[svn-commits] trunk r1075 - /trunk/fxotune.c

svn-commits at lists.digium.com svn-commits at lists.digium.com
Thu May 18 08:46:02 MST 2006

Author: file
Date: Thu May 18 10:46:01 2006
New Revision: 1075

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/zaptel?rev=1075&view=rev
Majorly improve fxotune with lots of cool new features. (issue #7136 reported and created by trumpetinc)


Modified: trunk/fxotune.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/zaptel/trunk/fxotune.c?rev=1075&r1=1074&r2=1075&view=diff
--- trunk/fxotune.c (original)
+++ trunk/fxotune.c Thu May 18 10:46:01 2006
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <math.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
 #include "zaptel.h"
@@ -31,8 +32,8 @@
 #include "fxotune.h"
 #define TEST_DURATION 2000			/* 4000 samples (or 500 ms) of test */
-#define BUFFER_LENGTH 4000			/* 4000 sample buffers */
-#define SKIP_BYTES 800
+#define BUFFER_LENGTH (2 * TEST_DURATION)             /* 4000 sample buffers */
+#define SKIP_SAMPLES 800                      /* skip first 100 ms of test when computing echo powers - gives the system time to acquire data */
 static const float loudness = 16384.0;
@@ -40,30 +41,173 @@
 static char *configfile = "/etc/fxotune.conf";
 static char *usage =
-"Usage: fxotune\n"
-"	-i <number> : Tests for FXO modules and sets echo coefficients, dialing <number> to clear dialtone\n"
-"	-s          : Sets the FXO modules echo coefficients on your system to the best settings\n";
+"Usage: fxotune [-v[vv] (-s | -i <options> | -d <options>)\n"
+"	-s : set priviously calibrated echo settings\n"
+"	-i : calibrate echo settings\n"
+"		options : [<dialstring>] [-t <calibtype>]\n"
+"		[-b <startdev>][-e <stopdev>]\n"
+"		[-n <dialstring>][-l <delaytosilence>][-m <silencegoodfor>]\n"
+" 	-d : dump input and output waveforms to ./fxotune_dump.vals\n"
+"		options : [-b <device>][-w <waveform>]\n"
+"		   [-n <dialstring>][-l <delaytosilence>][-m <silencegoodfor>]\n"
+"	-v : more output (-vv, -vvv also)\n"
+"		<calibtype>      - type of calibration\n"
+"		                   (default 2, old method 1)\n"
+"		<startdev>\n"
+"		<stopdev>        - defines a range of devices to test\n"
+"		                   (default: 1-252)\n"
+"		<dialstring>     - string to dial to clear the line\n"
+"		                   (default 5)\n"
+"		<delaytosilence> - seconds to wait for line to clear (default 0)\n"
+"		<silencegoodfor> - seconds before line will no longer be clear\n"
+"		                   (default 18)\n"
+"		<device>         - the device to perform waveform dump on\n"
+"		                   (default 1)\n"
+"		<waveform>       - -1 for multitone waveform, or frequency of\n"
+"		                   single tone (default -1)\n";
 #define OUT_OF_BOUNDS(x) ((x) < 0 || (x) > 255)
+struct silence_info{
+	char *dialstr;
+	/** fd of device we are working with */
+	int device; 
+	/** seconds we should wait after dialing the dialstring before we know for sure we'll have silence */
+	int initial_delay;
+	/** seconds after which a reset should occur */
+	int reset_after;
+	/** time of last reset */
+	struct timeval last_reset; 
 static short outbuf[TEST_DURATION];
 static int debug = 0;
-/* Generates a tone of hz frequency.  Index is the current sample
- * to begenerated.  For a normal waveform you need to increment
- * this every time you execute the function.
- * Returns a 16bit slinear sample. */
+ * Makes sure that the line is clear.
+ * Right now, we do this by relying on the user to specify how long after dialing the
+ * dialstring we can rely on the line being silent (before the telco complains about
+ * the user not hitting the next digit).
+ * 
+ * A more robust way to do this would be to actually measure the sound levels on the line,
+ * but that's a lot more complicated, and this should work.
+ * 
+ * @return 0 if succesful (no errors), 1 if unsuccesful
+ */
+static int ensure_silence(struct silence_info *info)
+	struct timeval tv;
+	long elapsedms;
+	gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+	elapsedms = ((tv.tv_sec - info->last_reset.tv_sec) * 1000L + (tv.tv_usec - info->last_reset.tv_usec));
+	if (elapsedms < info->reset_after * 1000)
+		return 0;
+	if (debug > 1){
+		fprintf(stdout, "Resetting line\n");
+	}
+	/* do a line reset */
+	/* prepare line for silence */
+	/* Do line hookstate reset */
+	int x = ZT_ONHOOK;
+	if (ioctl(info->device, ZT_HOOK, &x)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to hang up fd %d\n", info->device);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	sleep(2);
+	if (ioctl(info->device, ZT_HOOK, &x)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot bring fd %d off hook\n", info->device);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	sleep(2); /* Added to ensure that dial can actually takes place */
+	struct zt_dialoperation dop;
+	memset(&dop, 0, sizeof(dop));
+	dop.op = ZT_DIAL_OP_REPLACE;
+	dop.dialstr[0] = 'T';
+	strncpy(dop.dialstr + 1, info->dialstr, sizeof(dop.dialstr) - 1);
+	if (ioctl(info->device, ZT_DIAL, &dop)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to dial!\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	sleep(1); 
+	sleep(info->initial_delay);  
+	gettimeofday(&info->last_reset, NULL);
+	return 0;
+ * Generates a tone of specified frequency.
