[Asterisk-cvs] asterisk-addons/asterisk-ooh323c/ooh323c/tests/chansetup Makefile.am, 1.1, 1.2 Makefile.in, 1.1, 1.2 h323peer.c, 1.2, 1.3

vphirke at lists.digium.com vphirke at lists.digium.com
Thu Jun 16 15:40:03 CDT 2005

Update of /usr/cvsroot/asterisk-addons/asterisk-ooh323c/ooh323c/tests/chansetup
In directory mongoose.digium.com:/tmp/cvs-serv25841/ooh323c/tests/chansetup

Modified Files:
	Makefile.am Makefile.in h323peer.c 
Log Message:
Updated stack source

Index: Makefile.am
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk-addons/asterisk-ooh323c/ooh323c/tests/chansetup/Makefile.am,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- Makefile.am	23 May 2005 21:08:22 -0000	1.1
+++ Makefile.am	16 Jun 2005 19:41:23 -0000	1.2
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 noinst_PROGRAMS = h323peer
 h323peer_SOURCES = h323peer.c
 INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir)/ooh323c/src -I$(top_builddir)/ooh323c/src/h323 
-h323peer_LDADD = -loostk -ldl -lpthread
+h323peer_LDADD = -looh323c -ldl -lpthread
 h323peer_LDFLAGS = -L$(top_builddir)/ooh323c/src

Index: Makefile.in
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk-addons/asterisk-ooh323c/ooh323c/tests/chansetup/Makefile.in,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- Makefile.in	23 May 2005 21:08:22 -0000	1.1
+++ Makefile.in	16 Jun 2005 19:41:23 -0000	1.2
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 noinst_PROGRAMS = h323peer
 h323peer_SOURCES = h323peer.c
 INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir)/ooh323c/src -I$(top_builddir)/ooh323c/src/h323 
-h323peer_LDADD = -loostk -ldl -lpthread
+h323peer_LDADD = -looh323c -ldl -lpthread
 h323peer_LDFLAGS = -L$(top_builddir)/ooh323c/src
 subdir = ooh323c/tests/chansetup
 mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/config/mkinstalldirs

