[Asterisk-cvs] asterisk aescrypt.c,NONE,1.1 aeskey.c,NONE,1.1 aesopt.h,NONE,1.1 aestab.c,NONE,1.1 Makefile,1.65,1.66

markster at lists.digium.com markster at lists.digium.com
Thu Dec 25 08:10:19 CST 2003

Update of /usr/cvsroot/asterisk
In directory mongoose.digium.com:/tmp/cvs-serv3732

Modified Files:
Added Files:
	aescrypt.c aeskey.c aesopt.h aestab.c 
Log Message:
Add AES support

--- NEW FILE: aescrypt.c ---
 Copyright (c) 2003, Dr Brian Gladman <brg at gladman.me.uk>, Worcester, UK.
 All rights reserved.


 The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary
 form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that:

   1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;

   2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
      in the documentation and/or other associated materials;

   3. the copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products
      built using this software without specific written permission.

 ALTERNATIVELY, provided that this notice is retained in full, this product
 may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL),
 in which case the provisions of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above.


 This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
 in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness
 and/or fitness for purpose.
 Issue Date: 26/08/2003

 This file contains the code for implementing encryption and decryption
 for AES (Rijndael) for block and key sizes of 16, 24 and 32 bytes. It
 can optionally be replaced by code written in assembler using NASM. For
 further details see the file aesopt.h

#include "aesopt.h"

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C"

#define si(y,x,k,c) (s(y,c) = word_in(x, c) ^ (k)[c])
#define so(y,x,c)   word_out(y, c, s(x,c))

#if defined(ARRAYS)
#define locals(y,x)     x[4],y[4]
#define locals(y,x)     x##0,x##1,x##2,x##3,y##0,y##1,y##2,y##3

#define l_copy(y, x)    s(y,0) = s(x,0); s(y,1) = s(x,1); \
                        s(y,2) = s(x,2); s(y,3) = s(x,3);
#define state_in(y,x,k) si(y,x,k,0); si(y,x,k,1); si(y,x,k,2); si(y,x,k,3)
#define state_out(y,x)  so(y,x,0); so(y,x,1); so(y,x,2); so(y,x,3)
#define round(rm,y,x,k) rm(y,x,k,0); rm(y,x,k,1); rm(y,x,k,2); rm(y,x,k,3)

#if defined(ENCRYPTION) && !defined(AES_ASM)

/* Visual C++ .Net v7.1 provides the fastest encryption code when using
   Pentium optimiation with small code but this is poor for decryption
   so we need to control this with the following VC++ pragmas

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma optimize( "s", on )

/* Given the column (c) of the output state variable, the following
   macros give the input state variables which are needed in its
   computation for each row (r) of the state. All the alternative
   macros give the same end values but expand into different ways
   of calculating these values.  In particular the complex macro
   used for dynamically variable block sizes is designed to expand
   to a compile time constant whenever possible but will expand to
   conditional clauses on some branches (I am grateful to Frank
   Yellin for this construction)

#define fwd_var(x,r,c)\
 ( r == 0 ? ( c == 0 ? s(x,0) : c == 1 ? s(x,1) : c == 2 ? s(x,2) : s(x,3))\
 : r == 1 ? ( c == 0 ? s(x,1) : c == 1 ? s(x,2) : c == 2 ? s(x,3) : s(x,0))\
 : r == 2 ? ( c == 0 ? s(x,2) : c == 1 ? s(x,3) : c == 2 ? s(x,0) : s(x,1))\
 :          ( c == 0 ? s(x,3) : c == 1 ? s(x,0) : c == 2 ? s(x,1) : s(x,2)))

#if defined(FT4_SET)
#undef  dec_fmvars
#define fwd_rnd(y,x,k,c)    (s(y,c) = (k)[c] ^ four_tables(x,t_use(f,n),fwd_var,rf1,c))
#elif defined(FT1_SET)
#undef  dec_fmvars
#define fwd_rnd(y,x,k,c)    (s(y,c) = (k)[c] ^ one_table(x,upr,t_use(f,n),fwd_var,rf1,c))
#define fwd_rnd(y,x,k,c)    (s(y,c) = (k)[c] ^ fwd_mcol(no_table(x,t_use(s,box),fwd_var,rf1,c)))

#if defined(FL4_SET)
#define fwd_lrnd(y,x,k,c)   (s(y,c) = (k)[c] ^ four_tables(x,t_use(f,l),fwd_var,rf1,c))
#elif defined(FL1_SET)
#define fwd_lrnd(y,x,k,c)   (s(y,c) = (k)[c] ^ one_table(x,ups,t_use(f,l),fwd_var,rf1,c))
#define fwd_lrnd(y,x,k,c)   (s(y,c) = (k)[c] ^ no_table(x,t_use(s,box),fwd_var,rf1,c))

aes_rval aes_encrypt(const void *in_blk, void *out_blk, const aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1])
{   aes_32t         locals(b0, b1);
    const aes_32t   *kp = cx->ks;
#ifdef dec_fmvars
    dec_fmvars; /* declare variables for fwd_mcol() if needed */

    aes_32t nr = (kp[45] ^ kp[52] ^ kp[53] ? kp[52] : 14);

