[Dundi] advertising for peers

Joe Abley jabley at automagic.org
Fri Oct 22 14:15:07 CDT 2004

On 22 Oct 2004, at 14:55, Mark Spencer wrote:

>> 1. It makes no sense to me to impose regional conventions on 
>> telephone numbers on a system which is designed to connect regions, 
>> not provide connectivity within them. So, every reference to 
>> regionalisms such as area codes, LATA, NPA, NXX should be removed 
>> from peoples' minds, and they should instead concentrate on 
>> advertising collections of E.164 numbers ("routes", right? I'm a 
>> packet guy, normally).
> Okay, lets clear up a few things:
> Everyone knows that the real question of DUNDi is how well it will 
> scale. Suppose that the e164 trust group were strictly structured such 
> that it was in fact heirarchical (e.g. there were 10 strongly 
> connected nodes in the center with each digit 0-9, then 10 connected 
> to each of them, 0-9 and so on, it would be essentially identical to 
> The goal is to try to keep systems whose numbers are *similar* in the 
> same branch of the tree in order to maximize the value of the cached 
> answers and hints and make the system as scalable as possible.

That makes things wildly clearer. Thank you.

So if there are a bunch of peers along a branch which are able to 
terminate things which look more and more like +165042313 as we move 
along, the ideal place for the operator of the 650-13xx 100-number 
block to connect would be somewhere out along the end of it?


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