[Dundi] GPA e164 Peering requested

Joe Abley jabley at automagic.org
Sun Nov 21 08:24:03 CST 2004

On 21 Nov 2004, at 09:02, Greg Boehnlein wrote:

> I'm handling all termination for the 216 and 440 area codes via Dundi.
> I'll happily excercise a GPA with you, however, you might be better
> peering with a Tier 1.

Maybe I misunderstood the earlier thread on this, but isn't it the case 
that the decision of who you peer with depends on the e.164 routes you 
are terminating (i.e. you peer with people who can terminate 
similar-looking numbers), and that "tier 1" and "tier 2" don't actually 
mean anything?

If I did misunderstand, it would be great if someone could enlighten me.


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