[Dundi] ☑message from me

Adele Peck jrl at lodden.com
Tue Jul 11 19:05:23 CDT 2017


I just wanted to say Hello and to show you that  stuff, just check it out  http://epikur-perm.ru/educational.php?c1c0

All best, Adele Peck

From: Distributed Universal Number Discovery [mailto:dundi at lists.digium.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 7:05 PM
To: jrl at lodden.com
Subject: Coventry.

but here is the thing you could do the civil war questline  first then do the 4  guild questlines before finishing  the main quest  and still ulfric  would be in the mist even  after all  that time and besides it was the dragonborn who put him down there why so  would be wait for  his killer? if  you done that he would have no  idea  that  you planned on heading to  sovngarde to kill  alduin.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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