+ * 
+ * @param hz the frequency of the tone to be generated
+ * @param index the current sample
+ * 		to begenerated.  For a normal waveform you need to increment
+ * 		this every time you execute the function.
+ *
+ * @return 16bit slinear sample for the specified index
+ */
 static short inline gentone(int hz, int index)
 	return loudness * sin((index * 2.0 * M_PI * hz)/8000);
-/* Returns the power of the buffer of samples in 16bit slinear format.
- * power function = (sum of squares) - (square of sums). */
+ * Generates a waveform of several frequencies.
+ * 
+ * @param index the current sample
+ * 		to begenerated.  For a normal waveform you need to increment
+ * 		this every time you execute the function.
+ *
+ * @return 16bit slinear sample for the specified index
+ */
+static short inline genwaveform(int index)
+	int freqs[] = {300, 600, 900, 1004, 1300, 1600}; /* chose 1004 Hz to include the milliwatt test tone frequency - but there was no particular reson to do so */
+	int freqcount = 6;
+	int i = 0;
+	float response = (float)0;
+	for (i = 0; i < freqcount; i++){
+		response += sin((index * 2.0 * M_PI * freqs[i])/8000);
+	}
+	return loudness * response / freqcount;
+ *  Calculates the RMS of the waveform buffer of samples in 16bit slinear format.
+ *  prebuf the buffer of either shorts or floats
+ *  bufsize the number of elements in the prebuf buffer (not the number of bytes!)
+ *  short_format 1 if prebuf points to an array of shorts, 0 if it points to an array of floats
+ *  
+ *  Formula for RMS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_mean_square): 
+ *  
+ *  Xrms = sqrt(1/N Sum(x1^2, x2^2, ..., xn^2))
+ *  
+ *  Note:  this isn't really a power calculation - but it gives a good measure of the level of the response
+ *  
+ *  @param prebuf the buffer containing the values to compute
+ *  @param bufsize the size of the buffer
+ *  @param short_format 1 if prebuf contains short values, 0 if it contains float values
+ */
 static float power_of(void *prebuf, int bufsize, int short_format)
-	float sum_of_squares = 0, square_of_sums = 0;
+	float sum_of_squares = 0;
 	int numsamples = 0;
 	float finalanswer = 0;
 	short *sbuf = (short*)prebuf;
@@ -75,61 +219,170 @@
 		if (bufsize <= 0)
 			return -1;
-		if (bufsize % 2 != 0)
-			return -2;
-		numsamples = bufsize / 2;
+		numsamples = bufsize; /* Got rid of divide by 2 - the bufsize parameter should give the number of samples (that's what it does for the float computation, and it should do it here as well) */
 		for (i = 0; i < numsamples; i++) {
-			sum_of_squares += ((float)sbuf[i] * (float)sbuf[i])/(float)loudness;
-			if (sbuf[i] > 0) {
-				square_of_sums += (float)sbuf[i];
-			} else {
-				sbuf[i] *= -1;
-				square_of_sums += (float)sbuf[i];
-			}
+			sum_of_squares += ((float)sbuf[i] * (float)sbuf[i]);
 	} else {
 		/* Version for float inputs */
 		for (i = 0; i < bufsize; i++) {
 			sum_of_squares += (fbuf[i] * fbuf[i]);
-			square_of_sums += fbuf[i];
-		}
-	}
-	if (debug) printf("sum_of_squares = %f\n", sum_of_squares);
-	square_of_sums *= square_of_sums; /* sums ^ 2 */
-	if (debug) printf("square_of_sums = %f\n", square_of_sums);
-	finalanswer = square_of_sums - sum_of_squares; 
-	if (debug) printf("finalanswer = %f\n", finalanswer);
+		}
+	}
+	finalanswer = sum_of_squares/(float)bufsize; /* need to divide by the number of elements in the sample for RMS calc */
 	if (finalanswer < 0) {
 		printf("Error: Final answer negative number %f\n", finalanswer);
 		return -3;
-#if 0
-		finalanswer = finalanswer * (float)-1;
 	return sqrtf(finalanswer);
-/* Tune the line impedance.  Look for best response range */
-static int acim_tune(int whichzap, char *dialstr)
-	int i = 0, freq = 0, acim = 0;
+ *  dumps input and output buffer contents for the echo test - used to see exactly what's going on
+ */
+static int maptone(int whichzap, int freq, char *dialstr, int delayuntilsilence)
+	int i = 0;
 	int res = 0, x = 0;
 	struct zt_bufferinfo bi;
-	struct zt_dialoperation dop;
-	struct wctdm_echo_coefs coefs;
-	short inbuf[BUFFER_LENGTH]; 
-	int lowest = 0;
