/* lower size of new data */
+	}
+	if(size)/* if new data still remains unsent */
+	{
+		if(be>=bs)/* if data not split */
+		{
+			if(size>end-be)/* if new data size doesn't fit higher end */
+			{
+				size-=end-be;/* reduce new data size by the higher end size */
+				memcpy(be,buf,end-be);/* copy to higher end */
+				be=winbuf;/* shift end to begining of buffer */
+				buf+=end-be;/* shift start of new data */
+			}
+			else/* if new data fits the higher end */
+			{
+				memcpy(be,buf,size);/* copy to higher end */
+				be+=size;/* shift end by size */
+				if(be>=end)/* if end goes beyond the buffer */
+					be=winbuf;/* restart */
+				size=0;/* everything copied */
+			}
+		}
+		if(size)/* if new data still remains */
+		{
+			if(size>=bs-be)/* if new data doesn't fit between end and start */
+			{
+				fprintf(stderr,"Buffer overflow!\n");
+				size=bs-be-1;/* reduce the size that we can copy */
+			}
+			if(size)/* if we can copy anything */
+			{
+				memcpy(be,buf,size);/* copy the new data between end and start */
+				be+=size;/* shift end by size */
+			}
+		}
+	}
+int write_amap(int desc, char* buf, int size)
+	int ret;
+	ret=write(desc,buf,size);
+	if(ret<0)
+	{
+		if(errno!=EAGAIN) 
+		{
+			perror("Error writing");
+			connected=0;
+		}
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if(ret==0)
+		connected=0;
+	return ret;
+void setnonblocking(int desc)
+	int opts;
+	opts = fcntl(desc,F_GETFL);
+	if(opts < 0)
+	{
+		perror("fcntl(F_GETFL)");
+		exit(-1);
+	}
+	opts = (opts | O_NONBLOCK );
+	if(fcntl(desc,F_SETFL,opts) < 0)
+	{
+		perror("fcntl(F_SETFL)");
+		exit(-1);
+	}

Propchange: trunk/contrib/utils/eagi_proxy.c
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: trunk/contrib/utils/eagi_proxy.c
    svn:keywords = Id Author Date Revision

Propchange: trunk/contrib/utils/eagi_proxy.c
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

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