[Dundi] How to implent DUNDi corectly into asterisk extensions

Kai Militzer km at westend.com
Mon Nov 15 08:28:14 CST 2004


We are currently in a betaphase as a SIP VoIP-provider and have a block
of 1000 german PSTN numbers being routed to VoIP. I would really like to
use DUNDi to anounce these numbers, but it looks as if I am to stupid to
implent it right.

For the begining I added the [dundi-e164-canonical],
[dundi-e164-customers], etc contexts into my extensions.conf

In dundi-e164-canoncical I added an entry
exten => _492418903XXX,1,NoOp

in dundi.conf I added
e164 =>

Please note, that sip.westend.com is not the host running the asterisk
with dundi, but our primary SIP router that gets all calls first.

I so far configured no peers in dundi.conf. If I understood everything
corectly I should be able to now make local only lookups of these
numbers. But if i enter dundi lookup 492418903000 on the asterisk CLI I
always get a

DUNDi lookup returned no results.
DUNDi lookup completed in 0 ms

Can someone please give me a clue what I did wrong and where I can find
some more infomation.



Kai Militzer                 WESTEND GmbH  |  Internet-Business-Provider
Technik                      CISCO Systems Partner - Authorized Reseller
                             Lütticher Straße 10      Tel 0241/701333-11
km at westend.com               D-52064 Aachen              Fax 0241/911879

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