+	short inbuf[TEST_DURATION]; /* changed from BUFFER_LENGTH - this buffer is for short values, so it should be allocated using the length of the test */
 	FILE *outfile = NULL;
-	float acim_results[16];
+	outfile = fopen("fxotune_dump.vals", "w");
+	if (!outfile) {
+		fprintf(stdout, "Cannot create fxotune_dump.vals\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	x = 1;
+	if (ioctl(whichzap, ZT_SETLINEAR, &x)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set channel to signed linear mode.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memset(&bi, 0, sizeof(bi));
+	if (ioctl(whichzap, ZT_GET_BUFINFO, &bi)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get buffer information!\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	bi.numbufs = 2;
+	bi.bufsize = TEST_DURATION; /* KD - changed from BUFFER_LENGTH; */
+	bi.txbufpolicy = ZT_POLICY_IMMEDIATE;
+	bi.rxbufpolicy = ZT_POLICY_IMMEDIATE;
+	if (ioctl(whichzap, ZT_SET_BUFINFO, &bi)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set buffer information!\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* Fill the output buffers */
+	int leadin = 50;
+	int trailout = 100;
+	for (i = 0; i < leadin; i++)
+		outbuf[i] = 0;
+	for (; i < TEST_DURATION - trailout; i++){
+		outbuf[i] = freq > 0 ? gentone(freq, i) : genwaveform(i); /* if frequency is negative, use a multi-part waveform instead of a single frequency */
+	}
+	for (; i < TEST_DURATION; i++)
+		outbuf[i] = 0;
+	/* Make sure the line is clear */
+	struct silence_info sinfo;
+	memset(&sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo));
+	sinfo.device = whichzap;
+	sinfo.dialstr = dialstr;
+	sinfo.initial_delay = delayuntilsilence;
+	sinfo.reset_after = 4; /* doesn't matter - we are only running one test */
+	if (ensure_silence(&sinfo)){
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get a clear outside line\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* Flush buffers */
+	if (ioctl(whichzap, ZT_FLUSH, &x)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to flush I/O: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* send data out on line */
+	res = write(whichzap, outbuf, BUFFER_LENGTH); /* we are sending a TEST_DURATION length array of shorts (which are 2 bytes each) */
+	if (res != BUFFER_LENGTH) { 
+		fprintf(stderr, "Could not write all data to line\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* read return response */
+	res = read(whichzap, inbuf, BUFFER_LENGTH);
+	if (res != BUFFER_LENGTH) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Could not fill input buffer\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* write content of output buffer to debug file */
+	float power_result = power_of(inbuf, TEST_DURATION, 1); 
+	float power_waveform = power_of(outbuf, TEST_DURATION, 1); 
+	float echo = power_result/power_waveform;
+	fprintf(outfile, "Buffers, freq=%d, outpower=%0.0f, echo=%0.4f\n", freq, power_result, echo);
+	fprintf(outfile, "Sample, Input (received from the line), Output (sent to the line)\n");
+	for (i = 0; i < TEST_DURATION; i++){
+		fprintf(outfile, "%d, %d, %d\n", 
+			i,
+			inbuf[i],
+			outbuf[i]
+		);
+	}
+	fclose(outfile);
+	fprintf(stdout, "echo ratio = %0.4f (%0.1f / %0.1f)\n", echo, power_result, power_waveform);
+	return 0;
+ * Perform calibration type 2 on the specified device
+ * 
+ * Determine optimum echo coefficients for the specified device
+ * 
+ * New tuning strategy.  If we have a number that we can dial that will result in silence from the
+ * switch, the tune will be *much* faster (we don't have to keep hanging up and dialing a digit, etc...)
+ * The downside is that the user needs to actually find a 'no tone' phone number at their CO's switch - but for
+ * really fixing echo problems, this is what it takes.
+ *
+ * Also, for the purposes of optimizing settings, if we pick a single frequency and test with that,
+ * we can try a whole bunch of impedence/echo coefficients.  This should give better results than trying
+ * a bunch of frequencies, and we can always do a a frequency sweep to pick between the best 3 or 4
+ * impedence/coefficients configurations.