#ifdef AES_ERR_CHK
    if(   (nr != 10 || !(kp[0] | kp[3] | kp[4])) 
       && (nr != 12 || !(kp[0] | kp[5] | kp[6]))
       && (nr != 14 || !(kp[0] | kp[7] | kp[8])) )
        return aes_error;

    state_in(b0, in_blk, kp);


    case 14:
        round(fwd_rnd,  b1, b0, kp + 1 * N_COLS);
        round(fwd_rnd,  b0, b1, kp + 2 * N_COLS);
        kp += 2 * N_COLS;
    case 12:
        round(fwd_rnd,  b1, b0, kp + 1 * N_COLS);
        round(fwd_rnd,  b0, b1, kp + 2 * N_COLS);
        kp += 2 * N_COLS;
    case 10:
        round(fwd_rnd,  b1, b0, kp + 1 * N_COLS);
        round(fwd_rnd,  b0, b1, kp + 2 * N_COLS);
        round(fwd_rnd,  b1, b0, kp + 3 * N_COLS);
        round(fwd_rnd,  b0, b1, kp + 4 * N_COLS);
        round(fwd_rnd,  b1, b0, kp + 5 * N_COLS);
        round(fwd_rnd,  b0, b1, kp + 6 * N_COLS);
        round(fwd_rnd,  b1, b0, kp + 7 * N_COLS);
        round(fwd_rnd,  b0, b1, kp + 8 * N_COLS);
        round(fwd_rnd,  b1, b0, kp + 9 * N_COLS);
        round(fwd_lrnd, b0, b1, kp +10 * N_COLS);


    {   aes_32t    rnd;
        for(rnd = 0; rnd < (nr >> 1) - 1; ++rnd)
            kp += N_COLS;
            round(fwd_rnd, b1, b0, kp);
            kp += N_COLS;
            round(fwd_rnd, b0, b1, kp);
        kp += N_COLS;
        round(fwd_rnd,  b1, b0, kp);
    {   aes_32t    rnd;
        for(rnd = 0; rnd < nr - 1; ++rnd)
            kp += N_COLS;
            round(fwd_rnd, b1, b0, kp);
            l_copy(b0, b1);
        kp += N_COLS;
        round(fwd_lrnd, b0, b1, kp);

    state_out(out_blk, b0);
#ifdef AES_ERR_CHK
    return aes_good;


#if defined(DECRYPTION) && !defined(AES_ASM)

/* Visual C++ .Net v7.1 provides the fastest encryption code when using
   Pentium optimiation with small code but this is poor for decryption
   so we need to control this with the following VC++ pragmas

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma optimize( "t", on )

/* Given the column (c) of the output state variable, the following
   macros give the input state variables which are needed in its
   computation for each row (r) of the state. All the alternative
   macros give the same end values but expand into different ways
   of calculating these values.  In particular the complex macro
   used for dynamically variable block sizes is designed to expand
   to a compile time constant whenever possible but will expand to
   conditional clauses on some branches (I am grateful to Frank
   Yellin for this construction)

#define inv_var(x,r,c)\
 ( r == 0 ? ( c == 0 ? s(x,0) : c == 1 ? s(x,1) : c == 2 ? s(x,2) : s(x,3))\
 : r == 1 ? ( c == 0 ? s(x,3) : c == 1 ? s(x,0) : c == 2 ? s(x,1) : s(x,2))\
 : r == 2 ? ( c == 0 ? s(x,2) : c == 1 ? s(x,3) : c == 2 ? s(x,0) : s(x,1))\
 :          ( c == 0 ? s(x,1) : c == 1 ? s(x,2) : c == 2 ? s(x,3) : s(x,0)))

#if defined(IT4_SET)
#undef  dec_imvars
#define inv_rnd(y,x,k,c)    (s(y,c) = (k)[c] ^ four_tables(x,t_use(i,n),inv_var,rf1,c))
#elif defined(IT1_SET)
#undef  dec_imvars
#define inv_rnd(y,x,k,c)    (s(y,c) = (k)[c] ^ one_table(x,upr,t_use(i,n),inv_var,rf1,c))
#define inv_rnd(y,x,k,c)    (s(y,c) = inv_mcol((k)[c] ^ no_table(x,t_use(i,box),inv_var,rf1,c)))

#if defined(IL4_SET)
#define inv_lrnd(y,x,k,c)   (s(y,c) = (k)[c] ^ four_tables(x,t_use(i,l),inv_var,rf1,c))
#elif defined(IL1_SET)
#define inv_lrnd(y,x,k,c)   (s(y,c) = (k)[c] ^ one_table(x,ups,t_use(i,l),inv_var,rf1,c))
#define inv_lrnd(y,x,k,c)   (s(y,c) = (k)[c] ^ no_table(x,t_use(i,box),inv_var,rf1,c))

aes_rval aes_decrypt(const void *in_blk, void *out_blk, const aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1])
{   aes_32t        locals(b0, b1);
#ifdef dec_imvars
    dec_imvars; /* declare variables for inv_mcol() if needed */

    aes_32t nr = (cx->ks[45] ^ cx->ks[52] ^ cx->ks[53] ? cx->ks[52] : 14);
    const aes_32t *kp = cx->ks + nr * N_COLS;

