[Asterisk-cvs] asterisk/channels/h323 Makefile, 1.18, 1.19 ast_h323.cpp, 1.61, 1.62 ast_h323.h, 1.26, 1.27 chan_h323.h, 1.29, 1.30

jeremy at lists.digium.com jeremy at lists.digium.com
Sun Oct 10 08:19:13 CDT 2004

Update of /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/channels/h323
In directory mongoose.digium.com:/tmp/cvs-serv17127/h323

Modified Files:
	Makefile ast_h323.cpp ast_h323.h chan_h323.h 
Log Message:
finish implementing type=peer, implement setting of FastStart and H.245 Tunneling per user/peer, update External RTP implemenation, fixed compile process/other buglets to operate with Open H.323 v1.14.4 and PWLib v1.7.5, and massive code clean up. All of the above is untested, please test and report

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/channels/h323/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -d -r1.18 -r1.19
--- Makefile	30 Sep 2004 19:30:49 -0000	1.18
+++ Makefile	10 Oct 2004 12:20:01 -0000	1.19
@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
 # Only change below if you know WTF your doing
-# Janus release directives, comment below if your brave enough for Janus
 OSARCH=$(shell uname -s)
 CFLAGS += -pipe -Wall -fPIC -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations 
@@ -45,25 +43,6 @@
 CFLAGS += -I$(PWLIBDIR)/include 
 CFLAGS += -I$(OPENH323DIR)/include -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wno-missing-declarations
-# Pre Janus release directives
-#CFLAGS += -pipe -Wall -fPIC
-#ifeq (${OSARCH},Linux)
-#ifeq ($(findstring BSD,${OSARCH}),BSD)
-#CFLAGS += -pthread
-#CFLAGS += -I../../include
-#CFLAGS += -I$(PWLIBDIR)/include/ptlib/unix -I$(PWLIBDIR)/include
-#CFLAGS += -I$(OPENH323DIR)/include
-#CFLAGS += -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wno-missing-declarations
-#LIBS+= -lcrypto -lssl -lexpat
 all:   	libchanh323.a
@@ -76,10 +55,6 @@
 ast_h323.o:	ast_h323.cpp
 	$(CXX) -g -c -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $<
-#ast_h323.o:	ast_h323.cpp
-#	$(CXX) -g -c -fno-rtti -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $<
 libchanh323.a:	ast_h323.o
 	ar cr libchanh323.a ast_h323.o

Index: ast_h323.cpp
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/channels/h323/ast_h323.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.61
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -u -d -r1.61 -r1.62
--- ast_h323.cpp	4 Oct 2004 10:18:06 -0000	1.61
+++ ast_h323.cpp	10 Oct 2004 12:20:01 -0000	1.62
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
 /** PWLib entry point */
 MyProcess *localProcess = NULL;
 MyProcess::MyProcess(): PProcess("The NuFone Network's", "H.323 Channel Driver for Asterisk",
@@ -84,11 +83,11 @@
 	PTrace::Initialise(0, NULL, PTrace::Timestamp | PTrace::Thread | PTrace::FileAndLine);
-#define H323_NAME OPAL_G7231_6k3"{sw}"
+#define H323_G7231 OPAL_G7231_6k3"{sw}"
 #define H323_G729  OPAL_G729 "{sw}"
 #define H323_G729A OPAL_G729A"{sw}"
-H323_REGISTER_CAPABILITY(H323_G7231Capability, H323_NAME);
+H323_REGISTER_CAPABILITY(H323_G7231Capability, H323_G7231);
 H323_REGISTER_CAPABILITY(AST_G729Capability,  H323_G729);
 H323_REGISTER_CAPABILITY(AST_G729ACapability, H323_G729A);
@@ -117,19 +116,16 @@
   return new H323_G7231Capability(*this);
 PString H323_G7231Capability::GetFormatName() const
-  return H323_NAME;
+  return H323_G7231;
 unsigned H323_G7231Capability::GetSubType() const
   return H245_AudioCapability::e_g7231;
 BOOL H323_G7231Capability::OnSendingPDU(H245_AudioCapability & cap,
                                           unsigned packetSize) const
@@ -142,7 +138,6 @@
   return TRUE;
 BOOL H323_G7231Capability::OnReceivedPDU(const H245_AudioCapability & cap,
                                            unsigned & packetSize)