+ *   
+ * Note:  It may be possible to take this even further and do some pertubation analysis on the echo coefficients
+ * 		 themselves (maybe use the 64 entry sweep to find some settings that are close to working well, then
+ * 		 deviate the coefficients a bit to see if we can improve things).  A better way to do this would be to
+ * 		 use the optimization strategy from silabs.  For reference, here is an application note that describes
+ * 		 the echo coefficients (and acim values):
+ * 		 
+ * 		 http://www.silabs.com/public/documents/tpub_doc/anote/Wireline/Silicon_DAA/en/an84.pdf
+ * 		 
+ */
+static int acim_tune2(int whichzap, int freq, char *dialstr, int delayuntilsilence, int silencegoodfor, struct wctdm_echo_coefs *coefs_out)
+	int i = 0;
+	int res = 0, x = 0;
+	int lowesttry = -1;
+	float lowesttryresult = 999999999999.0;
+	float lowestecho = 999999999999.0;;
+	struct zt_bufferinfo bi;
+	short inbuf[TEST_DURATION];
+	FILE *outfile = NULL;
 	if (debug) {
@@ -141,9 +394,8 @@
 	/* Set echo settings */
-	memset(&coefs, 0, sizeof(coefs));
-	if (ioctl(whichzap, WCTDM_SET_ECHOTUNE, &coefs)) {
-		fprintf(stdout, "Skipping non-TDM / non-FXO\n");
+	if (ioctl(whichzap, WCTDM_SET_ECHOTUNE, &echo_trys[0])) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set impedance on fd %d\n", whichzap);
 		return -1;
@@ -172,9 +424,162 @@
 		return -1;
+	/* Set up silence settings */
+	struct silence_info sinfo;
+	memset(&sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo));
+	sinfo.device = whichzap;
+	sinfo.dialstr = dialstr;
+	sinfo.initial_delay = delayuntilsilence;
+	sinfo.reset_after = silencegoodfor;
+	/* Fill the output buffers */
+	for (i = 0; i < TEST_DURATION; i++)
+		outbuf[i] = freq > 0 ? gentone(freq, i) : genwaveform(i); /* if freq is negative, use a multi-frequency waveform */
+	/* compute power of input (so we can later compute echo levels relative to input) */
+	float waveform_power = power_of(outbuf+SKIP_SAMPLES, TEST_DURATION-SKIP_SAMPLES, 1);
+	/* sweep through the various coefficient settings and see how our responses look */
+	int echo_trys_size = 64;
+	int trys = 0;
+	for (trys = 0; trys < echo_trys_size; trys++){
+		/* ensure silence on the line */
+		if (ensure_silence(&sinfo)){
+			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get a clear outside line\n");
+			return -1;
+		}
+		if (ioctl(whichzap, WCTDM_SET_ECHOTUNE, &echo_trys[trys])) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set echo coefficients on fd %d\n", whichzap);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/* Flush buffers */
+		if (ioctl(whichzap, ZT_FLUSH, &x)) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to flush I/O: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/* send data out on line */
+		res = write(whichzap, outbuf, BUFFER_LENGTH);
+		if (res != BUFFER_LENGTH) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Could not write all data to line\n");
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/* read return response */
+		res = read(whichzap, inbuf, BUFFER_LENGTH);
+		if (res != BUFFER_LENGTH) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Could not fill input buffer - got %d bytes, expected %d bytes\n", res, BUFFER_LENGTH);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/* calculate RMS of response */
+		float freq_result = power_of(inbuf+SKIP_SAMPLES, TEST_DURATION-SKIP_SAMPLES, 1);
+		float echo = freq_result/waveform_power;
+		if (freq_result < lowesttryresult){
+			lowesttry = trys;
+			lowesttryresult = freq_result;
+			lowestecho = echo;
+		}
+		if (debug) {
+			char result[256];
+			snprintf(result, sizeof(result), "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%f,%f", 
+						echo_trys[trys].acim, 
+						echo_trys[trys].coef1, 
+						echo_trys[trys].coef2, 
+						echo_trys[trys].coef3, 
+						echo_trys[trys].coef4, 
+						echo_trys[trys].coef5, 
+						echo_trys[trys].coef6, 
+						echo_trys[trys].coef7, 
+						echo_trys[trys].coef8, 
+						freq, 
+						freq_result,
+						echo
+					);
+			fprintf(outfile, "%s\n", result);
+			if (debug > 1)
+				fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", result);
+		}
+	}
+	if (debug > 0)
+		fprintf(stdout, "Config with lowest response = %d, power = %0.0f, echo = %0.4f\n", lowesttry, lowesttryresult, lowestecho);
+	memcpy(coefs_out, &echo_trys[lowesttry], sizeof(struct wctdm_echo_coefs));
+	return 0;