#ifdef AES_ERR_CHK
    if(   (nr != 10 || !(cx->ks[0] | cx->ks[3] | cx->ks[4])) 
       && (nr != 12 || !(cx->ks[0] | cx->ks[5] | cx->ks[6]))
       && (nr != 14 || !(cx->ks[0] | cx->ks[7] | cx->ks[8])) )
        return aes_error;

    state_in(b0, in_blk, kp);


    case 14:
        round(inv_rnd,  b1, b0, kp -  1 * N_COLS);
        round(inv_rnd,  b0, b1, kp -  2 * N_COLS);
        kp -= 2 * N_COLS;
    case 12:
        round(inv_rnd,  b1, b0, kp -  1 * N_COLS);
        round(inv_rnd,  b0, b1, kp -  2 * N_COLS);
        kp -= 2 * N_COLS;
    case 10:
        round(inv_rnd,  b1, b0, kp -  1 * N_COLS);
        round(inv_rnd,  b0, b1, kp -  2 * N_COLS);
        round(inv_rnd,  b1, b0, kp -  3 * N_COLS);
        round(inv_rnd,  b0, b1, kp -  4 * N_COLS);
        round(inv_rnd,  b1, b0, kp -  5 * N_COLS);
        round(inv_rnd,  b0, b1, kp -  6 * N_COLS);
        round(inv_rnd,  b1, b0, kp -  7 * N_COLS);
        round(inv_rnd,  b0, b1, kp -  8 * N_COLS);
        round(inv_rnd,  b1, b0, kp -  9 * N_COLS);
        round(inv_lrnd, b0, b1, kp - 10 * N_COLS);


    {   aes_32t    rnd;
        for(rnd = 0; rnd < (nr >> 1) - 1; ++rnd)
            kp -= N_COLS;
            round(inv_rnd, b1, b0, kp);
            kp -= N_COLS;
            round(inv_rnd, b0, b1, kp);
        kp -= N_COLS;
        round(inv_rnd, b1, b0, kp);
    {   aes_32t    rnd;
        for(rnd = 0; rnd < nr - 1; ++rnd)
            kp -= N_COLS;
            round(inv_rnd, b1, b0, kp);
            l_copy(b0, b1);
        kp -= N_COLS;
        round(inv_lrnd, b0, b1, kp);

    state_out(out_blk, b0);
#ifdef AES_ERR_CHK
    return aes_good;


#if defined(__cplusplus)

--- NEW FILE: aeskey.c ---
 Copyright (c) 2003, Dr Brian Gladman <brg at gladman.me.uk>, Worcester, UK.
 All rights reserved.


 The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary
 form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that:

   1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;

   2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
      in the documentation and/or other associated materials;

   3. the copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products
      built using this software without specific written permission.

 ALTERNATIVELY, provided that this notice is retained in full, this product
 may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL),
 in which case the provisions of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above.


 This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
 in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness
 and/or fitness for purpose.
 Issue Date: 26/08/2003

 This file contains the code for implementing the key schedule for AES
 (Rijndael) for block and key sizes of 16, 24, and 32 bytes. See aesopt.h
 for further details including optimisation.

#include "aesopt.h"

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C"

/* Initialise the key schedule from the user supplied key. The key
   length can be specified in bytes, with legal values of 16, 24
   and 32, or in bits, with legal values of 128, 192 and 256. These
   values correspond with Nk values of 4, 6 and 8 respectively.

   The following macros implement a single cycle in the key
   schedule generation process. The number of cycles needed
   for each cx->n_col and nk value is:

    nk =             4  5  6  7  8
    cx->n_col = 4   10  9  8  7  7
    cx->n_col = 5   14 11 10  9  9
    cx->n_col = 6   19 15 12 11 11
    cx->n_col = 7   21 19 16 13 14
    cx->n_col = 8   29 23 19 17 14

#define ke4(k,i) \
{   k[4*(i)+4] = ss[0] ^= ls_box(ss[3],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; k[4*(i)+5] = ss[1] ^= ss[0]; \
    k[4*(i)+6] = ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[4*(i)+7] = ss[3] ^= ss[2]; \
#define kel4(k,i) \
{   k[4*(i)+4] = ss[0] ^= ls_box(ss[3],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; k[4*(i)+5] = ss[1] ^= ss[0]; \
    k[4*(i)+6] = ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[4*(i)+7] = ss[3] ^= ss[2]; \

#define ke6(k,i) \
{   k[6*(i)+ 6] = ss[0] ^= ls_box(ss[5],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; k[6*(i)+ 7] = ss[1] ^= ss[0]; \
    k[6*(i)+ 8] = ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[6*(i)+ 9] = ss[3] ^= ss[2]; \
    k[6*(i)+10] = ss[4] ^= ss[3]; k[6*(i)+11] = ss[5] ^= ss[4]; \
#define kel6(k,i) \
{   k[6*(i)+ 6] = ss[0] ^= ls_box(ss[5],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; k[6*(i)+ 7] = ss[1] ^= ss[0]; \
    k[6*(i)+ 8] = ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[6*(i)+ 9] = ss[3] ^= ss[2]; \