Index: h323peer.c
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk-addons/asterisk-ooh323c/ooh323c/tests/chansetup/h323peer.c,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- h323peer.c	3 Jun 2005 14:54:07 -0000	1.2
+++ h323peer.c	16 Jun 2005 19:41:23 -0000	1.3
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "ooCapability.h"
 #include "ooStackCmds.h"
 #include "ooTimer.h"
+#include "ooUtils.h"
 #ifndef _WIN32
 #include <pthread.h>
@@ -56,29 +56,48 @@
    "\t--help                    -  To display usage information\n"
    "\t--use-ip <ip>             -  local ip to use\n"
    "\t--use-port <port>         -  local port to use\n"
+   "\t--gk-discover             -  Discover gatekeeper\n"
+   "\t--gk <ip:[port]>          -  Use specific gatekeeper\n"
+   "\t--user <username>         -  Local user name. Used as display name\n"
+   "\t--user-number <number>    -  Local number\n"
+   "\t--h323id <h323id>         -  H323ID to be used for this endpoint\n"
+   "\t--no-faststart            -  Disable fast start(default - enabled)\n"
+   "\t--no-tunneling            -  Disable tunneling (default - enabled)\n"
+   "\t-t                        -  Trace. Use multiple times to increase \n"
+   "\t                             trace level\n"
+   "\t--tcp-min <port>          -  TCP port range - start\n"
+   "\t--tcp-max <port>          -  TCP port range - end\n"
+   "\t--udp-min <port>          -  UDP port range - start\n"
+   "\t--udp-max <port>          -  UDP port range - end\n"
+   "\t--rtp-min <port>          -  RTP port range start\n"
+   "\t--rtp-max <port>          -  RTP port range end\n"
+   "\n"
    "Options specific to make call mode\n"
    "\t-n <NoOfCalls>            -  Number of outgoing calls\n"
    "\t-duration <call duration> -  Duration of each call in seconds\n"
-   "\t-interval <interval>      -  Interval between successive calls in seconds\n"
+   "\t-interval <interval>      -  Interval between successive calls \n"
+   "\t                             in seconds\n"
+/* globals */
 static int gCalls = 0;
 static int gDuration = 5; /*sec*/
 static int gInterval = 0; /* 0 interval means let previous call finish */
 static char gDest[256];
 static int gCallCounter=0;
 static OOBOOL bListen = FALSE;
 int main (int argc, char** argv)
-   char callToken[20], *token=NULL;
-   char localIPAddr[20];
-   int  localPort = 0;
    OOTimer *pTimer = NULL;
-   int ret=0, x;
-   OOBOOL bDestFound=FALSE;
-   char logfile[50];
+   OOBOOL bDestFound=FALSE, bFastStart=TRUE, bTunneling=TRUE;
    OOH323CALLBACKS h323Callbacks;
+   int ret=0, x=0, localPort = 0, gkPort=0, tcpmin=0, tcpmax=0, udpmin=0;
+   int udpmax=0, rtpmin=0, rtpmax=0;
+   char localIPAddr[20], callToken[20], logfile[50], h323id[50], user[50];
+   char user_num[50], tmp[40];
+   char *pcPort =NULL, *gkIP=NULL, *token=NULL;
+   unsigned char trace_level = 0;
+   enum RasGatekeeperMode gkMode = RasNoGatekeeper;
 #ifdef _WIN32
    ooSocketsInit (); /* Initialize the windows socket api  */
@@ -86,10 +105,12 @@
    localIPAddr[0] = '\0';
    gDest[0] = '\0';
+   h323id[0]='\0';
+   user[0]='\0';
+   user_num[0]='\0';
    /* parse args */
-   if(argc > 12 || argc ==1)
+   if(argc > 32  || argc == 1)
       printf("USAGE:\n%s", USAGE);
       return -1;
@@ -128,13 +149,89 @@
          gInterval = atoi(argv[x]);
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x], "--gk-discover")){
+         gkMode = RasDiscoverGatekeeper;
+      }
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x], "--gk")){
+         x++;
+         strncpy(tmp, argv[x], sizeof(tmp)-1);
+         tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1]='\0';
+         pcPort = strchr(tmp, ':');
+         if(pcPort)
+         {
+            *pcPort = '\0';
+            pcPort++;
+            gkPort = atoi(pcPort);
+         }
+         gkIP = tmp;
+         gkMode = RasUseSpecificGatekeeper;
+      }
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x], "--user")) {
+         x++;
+         strncpy(user, argv[x], sizeof(user)-1);
+         user[sizeof(user)-1]='\0';