+ *  Perform calibration type 1 on the specified device.  Only tunes the line impedance.  Look for best response range 
+ */
+static int acim_tune(int whichzap, char *dialstr, int delayuntilsilence, int silencegoodfor, struct wctdm_echo_coefs *coefs_out)
+	int i = 0, freq = 0, acim = 0;
+	int res = 0, x = 0;
+	struct zt_bufferinfo bi;
+	struct wctdm_echo_coefs coefs;
+	short inbuf[TEST_DURATION]; /* changed from BUFFER_LENGTH - this buffer is for short values, so it should be allocated using the length of the test */
+	int lowest = 0;
+	FILE *outfile = NULL;
+	float acim_results[16];
+	if (debug) {
+		outfile = fopen("fxotune.vals", "w");
+		if (!outfile) {
+			fprintf(stdout, "Cannot create fxotune.vals\n");
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Set up silence settings */
+	struct silence_info sinfo;
+	memset(&sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo));
+	sinfo.device = whichzap;
+	sinfo.dialstr = dialstr;
+	sinfo.initial_delay = delayuntilsilence;
+	sinfo.reset_after = silencegoodfor;
+	/* Set echo settings */
+	memset(&coefs, 0, sizeof(coefs));
+	if (ioctl(whichzap, WCTDM_SET_ECHOTUNE, &coefs)) {
+		fprintf(stdout, "Skipping non-TDM / non-FXO\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	x = 1;
+	if (ioctl(whichzap, ZT_SETLINEAR, &x)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set channel to signed linear mode.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memset(&bi, 0, sizeof(bi));
+	if (ioctl(whichzap, ZT_GET_BUFINFO, &bi)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get buffer information!\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	bi.numbufs = 2;
+	bi.bufsize = BUFFER_LENGTH;
+	bi.txbufpolicy = ZT_POLICY_IMMEDIATE;
+	bi.rxbufpolicy = ZT_POLICY_IMMEDIATE;
+	if (ioctl(whichzap, ZT_SET_BUFINFO, &bi)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set buffer information!\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
 	for (acim = 0; acim < 16; acim++) {
 		float freq_results[15];
-		int needtoreset = 0;
 		coefs.acim = acim;
 		if (ioctl(whichzap, WCTDM_SET_ECHOTUNE, &coefs)) {
@@ -182,41 +587,17 @@
 			return -1;
-		for (freq = 200; freq <=3000; freq+=200, needtoreset++) {
+		for (freq = 200; freq <=3000; freq+=200) {
 			/* Fill the output buffers */
 			for (i = 0; i < TEST_DURATION; i++)
 				outbuf[i] = gentone(freq, i);
-			/* Prepare line for data */
-			if (needtoreset > 8) {
-				/* Do line hookstate reset */
-				x = ZT_ONHOOK;
-				if (ioctl(whichzap, ZT_HOOK, &x)) {
-					fprintf(stderr, "Unable to hang up fd %d\n", whichzap);
-					return -1;
-				}
-				sleep(2);
-				x = ZT_OFFHOOK;
-				if (ioctl(whichzap, ZT_HOOK, &x)) {
-					fprintf(stderr, "Cannot bring fd %d off hook", whichzap);
-					return -1;
-				}
-				memset(&dop, 0, sizeof(dop));
-				dop.op = ZT_DIAL_OP_REPLACE;
-				dop.dialstr[0] = 'T';
-				strncpy(dop.dialstr + 1, dialstr, sizeof(dop.dialstr) - 1);
-				printf(".");
-				if (ioctl(whichzap, ZT_DIAL, &dop)) {
-					fprintf(stderr, "Unable to dial!\n");
-					return -1;
-				}
-				sleep(2);
-				needtoreset = 0;
+			/* Make sure line is ready for next test iteration */
+			if (ensure_silence(&sinfo)){
+				fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get a clear line\n");
+				return -1;
 			/* Flush buffers */
@@ -241,7 +622,7 @@
 			/* calculate power of response */
-			freq_results[(freq/200)-1] = power_of(inbuf+SKIP_BYTES, BUFFER_LENGTH-SKIP_BYTES, 1);
+			freq_results[(freq/200)-1] = power_of(inbuf+SKIP_SAMPLES, TEST_DURATION-SKIP_SAMPLES, 1); /* changed from inbuf+SKIP_BYTES, BUFFER_LENGTH-SKIP_BYTES, 1 */
 			if (debug) fprintf(outfile, "%d,%d,%f\n", acim, freq, freq_results[(freq/200)-1]);
 		acim_results[acim] = power_of(freq_results, 15, 0);
@@ -259,141 +640,349 @@
-	return lowest;
+	coefs_out->acim = lowest;
+	coefs_out->coef1 = 0;
+	coefs_out->coef2 = 0;
+	coefs_out->coef3 = 0;
+	coefs_out->coef4 = 0;
+	coefs_out->coef5 = 0;
+	coefs_out->coef6 = 0;
+	coefs_out->coef7 = 0;
+	coefs_out->coef8 = 0;
+	return 0;
-int main (int argc , char **argv)
+ * Reads echo register settings from the configuration file and pushes them into
+ * the appropriate devices
+ * 
+ * @param configfilename the path of the file that the calibration results should be written to
+ * 
+ * @return 0 if successful, !0 otherwise
+ */	
+static int do_set(char *configfilename)
+	FILE *fp = NULL;
+	int res = 0;
+	int fd = 0;