#define ke8(k,i) \
{   k[8*(i)+ 8] = ss[0] ^= ls_box(ss[7],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; k[8*(i)+ 9] = ss[1] ^= ss[0]; \
    k[8*(i)+10] = ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[8*(i)+11] = ss[3] ^= ss[2]; \
    k[8*(i)+12] = ss[4] ^= ls_box(ss[3],0); k[8*(i)+13] = ss[5] ^= ss[4]; \
    k[8*(i)+14] = ss[6] ^= ss[5]; k[8*(i)+15] = ss[7] ^= ss[6]; \
#define kel8(k,i) \
{   k[8*(i)+ 8] = ss[0] ^= ls_box(ss[7],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; k[8*(i)+ 9] = ss[1] ^= ss[0]; \
    k[8*(i)+10] = ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[8*(i)+11] = ss[3] ^= ss[2]; \


#if defined(AES_128) || defined(AES_VAR)

aes_rval aes_encrypt_key128(const void *in_key, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1])
{   aes_32t    ss[4];

    cx->ks[0] = ss[0] = word_in(in_key, 0);
    cx->ks[1] = ss[1] = word_in(in_key, 1);
    cx->ks[2] = ss[2] = word_in(in_key, 2);
    cx->ks[3] = ss[3] = word_in(in_key, 3);

    {   aes_32t i;

        for(i = 0; i < ((11 * N_COLS - 1) / 4); ++i)
            ke4(cx->ks, i);
    ke4(cx->ks, 0);  ke4(cx->ks, 1);
    ke4(cx->ks, 2);  ke4(cx->ks, 3);
    ke4(cx->ks, 4);  ke4(cx->ks, 5);
    ke4(cx->ks, 6);  ke4(cx->ks, 7);
    ke4(cx->ks, 8); kel4(cx->ks, 9);

    /* cx->ks[45] ^ cx->ks[52] ^ cx->ks[53] is zero for a 256 bit       */
    /* key and must be non-zero for 128 and 192 bits keys   */
    cx->ks[53] = cx->ks[45] = 0;
    cx->ks[52] = 10;
#ifdef AES_ERR_CHK
    return aes_good;


#if defined(AES_192) || defined(AES_VAR)

aes_rval aes_encrypt_key192(const void *in_key, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1])
{   aes_32t    ss[6];

    cx->ks[0] = ss[0] = word_in(in_key, 0);
    cx->ks[1] = ss[1] = word_in(in_key, 1);
    cx->ks[2] = ss[2] = word_in(in_key, 2);
    cx->ks[3] = ss[3] = word_in(in_key, 3);
    cx->ks[4] = ss[4] = word_in(in_key, 4);
    cx->ks[5] = ss[5] = word_in(in_key, 5);

    {   aes_32t i;

        for(i = 0; i < (13 * N_COLS - 1) / 6; ++i)
            ke6(cx->ks, i);
    ke6(cx->ks, 0);  ke6(cx->ks, 1);
    ke6(cx->ks, 2);  ke6(cx->ks, 3);
    ke6(cx->ks, 4);  ke6(cx->ks, 5);
    ke6(cx->ks, 6); kel6(cx->ks, 7);

    /* cx->ks[45] ^ cx->ks[52] ^ cx->ks[53] is zero for a 256 bit       */
    /* key and must be non-zero for 128 and 192 bits keys   */
    cx->ks[53] = cx->ks[45];
    cx->ks[52] = 12;
#ifdef AES_ERR_CHK
    return aes_good;


#if defined(AES_256) || defined(AES_VAR)

aes_rval aes_encrypt_key256(const void *in_key, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1])
{   aes_32t    ss[8];

    cx->ks[0] = ss[0] = word_in(in_key, 0);
    cx->ks[1] = ss[1] = word_in(in_key, 1);
    cx->ks[2] = ss[2] = word_in(in_key, 2);
    cx->ks[3] = ss[3] = word_in(in_key, 3);
    cx->ks[4] = ss[4] = word_in(in_key, 4);
    cx->ks[5] = ss[5] = word_in(in_key, 5);
    cx->ks[6] = ss[6] = word_in(in_key, 6);
    cx->ks[7] = ss[7] = word_in(in_key, 7);

    {   aes_32t i;

        for(i = 0; i < (15 * N_COLS - 1) / 8; ++i)
            ke8(cx->ks,  i);
    ke8(cx->ks, 0); ke8(cx->ks, 1);
    ke8(cx->ks, 2); ke8(cx->ks, 3);
    ke8(cx->ks, 4); ke8(cx->ks, 5);
    kel8(cx->ks, 6);
#ifdef AES_ERR_CHK
    return aes_good;


#if defined(AES_VAR)

aes_rval aes_encrypt_key(const void *in_key, int key_len, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1])
#ifdef AES_ERR_CHK
    case 16: case 128: return aes_encrypt_key128(in_key, cx);
    case 24: case 192: return aes_encrypt_key192(in_key, cx);
    case 32: case 256: return aes_encrypt_key256(in_key, cx);
    default: return aes_error;
    case 16: case 128: aes_encrypt_key128(in_key, cx); return;
    case 24: case 192: aes_encrypt_key192(in_key, cx); return;
    case 32: case 256: aes_encrypt_key256(in_key, cx); return;