@@ -156,13 +151,11 @@
   return TRUE;
 H323Codec * H323_G7231Capability::CreateCodec(H323Codec::Direction direction) const
   return NULL;
@@ -170,29 +163,26 @@
 PObject * AST_G729Capability::Clone() const
   return new AST_G729Capability(*this);
 unsigned AST_G729Capability::GetSubType() const
   return H245_AudioCapability::e_g729;
 PString AST_G729Capability::GetFormatName() const
   return H323_G729;
 H323Codec * AST_G729Capability::CreateCodec(H323Codec::Direction direction) const
   return NULL;
@@ -200,25 +190,21 @@
 PObject * AST_G729ACapability::Clone() const
   return new AST_G729ACapability(*this);
 unsigned AST_G729ACapability::GetSubType() const
   return H245_AudioCapability::e_g729AnnexA;
 PString AST_G729ACapability::GetFormatName() const
   return H323_G729A;
 H323Codec * AST_G729ACapability::CreateCodec(H323Codec::Direction direction) const
   return NULL;
@@ -269,8 +255,6 @@
-        connection->AST_Outgoing = TRUE;
 	if (h323debug) {
 		cout << "	-- " << GetLocalUserName() << " is calling host " << fullAddress << endl;
 		cout << "	-- " << "Call token is " << (const char *)token << endl;
@@ -475,12 +459,12 @@
 	unsigned options = 0;
 	call_options_t *opts = (call_options_t *)o;
-	if (opts->noFastStart) {
+	if (opts && opts->noFastStart) {
 		options |= H323Connection::FastStartOptionDisable;
 	} else {
 		options |= H323Connection::FastStartOptionEnable;
-	if (opts->noH245Tunneling) {
+	if (opts && opts->noH245Tunneling) {
 		options |= H323Connection::H245TunnelingOptionDisable;
 	} else {
 		options |= H323Connection::H245TunnelingOptionEnable;
@@ -503,8 +487,6 @@
 	if (h323debug) {
 		cout << "	== New H.323 Connection created." << endl;
-	AST_RTP_Connected = FALSE;
-	AST_Outgoing = FALSE;
@@ -534,43 +516,13 @@
 BOOL  MyH323Connection::OnAlerting(const H323SignalPDU & /*alertingPDU*/, const PString & username)
-	PIPSocket::Address remoteIpAddress;
-	WORD remotePort;
-	H323_ExternalRTPChannel * channel;
-	if (h323debug)
+	if (h323debug) {
 	        cout << "\t =-= In OnAlerting for call " << GetCallReference()
 	              << ": sessionId=" << sessionId << endl;
-        /* Connect RTP if logical channel has already been opened */
-        if (Lock()) {
-                if ( (channel = (H323_ExternalRTPChannel*) FindChannel(sessionId,TRUE)) ) {
-                        channel->GetRemoteAddress(remoteIpAddress, remotePort);
-                        if (h323debug) {
-	                        cout << "\t\t--- found logical channel. Connecting RTP" << endl;
-                                cout << "\t\tRTP channel id " << sessionId << " parameters:" << endl;
-                                cout << "\t\t-- remoteIpAddress: " << remoteIpAddress << endl;
-                                cout << "\t\t-- remotePort: " << remotePort << endl;
-                                cout << "\t\t-- ExternalIpAddress: " <<  externalIpAddress << endl;
-                                cout << "\t\t-- ExternalPort: " << externalPort << endl;
-                        }
-                        on_start_logical_channel(GetCallReference(),(const char *)remoteIpAddress.AsString(), remotePort,
-								     (const char *)GetCallToken() );
-                        AST_RTP_Connected=TRUE;
-                } else
-                	if (h323debug)
-	                        cout << "\t\t--- no logical channels" << endl;
-                if (h323debug) {
-                        cout << "       -- Ringing phone for \"" << username << "\"" << endl;
-                }
-                on_chan_ringing(GetCallReference(), (const char *)GetCallToken() );
-                Unlock();
-                return TRUE;
-	}