+	fp = fopen(configfile, "r");
+    if (!fp) {
+            fprintf(stdout, "Cannot open %s!\n",configfile);
+            return -1;
+    }
+	while (res != EOF) {
+		struct wctdm_echo_coefs mycoefs;
+		char completezappath[56] = "";
+		int myzap,myacim,mycoef1,mycoef2,mycoef3,mycoef4,mycoef5,mycoef6,mycoef7,mycoef8;
+		res = fscanf(fp, "%d=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",&myzap,&myacim,&mycoef1,
+				&mycoef2,&mycoef3,&mycoef4,&mycoef5,&mycoef6,&mycoef7,
+				&mycoef8);
+		if (res == EOF) {
+			break;
+		}
+		/* Check to be sure conversion is done correctly */
+		if (OUT_OF_BOUNDS(myacim) || OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef1)||
+			OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef2)|| OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef3)||
+			OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef4)|| OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef5)||
+			OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef6)|| OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef7)|| OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef8)) {
+			fprintf(stdout, "Bounds check error on inputs from %s:%d\n", configfile, myzap);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		mycoefs.acim = myacim;
+		mycoefs.coef1 = mycoef1;
+		mycoefs.coef2 = mycoef2;
+		mycoefs.coef3 = mycoef3;
+		mycoefs.coef4 = mycoef4;
+		mycoefs.coef5 = mycoef5;
+		mycoefs.coef6 = mycoef6;
+		mycoefs.coef7 = mycoef7;
+		mycoefs.coef8 = mycoef8;
+		snprintf(completezappath, sizeof(completezappath), "%s/%d", zappath, myzap);
+		fd = open(completezappath, O_RDWR);
+		if (fd < 0) {
+			fprintf(stdout, "open error on %s: %s\n", completezappath, strerror(errno));
+			return -1;
+		}
+		if (ioctl(fd, WCTDM_SET_ECHOTUNE, &mycoefs)) {
+			fprintf(stdout, "%s: %s\n", completezappath, strerror(errno));
+			return -1;
+		}
+		close(fd);
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	fprintf(stdout, "fxotune: successfully set echo coeffecients on FXO modules\n");
+	return 0;	
+ * Output waveform information from a single test
+ * 
+ * Clears the line, then sends a single waveform (multi-tone, or single tone), and listens
+ * for the response on the line.  Output is written to fxotune_dump.vals
+ * 
+ * @param startdev the device to test
+ * @param dialstr the string that should be dialed to clear the dialtone from the line
+ * @param delayuntilsilence the number of seconds to wait after dialing dialstr before starting the test
+ * @param silencegoodfor the number of seconds that the test can run before having to reset the line again
+ * 			(this is basically the amount of time it takes before the 'if you'd like to make a call...' message
+ * 			kicks in after you dial dialstr.  This test is so short that the value is pretty much ignored.
+ * @param waveformtype the type of waveform to use - -1 = multi-tone waveform, otherwise the specified value
+ * 			is used as the frequency of a single tone.  A value of 0 will output silence.
+ */
+static int do_dump(int startdev, char* dialstr, int delayuntilsilence, int silencegoodfor, int waveformtype)
+	int res = 0;
+	int fd;
 	char zapdev[80] = "";
-	int i = 0;
-	int fd;
+	int zapmodule = startdev;
+	snprintf(zapdev, sizeof(zapdev), "%s/%d", zappath, zapmodule);
+	fd = open(zapdev, O_RDWR);
+	if (fd < 0) {
+		fprintf(stdout, "%s absent: %s\n", zapdev, strerror(errno));
+		return -1;
+	}
+	fprintf(stdout, "Dumping module %s\n", zapdev);
+	res = maptone(fd, waveformtype, dialstr, delayuntilsilence); 
+	close(fd);
+	if (res) {
+		fprintf(stdout, "Failure!\n");
+		return res;
+	} else {
+		fprintf(stdout, "Done!\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+ * Performs calibration on all specified devices
+ * 
+ * @param startdev the first device to check
+ * @param enddev the last device to check
+ * @param calibtype the type of calibration to perform.  1=old style (loops through individual frequencies
+ * 			doesn't optimize echo coefficients.  2=new style (uses multi-tone and optimizes echo coefficients
+ * 			and acim setting)
+ * @param configfilename the path of the file that the calibration results should be written to
+ * @param dialstr the string that should be dialed to clear the dialtone from the line
+ * @param delayuntilsilence the number of seconds to wait after dialing dialstr before starting the test