#define ff(x)   (x)
#define ff(x)   inv_mcol(x)
#ifdef  dec_imvars
#define d_vars  dec_imvars

#if 1
#define kdf4(k,i) \
{   ss[0] = ss[0] ^ ss[2] ^ ss[1] ^ ss[3]; ss[1] = ss[1] ^ ss[3]; ss[2] = ss[2] ^ ss[3]; ss[3] = ss[3]; \
    ss[4] = ls_box(ss[(i+3) % 4], 3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; ss[i % 4] ^= ss[4]; \
    ss[4] ^= k[4*(i)];   k[4*(i)+4] = ff(ss[4]); ss[4] ^= k[4*(i)+1]; k[4*(i)+5] = ff(ss[4]); \
    ss[4] ^= k[4*(i)+2]; k[4*(i)+6] = ff(ss[4]); ss[4] ^= k[4*(i)+3]; k[4*(i)+7] = ff(ss[4]); \
#define kd4(k,i) \
{   ss[4] = ls_box(ss[(i+3) % 4], 3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; ss[i % 4] ^= ss[4]; ss[4] = ff(ss[4]); \
    k[4*(i)+4] = ss[4] ^= k[4*(i)]; k[4*(i)+5] = ss[4] ^= k[4*(i)+1]; \
    k[4*(i)+6] = ss[4] ^= k[4*(i)+2]; k[4*(i)+7] = ss[4] ^= k[4*(i)+3]; \
#define kdl4(k,i) \
{   ss[4] = ls_box(ss[(i+3) % 4], 3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; ss[i % 4] ^= ss[4]; \
    k[4*(i)+4] = (ss[0] ^= ss[1]) ^ ss[2] ^ ss[3]; k[4*(i)+5] = ss[1] ^ ss[3]; \
    k[4*(i)+6] = ss[0]; k[4*(i)+7] = ss[1]; \
#define kdf4(k,i) \
{   ss[0] ^= ls_box(ss[3],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; k[4*(i)+ 4] = ff(ss[0]); ss[1] ^= ss[0]; k[4*(i)+ 5] = ff(ss[1]); \
    ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[4*(i)+ 6] = ff(ss[2]); ss[3] ^= ss[2]; k[4*(i)+ 7] = ff(ss[3]); \
#define kd4(k,i) \
{   ss[4] = ls_box(ss[3],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; \
    ss[0] ^= ss[4]; ss[4] = ff(ss[4]); k[4*(i)+ 4] = ss[4] ^= k[4*(i)]; \
    ss[1] ^= ss[0]; k[4*(i)+ 5] = ss[4] ^= k[4*(i)+ 1]; \
    ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[4*(i)+ 6] = ss[4] ^= k[4*(i)+ 2]; \
    ss[3] ^= ss[2]; k[4*(i)+ 7] = ss[4] ^= k[4*(i)+ 3]; \
#define kdl4(k,i) \
{   ss[0] ^= ls_box(ss[3],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; k[4*(i)+ 4] = ss[0]; ss[1] ^= ss[0]; k[4*(i)+ 5] = ss[1]; \
    ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[4*(i)+ 6] = ss[2]; ss[3] ^= ss[2]; k[4*(i)+ 7] = ss[3]; \

#define kdf6(k,i) \
{   ss[0] ^= ls_box(ss[5],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; k[6*(i)+ 6] = ff(ss[0]); ss[1] ^= ss[0]; k[6*(i)+ 7] = ff(ss[1]); \
    ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[6*(i)+ 8] = ff(ss[2]); ss[3] ^= ss[2]; k[6*(i)+ 9] = ff(ss[3]); \
    ss[4] ^= ss[3]; k[6*(i)+10] = ff(ss[4]); ss[5] ^= ss[4]; k[6*(i)+11] = ff(ss[5]); \
#define kd6(k,i) \
{   ss[6] = ls_box(ss[5],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; \
    ss[0] ^= ss[6]; ss[6] = ff(ss[6]); k[6*(i)+ 6] = ss[6] ^= k[6*(i)]; \
    ss[1] ^= ss[0]; k[6*(i)+ 7] = ss[6] ^= k[6*(i)+ 1]; \
    ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[6*(i)+ 8] = ss[6] ^= k[6*(i)+ 2]; \
    ss[3] ^= ss[2]; k[6*(i)+ 9] = ss[6] ^= k[6*(i)+ 3]; \
    ss[4] ^= ss[3]; k[6*(i)+10] = ss[6] ^= k[6*(i)+ 4]; \
    ss[5] ^= ss[4]; k[6*(i)+11] = ss[6] ^= k[6*(i)+ 5]; \
#define kdl6(k,i) \
{   ss[0] ^= ls_box(ss[5],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; k[6*(i)+ 6] = ss[0]; ss[1] ^= ss[0]; k[6*(i)+ 7] = ss[1]; \
    ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[6*(i)+ 8] = ss[2]; ss[3] ^= ss[2]; k[6*(i)+ 9] = ss[3]; \