-	ast_log(LOG_ERROR,"chan_h323: OnAlerting: Could not obtain connection lock");
-	return FALSE;
+                 cout << "       -- Ringing phone for \"" << username << "\"" << endl;
+	}     
+        on_chan_ringing(GetCallReference(), (const char *)GetCallToken() );
+        return TRUE;
 BOOL MyH323Connection::OnReceivedSignalSetup(const H323SignalPDU & setupPDU)
@@ -753,31 +705,10 @@
 H323Channel * MyH323Connection::CreateRealTimeLogicalChannel(const H323Capability & capability,	
 								   H323Channel::Directions dir,
 								   unsigned sessionID,
-		 					           const H245_H2250LogicalChannelParameters * /*param*/)
+		 					           const H245_H2250LogicalChannelParameters * /*param*/,
+								   RTP_QOS * /*param*/ )
-	struct rtp_info *info;
-	WORD port;
-	/* Determine the Local (A side) IP Address and port */
-	info = on_create_connection(GetCallReference(), (const char *)GetCallToken()); 
-	if (!info) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	GetControlChannel().GetLocalAddress().GetIpAndPort(externalIpAddress, port);
-	externalPort = info->port;
-	sessionId = sessionID;
-	if (h323debug) {
-		cout << "	=*= In CreateRealTimeLogicalChannel for call " << GetCallReference() << endl;
-		cout << "		-- externalIpAddress: " << externalIpAddress << endl;
-		cout << "		-- externalPort: " << externalPort << endl;
-		cout << "		-- SessionID: " << sessionID << endl;
-		cout << "		-- Direction: " << dir << endl;
-	}
-	return new MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel(*this, capability, dir, sessionID, externalIpAddress, externalPort);
+	return new MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel(*this, capability, dir, sessionID);
 /** This callback function is invoked once upon creation of each
@@ -785,11 +716,8 @@
 BOOL MyH323Connection::OnStartLogicalChannel(H323Channel & channel)
-	PIPSocket::Address remoteIpAddress;
-	WORD remotePort;
 	if (h323debug) {
-		cout << "	 -- Started logical channel: ";	
+		cout << "\t-- Started logical channel: ";	
 		cout << ((channel.GetDirection()==H323Channel::IsTransmitter)?"sending ":((channel.GetDirection()==H323Channel::IsReceiver)?"receiving ":" ")); 
 		cout << (const char *)(channel.GetCapability()).GetFormatName() << endl;
@@ -798,101 +726,72 @@
 	if (h323debug) {
-		cout <<  "		-- channelsOpen = " << channelsOpen << endl;
+		cout <<  "\t\t-- channelsOpen = " << channelsOpen << endl;
-	if (!Lock()) {
-                ast_log(LOG_ERROR,"chan_h323: OnStartLogicalChannel: Could not obtain connection lock");
-                return FALSE;
-        }
-        /* Connect RTP for incoming calls */
-        if (!AST_Outgoing) {
-                H323_ExternalRTPChannel & external = (H323_ExternalRTPChannel &)channel;
-                external.GetRemoteAddress(remoteIpAddress, remotePort);
-                if (h323debug) {
-                       cout << "\t\tRTP channel id " << sessionId << " parameters:" << endl;
-                       cout << "\t\t-- remoteIpAddress: " << remoteIpAddress << endl;
-                       cout << "\t\t-- remotePort: " << remotePort << endl;
-                       cout << "\t\t-- ExternalIpAddress: " <<  externalIpAddress << endl;
-                       cout << "\t\t-- ExternalPort: " << externalPort << endl;
-                }
-                /* Notify Asterisk of remote RTP information */
-                on_start_logical_channel(GetCallReference(), (const char *)remoteIpAddress.AsString(), remotePort,
-                      			 (const char *)GetCallToken());
-                AST_RTP_Connected = TRUE;
-	}
-	Unlock();
 	return TRUE;	
 /* MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel */
 MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel::MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel(MyH323Connection & connection,
 						     const H323Capability & capability,
-						     Directions direction,
- 						     unsigned sessionID,
-						     const PIPSocket::Address & ip,
-		  				     WORD dataPort)
-	: H323_ExternalRTPChannel(connection, capability, direction, sessionID, ip, dataPort)
-MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel::MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel(MyH323Connection & connection,
-	                                             const H323Capability & capability,
                                                      Directions direction,
                                                      unsigned id)
  : H323_ExternalRTPChannel::H323_ExternalRTPChannel(connection, capability, direction, id)
+	struct rtp_info *info;
-MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel::MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel(MyH323Connection & connection, 
-						     const H323Capability & capability,
-                                                     Directions direction,
-                                                     unsigned id,
-                                                     const H323TransportAddress & data,
-                                                     const H323TransportAddress & control) 
- : H323_ExternalRTPChannel::H323_ExternalRTPChannel(connection, capability, direction, id, data, control)
+	/* Determine the Local (A side) IP Address and port */
+	info = on_external_rtp_create(connection.GetCallReference(), (const char *)connection.GetCallToken()); 
+	if (!info) {
+		cout << "\tERROR: on_external_rtp_create failure" << endl;
+		return;
+	} else {
+		localIpAddr = (PIPSocket::Address)info->addr;
+		localPort = (WORD)info->port;
+		/* tell the H.323 stack  */ 
+		SetExternalAddress(H323TransportAddress(localIpAddr, localPort), H323TransportAddress(localIpAddr, localPort + 1));
+		/* clean up allocated memory */
+		free(info);
+	}
+	// Get the payload code	
+	OpalMediaFormat format(capability.GetFormatName(), FALSE);
+	payloadCode = format.GetPayloadType();
+	if (h323debug) {
+		cout << "\tExternalRTPChannel Destroyed" << endl;
+	}
-BOOL MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel::OnReceivedAckPDU(const H245_H2250LogicalChannelAckParameters & param)
+BOOL MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel::Start(void)
-       PIPSocket::Address remoteIpAddress;
-       WORD remotePort;
-       MyH323Connection* conn = (MyH323Connection*) &connection;
-       if (h323debug)
-       		cout << "\t=-= In OnReceivedAckPDU for call " << connection.GetCallReference() << endl;
+	/* Call ancestor first */
+	if (!H323_ExternalRTPChannel::Start()) {
+		return FALSE;
+	}
-       if (H323_ExternalRTPChannel::OnReceivedAckPDU(param)) {
-               if (!connection.Lock()) {
-		       ast_log(LOG_ERROR,"chan_h323: OnReceivedAckPDU: Could not obtain connection lock");
-		       return FALSE;
-               }
-               /* if RTP hasn't been connected yet */
-               if (!conn->AST_RTP_Connected) {
-                       H323_ExternalRTPChannel::GetRemoteAddress(remoteIpAddress, remotePort);
-                       if (h323debug) {
-                                 cout << "\t\tRTP channel id " << sessionID << " parameters:" << endl;
-                                 cout << "\t\t-- remoteIpAddress: " << remoteIpAddress << endl;
-                                 cout << "\t\t-- remotePort: " << remotePort << endl;
-                                 cout << "\t\t-- ExternalIpAddress: " <<  conn->externalIpAddress << endl;