+ * @param silencegoodfor the number of seconds that the test can run before having to reset the line again
+ * 			(this is basically the amount of time it takes before the 'if you'd like to make a call...' message
+ * 			kicks in after you dial dialstr
+ * 
+ * @return 0 if successful, !0 otherwise
+ */	
+static int do_calibrate(int startdev, int enddev, int calibtype, char* configfilename, char* dialstr, int delayuntilsilence, int silencegoodfor)
+	int problems = 0;
 	int res = 0;
-	int configfd;
-	FILE *fp = NULL;
-	if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 3)) {
-		/* Show usage */
-		fputs(usage, stdout);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "-s")) {
-		fp = fopen(configfile, "r");
-                if (!fp) {
-                        fprintf(stdout, "Cannot open %s!\n",configfile);
-                        return -1;
-                }
-		for (i = 0;res != EOF; i++) {
-			struct wctdm_echo_coefs mycoefs;
-			char completezappath[56] = "";
-			int myzap,myacim,mycoef1,mycoef2,mycoef3,mycoef4,mycoef5,mycoef6,mycoef7,mycoef8;
-			res = fscanf(fp, "%d=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",&myzap,&myacim,&mycoef1,
-					&mycoef2,&mycoef3,&mycoef4,&mycoef5,&mycoef6,&mycoef7,
-					&mycoef8);
-			if (res == EOF) {
-				break;
-			}
-			/* Check to be sure conversion is done correctly */
-			if (OUT_OF_BOUNDS(myacim) || OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef1)||
-				OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef2)|| OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef3)||
-				OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef4)|| OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef5)||
-				OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef6)|| OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef7)|| OUT_OF_BOUNDS(mycoef8)) {
-				fprintf(stdout, "Bounds check error on inputs from %s:%d\n", configfile, i+1);
+	int configfd, fd;
+	int devno = 0;
+	char zapdev[80] = "";
+	struct wctdm_echo_coefs coefs;
+	configfd = open(configfile, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY);
+	if (configfd < 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "open: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+		return -1;
+	}
+	for (devno = startdev; devno <= enddev; devno++) {
+		snprintf(zapdev, sizeof(zapdev), "%s/%d", zappath, devno);
+		fd = open(zapdev, O_RDWR);
+		if (fd < 0) {
+			fprintf(stdout, "%s absent: %s\n", zapdev, strerror(errno));
+			continue;
+		}
+		fprintf(stdout, "Tuning module %s\n", zapdev);
+		if (1 == calibtype)
+			res = acim_tune(fd, dialstr, delayuntilsilence, silencegoodfor, &coefs);
+		else
+			res = acim_tune2(fd, -1, dialstr, delayuntilsilence, silencegoodfor, &coefs);
+		close(fd);
+		if (res) {
+			fprintf(stdout, "Failure!\n");
+			problems++;
+		} else {
+			fprintf(stdout, "Done!\n");
+		}
+		if (res == 0) {
+		/* Do output to file */
+			int len = 0;
+			static char output[255] = "";
+			snprintf(output, sizeof(output), "%d=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", 
+				devno,
+				coefs.acim, 
+				coefs.coef1, 
+				coefs.coef2, 
+				coefs.coef3, 
+				coefs.coef4, 
+				coefs.coef5, 
+				coefs.coef6, 
+				coefs.coef7, 
+				coefs.coef8
+			);
+			if (debug)
+				fprintf(stdout, "Found best echo coefficients: %s\n", output);
+			len = strlen(output);
+			res = write(configfd, output, strlen(output));
+			if (res != len) {
+				fprintf(stdout, "Unable to write line \"%s\" to file.\n", output);
 				return -1;
-			mycoefs.acim = myacim;
-			mycoefs.coef1 = mycoef1;
-			mycoefs.coef2 = mycoef2;
-			mycoefs.coef3 = mycoef3;
-			mycoefs.coef4 = mycoef4;
-			mycoefs.coef5 = mycoef5;
-			mycoefs.coef6 = mycoef6;
-			mycoefs.coef7 = mycoef7;
-			mycoefs.coef8 = mycoef8;
-			snprintf(completezappath, sizeof(completezappath), "%s/%d", zappath, myzap);
-			fd = open(completezappath, O_RDWR);
-			if (fd < 0) {
-				fprintf(stdout, "open error on %s: %s\n", completezappath, strerror(errno));
-				return -1;
-			}
-			if (ioctl(fd, WCTDM_SET_ECHOTUNE, &mycoefs)) {
-				fprintf(stdout, "%s: %s\n", completezappath, strerror(errno));
-				return -1;
-			}
-			close(fd);
-		}
-		fclose(fp);
-		fprintf(stdout, "fxotune: successfully set echo coeffecients on FXO modules\n");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "-i")) {
-		if (argc != 3) {
+		}
+	}
+	close(configfd);
+	if (problems)