#define kdf8(k,i) \
{   ss[0] ^= ls_box(ss[7],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; k[8*(i)+ 8] = ff(ss[0]); ss[1] ^= ss[0]; k[8*(i)+ 9] = ff(ss[1]); \
    ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[8*(i)+10] = ff(ss[2]); ss[3] ^= ss[2]; k[8*(i)+11] = ff(ss[3]); \
    ss[4] ^= ls_box(ss[3],0); k[8*(i)+12] = ff(ss[4]); ss[5] ^= ss[4]; k[8*(i)+13] = ff(ss[5]); \
    ss[6] ^= ss[5]; k[8*(i)+14] = ff(ss[6]); ss[7] ^= ss[6]; k[8*(i)+15] = ff(ss[7]); \
#define kd8(k,i) \
{   aes_32t g = ls_box(ss[7],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; \
    ss[0] ^= g; g = ff(g); k[8*(i)+ 8] = g ^= k[8*(i)]; \
    ss[1] ^= ss[0]; k[8*(i)+ 9] = g ^= k[8*(i)+ 1]; \
    ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[8*(i)+10] = g ^= k[8*(i)+ 2]; \
    ss[3] ^= ss[2]; k[8*(i)+11] = g ^= k[8*(i)+ 3]; \
    g = ls_box(ss[3],0); \
    ss[4] ^= g; g = ff(g); k[8*(i)+12] = g ^= k[8*(i)+ 4]; \
    ss[5] ^= ss[4]; k[8*(i)+13] = g ^= k[8*(i)+ 5]; \
    ss[6] ^= ss[5]; k[8*(i)+14] = g ^= k[8*(i)+ 6]; \
    ss[7] ^= ss[6]; k[8*(i)+15] = g ^= k[8*(i)+ 7]; \
#define kdl8(k,i) \
{   ss[0] ^= ls_box(ss[7],3) ^ t_use(r,c)[i]; k[8*(i)+ 8] = ss[0]; ss[1] ^= ss[0]; k[8*(i)+ 9] = ss[1]; \
    ss[2] ^= ss[1]; k[8*(i)+10] = ss[2]; ss[3] ^= ss[2]; k[8*(i)+11] = ss[3]; \

#if defined(AES_128) || defined(AES_VAR)

aes_rval aes_decrypt_key128(const void *in_key, aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1])
{   aes_32t    ss[5];
#ifdef  d_vars
    cx->ks[0] = ss[0] = word_in(in_key, 0);
    cx->ks[1] = ss[1] = word_in(in_key, 1);
    cx->ks[2] = ss[2] = word_in(in_key, 2);
    cx->ks[3] = ss[3] = word_in(in_key, 3);

    {   aes_32t i;

        for(i = 0; i < (11 * N_COLS - 1) / 4; ++i)
            ke4(cx->ks, i);
        for(i = N_COLS; i < 10 * N_COLS; ++i)
            cx->ks[i] = inv_mcol(cx->ks[i]);
    kdf4(cx->ks, 0);  kd4(cx->ks, 1);
     kd4(cx->ks, 2);  kd4(cx->ks, 3);
     kd4(cx->ks, 4);  kd4(cx->ks, 5);
     kd4(cx->ks, 6);  kd4(cx->ks, 7);
     kd4(cx->ks, 8); kdl4(cx->ks, 9);

    /* cx->ks[45] ^ cx->ks[52] ^ cx->ks[53] is zero for a 256 bit       */
    /* key and must be non-zero for 128 and 192 bits keys   */
    cx->ks[53] = cx->ks[45] = 0;
    cx->ks[52] = 10;
#ifdef AES_ERR_CHK
    return aes_good;


#if defined(AES_192) || defined(AES_VAR)

aes_rval aes_decrypt_key192(const void *in_key, aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1])
{   aes_32t    ss[7];
#ifdef  d_vars
    cx->ks[0] = ss[0] = word_in(in_key, 0);
    cx->ks[1] = ss[1] = word_in(in_key, 1);
    cx->ks[2] = ss[2] = word_in(in_key, 2);
    cx->ks[3] = ss[3] = word_in(in_key, 3);

    cx->ks[4] = ss[4] = word_in(in_key, 4);
    cx->ks[5] = ss[5] = word_in(in_key, 5);
    {   aes_32t i;

        for(i = 0; i < (13 * N_COLS - 1) / 6; ++i)
            ke6(cx->ks, i);
        for(i = N_COLS; i < 12 * N_COLS; ++i)
            cx->ks[i] = inv_mcol(cx->ks[i]);
    cx->ks[4] = ff(ss[4] = word_in(in_key, 4));
    cx->ks[5] = ff(ss[5] = word_in(in_key, 5));
    kdf6(cx->ks, 0); kd6(cx->ks, 1);
    kd6(cx->ks, 2);  kd6(cx->ks, 3);
    kd6(cx->ks, 4);  kd6(cx->ks, 5);
    kd6(cx->ks, 6); kdl6(cx->ks, 7);