-                                 cout << "\t\t-- ExternalPort: " << conn->externalPort << endl;
-		       }
+	/* Collect the remote information */
+	GetRemoteAddress(remoteIpAddr, remotePort);
-		       /* Notify Asterisk of remote RTP information */
-		       on_start_logical_channel(connection.GetCallReference(), (const char *)remoteIpAddress.AsString(), remotePort,
-                                                  (const char *)conn->GetCallToken());
-		       conn->AST_RTP_Connected = TRUE;
-               }
-               connection.Unlock();
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       return FALSE;
+        if (h323debug) {
+        	cout << "\t\tExternal RTP Session Starting" << endl;
+        	cout << "\t\tRTP channel id " << sessionID << " parameters:" << endl;
+                cout << "\t\t-- remoteIpAddress: " << remoteIpAddr << endl;
+                cout << "\t\t-- remotePort: " << remotePort << endl;
+                cout << "\t\t-- ExternalIpAddress: " <<  localIpAddr << endl;
+                cout << "\t\t-- ExternalPort: " << localPort << endl;
+	}
+	/* Notify Asterisk of remote RTP information */
+	on_start_rtp_channel(connection.GetCallReference(), (const char *)remoteIpAddr.AsString(), remotePort, 
+		(const char *)connection.GetCallToken());
+	return TRUE;
@@ -946,8 +845,8 @@
 /** Installs the callback functions on behalf of the PBX application  */
 void h323_callback_register(setup_incoming_cb  	ifunc,
 			    setup_outbound_cb  	sfunc,
- 			    on_connection_cb   	confunc,
-			    start_logchan_cb   	lfunc,
+ 			    on_rtp_cb   	rtpfunc,
+			    start_rtp_cb   	lfunc,
  			    clear_con_cb	clfunc,
  			    chan_ringing_cb     rfunc,
 			    con_established_cb 	efunc,
@@ -956,8 +855,8 @@
 	on_incoming_call = ifunc;
 	on_outgoing_call = sfunc;
-	on_create_connection = confunc;
-	on_start_logical_channel = lfunc;
+	on_external_rtp_create = rtpfunc;
+	on_start_rtp_channel = lfunc;
 	on_connection_cleared = clfunc;
 	on_chan_ringing = rfunc;
 	on_connection_established = efunc;

Index: ast_h323.h
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/channels/h323/ast_h323.h,v
retrieving revision 1.26
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -u -d -r1.26 -r1.27
--- ast_h323.h	21 Sep 2004 18:42:37 -0000	1.26
+++ ast_h323.h	10 Oct 2004 12:20:01 -0000	1.27
@@ -218,7 +218,8 @@
 	H323Channel * CreateRealTimeLogicalChannel(const H323Capability &, 
-						   const H245_H2250LogicalChannelParameters *);
+						   const H245_H2250LogicalChannelParameters *,
+						   RTP_QOS *);
 	H323Connection::AnswerCallResponse OnAnswerCall(const PString &, const H323SignalPDU &, H323SignalPDU &);
 	void OnReceivedReleaseComplete(const H323SignalPDU &);
 	BOOL OnAlerting(const H323SignalPDU &, const PString &);
@@ -237,12 +238,8 @@
 	PString sourceE164;
 	PString destE164;
-	PIPSocket::Address externalIpAddress;	
-	WORD externalPort;
 	WORD sessionId;
 	BOOL bridging;			
-        BOOL AST_RTP_Connected;
-        BOOL AST_Outgoing;
 class MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel : public H323_ExternalRTPChannel {
@@ -251,35 +248,24 @@
-      		MyH323Connection & connection,     
+		MyH323Connection & connection,
       		const H323Capability & capability, 
       		Directions direction,              
       		unsigned sessionID);
-    	MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel(
-      		MyH323Connection & connection,      
-      		const H323Capability & capability,  
-      		Directions direction,               
-      		unsigned sessionID,                 
-      		const H323TransportAddress & data,  
-      		const H323TransportAddress & control);
-	/* Create a new channel. */
-    	MyH323_ExternalRTPChannel(
