[Asterisk-cvs] zaptel Makefile,1.42,1.43
citats at lists.digium.com
citats at lists.digium.com
Sun Apr 11 23:44:24 CDT 2004
Update of /usr/cvsroot/zaptel
In directory mongoose.digium.com:/home/citats/cvs/zaptel
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Add /etc to modprobe.conf stuff in Makefile (bug 1410)
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/zaptel/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.42
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -u -d -r1.42 -r1.43
--- Makefile 10 Apr 2004 17:47:30 -0000 1.42
+++ Makefile 12 Apr 2004 03:46:19 -0000 1.43
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
BUILDVER=$(shell if uname -r | grep -q ^2.6; then echo "linux26"; else echo "linux24"; fi)
-MODCONF=$(shell if [ -d $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modprobe.d ]; then echo "$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modprobe.d/zaptel"; elif [ -d $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modutils ]; then echo "$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modutils/zaptel"; elif [ -f $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modprobe.conf ]; then echo "$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/modprobe.conf"; elif [ -f $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modules.conf ]; then echo "$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modules.conf"; else echo $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/conf.modules ; fi)
+MODCONF=$(shell if [ -d $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modprobe.d ]; then echo "$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modprobe.d/zaptel"; elif [ -d $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modutils ]; then echo "$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modutils/zaptel"; elif [ -f $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modprobe.conf ]; then echo "$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modprobe.conf"; elif [ -f $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modules.conf ]; then echo "$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/modules.conf"; else echo $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/conf.modules ; fi)
ifeq (${BUILDVER},linux24)
#We only support DEVFS in linux 2.4 kernels, since its considered obsolete post 2.4
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