+      }
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x], "--user-number")){
+         x++;
+         strncpy(user_num, argv[x], sizeof(user_num)-1);
+         user_num[sizeof(user_num)-1]='\0';
+      }
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x], "--h323id")){
+         x++;
+         strncpy(h323id, argv[x], sizeof(h323id)-1);
+         h323id[sizeof(h323id)-1]='\0';
+      }
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x], "--no-faststart")){
+         bFastStart = FALSE;
+      }
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x], "--no-tunneling")){
+         bTunneling = FALSE;
+      }
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x],"--tcp-min")){
+         x++;
+         tcpmin = atoi(argv[x]);
+         if(tcpmin < 0 )
+            tcpmin = 0;
+      }
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x],"--tcp-max")){
+         x++;
+         tcpmax = atoi(argv[x]);
+         if(tcpmax < 0 )
+            tcpmax = 0;
+      }
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x],"--udp-min")){
+         x++;
+         udpmin = atoi(argv[x]);
+         if(udpmin < 0)
+            udpmin = 0;
+      }
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x],"--udp-max")){
+         x++;
+         udpmax = atoi(argv[x]);
+         if(udpmax < 0)
+            udpmax = 0;
+      }
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x],"--rtp-min")){
+         x++;
+         rtpmin = atoi(argv[x]);
+         if(rtpmin < 0)
+            rtpmin = 0;
+      }
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x],"--rtp-max")){
+         x++;
+         rtpmax = atoi(argv[x]);
+         if(rtpmax < 0)
+            rtpmax = 0;
+      }
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[x], "-t")){
+         trace_level++;
+      }
       else if (!bDestFound && !bListen) {
          strncpy (gDest, argv[x], sizeof(gDest)-1);
          bDestFound = TRUE;
-	 if (0 == gCalls) gCalls++;
       else {
-	 printf("USAGE:\n%s",USAGE);
+         printf("USAGE:\n%s",USAGE);
          return -1;
@@ -144,9 +241,11 @@
       return -1;
-   /* Determine local IP address if not specified by user */
+   if(bDestFound && !gCalls)
+      gCalls++;
-   if (0 == strlen(localIPAddr)) {
+   /* Determine local IP address if not specified by user */
+   if (ooUtilsIsStrEmpty(localIPAddr)) {                   
       ooGetLocalIPAddress (localIPAddr);
@@ -161,33 +260,57 @@
    /* Initialize the H323 endpoint - faststart and tunneling enabled */
    printf ("Using:\n"
-	   "\tCalls to make : %d\n"
-	   "\tCall Duration : %d\n"
-	   "\tInterval      : %d\n"
-	   "\tlocal Address : %s:%d\n"
-	   "\tRemote Address: %s\n"
+           "\tCalls to make : %d\n"
+           "\tCall Duration : %d\n"
+           "\tInterval      : %d\n"
+           "\tlocal Address : %s:%d\n"
+           "\tRemote Address: %s\n"
            "\tLog File      : %s\n",
-	   gCalls, gDuration, gInterval, localIPAddr, localPort, 
-	   gDest, logfile);
+           gCalls, gDuration, gInterval, localIPAddr, localPort, 
+           gDest[0] ? gDest : "(In listen mode)" , logfile);
-   ret = ooH323EpInitialize(OO_CALLMODE_AUDIOCALL, logfile);
+   ret = ooH323EpInitialize(OO_CALLMODE_AUDIOCALL, logfile);
    if (ret != OO_OK) {
       printf ("Failed to initialize H.323 endpoint\n");
       return -1;
-   if(bListen)
-   {
-     ooH323EpSetTCPPortRange(20050, 20250);
-     ooH323EpSetUDPPortRange(21050, 21250);
-     ooH323EpSetRTPPortRange(22050, 22250);
-   }
-   ooH323EpSetTraceLevel(OOTRCLVLDBGC);
+   if(!bFastStart)
+      ooH323EpDisableFastStart();
+   if(!bTunneling)
+      ooH323EpDisableH245Tunneling();
+   if(trace_level == 1)
+      ooH323EpSetTraceLevel(OOTRCLVLDBGA);
+   else if(trace_level == 2)
+      ooH323EpSetTraceLevel(OOTRCLVLDBGB);
+   else if(trace_level >= 3)
+      ooH323EpSetTraceLevel(OOTRCLVLDBGC);
+   if(!ooUtilsIsStrEmpty(user))
+      ooH323EpSetCallerID(user);
+   if(!ooUtilsIsStrEmpty(h323id))
+      ooH323EpAddAliasH323ID(h323id);
+   if(!ooUtilsIsStrEmpty(user_num))