+		fprintf(stdout, "Unable to tune %d devices, even though those devices are present\n", problems);
+	return problems;
+int main (int argc , char **argv)
+	int startdev = 1; /* -b */
+	int stopdev = 252; /* -e */
+	int calibtype = 2; /* -t */
+	int waveformtype = -1; /* -w multi-tone by default.  If > 0, single tone of specified frequency */
+	int delaytosilence = 0; /* -l */
+	int silencegoodfor = 18; /* -m */
+	char* dialstr = "5"; /* -n */
+	int res = 0;
+	int doset = 0; /* -s */
+	int docalibrate = 0; /* -i <dialstr> */
+	int dodump = 0; /* -d */
+	int i = 0;
+	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++){
+		if (!(argv[i][0] == '-' || argv[i][0] == '/') || (strlen(argv[i]) <= 1)){
+			fprintf(stdout, "Unknown option : %s\n", argv[i]);
 			/* Show usage */
 			fputs(usage, stdout);
 			return -1;
-		configfd = open(configfile, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY);
-		if (configfd < 0) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "open: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-			return -1;
-		}
-		for (i = 0; i < 252; i++) {
-			snprintf(zapdev, sizeof(zapdev), "%s/%d", zappath, i+1);
-			fd = open(zapdev, O_RDWR);
-			if (fd < 0) {
-				fprintf(stdout, "%s absent: %s\n", zapdev, strerror(errno));
+		int moreargs = (i < argc - 1);
+		switch(argv[i][1]){
+			case 's':
+				doset=1;
-			}
-			printf("Tuning module %d", i + 1);
-			res = acim_tune(fd, argv[2]); /* Shouldn't matter what digit we press */
-			if (res < 0) 
-				printf("Failure!\n");
-			else
-				printf("Done!\n");
-			close(fd);
-			if (res > -1) {
-			/* Do output to file */
-				int len = 0;
-				static char output[255] = "";
-				snprintf(output, sizeof(output), "%d=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", i+1, res,
-						0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-				len = strlen(output);
-				res = write(configfd, output, strlen(output));
-				if (res != len) {
-					fprintf(stdout, "Unable to write line \"%s\" to file.\n", output);
-					return -1;
+			case 'i':
+				docalibrate = 1;
+				if (moreargs){ /* we need to check for a value after 'i' for backwards compatability with command line options of old fxotune */
+					if (argv[i+1][0] != '-' && argv[i+1][0] != '/')
+						dialstr = argv[++i];
-			}
-		}
-		close(configfd);
-		/* Some getto goto hackery to make this more convenient */
-		goto set;
-	}
+				continue;
+			case 'd':
+				dodump = 1;
+				continue;
+			case 'b':
+				startdev = moreargs ? atoi(argv[++i]) : startdev;
+				break;
+			case 'e':
+				stopdev = moreargs ? atoi(argv[++i]) : stopdev;
+				break;
+			case 't':
+				calibtype = moreargs ? atoi(argv[++i]) : calibtype;
+				break;
+			case 'w':
+				waveformtype = moreargs ? atoi(argv[++i]) : waveformtype;
+				break;
+			case 'l':
+				delaytosilence = moreargs ? atoi(argv[++i]) : delaytosilence;
+				break;
+			case 'm':
+				silencegoodfor = moreargs ? atoi(argv[++i]) : silencegoodfor;
+				break;
+			case 'n':
+				dialstr = moreargs ? argv[++i] : dialstr;
+				break;
+			case 'v':
+				debug = strlen(argv[i])-1;
+				break;
+			default:
+				fprintf(stdout, "Unknown option : %s\n", argv[i]);
+				/* Show usage */
+				fputs(usage, stdout);
+				return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	if (debug > 3){
+		fprintf(stdout, "Running with parameters:\n");
+		fprintf(stdout, "\tdoset=%d\n", doset);	
+		fprintf(stdout, "\tdocalibrate=%d\n", docalibrate);	
+		fprintf(stdout, "\tdodump=%d\n", dodump);	
+		fprintf(stdout, "\tstartdev=%d\n", startdev);	
+		fprintf(stdout, "\tstopdev=%d\n", stopdev);	
+		fprintf(stdout, "\tcalibtype=%d\n", calibtype);	
+		fprintf(stdout, "\twaveformtype=%d\n", calibtype);	
+		fprintf(stdout, "\tdelaytosilence=%d\n", calibtype);	
+		fprintf(stdout, "\tsilencegoodfor=%d\n", calibtype);	
+		fprintf(stdout, "\tdialstr=%s\n", dialstr);	
+		fprintf(stdout, "\tdebug=%d\n", debug);	
+	}
+	if (docalibrate){
+		res = do_calibrate(startdev, stopdev, calibtype, configfile, dialstr, delaytosilence, silencegoodfor);
+		if (!res)
+			return do_set(configfile);	
+		else
+			return -1;
+	}
+	if (doset)
+		return do_set(configfile);
+	if (dodump){
+		res = do_dump(startdev, dialstr, delaytosilence, silencegoodfor, waveformtype);
+		if (!res)
+			return 0;
+		else
+			return -1;
+	}
 	fputs(usage, stdout);
-	return 0;
+	return -1;

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