-      		MyH323Connection & connection,        
-      		const H323Capability & capability,  
-      		Directions direction,               
-      		unsigned sessionID,                 
-      		const PIPSocket::Address & ip,      
-      		WORD dataPort); 
 	/* Destructor */
-     	BOOL OnReceivedAckPDU(const H245_H2250LogicalChannelAckParameters & param);
+	/* Overrides */
+	BOOL Start(void);
-     	PIPSocket::Address externalIpAddress;   
-     	WORD externalPort;               
+	protected:
+	BYTE payloadCode;
+	PIPSocket::Address localIpAddr;
+	PIPSocket::Address remoteIpAddr;
+        WORD localPort;
+        WORD remotePort;
@@ -292,10 +278,7 @@
 	void Main(); 
 #endif /* !defined AST_H323_H */

Index: chan_h323.h
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/channels/h323/chan_h323.h,v
retrieving revision 1.29
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -u -d -r1.29 -r1.30
--- chan_h323.h	4 Oct 2004 10:18:06 -0000	1.29
+++ chan_h323.h	10 Oct 2004 12:20:01 -0000	1.30
@@ -116,45 +116,45 @@
 /* This is a callback prototype function, called pass
    DTMF down the RTP. */
 typedef int (*send_digit_cb)(unsigned, char, const char *);
-extern send_digit_cb	on_send_digit; 
+extern send_digit_cb on_send_digit; 
 /* This is a callback prototype function, called to collect
    the external RTP port from Asterisk. */
-typedef rtp_info_t *(*on_connection_cb)(unsigned, const char *);
-extern on_connection_cb	on_create_connection; 
+typedef rtp_info_t *(*on_rtp_cb)(unsigned, const char *);
+extern on_rtp_cb on_external_rtp_create; 
+/* This is a callback prototype function, called to send
+   the remote IP and RTP port from H.323 to Asterisk */ 
+typedef void (*start_rtp_cb)(unsigned int, const char *, int, const char *);
+extern start_rtp_cb on_start_rtp_channel; 
 /* This is a callback prototype function, called upon
    an incoming call happens. */
 typedef int (*setup_incoming_cb)(call_details_t);
-extern setup_incoming_cb		on_incoming_call;
+extern setup_incoming_cb on_incoming_call;
 /* This is a callback prototype function, called upon
    an outbound call. */
 typedef int (*setup_outbound_cb)(call_details_t);
-extern setup_outbound_cb	on_outgoing_call; 
-/* This is a callback prototype function, called when the openh323 
-   OnStartLogicalChannel is invoked. */
-typedef void (*start_logchan_cb)(unsigned int, const char *, int, const char *);
-extern start_logchan_cb	on_start_logical_channel; 
+extern setup_outbound_cb on_outgoing_call; 
 /* This is a callback prototype function, called when openh323
    OnAlerting is invoked */
 typedef void (*chan_ringing_cb)(unsigned, const char *);
-extern chan_ringing_cb		on_chan_ringing;
+extern chan_ringing_cb on_chan_ringing;
 /* This is a callback protoype function, called when the openh323
    OnConnectionEstablished is inovked */
 typedef void (*con_established_cb)(unsigned, const char *);
-extern con_established_cb		on_connection_established;
+extern con_established_cb on_connection_established;
 /* This is a callback prototype function, called when the openH323
    OnConnectionCleared callback is invoked */
 typedef void (*clear_con_cb)(call_details_t);
-extern clear_con_cb		on_connection_cleared;
+extern clear_con_cb on_connection_cleared;
 typedef int (*answer_call_cb)(unsigned, const char *);
-extern answer_call_cb		on_answer_call;
+extern answer_call_cb on_answer_call;
 /* debug flag */
 extern int h323debug;
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@
 	/* callback function handler*/
 	void h323_callback_register(setup_incoming_cb,  
- 				    on_connection_cb,
- 				    start_logchan_cb,
+ 				    on_rtp_cb,
+				    start_rtp_cb,

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