    /* cx->ks[45] ^ cx->ks[52] ^ cx->ks[53] is zero for a 256 bit       */
    /* key and must be non-zero for 128 and 192 bits keys   */
    cx->ks[53] = cx->ks[45];
    cx->ks[52] = 12;
#ifdef AES_ERR_CHK
    return aes_good;


#if defined(AES_256) || defined(AES_VAR)

aes_rval aes_decrypt_key256(const void *in_key, aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1])
{   aes_32t    ss[8];
#ifdef  d_vars
    cx->ks[0] = ss[0] = word_in(in_key, 0);
    cx->ks[1] = ss[1] = word_in(in_key, 1);
    cx->ks[2] = ss[2] = word_in(in_key, 2);
    cx->ks[3] = ss[3] = word_in(in_key, 3);

    cx->ks[4] = ss[4] = word_in(in_key, 4);
    cx->ks[5] = ss[5] = word_in(in_key, 5);
    cx->ks[6] = ss[6] = word_in(in_key, 6);
    cx->ks[7] = ss[7] = word_in(in_key, 7);
    {   aes_32t i;

        for(i = 0; i < (15 * N_COLS - 1) / 8; ++i)
            ke8(cx->ks,  i);
        for(i = N_COLS; i < 14 * N_COLS; ++i)
            cx->ks[i] = inv_mcol(cx->ks[i]);
    cx->ks[4] = ff(ss[4] = word_in(in_key, 4));
    cx->ks[5] = ff(ss[5] = word_in(in_key, 5));
    cx->ks[6] = ff(ss[6] = word_in(in_key, 6));
    cx->ks[7] = ff(ss[7] = word_in(in_key, 7));
    kdf8(cx->ks, 0); kd8(cx->ks, 1);
    kd8(cx->ks, 2);  kd8(cx->ks, 3);
    kd8(cx->ks, 4);  kd8(cx->ks, 5);
    kdl8(cx->ks, 6);
#ifdef AES_ERR_CHK
    return aes_good;


#if defined(AES_VAR)

aes_rval aes_decrypt_key(const void *in_key, int key_len, aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1])
#ifdef AES_ERR_CHK
    case 16: case 128: return aes_decrypt_key128(in_key, cx);
    case 24: case 192: return aes_decrypt_key192(in_key, cx);
    case 32: case 256: return aes_decrypt_key256(in_key, cx);
    default: return aes_error;
    case 16: case 128: aes_decrypt_key128(in_key, cx); return;
    case 24: case 192: aes_decrypt_key192(in_key, cx); return;
    case 32: case 256: aes_decrypt_key256(in_key, cx); return;



#if defined(__cplusplus)

--- NEW FILE: aesopt.h ---
 Copyright (c) 2003, Dr Brian Gladman <brg at gladman.me.uk>, Worcester, UK.
 All rights reserved.


 The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary
 form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that:

   1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;

   2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
      in the documentation and/or other associated materials;

   3. the copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products
      built using this software without specific written permission.
[...1002 lines suppressed...]
#ifdef  LS4_SET
#ifdef  FL4_SET
#undef  LS4_SET
    d_4(aes_32t, t_dec(l,s), sb_data, w);

#ifdef  IM1_SET
    d_1(aes_32t, t_dec(i,m), mm_data, v);
#ifdef  IM4_SET
    d_4(aes_32t, t_dec(i,m), mm_data, v);

#if defined(__cplusplus)


--- NEW FILE: aestab.c ---
 Copyright (c) 2003, Dr Brian Gladman <brg at gladman.me.uk>, Worcester, UK.
 All rights reserved.


 The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary
 form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that:

   1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;

   2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
      in the documentation and/or other associated materials;

   3. the copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products
      built using this software without specific written permission.

 ALTERNATIVELY, provided that this notice is retained in full, this product
 may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL),
 in which case the provisions of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above.


 This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
 in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness
 and/or fitness for purpose.
 Issue Date: 26/08/2003


#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C"

#define DO_TABLES

#include "aesopt.h"

#if defined(FIXED_TABLES)

/* implemented in case of wrong call for fixed tables */

void gen_tabs(void)

#else   /* dynamic table generation */

#if !defined(FF_TABLES)

/*  Generate the tables for the dynamic table option

    It will generally be sensible to use tables to compute finite
    field multiplies and inverses but where memory is scarse this
    code might sometimes be better. But it only has effect during
    initialisation so its pretty unimportant in overall terms.

