[Dundi] Multihomed machines and dundi

steve at daviesfam.org steve at daviesfam.org
Mon Oct 25 16:08:46 CDT 2004

>     Joe> It doesn't seem sensible to me for anybody to plan to use this
>     Joe> with NAT or a dynamic address, for more or less the same
>     Joe> reasons as people don't generally use NAT or dynamic addresses
>     Joe> with any other server which services clients on the Internet.

In South Africa:

  "Proper" commercial ISP bandwidth costs about $8000 per month per 
     megabit/sec.  With this you can have "proper" addresses and so on.

  ADSL, 512k down/256k up "unshaped" - which works well for 
     international VOIP but is intended for home/sme market - costs about 
     $280 per month.  So about 1/8th the price.  But has a dynamic 
     address, and is limited to 4Gbits/month total inbound+outbound 

(Probably Americans won't believe that either of these prices can be 

Anyway - you can see there is quite some motivation to try to get Asterisk 
and DUNDi to manage on dynamic addresses, and to use fancy routing to put 
only the essential traffic on the "high quality" (relatively speaking) 


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