+      ooH323EpSetCallingPartyNumber(user_num);
+   if(tcpmax != 0 && tcpmin != 0 && tcpmin < tcpmax)
+      ooH323EpSetTCPPortRange(tcpmin, tcpmax);
+   if(udpmin != 0 && udpmax != 0 && udpmin < udpmax)
+      ooH323EpSetUDPPortRange(udpmin,udpmax);
+   if(rtpmin != 0 && rtpmax != 0 && rtpmin  < rtpmax)
+      ooH323EpSetRTPPortRange(rtpmin,rtpmax);
    ooH323EpSetLocalAddress(localIPAddr, localPort);
-   ooH323EpAddAliasH323ID ("objsys");
-   ooH323EpAddAliasDialedDigits ("5087556929");
-   ooH323EpAddAliasURLID ("http://www.obj-sys.com");
    /* Register callbacks */
    h323Callbacks.onNewCallCreated = onNewCallCreated;
@@ -202,16 +325,28 @@
    /* Add audio capability */
-   ooH323EpAddG711Capability 
-      (OO_G711ULAW64K,30, 240, OORXANDTX, &startReceiveChannel,
+   ooH323EpAddG711Capability (OO_G711ULAW64K,30, 240, OORXANDTX, &startReceiveChannel,
        &startTransmitChannel, &stopReceiveChannel, &stopTransmitChannel);
+   if(gkMode != RasNoGatekeeper)
+   {
+      if(gkMode == RasDiscoverGatekeeper)
+         ret = ooGkClientInit(RasDiscoverGatekeeper, NULL, 0);
+      else if(gkMode == RasUseSpecificGatekeeper)
+         ret = ooGkClientInit(RasUseSpecificGatekeeper, gkIP, gkPort);
+      if(ret != OO_OK)
+      {
+         printf("Failed to initialize gatekeeper client\n");
+         return -1;
+      }
+   }
    /* Create H.323 Listener */
-   if(bListen){
+   if(bListen)
+   {
       ret = ooCreateH323Listener();
-      if (ret != OO_OK) {
+      if (ret != OO_OK) 
+      {
          OOTRACEERR1 ("Failed to Create H.323 Listener");
          return -1;
@@ -223,12 +358,14 @@
       if(gInterval != 0)
-	 token = (char*)malloc(strlen(callToken)+1);
+	 if( (token = (char * )malloc( strlen( callToken) + 1)) == NULL )              
+	 {
+            printf("malloc failed\n");
+            return 1;
+	 }	   								 
          strcpy(token, callToken);
-         pTimer = ooTimerCreate
-	    (&gH323ep.ctxt, NULL, callIntervalTimerExpired, 
-	     gInterval, token, FALSE);
+         pTimer = ooTimerCreate(&gH323ep.ctxt, NULL, callIntervalTimerExpired, gInterval, 
+                                 token, FALSE);
@@ -267,9 +404,8 @@
       token = (char*)malloc(strlen(call->callToken)+1);
       strcpy(token, call->callToken);
-      timer =  ooTimerCreate
-	 (&gH323ep.ctxt, NULL, callDurationTimerExpired, gDuration, 
-	  token, FALSE);
+      timer =  ooTimerCreate (&gH323ep.ctxt, NULL, callDurationTimerExpired, gDuration, 
+                               token, FALSE);
    /* TODO: user would add application specific logic here to start	*/
@@ -318,8 +454,11 @@
 static int onIncomingCall (ooCallData* call)
-   printf ("onIncomingCall - %s\n", call->callToken);
+   if(bListen)
+	 printf("onIncomingCall from\"%s\"(%s) ---- %s\n",
+             (call->remoteDisplayName)?call->remoteDisplayName:"Unknown Name",
+           call->callingPartyNumber?call->callingPartyNumber:"Unknown Number",call->callToken);
    /* TODO: user would add application specific logic here to handle	*/
    /* an incoming call request..					*/
@@ -351,7 +490,7 @@
 static int onCallCleared (ooCallData* call)
   char callToken[20];
-   printf ("onCallCleared - %s\n", call->callToken);
+  printf ("onCallCleared -(call end reason  %s ) -- %s\n",ooGetReasonCodeText(call->callEndReason), call->callToken);
    if(gInterval == 0 && !bListen) 
       if(gCallCounter < gCalls) 
@@ -385,10 +524,13 @@
    if (gCallCounter < gCalls)
       ooMakeCall (gDest, callToken, sizeof(callToken), NULL); /* Make call */
-      token = (char*)malloc(strlen(callToken)+1);
+      	if( ( token = (char*)malloc(strlen(callToken)+1)) == NULL)
+	{
+		printf("\nmalloc failed\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
       strcpy(token, callToken);
-      pTimer =  ooTimerCreate(&gH323ep.ctxt, NULL, callIntervalTimerExpired, 
-                               gInterval, token, FALSE);
+      	pTimer =  ooTimerCreate(&gH323ep.ctxt, NULL, callIntervalTimerExpired, gInterval, token, FALSE);

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