/*  return 2 ^ (n - 1) where n is the bit number of the highest bit
    set in x with x in the range 1 < x < 0x00000200.   This form is
    used so that locals within fi can be bytes rather than words

static aes_08t hibit(const aes_32t x)
{   aes_08t r = (aes_08t)((x >> 1) | (x >> 2));

    r |= (r >> 2);
    r |= (r >> 4);
    return (r + 1) >> 1;

/* return the inverse of the finite field element x */

static aes_08t fi(const aes_08t x)
{   aes_08t p1 = x, p2 = BPOLY, n1 = hibit(x), n2 = 0x80, v1 = 1, v2 = 0;

    if(x < 2) return x;

        if(!n1) return v1;

        while(n2 >= n1)
            n2 /= n1; p2 ^= p1 * n2; v2 ^= v1 * n2; n2 = hibit(p2);

        if(!n2) return v2;

        while(n1 >= n2)
            n1 /= n2; p1 ^= p2 * n1; v1 ^= v2 * n1; n1 = hibit(p1);


/* The forward and inverse affine transformations used in the S-box */

#define fwd_affine(x) \
    (w = (aes_32t)x, w ^= (w<<1)^(w<<2)^(w<<3)^(w<<4), 0x63^(aes_08t)(w^(w>>8)))

#define inv_affine(x) \
    (w = (aes_32t)x, w = (w<<1)^(w<<3)^(w<<6), 0x05^(aes_08t)(w^(w>>8)))

static int init = 0;

void gen_tabs(void)
{   aes_32t  i, w;

#if defined(FF_TABLES)

    aes_08t  pow[512], log[256];

    if(init) return;
    /*  log and power tables for GF(2^8) finite field with
        WPOLY as modular polynomial - the simplest primitive
        root is 0x03, used here to generate the tables

    i = 0; w = 1;
        pow[i] = (aes_08t)w;
        pow[i + 255] = (aes_08t)w;
        log[w] = (aes_08t)i++;
        w ^=  (w << 1) ^ (w & 0x80 ? WPOLY : 0);
    while (w != 1);

    if(init) return;

    for(i = 0, w = 1; i < RC_LENGTH; ++i)
        t_set(r,c)[i] = bytes2word(w, 0, 0, 0);
        w = f2(w);

    for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
    {   aes_08t    b;

        b = fwd_affine(fi((aes_08t)i));
        w = bytes2word(f2(b), b, b, f3(b));

#ifdef  SBX_SET
        t_set(s,box)[i] = b;

#ifdef  FT1_SET                 /* tables for a normal encryption round */
        t_set(f,n)[i] = w;
#ifdef  FT4_SET
        t_set(f,n)[0][i] = w;
        t_set(f,n)[1][i] = upr(w,1);
        t_set(f,n)[2][i] = upr(w,2);
        t_set(f,n)[3][i] = upr(w,3);
        w = bytes2word(b, 0, 0, 0);

#ifdef  FL1_SET                 /* tables for last encryption round (may also   */
        t_set(f,l)[i] = w;        /* be used in the key schedule)                 */
#ifdef  FL4_SET
        t_set(f,l)[0][i] = w;
        t_set(f,l)[1][i] = upr(w,1);
        t_set(f,l)[2][i] = upr(w,2);
        t_set(f,l)[3][i] = upr(w,3);

#ifdef  LS1_SET                 /* table for key schedule if t_set(f,l) above is    */
        t_set(l,s)[i] = w;      /* not of the required form                     */
#ifdef  LS4_SET
        t_set(l,s)[0][i] = w;
        t_set(l,s)[1][i] = upr(w,1);
        t_set(l,s)[2][i] = upr(w,2);
        t_set(l,s)[3][i] = upr(w,3);

        b = fi(inv_affine((aes_08t)i));
        w = bytes2word(fe(b), f9(b), fd(b), fb(b));

#ifdef  IM1_SET                 /* tables for the inverse mix column operation  */
        t_set(i,m)[b] = w;
#ifdef  IM4_SET
        t_set(i,m)[0][b] = w;
        t_set(i,m)[1][b] = upr(w,1);
        t_set(i,m)[2][b] = upr(w,2);
        t_set(i,m)[3][b] = upr(w,3);

#ifdef  ISB_SET
        t_set(i,box)[i] = b;
#ifdef  IT1_SET                 /* tables for a normal decryption round */
        t_set(i,n)[i] = w;
#ifdef  IT4_SET
        t_set(i,n)[0][i] = w;
        t_set(i,n)[1][i] = upr(w,1);
        t_set(i,n)[2][i] = upr(w,2);
        t_set(i,n)[3][i] = upr(w,3);
        w = bytes2word(b, 0, 0, 0);
#ifdef  IL1_SET                 /* tables for last decryption round */
        t_set(i,l)[i] = w;
#ifdef  IL4_SET
        t_set(i,l)[0][i] = w;
        t_set(i,l)[1][i] = upr(w,1);
        t_set(i,l)[2][i] = upr(w,2);
        t_set(i,l)[3][i] = upr(w,3);
    init = 1;


#if defined(__cplusplus)

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.65
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -u -d -r1.65 -r1.66
--- Makefile	6 Dec 2003 23:19:22 -0000	1.65
+++ Makefile	25 Dec 2003 14:01:55 -0000	1.66
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
 	ulaw.o alaw.o callerid.o fskmodem.o image.o app.o \
 	cdr.o tdd.o acl.o rtp.o manager.o asterisk.o ast_expr.o \
 	dsp.o chanvars.o indications.o autoservice.o db.o privacy.o \
-	astmm.o enum.o srv.o dns.o
+	astmm.o enum.o srv.o dns.o aescrypt.o aestab.o aeskey.o
 ifeq (${OSARCH},Darwin)
 OBJS+=poll.o dlfcn.o

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